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๐Ÿงต *Inhale

Anonymous No. 887487


Anonymous No. 887498

>men: I just want to create stuff
>women: I just want attention



Anonymous No. 887499

>say the stupid idea

Anonymous No. 887503

Sorry for my ignorance but what is this? It looks like one of those powerpoint/meeting presentations

Anonymous No. 887507

Op is posting this specifically because there's fresh news that three dozen people have left the coalition because of team conflicts.

This is not a /3/ thread, it's literally /v/ gossip.

Don't turn this into some weird incel thread

Anonymous No. 887511

GDC. Game Developers Conference. It often has a bunch of really good presentations, and a bunch of stickers. Most of the stinkers are just people stating the obvious, or people just telling their life story and pretending that it's a lesson to be learned, or somebody taking a good 5 minutes of content and trying poorly to stretch it into 30 minutes of prattling. More of the stinkers in recent years have been celebrations of mediocrity or diversity preaching (usually just shaming without offering any realistic solutions; I saw one that advocated tech companies go to inner cities and hire people directly out of high school with the intention of spending years training them before they become meaningful employees).

Anonymous No. 887512

This is really off topic. A VFX artist giving a presentation on team building isn't any more about 3DCG than a VFX artist putting ketchup on a steak.

Anonymous No. 887514

The far superior GDC talk by a female VFX artist (and my GDC waifu): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7wFPkGmWdI

Anonymous No. 887524

Thanks anon! It kind of reminds me of TED talks and how there are few great ones in a sea of boring/dumb ones.

Anonymous No. 887526

Wheres the part where you launder money to BLM or a terrorists via humble bundle?

Troon shill

Anonymous No. 887529

You're allowed to do anything as long as you're an east coast NGO

Anonymous No. 887532

I believe attention is for women what porn is for men.

Anonymous No. 887533

>>887526 obsessed

Anonymous No. 887601

Attention is the most important thing for women.
Everything is about attention