

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 887210

Who here does metaverse stuff on top of just making 3D assets? VR/AR/XR (UI/UX and interaction design), web3 and NFTs, game design, etc.? Basically, who here also codes?

Anonymous No. 887212

I write code for Blender, but I dont care if it gets accepted by the BF or not.

Anonymous No. 887248

What kind/what features?

Anonymous No. 887250

if i tell you it will dox me

Anonymous No. 887257

Be very general.

Anonymous No. 887282

all i can tell you is this week i had just under 8,000 clones

Anonymous No. 887306

>it will dox me
how? if it's already got your name on it who cares

Anonymous No. 887334

I dont want to be associated with this website

Anonymous No. 887563

>VR/AR/XR (UI/UX and interaction design)
Those aren't your metaverse buzzword shit fuck off jew

Anonymous No. 888151


Anonymous No. 888184

The metaverse is everything asshole. Just because shitty graphic designers and front-end devs warped the definitions so that they can front-run jobs doesn't change the fact that it is what it is.

Anonymous No. 888191

The metaverse isnt everything, unlike what your kike ass would like everyone to believe so you can sell your shitty fucking ngon-filled pathetic excuse for an artwork to rich bozos who will flip it to the common retard

Anonymous No. 888195

not him but once you start to sell NFTs for crypto its better than everything, better than any drug

Anonymous No. 888196

I code but I don't know jack shit about the metaverse and this NFT shit since everyone is either a scammer or retarded. It's like the true informations are well kept and not shared.
But I don't care, I'm making a game in Unreal.

Anonymous No. 888218

Dumbass, what is the etymology of "metaverse"?

Anonymous No. 888220

That's hot anon, how's it going for you?