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Anonymous No. 887298

so how do you rip 3d models from games?

Fuck off cris No. 887299


Fuck off cris No. 887300


Fuck off cris No. 887301


Anonymous No. 887437

hey man sorry about the trolls, the way i do it is i take a screenshot of every angle i can of the thing and then i upload them all to a bit of software called Meshroom, then after i clean the resulting mesh up i use the output mesh as a scale ref to block it out in maya, then i bring the maya model into zbrush where i then sculpt it to resemble the model from the game. next i take it back into maya and use it as a live surface and use the quad draw to herpetologist the mesh making sure of course to add extra resolution where its going to deform. then obviously when thats done i unwrap it and how i like to do that is usually start with a perspective projection that way there is almost 0 chance it will project directly onto a parallel face or set of faces ya feel me man (i you know, you know) then cut etc, i like to keep my seams hidden of course and all that jazz, mainly because i like to use the blur filter in substance painter which doesn't respect UV shells automatically for obvious reasons. if i wanna do that and its bleeding elsewhere in an undesirable location ill have to manually mask it out and i want to avoid that, anyhow, if the model has any symmetrical geometry that i wouldn't mind having identical texturing on (limbs and extremities) then ill make sure to mirror them in geo then select the mirrored meshs and offset them in the UV editor by a whole unit, almost always to the right. then if i want to be serious about it of course ill go into the UV set editor and make a second set for detail maps and add loads of resolution to the skin sections which will be viable like the face and forearms and hands if its for first person, that way i can add a whole extra layer of detail at a different resolution.
anyway then i texture it and do all the exporting stuff

Anonymous No. 887438

When you play the game the models in the game is loaded into your RAM, so you need to quickly rip out your RAM while the model is still in there
and plug it into a USB connector so you can grab the file.

Your RAM is a square dice that is usually hidden under this really big fan with a big heatsink on it, usually somewhere on the upper left of your motherboard.
It is recommended you wear a pair of dishwashing gloves while ripping the part out the socket as you might get electrocuted otherwise.
But if you don't have any a trick/hack is to suck on a blank piece of metal like a screw or similar as this will act as ground.



Anonymous No. 887439

Not OP but I always wondered where these Youtubers get their model desu, most of the famous websites never have the ones I want.

Anonymous No. 887440

You just need to go one layer deeper. Protip: in computer science, you can always solve your problems with another level of indirection, and you can always solve your problems by going one level deeper in the layers.

All 3d models that aren't using retard and obsolete things like voxels or that very cute splice thing in that game are simply a collection of vertex. Now, mapping texture is a little but more difficult, but essentially, you just need to find the collection of vertex, put into the same format as that other collection of vertex understood by that other retarded software you use, and then you're a go.

All problems, can be solved by going one level deeper. All problems can be solved by going to the root.

Anonymous No. 887441

The most general way is probably to use something like Ninja Ripper which can rip 3D geometry and textures from games running DirectX.
Depending on the engine your game is running on, you may be able to find specific utilities to extract assets from the game data. For Source games, for instance, you can easily extract and decompile 3D models and then import them in Blender. Some other engines typically encrypt the data so it'll be harder to rip.

Anonymous No. 887443

Don't listen to this guy, you don't need to be a fucking ninja to rip the ram out the computer.
If you are worried about slipping just fill them dishwashing gloves with crazy-glue so you can get a really good purchase on the part in question and give it one good thug.
You don't need much in terms of finesse, just one good yank as it needs to be kinda quick and then slam it into the USB slot since the model will escape if it's unpowered for too long.

Anonymous No. 887445

you could also try running some water over the computer cpu while the game is running untill the computer turns off and make sure it runs off the cpu into a bowel so you can collect it and then when you drink the water you will have the models inside you, then just put them back onto the computer by programming them back in

Anonymous No. 887453

No single way.
Depends on what engine and file format the game uses.
Most games dont have rippers you can use since nobody cares, but for many popular ones or for ones running on well known engines people wrote custom scripts and software to rip models.

>all those reddit tier replies
wtf is this shit, nothing like some 12 year old samfagging normie to shit up a thread

Anonymous No. 887457

>wtf is this shit, nothing like some 12 year old samfagging normie to shit up a thread

Op asks a question anyone with 2 braincells could've googled and here you are being all salty people meme on his pepe-posting ass.

Fuck off cris 2 No. 887461


Anonymous No. 887469

>Op asks a question anyone with 2 braincells could've googled and here you are being all salty people meme on his pepe-posting ass.
You are full of shit kid, usual normie dosnt knows how 3d graphics even work yet alone how to rip 3d models.
Nothing weird about the question.
Man i swear, i will apply as mod next time and clean up your clowns who think this is /b/ and shitposting is the only way

Anonymous No. 887479

>step 1: open google.
>step 2: type "how to rip 3d models from games"
>step3: press search.

Normies can learn this anon. Anyone can.

Anonymous No. 888858

FMDL Studio
Noesis + plugins

Just look online and search the appropriate converters, what game are you even trying top rip from

Anonymous No. 888945



OP, you know what you need to do, but do you have the fingers to google it?

Anonymous No. 891146

I feel like a god

Anonymous No. 891516


Anonymous No. 891634

>step 1: open google
this is the least helpful and most evil advice in this whole thread.

Anonymous No. 891645


literal retards
stay shit, less competition is always welcome