

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 888041

What do people diving into 3D modelling do after the donut tutorials?
What comes after the donut?

Anonymous No. 888043

Whatever pastry you like

Anonymous No. 888045

Depends on how you feel in terms of skill. Assuming you're using Blender, do you feel confident you understand the keyboard shortcuts and fundamentals?
Try following some other tutorials on making simple things. I used CGcookie, and I'd recommend them. They have some easy stuff like building a low poly rocket, or a handheld game console. Their courses are behind a paywall except for their Blender basics videos, but if you don't want to pay, then I'm sure you can find their content in other places.
After that, you should feel pretty confident in your skill. Now, without any tutorials, make something simple on your own, and figure out what you excel in and where you struggle. Work on that for a while.
Whenever you're ready, try some more complex stuff either through tutorials or on your own. As someone who's around this stage, that's the advice I have for you. Good luck anon.

Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum Member No. 888048

They could make cake donuts, vegan donuts, glazed donuts, floating donuts, lifebuoys, rings, sonic rings, hula hoops, etc.

Anonymous No. 888062

I figured that people who get into 3D do so because they have some sort of project or ideas they want realize?

Anonymous No. 888194

the croissant

Anonymous No. 888199

I never did the donut tutorial at all.
I just started doing animals, people, and fantasy creatures. I also started studying anatomy a lot using the Zarins books.



Anonymous No. 888207

>look at me
>I'm so cool and unique being a sensible person going the actual right path and not wasting my time with useless dead-ends



Anonymous No. 888779

birds are the next logical step

Anonymous No. 888792

Noob here, started a few months ago, just so you know, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I did donut and after that I did anvil by the same guy. If you know what you want to make you can just look up tutorials on that, otherwise anvil is fine. The main problem with the donut as far as I can tell is that it teaches you nothing about modelling, that is, the actual process of shaping an object into a desired form, it's only a general interface intro. The donut is just a torus which is a basic geometric shape so you just spawn that in and boom, you're done. Basic modeling tools like manipulating vertices, extrude, loop cut, etc. these are important and the donut does not cover them at all but the anvil does. Afterwards I made some stuff on my own, looked up more tutorials, and so on.

Anonymous No. 888813


Anonymous No. 888842


Anonymous No. 888939

red flag right there

Anonymous No. 888971


Niggas really? I went straight modelling anime faces then sculpting nude anime girls while practicing anatomy in zbrush. The donut tutorial only serves to make you consume more to make Andrew rich and spread blender propaganda.

Anonymous No. 888975

Accidentally read that as "sculpting rude anime girls" but then realized it's just nude and was disappointed

Anonymous No. 889250

Fish. Model, texture, and animate some little fishies.



Anonymous No. 889715


Anonymous No. 889792

Why do you have that sort of shape for the tips?

Anonymous No. 889795

What's wrong with it? Triangles aren't bad since it doesn't deform.

Anonymous No. 889796


Because that's how it done maybe?

Anonymous No. 889816

this but unironically :PepoThink:

Anonymous No. 889817

this but unironically

Anonymous No. 889820

>What comes after the donut?
Whatever you like. Price has taught you
>basic mesh operations
>how to use primitives
>the array modifoiyah, croikey, we're in doughnat territory - watch out for them sprinkles!
Experiment. Make something that isn't a donut. Why did you start learning 3D in the first place if all you wanted to do is follow his donut tutorial and then stop and ask people what they're making?

Apparently not.

Anonymous No. 889827

I don't know, why so defensive?



Anonymous No. 890015

Unironically >>888043 , I made a lemon bar after because I was curious whether I could achieve that jam-like translucency with shaders. Pic related isn't great, but hey at least it's original, and I had something I was working toward. And the bread was easy since I already had to donut texture

tl;dr Think about a food that you like the appearance of, consider what it is you like about it, and then search for ways to recreate that in blender

Anonymous No. 890200

I like what you were going for at least

I guess you could say it was frozen in a mould or something

Anonymous No. 891226

not easy good man, i do to, 20 years, NTKVG

Anonymous No. 891233

3d models for gun nuts is an underexploited niche.



imports No. 891350

lamborughini my bro

Anonymous No. 891374

retard right here

Anonymous No. 891382

You have a lot of paths you go down.

Characters: Make low poly animals, real simple stuff like a chickens,birds,cows,horses.Then go into insects if you want a challenge then maybe try a person but that will be hard.

Environments: Learn how to make textures from scratch and move onto generation tools such as height maps (the displacement modifier in blender) etc.(Good start is learning how to generate rocks).

Hard surface(props and complex objects): Only work with metal based objects and learn how to add weathering and damage. Avoid machinery because in general its just very complex. try to make curved metal objects such as a spoon or fork. After you have got used to making curves and bends then move onto more complex ones such as tanks, battle ships, high poly cars.

Animation: Squash and street all the fundamentals really, simple bouncing ball etc, animation is a rather linear one with plenty more books and guides on simple things to start on then i can name.Main advice would be get into the graph editor as quick as you can because its magic.

Anonymous No. 891752

My donut landed me a job at Konami and Pixar