

🧵 Enemies – real-time cinematic teaser | Unity

Anonymous No. 887723

This was all rendered in real-time in Unity with HDRP. What a time to be alive.



Anonymous No. 887740

>real time
>prebaked scene
>4d recording for the head
>2d composite for transition from building to the zoom in
>temporally upscaled render

I mean is it really real time if it only works from one single angle and is a literal 4d recording?
When i got my hands on their last demo i was supper disappointed on how much stuff was faked in screen space, this one looks even worse in that regard.
No way they can recalculate a million light probes on the fly for that back transition, and i can tell its a mix of ray traced reflections and shadow maps, its no real time GI, what ever is going on there its basically a recording.

Anonymous No. 887741

>screen-space GI

Aww :(



Anonymous No. 887745

even worse, a million recalculated light proves

Anonymous No. 887747

What is your opinion on Unigine then? Everything is screen space there.

Anonymous No. 887751

All rasterization shading is technically screen space, but when it comes to animations and light information i expect it to actually exist in 3d space not be faked only from the camera perspective since it means those solutions are mostly useless for games and require a lot of work to get working.
I mean who the hell can afford a modern 3d scanning studio that can record 3d videos for this animation system? Making clean 3d scan already is a lot of work, making 3d scanned animations is soemthing only few scanning studios can do.

Anonymous No. 887893

how can I fuck this thing?

Anonymous No. 888104

femininity is dead in the west

Anonymous No. 888107

I'm so glad I left unity, I had 2k worth of assets and I even wrote an email asking to delete my account permanently.

Anonymous No. 888111

Why? Our graphics are better than epic now and our tools are better.

Anonymous No. 888136

Stop being so tribal about it. It’s just a particular tool you decided to use over another one.

Anonymous No. 888138

Are you daft? I tried them both and picked the best one and every day unity gets better and better while unreal stagnates. Just when you thought unity was useless for film, here we are with it looking the best.

Anonymous No. 888167

Nice bait

Anonymous No. 888174

unreal sheeple like yourself dont know how to respond to this new unity development

Anonymous No. 888175


Good luck achieving this level of quality alone on Unity kek. There's a reason why you barely see any impressive high fidelity scenes made on unity. Also, UE5 still looks miles better than Unity.

Anonymous No. 888176


Yes I know. The lighting still isn't real time, it's all baked. UE5 does it in real time. Unreal also has Lumen which allows for real high fidelity environments with stable performance. Good luck achieving this on Ushitty, they still haven't come up with a real time GI solution yet.

Anonymous No. 888177


Unreal also has nanite*

Anonymous No. 888178

this new tech just came out 3 days ago you troll

Anonymous No. 888181


Yes, new outdated tech with baked lighting kek.

Anonymous No. 888185

>looks better than what the oposition offers
>muh baking

you are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 888298

>capture balls
- _ - Ubuffoony retard go away.

Anonymous No. 888415

Stuff like this is making me wonder if it's even worth it to wait an entire day rendering an animation in an offline renderer when I can have it done in a couple seconds instead.

Anonymous No. 888420

Ultimately everything will go real time rendering + different layers of AI image synthesis on top ... once the raw processing power is available.
You will live to see it.

Anonymous No. 888428


Enjoy waiting a whole day for the scene to bake while Lumen offers instant results. Good luck using your baked lighting on exterior environments. Also, I've never seen anything of that quality being made by anyone but Unity. You do however, see plenty of high quality stuff being made on Unreal daily. Nobody will ever use Unity for serious AAA projects.

Anonymous No. 888430

that doesnt make sense because we will still have massive amounts of latency on the cloud

lumen doesnt look this good

Anonymous No. 888431


Lumen looks really good for something that's in real time, it's GI is actually more realistic and natural than raytraced GI.

FortyOunceNigga No. 888514

Ultimately everything will go real time rendering + different layers of AI image synthesis on top ... once the raw processing power is available.
You will live to see it.

Anonymous No. 888519

you will never overcome latency

Anonymous No. 888520

This is interesting, how is that possible though? Isn’t lumen a combination of ray tracing + screen space (albeit good) fakery on top?


this black gentle....jpg

Anonymous No. 888525

>you will never overcome latency
"antibiotics will never work as a cure"
"the automobile has no future"
"the aeroplane will stay insignificant"
"computers are expensive toys without use"

wew lad, glad engineers aren't like you naysayers

Anonymous No. 888531

Please don't talk nonsense about subjects you have no firm grasp on. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 888533

>UE5 still looks miles better than Unity
if you mean valley of the ancients, that runs at 40 fps on a top of the line gpu that probably not even 2% of gamers even have, doesn't support trees, still shits the bed with terrain tessellation, has the same old crap unoptimized overdrawing method that ue4 has
I still think it's a better choice than unity but some people see a tech demo and they believe that shit is ready for production and that games will look like that

Anonymous No. 888534

>that games will look like that
If we look at the past UE tech demos, the games in the future will actually look even much better than that.

Anonymous No. 888535

Yeah but then every engine will look like that, or better.
Epic has been doing the same thing forever. They release a tech demo before everyone else to build hype, but by the time consumer hardware catches up, every other engine is already there.

Anonymous No. 888536

Yeah true maybe. But also consider the virtual production and other filmmaking areas, as well as archviz. Might not be game-ready for an average player yet, but it's already useful for production studios.

Anonymous No. 888537

Sure, I'll give you that.