
images - 2022-03-....jpg

๐Ÿงต 3D character design

Anonymous No. 887549

What makes a good design for a 3D character?

I know that all 2D concepts (readability, color theory, general knowledge etc) apply for say, a stylized character but the thing is: Would it be feasible, or practical in the 3D world? (Etc). Of course not all follow these specific rules. These were just examples

What are some interesting 3D characters, from a techincal or artistic standpoint? Do they translate well into the third dimension? What makes things appealing? Would you mind showing some of your own designs?

This is just more of a general purpose thread, hopefully it might interest some people and i don't really care if a Cris thread died for this.

Anonymous No. 887553

a good design is something that can be sold in china without getting blacklisted by chinese censors so this cuts out all lgbtq, anything too edgy or woke, etc

Anonymous No. 887554


shit like this blows my mind

Anonymous No. 887555

I hate to agree with China but I personally find this to be true



Anonymous No. 887614

What makes a good design for a 3D character?
The most important aspect is the character has to convey a clear and focused mood/feeling idea.
You look at the character in pic and you know that's a shifty snarky backstabbing rogue goblin only out for number1.
Then comes proportion and selfsimilarity and anatomy.

op pic is a good example of a mediocre design.
it looks like a guy who was the whole day at the convention cosplaying as a fantasy pirate.
his outfit is extravagant very reminiscent of jack sparrow doesn't fit with the face and expression.

Anonymous No. 887627

Hey, take that off the damn internet. You need my permission before taking pictures of my face!

Anonymous No. 887630

>What makes a good design for a 3D character?
Something that I think is badass and cool



Anonymous No. 887636

The best design I've seen is in Overwatch and Guilty Gear (Xrd and Strive specifically).
Rules to follow:
- distinct silhouette (the character's shadow needs to be recognizable from a mile away)
- color scheme (2 main preponderent colors: black/yellow, gray/orange, white/red, yellow/turquoise, green/yellow, etc)
- outfit needs to convey function/role (strong character needs bulky armor stuff, stealth character needs some hoodie, etc)
- the face needs to convey a personality (anime has got this shit down to a science so just copy what they're doing; to give an example overpowered characters always have sanpaku eyes + droopy upper eyelid; psycho-mode = no highlights in the eyes; glasses = smart/wise)
- the design should be interchangeable from a cartoony style to a stylized style to a realistic style, with the level of detail being the only variable (see image)