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Anonymous No. 887637

Finally someone decided to make a terrain tool that doesn't suck-

Anonymous No. 887650

Looks interesting. How does it compare with Terragen?

Anonymous No. 887653

Not that anon, but I've been using Gaea for years.
It's leagues better imo.
Gaea was intuitive to me, Terragen was not.

Only issue is with Gaea and the free version, you could only output maps at a certain resolution.
I haven't updated in a while, since I think it was a bug that let you do this, but if you don't use the fancy exporter and change the mesh resolution to the size you want, and use the file>export terrain option, it'll output the heightmap at that resolution. Though I think you don't get any of the slope maps or anything like that, but it's simple enough to export those like usual, and if need be, AI Upres them.
Sounds involved, but it's actually quicker than using the program's actual exporter. And Gaea is free and modern.

Anonymous No. 887656

Is there an easy way to have the edges of these generated terrains all share the same Z-axis for a specified area around the edges? I am considering using them but need for them to be tileable.



Anonymous No. 887657

I'm using the fee version.

Anonymous No. 887658

i think you can do all this with geometry nodes in blender

Anonymous No. 887664


Anonymous No. 887666

nah, World creator is better and easier to use.




Anonymous No. 887667

i jus screenshot google earth


download (5).jpg

Anonymous No. 887680

>race conditions in code give non-deterministic results
why can't pajeets into parallel processing? temporary buffers and memory barriers aren't hard concepts

Anonymous No. 887684

are these worth learning if you already know your way around houdini (minus the terrain tools)

Anonymous No. 887685

Using dedicated tools give you nice terrains with much less effort, Houdini's terrain nodes compute slower despite GPU acceleration (I think Gaea is CPU only), have much more clutter in their UI but are ironically more atomic meaning you need to do more complex setups to get similar output.

Anonymous No. 887686

makes sense. i think i'll probably still start with hou's tools just to see how they feel + being able to stay in houdini start-finish is an attractive proposition. then i'll swing around and have a look one of these ones to see what's on offer (and if that extra functionality can be hacked back into hou)

Anonymous No. 887702

guys i'm working on a spherical and flat map/terrain generator
it won't be done any time soon because i'm a dumbass, but what kinds of parameters would you like to be able to tweak?
the current end goal for my project so far has no user-tweakable parameters but if i get it working well it would be nice to be able to market it as a tool for people to use
as it is, the goal is this:
- realistically generates terrain by simulating natural processes on a sphere
- utilizes representations of tectonic plates for the raising and lowering of land, creating continents
- hydraulic erosion that deforms the landscape based on location via particle simulation
- wind erosion (that needs more thought put into it at the moment) to smooth jaggy geometry
- a representation other than a heightmap to support the generation of overhangs (through erosion most likely) and caves (which will hopefully be created by simulating the formation of limestone deposits)
- will hopefully be possible on a flat surface as opposed to only spherical worlds but i feel like the spherical representation will be easier to work with at first
this is currently at the stage of working out the best data structure to use for representing the motion of plates and how they affect the environment, but this is a project i really do plan on finishing eventually, so any input would be nice

Anonymous No. 887716


fucking blendlets

Anonymous No. 888081

It's just a texture at the end of the day - try feeding it through a tiling tool. If you want to get fancy, maybe re-import with the edges centered and apply some wear after being toled.

Anonymous No. 888082

>there are bunch of fucking terrain generation tools
>still no good retopo and uv tools
>gotta mix and match topogun, bunch of plugins and do fucking jumping jacks to retopo and unwrap a brick

Amazing industry.



Anonymous No. 888110

I leave that here.

Anonymous No. 888159

Stop complaining and build your own tool

Anonymous No. 888225

I've written a LW shader plugin in C 17 years ago that did stuff like this. So, not impressed.

Anonymous No. 888227

Our small studio still uses Terragen 4.x for a lot of landscape plates(VUE being our 2nd tool for that), but it comes with hefty render times and we can only operate it efficiently on a (small) farm with 24 nodes.

Anonymous No. 888256

>but it comes with hefty render times
It's a shame that it's so slow because it has by far the best atmospheric models.

Anonymous No. 888334

Yes, you can do anything on Blender.
You can do anything on MSPaint if you really want.
You can do literally anything by just typing numbers on a hex editor.

But would you?