

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 887534

How did he make this in blender? How did he get that retro claymation look?


Anonymous No. 887536

Good shaders. Probably fun tricks in geometry nodes.

Anonymous No. 887541

By studying all the quirks of retro claymation and recreating them digitally. Notice the maquettes and the hairdos "boiling" and the awkward way they move?
He also nailed the clay maquette look of things and the studio lighting.
The ENTIRE thing hinges on the author faking the imperfections of actual claymation, and the way you learn that is by consuming a whole bunch of old claymation until you understand what makes it different from bog standard, tweened CGI animation.
Maybe a bit too overboard with the "old 80s vhs" blur but outstanding work nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 887545

to me, the work is inspiring

Anonymous No. 887575

The dude even has VISIBLE STRINGS at a couple of points. He did his work.

Anonymous No. 887577

It's basically comes down to the shaders.

Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum Member No. 887583

He's a genius, and probably a little bit autistic

Anonymous No. 887584

Why are these white person and irish person and dinosaur speaking Japanese

Anonymous No. 887590

I wish this artist did more of this.
It's clear he probably wanted to do a kino Adult Swim show and some shit.

Anonymous No. 887591




Anonymous No. 887598

>generic anime shit or hyper realistic morgan freeman pencil rendering gets more views than this
it's not fair

Anonymous No. 887605

I've been working on handpainted miniature looking 3D scenes the last year and I think some similar concepts apply here. Most important are proper camera setup (focal length, DoF etc.) and correct texture (and model) scale (these objects are small so surface normals on them will look much larger than on real-life sized objects. All the details are enlarged and stylized. Put some scanned real life objects and characters next to these to compare them and you'll see obvious differences. Also helps to model in appropriate imperfections on models that happen on this scale due to them being handmade.

Really cool stuff, I was thinking about experimenting with this style as well. Then I might try the look where the stuff is made from cardboard where the textures look like they are drawn with a felt pen.

Anonymous No. 887607

it looks like the things that Remington Markham >SouthernShotty 3d does

Anonymous No. 887608

thank you my beloved friend
this sets me down a good path

Anonymous No. 887612

here you have a couple of animation tutorials if you want to give it a try too



Anonymous No. 887615

When I open Cris' threads

Anonymous No. 887616

Why do you keep thinking Blender isn't usable or something
I'm a hardcore Mayafag but the stuff you're talking about isn't even specific to a program

Anonymous No. 887626

Good shaders, also lots of care to make it move like stop motion and add little details that "give it away" like nylon strings whenever something's not grounded.

Anonymous No. 887703

thank you this is exactly what I was looking for

Anonymous No. 887717

i really love how the hairs and fabric jitters around as if there's an actual animators hands

Anonymous No. 887722


The secret ingedient is talent

Anonymous No. 887742

Talent with a pinch of soul.

Anonymous No. 887999

How does this not have millions of views

Anonymous No. 888001

>7k months per month on patreon
>single person made this

Thanks for the daily dose of depression and self doubt, OP. I'll just go back to my monkey modeling job and forget about this.

Anonymous No. 888002

7k dollars* per month. Although 7k months per month would also be nice, more time to get to this level.

Anonymous No. 888003

Isn't this inspiring though?

Anonymous No. 888004

nobodys interested in reading subtitles

Anonymous No. 888006

Equally inspiring and depressing at the same time. These things make me sad that I specialized so much in environments / props, but at least it got me a job in the industry for now. I'm trying to create short videos from my environments and go from there, but it's just isn't right without characters, and environment storytelling can only go so far. There's still plenty to learn to get to this level though. All the rigging and animation... I could create those environments and materials, but not sure I'd be able to pull off the lighting. Not to mention the amount of time it takes me to finish anything due to me being undecisive about literally every polygon on a model, let alone the entire short film like this.

Anonymous No. 888007

people would rather watch character animation with little to no environment than a detailed environment with little to no character animation. I keep telling you guys this, that environment is a dead end, but you never listen until you're literally multiple years behind

Anonymous No. 888013

I can imagine an animation video without characters. With relatively simple animations, and good sound design and camerawork.
Like some abandoned place, suddenly the radio starts working. The radio is your character. Then it starts raining.
Or you can have a first person view animation with a radio conversation, lets say a house, a car stops, the door opens, but it's empty. Next we see the car through a snipers telescopic sight, and hear the voice of the sniper telling someone that he doesn't see shit. And someone is telling him back that there is someone, and he should look closer. Like the driver of the car has some invisible suit or something.

Anonymous No. 888015

Well yeah, environments are dead end if your goal is to make movies and get views, but that wasn’t my goal originally. Not sure about being years behind, you’re saying it like all those modeling, lighting and texturing skills don’t matter or don’t pay off eventually. You still need those in any movie. I wanted to get good at one thing first, then spread thinner later on, and not just achieve results as fast as possible and be average at everything + not have a backup plan because I’m not job ready in neither of 3d areas.

The problem is when you do become good enough but at that point you realize there’s still so much to learn in your specialized area so you go even deeper into it instead of starting to spread out once you achieve a certain level. That’s what is happening to me right now. I can make great environments, but now career keeps forcing me to improve in that area even more instead of just spending time and learning character art or something.

Anonymous No. 888019

Yeah that’s nice and kind of stuff I’ve been working on as well. But still, the other guy is probably right - how many people would actually appreciate that compared to movies with actual characters? Probably just other environment artists who understand the amount of work and skill required to achieve even that. But they are looking at it from a viewpoint of a professional artist, not a normie viewer. I feel it’s limiting and I wish to be able to create some work that will be appreciated by a wider audience one day. I even feel like my shorts don’t even deserve to be called shorts because of this. It’s just an animated camera with some music and vfx at the end of the day.

Anonymous No. 890146

It's actually a lot of compositing, he said so in a yt video with some terminally online left tuber, quinton reviews or something



Anonymous No. 890187

>can't make money of enviroment art
Have you tried to make shit to architects and people that like architecture and make shit like the third and the seven?


If you want to focus on enviroment, you need to ask yourself who the fuck gives a shit about enviroment 3D art.

>but but character movies
Just make a movie with enviroment shots and pay a hooker from japan to voice act some script then use shadows and other shit to tell a story using the enviroment.

Like use a crime scene where some drunk dude rapes and murder his wife and daughter, and just put some journalistic voice over telling a dramatic retelling of the story.


Anonymous No. 890189

If you're an environment artist and can't tell a compelling story using the environment alone, you need to pick a different profession. That's literally your fucking job.

Anonymous No. 890213

It. Is. Limiting. I doubt you don’t understand that. But The third and the seventh is a great example, yeah. I still doubt normies would prefer it over the one in the OP or anything else with actual characters with a dialogue / monologue. It’s mostly architecture and 3d people who care about it. But it is definitely creative and probably the best example I can think of.

Anonymous No. 891130

amazing work

Anonymous No. 892161

>I only do Environments and props
Make a story about robots or copy Pixar and make a story about objects, like Luxo Jr.

Anonymous No. 892162


how do you get to that level?

Anonymous No. 892163

If you want a classic claymation look you animate pose-to-pose forward at whatever framerate you desire without any interpolation on your inbetweens.

In the past the real beauty of the advent of CG for animators was how the interpolation could be computed automatically and that smooth natural continuous motion was now possible.
But now it's the future and here you are Op, wanting to go back to the past: to make some jerky moves that suck ass.
>I rather eat the rotten asshole of a skunk and down it with bear.