

🧵 Rigging for video game characters

Anonymous No. 886751

How do you guys rig your characters for games? I always have used mixamo but I wanna start making them myself. The thing I am confused about is, do you make one rig and reuse is it? If so wont you have to weight paint again (which seems stupid)? Or do you copy the weight data somehow?
Please clear my confusion, thanks :)



Anonymous No. 886773

ok, I know this wont be the totally correct way, but since I'm making low poly models for games and not animations, It gets the job done.

Generally what I do is to use rigify basic mesh with no fingers and no face.
Then I extrude four diferent bones that act as pole target bones, two for wrist, two for kness, two for ankle, two for elbow.
I set then the elbow and knee using the IK constrains and set to 1 chain lenght, do the same for the wrist and ankle and set to IK chain lenght 2.
I remove their joined and parent button so they can move freely.

I then add on the forearm bone, a copy rotation and set it to the wrist pole arm, then set the rotation to only Z axis (if it doesnt work, then click on view bone axis and just apply rotation and set it to local coordinates and view which is the axis that is extrude towards the hand) and set it to 45% or some number you like.

That's 90% of it.

As for hair and skirts I usually make a tentacle kind of limb with two pole targets using IK chains and set one to the mid point and another to the edge bone.
Then I use mirror bones at X and Y axis and just duplicate and rotate and auto name on the bone menu.

Then I automatically set it to parent the hair/skirt with automatic bones.

The trick is that I later merge it with the body, then set the root bone of the hair to the head.

That's like 99.9% of how I make game characters anime girls rigs.

As for wieldung guns and other shit, I just add another pole target that copy the hand bone position and just animate it normally, maybe weight paint it and set all vertex to the gun bone.

That's basically what I do.

t. indie game 3D developer.

Anonymous No. 886774

BTW If you're like confused about using bone modifiers, look up some rigging tutorial.


this course is where I learned most of the tricks.

Anonymous No. 886797

interesting, thank you


support bones.png

Anonymous No. 886811

I made one (human) rig while following Blender tuts and it works wonders. I don't use the Rigify rig because it's too confusing, it's really best you make your own custom rig so you understand the intricacies of rigging and enable yourself to use them to their full potential. Play around with the bone constraints to have the rig behave to your exact specifications.
I recycle my rig for other humanoid characters. I use a bone rig for body animations, for facial animations it's Shapekeys all the way son.

Also one very important thing I learned is the usefulness of "support bones". I can't quite describe them, basically they're bones you place solely to prevent your mesh to move around in the area said support bones control, but you don't move them themselves. Take pic rel: see the cheekbones? Thanks to them I can open and close the jaw without having the jaw deform the lower eyelids as well, and I did this without any weight painting whatsoever. Fuck weightpainting. Support bones can be seen as borders between countries, with these "countries" being areas of the mesh you wish to deform while the "border" stays put. I place support bones with the Snap > Face function, the cheek bones in pic rel are placed not inside the mesh but directly on its surface


pelvis support bo....png

Anonymous No. 886812

Further, I've been getting some incredible results by applying support bones on the pelvis area as well: by creating a "bone thong" it is possible to have some pretty good deformation without ANY weight painting. Once again the bones were applied directly on the surface of the mesh via Snap > Face


support bones bon....png

Anonymous No. 886813



pelvis support bo....png

Anonymous No. 886814



pelvis support bo....png

Anonymous No. 886815


Anonymous No. 886817

>first half of this post
oh shit, someone who isn't retarde-

>second half of this post

I don't know what strain of autism causes people to hate weightpainting so much, but what you're presenting as something you think should net you a lifetime technical achievement for "discovering support bones" is nothing other than weightpainting in an utterly retarded way, letting the autoweighter take away the influence of some other bone from an area by assigning it to a bunch of useless bones instead of just fucking painting it away yourself.
Quicker, easier and cleaner than just spamming bones everywhere hoping the autoweighter does the job for you, just because you have an hateboner for painting weights for some reason.

unironically looks like shit, despite the stupid amount of (unnecessary) work you put in.
textbook example of working harder and not smarter.

Anonymous No. 886818

>The thing I am confused about is, do you make one rig and reuse is it? If so wont you have to weight paint again (which seems stupid)?

Anon, all you have to do is heatmap bindskin, adjust them a little bit if needed, save the weights to a file, and then import them if need be


say what.jpg

Anonymous No. 886822

Works on my machine, I have no idea why you'd throw such an autism fit over such a harmless, different workflow that obtains such decent results
>just weightpaint bro
Nah, I don't think I will. Like I said, screw weight painting
>looks like shit
For a pro maybe, not for a beginner hobbyist like me who's aiming to make some shitty indie game anyway. Unless you aim to get a job in the industry where weight painting is certainly mandatory, this workaround saves precious time for those who don't want to suffer the anal cancer that is weight painting
>textbook example of working harder and not smarter
But it's the exact opposite: I wasted hours trying to weight paint and the result still looked like ass, meanwhile this workaround allowed me to get infinitely better results in a fraction of that time

Take a chill pill buddy, if you're so convinced weight painting is the way to go then provide some useful tips in that regard instead, please



Anonymous No. 886823

>For a pro maybe
Ah, yes, the "I'm just a /beg/" excuse.

meanwhile, also you: >>886812
>I've been getting some incredible results
>pretty good deformation
>such decent results
the fact that you have shit taste and/or are happy with mediocrity doesn't make that neither an incredible nor decent result nor pretty good deformation, but whatever.

>who don't want to suffer the anal cancer that is weight painting
weight painting isn't anal cancer, it's just a cope faggots like you tell yourselves to excuse the fact that you're lazy fucks.

>I wasted hours trying to weight paint and the result still looked like ass
>I'm bad at it so it must be bad

>provide some useful tips in that regard instead, please
All you had to do was paint the cheekbone area to the head bone. That's it.
No, you went out of your way to add FOUR extra "cheekbone" bones, on EACH side, for a total of EIGHT extra bones that do nothing except rigidly follow the head and add unnecessary clutter to your list of bones. Your "workflow" hinges entirely on hoping those extra cheekbone bones cockblock the jaw bone from influencing that area, because you have absolutely no control over how the autoweights bind the mesh other than bone/mesh proximity.

All to avoid painting literally ONE stroke on each side.

Yeah, it might work, but it's retarded.
And you're trying to tell me that this shit is smarter and faster? Please.

Anonymous No. 886826

>>I've been getting some incredible results
They're "incredible" for being done via an automatic process instead of manually where I've gotten far worse results
You're being pedantic: it's obvious that I'm implying that I myself am not good at and for that reason do not like weightpainting, I'm sure others will be masters at it; my words aren't an attack at weight painting itself, merely an expression of my experience with it
>>provide some useful tips in that regard instead, please
>dude just weight paint, paint strokes and stuff
How helpful. No technical advice, no settings recommendations, just draw the owl. You give me no reason not to stick to the workaround

Anonymous No. 886829

If you got some actually useful, practical advice I welcome it. Either way I won't be replying in this thread any longer as I predict and have no patience to answer to needlessly confrontational posts, I got better things to do than waste time with such inanities

Anonymous No. 886857

based, trannies on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 886953

You got perfect practical advice, you just a act like a fucking retard too proud to admit that you are wrong.
You refuse to use the tool that is there to do the exact thing you try to archive all while trying to sell your workaround as an solution.
Classic case of Dunning Kruger.
The best part is that you are absolutely wrong and retarded, your "solution" isn't faster, you're just too proud and stubborn to get your ego in check and actually learn and progress.
>I wasted hours trying to weight paint and the result still looked like ass
Then you did it wrong. Why though?
Are you literally too stupid to wrap your head around an easy workflow as weight painting?
Why didn't you "learn" it properly? The concept and workflow is so piss easy, a 12 year old can learn it in 2 minutes.
Why can't you?

Anonymous No. 886967

>How do you guys rig your characters for games?

we do not!!! nobody does. you have been lied to.

rigging is a SCAM and a PSYOP!! it was invented by greedy ""tutors"" and self proclaimed """3d artists""" to cash off from gullible people who even think 3D modelling is a real thing.

you never realized but 3D models AREN'T REAL. you've been bamboozled by rich corporations that want you to believe that you're seeing a 3D object on your screen. what's happening in that box that they call "computers" is actually a bunch of satanic NWO illuminati magic jumbled together to gove you the illusion that you're actually doing something in your "computer"

wake up!

Anonymous No. 888179

I use max and Bones Pro to do the skinning and weight painting because i can't rig for shit. I'd like to learn how to do it properly but too many irons in the fire atm.



Anonymous No. 888192

If you are serious about learning how to rig don't bother with plugins or services like mixamo/rigify or characterstudio biped and it's likes etc.
Just learn how to use the standard bone system in your package.

The learning curve is very steep but all the tools to build a proper rig that beats all those services
comes standard with your modelling packages basic bones constraints and script-controllers.

The rig in pic related was built with 3ds max 2018 using standard tools that have been a part of max for 20 years now.

Anonymous No. 888197

Each of those rings is a bone, right? That's a lot of bones for a thigh



Anonymous No. 888222

>That's a lot of bones for a thigh

Rig is on the heavy side for a realtime one, but pretty similar in complexity to what you'll see in a current fighting game or the protagonist in more recent AAA's.
This character's somekind of cyberninja so she has to be pretty acrobatic, most game rigs can't hit poses like picrelated whithout very obv stretching and collapsing geometry.

Point is the more accurate deformations you want and the more complete a motionrange you desire the more complexity you must be willing to add to achieve that goal.
A basic skeleton and weightpainting alone wont do the trick no matter how well made.

To learn how to do this sort of stuff I highly recommend you find some ripped models from games you think does it well and start reverse engineering them.
pick them apart and carefully observe what is weighted to what and think about why that is til you start to understand how they're put together and why.
That's the main avenue of investigation I headed down to arrive where I'm at with this.

Anonymous No. 888238

blendlets can't into rigging. I've seen so much bad porn done in blender with shitty weighting and horrible deformations. just beginners errors.

Anonymous No. 888269

Superb deformation.

Anonymous No. 888307

Can you post a webm demonstration of how the small bones articulate and move in relation to the main bones? I’m guessing they’re not just twist bones, at least not near the hip and shoulder.
I usually use 4 twist bones per segment and sometimes add extra slider bones near joints to simulate muscles or prevent the mesh from collapsing or bulging too much, and for most cases that’s usually enough. Your shit looks next level doe and I really want to dissect it.

Anonymous No. 888337

That's already beyond 99% of users browsing this board

Anonymous No. 888392

wow! very impressive deformation there. are there any tutorials you rate?
I would really like to see this also



Anonymous No. 888457

>Can you post a webm demonstration of how the small bones articulate and move in relation to the main bones?
Sure, but don't have any capture software installed and both the windows and gpu ones had stopped working with current drivers
so: shitty phone recording it is.

> are there any tutorials you rate?
Never seen any comprehensive tutorials on advanced animation topics but I gave up looking for stuff like that a long time ago.
My main learning resource has been investigating ripped models from various games thru out the years.

Anonymous No. 888463

>shitty phone recording it is.
I'm not bothered by such trivialities.
So the small bones basically follow the same rotation as the main bone, but to a lesser degree and are pivoted elsewhere.
Now I just need to figure out how you chain them up. A combination of aim constraints and right parenting?

Anonymous No. 888567

you're the type that lend their homework and then fail class from getting accused of being the one that copy, arent you? Trust me on this, whatever you have, capitalize on it yourself, unless you're Roosendaal's rich in that case by all means.

Anonymous No. 888574

Have you exported it to games before? What is your method of doing so?

Anonymous No. 888575

Really cool stuff, thanks for showing this to us.
The most interesting stuff I came across was this guy
but he stopped making episodes because not enough people were getting involved.
In his videos he does a lot of scripting using maths to control relationships.
Is that character rig setup like that? is there more to your rig than just more bones and pro-tier weightpainting?
Also in the video, the multicoloured rings of geometry, someone said those are bones, but you also have a biped-like skeleton rig underneath. could you elaborate on how this is setup? i find this very interesting, but it's an area that im really not that familiar with.

Anonymous No. 888576

Good work anon

Anonymous No. 888580

>Have you exported it to games before? What is your method of doing so?
Yes. It's part of a Unity projected. It's exported as a standard '.fbx' file.

>Is that character rig setup like that? is there more to your rig than just more bones and pro-tier weightpainting?
For driving the deformations as you see here it is just standard animation constraints you'll find in any package (rotation/orientation, aim/look and position constraints).
They have to be replicated in code engine side but are easy enough to build that it'd make good project for someone just starting out.
Writing a rotation constraiant that mixes between two bones in unity for example as easy as doing 'Quaternion.Slerp(rotationA,rotationB,blendAmount)'.
If you never coded in your life you can prob write some basic animation controllers by the end of your first day of attempting to.

The unity version uses a lot much more complicated stuff related to player controls physics, interactive animations, ragdoll toggles etc
But none of that has anything to do with how the bones driving the skin deformation works, making a skeleton like this work with animations within a game engine
is pretty accessible stuff that don't require any special math or such, just a bit of patience with tedious wiring work given the number of joints involved.

Anonymous No. 888583

>Yes. It's part of a Unity projected. It's exported as a standard '.fbx' file.
How would you determine the hierarchy or parenting of bones?



Anonymous No. 888653

I use a combination of shape keys and rigging to pose/animate my characters. Will I be able to carry over my shape keys onto Unity? I'm looking into making vtuber models for people.

I use blender if that helps.

(I never used game engines before so I apologize for being really retarded, pls no bully)

Anonymous No. 888692

yes, shape keys will carry over to unity from blender, export as .fbx

Anonymous No. 888693


Anonymous No. 888709

Bro just drag and drop the blend file, unity already has blender integration lol

Anonymous No. 888710

Oh i forgot but you'll have to clear all your modifiers except armature otherwise your shape keys won't work. There's an addon here for that: https://github.com/przemir/ApplyModifierForObjectWithShapeKeys
And if you have the shape keys animated to drivers there's another script that I can't find atm, but you can probably Google it.

Anonymous No. 888713

Nvm here's the script: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/105914/broken-script-to-bake-keyframes-from-driver-controlled-shape-keys

Anonymous No. 888972

>best thread on /3/

Anonymous No. 888993

i'm downloading this tutorial right now. is it up to date with 3.1 or are there some major new things that will pose a problem?

Anonymous No. 889122

>are there differences between 2.8 and 3?
Yes. But follow your tutorial, make mistakes and figure out for yourself where you went wrong and what changed, that's the only way you're going to learn.