

๐Ÿงต ZBrush UI

Anonymous No. 887220

Why do people get so violently angry when people say that ZBrush's UI is bad? "You get used to it eventually" is not an acceptable response in any other field for UI design.

Anonymous No. 887223

They need to get with the times

Anonymous No. 887224

don't like it, don't use it

Anonymous No. 887230

it's made for a stylus. you get used to it in 2 weeks. now go practice

Anonymous No. 887231

Good UI doesn't require you to "get used to it."

Anonymous No. 887234

It has a crazy amount of tools so I guess it's to be expected to a certain degree, just like controls in RDR2 are kinda confusing for a while compared to an average game because of so many mechanics. Sorry for /v/ tier comparison lol.

Yeah, it's better with stylus, but I do have to say it never became as comfy for me to work in it as much as other 3D software. There's always the feeling of another layer between me and the software that makes working with it just a little bit annoying.

People who give up on it because of the UI are ridiculous though.

Anonymous No. 887236

I made the switch from Blender to Zbrush and while it was the best decision I made this year, fuck Zbrush UI. Couldn't make it without this YT tutorial that helps you change it.

Anonymous No. 887237

one of the most common defenses I hear for Zbrush's UI is that it's customizable. I don't understand if these people realize that you being able to make something not-shit doesn't mean it's well designed

Anonymous No. 887238

what 3D software has UI that you don't have to get used to? you are talking out of your ass

Anonymous No. 887239

You just fucking suck and you're blaming the UI for your lack of skill.
You and every other faggot who does the same.
Simple as

Anonymous No. 887240

No other 3D software eschews basic software standards the way Zbrush does. Standardized menus, navigation, and controls are totally thrown out in favor of bespoke nonstandard methods in Zbrush. It's not even a matter of difference between 3D software - Zbrush expects its users to relearn literally the entire way they interact with a computer.

UI Design is not about just throwing things at the wall and expecting people to work with it. And what's even worse is that you have some people like >>887239 who consider getting used to an obtuse UI a badge of honor.

Anonymous No. 887241

Literally the only thing that can be consideref "wildly" off-standard is the way zooming works.
Then once you stop being a drooling retard and stop trying to sculpt with your mouse and use a pen instead, you'll realize it's actually the best thing ever.

None of what you said is true.

You suck.





Anonymous No. 887242

I too remember when Blender users called their awful UI "teh best thing evar" until they adopted industry standards.

You can learn to do anything with any tool given enough time. That doesn't mean it's "the best way," or even a remotely competent way of doing so.

Anonymous No. 887243

Blender's problem is a combination of shitty UI and shitty UX.
Its biggest problems being making 1/4 of its functions hotkey-only and burying settings that by logic should be neatly grouped together under 6 different tabs.
Being a program that "does everything" only further exacerbates the problem.
zbrush can only do sculpting. you need a handful of buttons at any given moment to sculpt things reliably.

fuck off.

Anonymous No. 887262

What functions are hotkey only? Maybe I can't remember because I got used to them, but it seems untrue.

Anonymous No. 887265

blender 2.8+
Pre-2.8's UI is pure fucking cancer

Anonymous No. 887297

>Zbrush UI is shit
t. non-tablet users
You're meant to do your own research

Anonymous No. 887302

The levels of NGMI you must exist in to be filtered by having to spend a week learning a software.

Anonymous No. 887305

Because it is untrue. Since 2.8 all of the functions have a place in the menus.

Anonymous No. 887316

>"You get used to it eventually"

There's no a single piece of professional software that this doesn't apply.
Not everything is MS Paint.

And no, I'm not shilling for zbrush. I don't even use it.

Anonymous No. 887324

>it's made for a stylus
maybe viewport navigation but that's it,
yes the interface is a piece of shit but it is the only program that works.



Anonymous No. 887408

>best ui ever

Anonymous No. 887418

which course is this?

Anonymous No. 887433

The zooming is fine you seething dickling, it's everything else. You can literally see the years of software updates piled on top of each other like a desk that hasn't been tidied and is just piled up with important stuff buried under decaying useless stuff. It's the design logic of an ocd hermit hoarder surrounded by piss bottles. The fact it can handle trillions of polys, and has a kind of nice brush feel, doesn't justify the disgraceful shitshow that is everything else.

Anonymous No. 887436

you need to customize your ui. Dont blame the tools.

Anonymous No. 887446

retarded take
again, you only need a handful of things to actually sculpt, everything else is just bloat that you will maybe use once in a blue moon in comparison.
once you place your preferred clay brush (clay, claybuildup or clay tubes), standard, dam standard, inflate and move brush shortcuts and the dynamesh/subdivision settings in your UI, you have everything that you'll use 99% of the time that isn't readily available on the default configuration.
Anything else you will not use it often enough to justify cluttering your UI like this gook weeb niggerfaggot did here >>887408 and then moan about your own retardation.

>the design logic of an ocd hermit hoarder surrounded by piss bottles
>it's the fault of the piss bottles that they filled themselves with piss and are now laying themselves on my floor

keep blaming anything but yourself, you'll go places.

Anonymous No. 887471

its different from a lot of other software, and its a bit cluttered.

all that said, its probably THE MOST customizable interface in any 3d program to date, you can move literally anything in the interface or just get rid of it, bind any custom hotkey you want, and create custom nested menus and custom popup menus, and then bind those menus to any custom hotkey. so anyone who's spent any time in the software will likely have their own custom menu with all the features they use every day, so 99% of useful features will be accessed with a single hotkey and menu. you just have to take 5 minutes to learn how to actually set this up.

Anonymous No. 887538

>you need to customize your ui. Dont blame the tools.

the fact that you have to customize the UI in order for it not to be bad is entirely the tool's fault, though

Anonymous No. 887539

>user interface is an OCD hermit hoarder surrounding its users with piss bottles
>this is a good thing and you should spend time cleaning up the piss bottles and wading through the fecal matter smeared all over the carpets in order to reach the two buttons you actually need

did this sound at all reasonable in your head

Anonymous No. 887540

you're beyond saving.

Anonymous No. 887542

Well whose fault is it then? If it's mandatory for the UI to be customized before the UX can be considered even remotely serviceable, who made it that way in the first place?

Good UX doesn't need to be customized before it's usable. That means it is objectively bad.

Anonymous No. 887543

fuck off cris


meds before its t....jpg

Anonymous No. 887544


Anonymous No. 887556

I kneel

Anonymous No. 887566

Tens of thousands of women learn this every year and /3/ can't.

gonna remember this next time one of those threads come up.

Anonymous No. 887592

Hopefully Maxxon initiate a contemporary node based redesign and throw the redundant 1990's crt monitor ui in the garbage. Maybe then it will start to catch up with Maya, Blender, Houdini etc.. It's unusable in its current state.

Anonymous No. 887594


I keep hearing this sentiment nigga. Just fucking customize it Cris. Fill it up with overblown scripts like that one Iranian artist on wingfox.

Anonymous No. 887600

>I can't sculpt.



Anonymous No. 887634

Good grief, and people sill give Blender a hard time for its UI?

Anonymous No. 887638

nu-Blender is a masterclass in how to fix a broken UI. For years they did things different from every other software package and insisted their way was better, until finally listening to their users and doing a full rebuild. Overnight it went from a total joke to a usable software package.

Anonymous No. 887655

I mapped ctrl-Z on my wacom pen intuos 3 windows 10 but latest zbrush doesn't react to it

why? help!