

๐Ÿงต How is this made?

Anonymous No. 886614

Hey /3D/,
I don't usually post here so I hope such (perhaps stupid) questions aren't against the rules. I've been seeing this pepe lately and it caught my eye due to the very high quality detail of the newspaper.
Can this be done in Photoshop or is it a composited drawing and 3D render from some other tool?

Anonymous No. 886617

In this example, it looks like the newspaper was cut from a photograph and composited in photoshop

If you tackled the project using 3d software, your traditional layer stack would simply exist in the 3d window- the workflow here would be similar to doing it in photoshop, besides the lighting which could be computed automatically

Anonymous No. 886645

>i don't usually post here

saged and hidden

Anonymous No. 886671

Fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 886676

>it looks like the newspaper was cut from a photograph and composited in photoshop
It's obviously a screenshot from an imageboard designed to look realistic
literally who?
I saw a banner ad for this place on /pol/ lmao

Anonymous No. 886699

back to /pol/ you go feg. this is the mongolian 3d basketweaving forum

Anonymous No. 886718

You faggots sure are hostile here

Anonymous No. 886755

like if /pol/ subhumans were any friendlier

Anonymous No. 886759

wtf triple dubs

Anonymous No. 887175

>/pol/ is one person
>/pol/ is a mean guy
How is that relevant? I'm here politely asking a question.

Anonymous No. 887326

Then what's wrong with people acting like a poltard towards you? Grow some balls.

Anonymous No. 887397

trust me this board sucks you don't want to be here


Graph for quiz 4.png

Anonymous No. 890097

Anonymous No. 890431

The divide between red and blue boards has only widened over time, mimicking the polarization of american politics

Anonymous No. 890455

The holocaust didn't happen get over it


Anonymous No. 890457

the rollercoaster happening or not doesnt make you and all /pol/tards any less subhuman

Anonymous No. 890459


stop basing your whole jewish identity around a soviet propaganda from the 1940s


Anonymous No. 890461

stop basing your whole identity on 1940 soviet propaganda.


Anonymous No. 890463


stop basing your whole identity on 1940 soviet propaganda.


Anonymous No. 890585

probably a photoshop mockup

Anonymous No. 890647

I primarily post on /d/, and I feel more at home here and other blue boards than around /pol/. Except for /v/. It's basically just "everyone hates /pol/ and /v/".