

๐Ÿงต /sqtddtot/

Anonymous No. 889199

Stupid questions that don't deserve their own thread.

Previous: https://archived.moe/3/thread/879611

Anonymous No. 889229

Should I bother to learn perspective if the software already does it for me?

Anonymous No. 889232

do industryfags check this board? are they less likely to hire you if they notice you've posted something from your portfolio here? i will soon be applying for internships at various studios as part of my school's education and we've already talked with a bunch of big name studios but haven't had any meet greets yet to show our personal stuff but will in a few months

Anonymous No. 889234

dont even think of posting your work here, post it to artstation and twitter

Anonymous No. 889238

Can somebody render me into 3d with some aesthetic changes? The results will benefit you either way lol. Email xmviixo

Anonymous No. 889247

where do you guys get your textures?

Anonymous No. 889308

I have a 6 button mouse. How can assign shortcuts to each button?

Anonymous No. 889343

Is this down for everyone or is it my machine: https://marvelousdesigner.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Anonymous No. 889350

yes, it will retract you from acting on doing something stupid, and improve your efficiency

Anonymous No. 889372

I want to model flowers high quality but I'm not sure what's the best way to do this performance-wise.
What's the best way, a very thin solid or a plane with a different shader for the backface? Or something else?

Anonymous No. 889421

Been a long time since I seen dat boi. Dang.

Anonymous No. 889438

Looking for suggestions for software geared towards.

Anonymous No. 889440

holy shit don't type distracted.

Looking for suggestions for software geared towards architecture of a simple house/cabin/studio. Don't care about price really as I won't be paying for it.

Would prefer newer/nicer software over dinosaur shit like autocad



Anonymous No. 889462

>software geared towards architecture of a simple house/cabin/studio

Anonymous No. 889514

Is making a tutorial with a facecam and posting it to legitimate sites like youtube a good way to prove to employers that you know your stuff?

Anonymous No. 889531

Is a flat plane considered manifold? I'm talking about a single quad/triangle floating in 3D space not connected to anything else.

Some examples say, in the context of 3D printing, that these surfaces are not manifold because they "represent a shape with zero volume and can't exist in the real world".
Meanwhile, other sources describe manifold shapes using examples that show similar "zero volume" shapes.
This is confusing for me since I'm under the impression that subdivision modelling works best with manifold geometry, but I don't want to bloat my models with polygons that won't be seen just to make their component meshes manifold. Also, giving thickness to refractive models changes their expected appearance but making them infinitely thin "shells" would make them not (?) manifold.



Anonymous No. 889534

How do I get the shading to be closer to the reference? I know that the edges of the red part are too abrupt and the color of the underlying material is slightly off, but idk what else I'm missing

Anonymous No. 889544

Boat your models lol. You know people send stuff with literally hundreds of millions of tris to 3D print right, you can afford some thickness.

And stop browsing /g/

Anonymous No. 889554

I don't do 3D printing. I only mentioned that because some of the information I found was a part of 3D printing guides/articles and said that geometry without thickness is nonmanifold.
Other information I found was suggesting otherwise and I couldn't tell which one was correct.

Anonymous No. 889556

Stop what you're doing. Take a deep breath. Think again. Do something else for a while.
Shading is not your answer.

Anonymous No. 889557

C-compositing? Sry if dumb, I'm new :^)

Anonymous No. 889560

You already noticed the differences yourself.
>edges of the red part are too abrupt
>color of the underlying material is slightly off
Left is blurry, right is sharp. You rendered it with ideal light and no atmospheric or lens distortion. But whatever you're using as reference obviously doesn't show this fidelity. Throw a blur/smudge/whatever filter on it and you'll be much closer to your reference.

Also, and that might be just my autism speaking, your render doesn't have the same alignment of these red paths. Yours are also too tall. Put your reference as foreground/background with alpha and turn your object so the paths align. No way you're making it similar if not even that matches.

Anonymous No. 889574

Thanks. Alignment should be the same though. Each section has 13 tiles from top to bottom and approx 18 around (altough the source material is inconsistent there sometimes). The red things have a gap of 6 tiles in the middle. The red parts rotate around too.

Anonymous No. 889597

How do I rip player models from Elden Ring?

Anonymous No. 889632

Its not on here yet but try the forums on models-resource.com

Its a free model site for ripped games

Anonymous No. 889633

any good anime tutorial?

Anonymous No. 889636

What do you recommend for beginners?



Anonymous No. 889667

anyone here working as a lighting artist or focusing on lighting ? I have an interview for a lighting artist position.

I create my own environment and just enjoy working on lighting but i don't really focus on it ( like I don't have dl scene that I relighted on my portfolio)

I know how it works in real time engine like unreal, a bit of knowledge on offline rendering but i'm currently working on it. Just wondering what I could learn more or where, doesn't seem to be a lot of ressources online. I'm sure it's more than just placing a few lights here and there. I'm reading up on how light affect performance and how to optimize the scene. I've read a dude saying he had to program light for his work and that scares the shit outta me since i've never done that



Anonymous No. 889678

What is the fastest and cheapest way to do a hair placeholder in blender? Particles or some polygonal stuff?



Anonymous No. 889679

Is this a descend tablet for do 3D?

Anonymous No. 889707

How capable is Blender as a modeler compared to the big boys?

Anonymous No. 889713

Blender IS a big boy

Anonymous No. 889714

Only 2D twinks need tablets.

Anonymous No. 889716


Yeah good luck sculpting with a mouse faggot. ๐Ÿคก

Anonymous No. 889760

Ended up doing it in freecad , will do viz in blender



Anonymous No. 889844

Is there an easier to way to get the resulting topology on the right without doing it manually?

I get the result on the left after insetting and extruding holes, and then beveling them, but I want to get cleaner geo like the one on the pic on the right. I've got a big grid and I don't want to clean all this up and join hundreds of vertices manually, but it's a bit tricky to achieve it with arrays and mirrors due to the way it is set up. So I pretty much want to know if I can have a better modeling approach from the start to get this kind of topo, as it seems there are plenty of different ways to model holes like these.

Anonymous No. 889856

If I buy an old version of turbo cad on ebay, that has the serial number, can I register it?

Anonymous No. 889920

Anybody have a link to a pdf of CGWORLD August 21/ Vol. 276?

Anonymous No. 889922

Are these in english. I dream of that japanese would share their CG knowledge with the world

Anonymous No. 889923

Sadly not. But DeepL and other translators do an okay job at translating. Just have to guess some specific words sometimes.Volume 276 is 12$ on Amazon Japan for Kindle but not sure if that can be translated. So if any anon has pdf I would greatly appreciate that.



Anonymous No. 889945

it's possible with mirrors, you'll have to combine the centerlines after you apply the mirror though

Anonymous No. 889947

increase the focal length of your camera so it actually looks like a far away object.



Anonymous No. 889949

Beginner here: There's a thing I don't understand about static meshes and their topology when making a video game.
Why would it be important when you're going to bake and edit the textures anyway?
Also if it don't deform, why wouldn't you use an automatic remesher on the end result?

Anonymous No. 889962

Cool, I think that's the quickest way to do it.

Also, does anyone know if there's a way with a bevel modifier to get the most inner and outer face loops to be completely flat? From what I understand, if you don't have one flat loop surrounding bevels, shading won't be perfectly clean, I do it manually as well, but I'd like to know if it's possible to achieve it with the modifier.

Anonymous No. 889968

Ok ok, I just found out - 2 bevel modifiers, first one with profile shape 1 to add supporting edges, another one for the actual bevel inbetween those supporting edges

Anonymous No. 889970

How to improve fps when i watch what i have animated.
I alway get 2fps unless i watch is in the no color model that cant see where the eye is looking.

Anonymous No. 889973

What's the best website to get a 3d model printed?



Anonymous No. 889989

Guys I have been using Blender for a while and Im starting to get frustrated now that Ive improved a bit. When I try to sculpt more detailed characters, I run into lots of problems dealing with multires and baking normals, and all that stuff you do to make the character more performant while maintaining detail. The performance drops a lot when as the file gets bigger and more complicated, there are lots of options that are hard to remember and cause me to waste a lot of time trying to solve, texturing is basic, retopologizing takes long, right now Ive got fucked up normal maps with seams showing no matter what I do, the compositor is slow, etc.

Its nice that it does so many things but do you think I should get into the more standard pipeline? My art isnt even so great yet but will it make my life easier? Ive seen real Blender character pros and some of them do amazing things but Im not sure how they do everything so smoothly when I constantly run into issues. None of their characters ever seem very complex though.

Anonymous No. 889991

how detailed are your characters getting? i think i've done 3million tris in sculpt and it runs with a bit of slowdown but i've never used the multiresolution modifier though. You're not sculpting with dynotopo on are you? That'll slow you down.

Anonymous No. 889993

you should never, EVER bake in blender. Use painter or toolbag, if you're too dumb to pirate at least use xnormal.

I started off sculpting in blender and I now sculpt in ZBrush, it's good, I haven't looked back. 3d programs are just interfaces for your art, they can and will be swapped out in your lifetime so there's no reason to avoid it.

The best sculpts are made in zbrush for a reason.

Anonymous No. 889995

Very detailed but the main issue is trying to set the detailed model up for animating and stuff. Not the sculpting itself.

Thanks. I will definitely give those a shot then. Out of curiosity, what's so bad about baking in Blender? I rarely seen anyone do it, guess it's for a good reason, but I saw like one or two Blender pros doing it.

Anonymous No. 889996

change the solid view to textured and select the diffuse in the shader editor

Anonymous No. 889997

no bake groups and it's slow, you can literally get a model in and out of painter or toolbag in 2 minutes with a 4k bake of normals, ambient occlusion, curvature etc.

The other advantage is bake groups, so if you have your filenames set up correctly it'll automatically section them off into groups in marmoset (or bake by filename in painter) so they won't interrupt each other and you don't need to explode meshes, this also makes baking interative, you can just send it back through the pipe if you make changes to the sculpt later and it'll just update without any effort from you.

The usefulness of that is definitely more on the game side if you're doing film animation where you'll have a displacement map that needs to be baked in blender/zbrush but even then you'll have a better time with that in zbrush because blender can't bake UDIMs

Anonymous No. 890002

How do I get bridge to work with blender? I watched a video that explains it and it just didn't work for me
>Tut goes into settings on bridge and adds plugin to archive so blender knows what to do with it
>When I go in settings the same folder is missing despite having followed everything exactly
>Go into folder where it's saved
>Plugin is there
>Make archive with it from there instead
>Now it's just like his
>Except it still doesn't show if I go into settings on bridge
>See the next step because maybe it won't matter
>Activate it in blender the same way you do with every add on
>Maybe the zip will show up in there
>It doesn't
>But the plugin itself does
>Alright I'll do that
>Get error code
>Do it again
>This time it appears to have worked
>Try it
>It hasn't
What the fuck is going on? I seen it said that it doesn't work with 2.92 and then I seen a video of someone using it where they specifically mention using 2.92.
All I want to do is cheat.

Anonymous No. 890003

Thanks, really appreciate your insights. I'm looking up videos on this and seeing some similar info to what you wrote. I guess I'm starting my journey into zbrush and substance now. Yea, I'll be focusing on games and pretty art renders mostly. You have any other suggestion for pipeline or otherwise from someone who has just been using Blender for the past half year?

Anonymous No. 890004

Blender will be fine for most things, just get some UV tools (texel density checker, UV packmaster and UV toolkit are my preferred ones) because that area of blender does legitimately suck.

With substance, zbrush and blender you'll be covered for most problems.

Anonymous No. 890016

enable frame dropping for playbay

Anonymous No. 890017


Anonymous No. 890041

Never mind, I fixed it eventually.

Anonymous No. 890049

It's better that you see for yourself. Try subdividing your work if you think it makes things more detailed, and try remeshing everything if you think it'll save mesh complexity.



Anonymous No. 890070

how do i pull the middle up evenly



Anonymous No. 890072

Which software are they using? It seems that based koreans are not blendlets for sure

Anonymous No. 890073

Please put a NSFW tag next time. Honestly, better to remodel it at this point, lots of fucked up geo and what seems like faces going through each other.

Anonymous No. 890074

Depressing shit...



Anonymous No. 890088

Can someone explain what vertex painting is like you would explain it to a 5 year old?

Anonymous No. 890105

You know how a grayscale texture can be used as a mask where black areas keep the original base material and white areas let the material on top come through? Vertex painting is basically painting those black and white areas on the model with a brush, info is stored in vertices. With that info you can create a shader that will blend between 2 materials based on which color is stored in the vertex. If it's black, that part of the model has material1 applied, if it's white, it has material2 applied.

That way you can blend between e.g. paint and exposed bricks beneath it. Or between soil and water puddle.

Anonymous No. 890133

>not blendlets
I wouldn't be so sure, that green torus looks like the beginning of a donut.

Anonymous No. 890134

Do you necessarily need to learn modelling or anything in the pipeline to do some things? I am heavily interested in animation and VFX stuff but the rest really doesn't attract me
Also would like to know if there's such a thing as platform-agnostic tutorials for vfx stuff

Anonymous No. 890151

that wasnt my question pretend like the geo was fixed unless you dont know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 890152

>explain it to a 5 year old

vertices == pixels

that's it.
what you do with the color information you store on the pixels/vertices is no one's concern but yours.

Anonymous No. 890153

you could just use already premade 3d models and just learn how to animate them. plenty of people specialize in just that. vfx has a wide variety of stuff you might need to do so you should probably look into things more specific to what you want to make.

Anonymous No. 890271

Is there any way to transfer polygroups betweem meshes after zremeshing?

Anonymous No. 890319

what do you mean by pulling the middle up evenly?

Anonymous No. 890322

If am bad at 2d drawing would I be any better at 3d like if I suck at drawing on paper/tablet would that mean am doomed for unity or are they too different

Anonymous No. 890323

Sorry meant blender they are similar I guess

Anonymous No. 890324

there's some overlap, but they're different, being good in one doesn't make you good in the other.
so being bad in one doesn't mean you can't do the other
you'll still have to practice a ton, so pick whichever you like more

Anonymous No. 890331

Ok thanks



Anonymous No. 890377

brand spanking new to blender. How do I stop this texture from stretching like in the red circles? Please help me :(

Anonymous No. 890378

fuck me I clipped the second monitor on accident LMAO

Anonymous No. 890379

>reddit tabs (IDGAF but all them pepe-posting /pol/tards will)
>PCmag - how to take a screenshot.

How embarrassing anon. It's like you walked out the toilet on a fancy restaurant and forgot to pull up your pants. You know, because /3/ is like a fancy restaurant.



Anonymous No. 890394

How do I fix this topology using the Displace modifier in Blender? I've tried using a cube and subdividing it with a Cast Modifier but it still doesn't give good results.



Anonymous No. 890395

Also this

Anonymous No. 890462

any quick or simple way to make skin color texture for a stylized anime character?

Anonymous No. 890472

How important is it to plan out what you're about to do with writing and graphs before you do it?

Anonymous No. 890546

How much can you realistically make as a softcore 3d porn creator versus noporn

Anonymous No. 890548

if you're going into it with a mindset like this you probably aren't gonna make it, you'll get discouraged when it's not immediately successful and quit. The people who succeed in this niche just made what they wanted to see and found their audience.

Anonymous No. 890550



Anonymous No. 890551



Anonymous No. 890559

Wtf how?

Anonymous No. 890560



Anonymous No. 890612


Anonymous No. 890629

I suck at modeling but I'm pretty good at sculpting. Is it possible to make it by sculpting hard surface shit or do I need to stick to organics?



Anonymous No. 890630

should I make a finger with a cylinder? how do i extend meshes while sculpting?

Anonymous No. 890631

if i pirate software and then make a game with my models and stuff, will I be fucked? or can I just say "no I made it in blender?", maybe I can buy a license the last few months before I release the game and be fine

Anonymous No. 890632

fuck right off cris

Anonymous No. 890635

I actually have a question regarding Blender Bros. I bought some of their courses while they were on sale. Is there a way to download their video lessons from their website? I'll accept being blind or stupid as I don't know how/where to download them on the site for offline use.

Anonymous No. 890645

Does anyone have a suggestion for some decent pointy end cap topology? The thing I'm making has a kind of point but I need a better topology for subdivision modelling. Picture a round cone. Subdidivind the tip (capped off with a fan of triangles) makes the shading look like dog ass shit.

Anonymous No. 890646

use modo, it is meant for dealing with this

Anonymous No. 890690

I'm not familiar with Modo, what is it? How does it let you make proper topologised points?

Anonymous No. 890697

Reference looks like the lights are coming from the inside, through the outer facade of the structure.
That's a big part of where the depth is coming from imo.

Theres a gap between the light source and the outer layer of the big dildo.

Yours looks like paint slapped on the outside.



Anonymous No. 890789

I don't know anything about modeling or any 3d stuff. I found this yotsuba model and I want to make it usable in VRchat. So far it seems seems do-able in terms of what I've looked up about painting and rigging.

One problem I've run into is that whoever modeled it didn't separate the sleeves of the shirt from the body of the shirt. I guess I just need to learn a bit about sculpting now to reshape the sleeves?

Am I missing a much easier way to go about this?

Anonymous No. 890792

if thats a high poly sculpt vrchat is going to have a shitfit and not let you use it

Anonymous No. 890795

I learned how to decimate and get the polygons under 10k which I think is acceptable from what I googled



Anonymous No. 890800


Anonymous No. 890802

I'm a programmer, if I want to seriously get into this should I go into a digital arts school? I have money saved up and still in 20s.
I started to get a bit bored of programming while we're getting close to finishing a product and recently picked up drawing again and can't believe how long I neglected this passion. Digital art/3d seem to be the best job wise in art?

Anonymous No. 890804

Are you sure you can't find another model? This is going to really look like shit when you're done.

Anonymous No. 890810

if you're a programmer you should get into gameplay programing and or rigging, both of which arent taught in schools

Anonymous No. 890819

Checked and thank you. Tried for the past week to order from yodobashi but won't work.

Anonymous No. 890832

Surprisingly I havenโ€™t been able to find any good Yotsuba models.

Anonymous No. 890840

So I was doing some Hobby modelling.
Architecture but some other stuff too, mechs etc.
Concept art crap

Anyway some faggot looking over my shoulder said that I was "doing it all wrong" by basically drawing section views of 3d shapes with the grease pencil and placing the sections as waypoints for the modelling of shapes.

My background is building engineering and architecture so 2d to 3d workflow is more natural to me.

Is this cunt just an autist or am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 890848

Can you give a link to the original sculpt? I'm not saying I'll do it, but I want to try it.
You're going to struggle getting any sort of face animation without some retopology, which is creating a mesh with less faces and a better flow.



Anonymous No. 890849

what you man like shape lofting?

Anonymous No. 890850

Here you go:

Also here's a different link with a different type of file, just in case it's useful:

Thank you for officially 100% committing to do this; that's very nice of you. I expect it on my desk soon

Anonymous No. 890853

So I just found this yotsuba model on this japanese website:

The download requires a password though, and the provided password isn't working. Or the characters aren't showing up correctly for me, it shows up for me as ใ‚„ใ‚“ใ ใ‚ใจใงใ€‡ใ€‡ใ€‡ .

Anonymous No. 890859

More or less.
But less technically wordy sounding and more something I just did because it made sense to me

Anonymous No. 890861

Yando ato de______
The ใ€‡ใ€‡ใ€‡ is the equivalent of a missing word.
It's a puzzle
Nips have done a number on you.

Anonymous No. 890862

I found it in the video description:
ใ‚„ใ‚“ใ ใ‚ใจใงใชใ‹ใ™

Anonymous No. 890870

do i need to know how to draw to model

Anonymous No. 890873


Anonymous No. 890880

There's no right and wrong in 3d only good and bad results



Anonymous No. 890897

Yeah, this model is not really optimized, but it's going to look much better. You should use it.
I don't know enough about MMD or VR Chat but it looks like you just need blender to convert it to a FBX file, unless Unity has MMD plugins.

Anonymous No. 890911

Marvelous Designer

I have MD9, I used to use MD8. Its my first time using it again in months desu.

I just wanted to do some quick simming for some clothing but it seems like the elasticity button on fabric no longer exists.

Anonymous No. 890940

I'm not cris, legal stuff just scares me

Anonymous No. 890984

How much better would my life be if I started sculpting in Zbrush instead of Blender?

Anonymous No. 890988

Pirate it and try, this is stupid questions thread not lazy questions

Anonymous No. 890999

But the UI is so painful that I need someone to tell me how much better it would be so I can get motivated :(

Anonymous No. 891003

It's a lot better than blender. You have a lot of very convenient tools and it can handle much bigger polycount.

Anonymous No. 891010

That's still laziness not stupidity, this thread is for education not motivation. If you want it, you'll do it, now get out of my sight

Anonymous No. 891045

in substance painter (the pre-adobe version if it matters) how do i export a mask on a udim which isn't the first? the first udim slot is fine because i can right click export mask to file and it works great. however the other udims just create black textures

Anonymous No. 891046

You create a user texture on the texture set, set it to a solid white or black and it'll export the mask as a texture, also for God's sake get the new substance if you're using udims

Anonymous No. 891050

thank you. i'll upgrade soon(tm), just needed a quick mask i couldn't make adequately in blender

Anonymous No. 891071

you can't use a sculpted model for games or animation because it will be high poly, you can retopo the model so the polycount will reduce



Anonymous No. 891072

is there any way to bridge loop 2 different objects? joining then bridge looping makes some weird wave texture type of bridging, i assume the body has less vertices than the hand or the other way around



Anonymous No. 891075

when i join the objects and bridge loop this happens how 2 fix



Anonymous No. 891129

how do i dress this smart gentleman? can someone give me HAND with this? i really don't want to get aHEAD of myself

Anonymous No. 891133


Just fyi, thumbs curve AWAY from the palm. And the axis of the digit is 90 degrees from the fingers.

Yours looks deformed. Unless you're going for the low dose thalidomide look. In which case, ignore me.



Anonymous No. 891134

Okay it might be stupid but there's something I'm wondering about all these correctly topologized basemeshes and their uses.
Is there a way to get one of these, sculpt a character with similar proportions and slap the correctly topologized mesh on top of the sculpt ? Are people doing this already ?
Or any workflow that resemble this idea?

Anonymous No. 891147

yes sir good morning put the in on the zbrush idea, the topology good the is, done in the morning sir


wat do.jpg

Anonymous No. 891154

Hello lovely people. I'm trying to edit a mesh from a game in Blender, and I have zero idea what I'm doing. I want to straighten out these bump so they're smooth lines instead. Anyone got a guide or something?

Anonymous No. 891155

have you tried going to the library?

Anonymous No. 891156

Sorry, thought 'sq' stood for 'stupid questions', not 'snappy quips'.

Anonymous No. 891160

Yeah, I keep hearing that's what people in "production" in the "industry" do. Not that I would ever know.
Gotta wrap it like a condom, you know what I'm saying.



Anonymous No. 891225

I need help painting 3d textures. I want to create this gradient layer on top of my texture map, but it becomes 'messy' in the process. I tried switching back from multiply to a normal brush and just try my best to blend the colors, but it still ends up being unclean.
How do I create this effective gradient flow for my texture?

I essentially want to paint my textures to make it look like my rough 2d concept on the far left.

Anonymous No. 891244

there's a blender plugin that lets you wrap a basedmesh around a mesh like a baloon, I don't remember the name.

Anonymous No. 891345

The old workflow with the substance launcher for getting materials into painter quickly was just open substance launcher > substance source > pick a material > send to painter/alchemist

You can't do that anymore, with the adobe versions right? I don't see any material library in the creative cloud program, did they just break that easy functionality?
Is there a way to open the substance source inside painter or something now? I feel like I am missing something.



Anonymous No. 891360

You could try going into texture paint mode in the viewport, setting the stroke type to line, switching off "normal falloff" in falloff and "occlude" and "backface culling" in options, making the brush really big and drawing a line in the viewport across the skirt or whatever. For some reason doing it on ortho views creates an artifact around the edges, so do it in perspective mode.
I'd approach it differently though, I'd use a node setup like this and simply bake the result and overlay it over the main color texture. The value under the "divide" node is the model's height.

Anonymous No. 891369

was me first attempt at hand, i just wanted to make a full model and rig and see if there are any issues

Anonymous No. 891384

Sure that's fine.
If it needs to be realistic though have a look at how the joints actually move when rigging.
The thumb isn't structured and doesn't move like the rest of the digits.
It can touch the tips of each finger by bending in a perpendicular axis to them.

It sounds really fucking dumb but when I realised this, it changed how I drew hands in 2d and I finally understood how the hand is structured.



Anonymous No. 891438

Go into edit mode with [tab], change the selection type to "edges" by pressing [2]
Select all parallel corners with [shift+click] (add to selection) and [ctrl+click] (add path leading to that point)
Set the pivot point to "individual" (see pic)
Press [s], then [shift+x] and [0] to scale them down their average point



Anonymous No. 891442

any clue how I can make a shirt with collars that will be able to fly in the wind?



Anonymous No. 891495

>>How do you guys watch tutorials?

Watch the whole thing then try to recreate from memory?
Follow along, inevitably, pause and/or rewind.
Watch for 5 minutes, stop, then recreate.

What's your preferred method and why?

Anonymous No. 891499

wach whole thing, then follow along each section.

Anonymous No. 891505

What software? See if you have a position gradient node, substance painter has one. Otherwise maybe paint it in Photoshop, following the wireframe

Anonymous No. 891565

This is really stupid but I can't find an answer or a way to do it online. Is there a cheap way to mask out certain uv islands for unity or unreal so that I can make a shader that only affects certain parts of the texture?

Anonymous No. 891567

adobe substance painter

Anonymous No. 891571

yeah but like what do I export? Separate black and white alphas with each uv Island I want or can I somehow make them all different flat color on the same texture and use that as a mask by telling unity to only put shit in the areas of red for example?

Anonymous No. 891572

make a clown pass

Anonymous No. 891609

I like to model simple 3d characters in Blender but hair is too hard for me. Is this a simple methods to do not too realistic hair (like a subdiv for bodies)? All I found in YT is too hard (a tons of polygons with manual adjusting or tons of sculpting etc.). I'm very disappointed how easy to draw bodies in 3D comparing to 2D but how hair is harder.

Anonymous No. 891620

curves extruded with a custom profile

yes keep in mind an RGB texture is just 3 greyscale channels and you can do with those what you wish, you could just author this in anything honestly just full green, full red or full blue when you paint for each mask.

Anonymous No. 891631

>curves extruded with a custom profile
Looks like a disgusting tentacles without extra work with texturing and still requires hours of vertex dragging every time when something in model changes. Particles looks better with same amount of work (but there is still a lot of hand styling because hair physics works not so good as expected).

Anonymous No. 891707

Any tips on how to tune the colors of the scene better? My values are good and a black&white version looks nice. It even looks decent and in a PBR range in unlit color-only mode. But as soon as I add color to my illuminated scene, it doesn't look as good for some reason. When I say it like it doesn't make sense. Values themselves look good. Colors look good alone. But put together I don't feel the scene is looking nice.

Anonymous No. 891709

output HDR on a calibrated 1000nit+ HDR monitor

Anonymous No. 891712

Since like 2.8 blender has a filmic color profile by default which I personally hate. Go into the "render properties" tab, "color management", and change the "view transform" to "standard".

Anonymous No. 891713

anon, the entire VFX industry uses ACES

Anonymous No. 891727

has bungie ever released a process on how they design and create an armor set or character like riot does sometimes? I would be very interested in trying to follow their workflow and try to get an internship at bungie

Anonymous No. 891729

343 industries does and they do so really poorly


2022-04-13 12_08_....png

Anonymous No. 891743

How to model a crotch properly? Is the orientation as seen in my picture the right one?



Anonymous No. 891762

Whenever I use clip curve in ZBrush I get this, the dude in the hard surface tutorial I bought literally advertises this as the first tool and has no issues using it like mine has. I don't fucking get it.

Anonymous No. 891764

dont pirate


banshee v0.png

Anonymous No. 891765

hey do any of you would have some good camo texture or maybe some slightly engraved brass texture i could borrow that would let me to make this thing look good

Anonymous No. 891766

anyone who knows what they are talking about have any tips?

Anonymous No. 891777

An you do 3D and audio production on the same PC?

Anonymous No. 891778

yes you just used it the wrong way, you need to drag the clip curve from a certain direction, watch the shaded area of the line, you can hold alt to flip it.

you can see from their artstation posts what programs they use and the concepts they work off, it's nothing special or unique, get your hard surface skills up and go for it, there is an unreasonable amount of resources for zbrush and otherwise hard surface these days.

Anonymous No. 891804

Is it true that you basically have to be a top tier industry rigger utilizing advanced muscle simulation tools and be a great animator to boot in order to make 10 seconds furry porn loops that will get you a following?

Anonymous No. 891807

what is this sketchup looking ass
do actual 3d please

Anonymous No. 891811

Most of the links on the sticky are dead. Is there and updated resource list I can peruse?

Anonymous No. 891842

What's the next step after doing a retopologized mesh? How do I connect it to the sculpt?

Anonymous No. 891853

You gotta do the cooking by the book. Bake a bunch of stuff, normal map, textures, etc.

Anonymous No. 891879

i only have powerpoint

Anonymous No. 891883

>shift + H = hides everything except selected mesh
>alt + H = unhides everything INCLUDING already hidden stuff from other collections

Is there a way to unhide only stuff from a current collection I'm working on? Other collections were already hidden before, but with alt+ H I get everything unhidden in the viewport again which is beyond stupid.



Anonymous No. 891919

So, should I place seams on hard 90 degree angles or nah? Let's say you have a staircase-like cylinder shape, with inset - extrude - inset - extrude going upwards, like a pyramid. Would you place a seam on every edge of the step and have a smoothing group per UV island, or just place them on top and bottom of the cylinder, and one on the side, and then just smooth shade everything with a single smoothing group? What are the benefits of each?

Anonymous No. 891927

I use machin3tools (free) which has multiple levels of isolation and returns you to what was visible

Anonymous No. 891957

Is there a 3D anime model dataset? I've been trying to find one for a project. I've seen some people say download from niconico 3D, but idk how to scrape that site.



Anonymous No. 892056

Where I can get Zootopia-styled character models?

Anonymous No. 892059

Difference between sobol and progressive multi jitter on cycles? Also how many samples do cycles renders usually have? Is 256 overkill for a 1920x1080 animation with a lot of light?

Anonymous No. 892060

Why am I so fat?

Anonymous No. 892079

Because you're cute, post belly



Anonymous No. 892080

>Cris is "trying" to "make" loli porn games now
What the fuck did you people do?



Anonymous No. 892084


Anonymous No. 892089

Is there a repository of roundabout sheets for modeling that aren't furshit?



Anonymous No. 892517

is there a image on this board you guys give to beginners that they can follow from intro to advanced? like this pic rel from /ic/

Anonymous No. 892583

what people here think is advanced isnt actually advanced so any such image would be useless and outdated immediately



Anonymous No. 892591

I'm not much of a rendering person; but is there a way to do PBR in 3DS Max 2016? My work usually looks really plastic-y, but when I upload work to Sketchfab, the PBR materials elevate everything. Is there a way to get an equivalent effect in the program?

Anonymous No. 892592

why are you using a 7 year old version? Are you stealing?



Anonymous No. 892625

How would I go about simulating extreme weather events? I only know Blender and Substance Painter. Can I achieve this with these alone with addons or should I try some other software? My goal is to use these as references for the environment art in my game.

Anonymous No. 892633

is your game 3d? I would just get doing the weather straight in unreal / unity if so

Anonymous No. 892644

Is there any different between making normal map from bake vs Photoshop?
I cant sculpt, but I can draw in Photoshop and make simple bump map, and then convert them to normal map.



Anonymous No. 892645

I figured it out by coloring the darker colors first, then using the lighter colors on top

Also i got another question, how do I create transparent textures in 2.9 blender? I looked up tutorials and followed them but none of them worked. I even checked by rendering but nothing is working ;_;



Anonymous No. 892648

Is there a tutorial for the kind of animation where you have multiple objects for 1 model. Like old-school animations where limbs are segmented and whatnot.

I want to make a game with everything like this, but need a solid tutorial to follow since I'm a 3Dlet

Anonymous No. 892682

It's exactly the same for a non segmented model. Follow any rigging tutorial and apply it. Learn about weight painting and you're good to go.

Anonymous No. 892685

for flat objects or tiling textures it's legitimate but you can't do it on a character really and you're better off either painting height in substance painter or building your tilables with substance designer, neither take that long to learn.

Anonymous No. 892725

thank for the input, but substance painter is too heavy for my laptop right now, gonna stick to photoshop for a little while longer.

Anonymous No. 892824

For characters how high res you keep your maps? I am running into memory problems and will try to downscale non albedo maps to 2k.

Anonymous No. 892828

2k == last gen

Anonymous No. 892829

What's a cool workflow for making video games assets that is not high poly -> low poly. I'm searching for proper examples of modeling in low/mid poly -> (optional) adding details in zbrush -> texturing. Or anything that comes close to that.
Any YT channel/courses/whatever that does that ?

Anonymous No. 892833

forget about zbrush. Use 3dCoat.

Anonymous No. 892841

4k on most map
2k on roughness/specular/normal map, it significantly improve performance and most of the time you wont notice it.

Anonymous No. 892842

Also - Unity games. Clients still require optimizing everything as much as possible. Still using 2k maps. Feelsbadman. Not as bad a using Unity though.

Anonymous No. 892850

Looks cool and all but man I made too many softwares switch this year to add another one to the list.
One the other hand, how's the autoretopo tool of 3DCoat? I might use this if it's superior to the other retopo tools



Anonymous No. 892859

You can do something like that with Blender using the multiresolution modifier, which is like a subdivision you can edit without applying.
But I don't think that will convince you to learn Blender.

Anonymous No. 892913

does anyone know how to make this in blender

Anonymous No. 892922

I'm looking for that extremely primitive 3d modeling software.
It lets you make stuff like shitty looking busses and houses, and it gets shilled on /v/ a whole lot.

Anonymous No. 892933

I have STL files. Other than etsy, what are some good websites to pay someone to print high quality figures?

Anonymous No. 892972

Yes. I don't know how he did it, but I would use a combination of skinwrap modifier to wrap shit like unfilled circle mesh onto the base model and then a wireframe modifier to make it a solid. Also separate edge loops from the base mesh.



Anonymous No. 892977

Do your textures have an alpha channel? Are you plugging it in your shader?
My guess is that you haven't changed the blend mode for the material. Press N in Shader Editor -> Options and pick the one you like.
Also uwu, you're cute, I would totally ERP with you no homo.



Anonymous No. 893128

I'm making a map for my game. I have an array of vertices, I'm raycasting down onto a plane and using the intersections to generate cylinders, effectively making a heightmap.

How do I grab the vertex colors, etc. from the geometry I'm hitting with the Raycast node, and feed them to the shader?



Anonymous No. 893136

I canโ€™t seem to get good renders and Iโ€™ve always felt anxiety at my most time consuming project, making a baked low poly nerf maverick gun. Iโ€™ve spent a year off and off as I tried to make it work, but with the object being asymmetrical, itโ€™s an ass pain

Due to college, Iโ€™ve put off 3D modeling for about a month and my stress has gone down. Is there any STEM careers where 3D skills could be used? Iโ€™m not meant for movies or vidya, but I still want to work with 3D



Anonymous No. 893138

How do you decide which features are too small to model?

I'm working on a furniture piece for an animation and things like seams and stitching are stumping me.
If I use a texture, it looks ok from a distance but I might decide to use this model again in a future project. At that point, this method will fall apart for close-ups and I don't want to have to go back and overhaul an asset I've already made.
I'm only doing animation, no game/real-time rendering is taking place. So I could just model the details as actual geometry. The only problem is that could lead to a dense mesh that might make animation/simulation unwieldy.
Where do you draw the line?

Anonymous No. 893140

I hate to say this but it depends.



Anonymous No. 893144

>Where do you draw the line?
I did something similar a month or two ago, can't find the files now, but I just did this, added a little bit of black to my diffuse texture on the inset edge, and didn't bother with modeling the stitches and left those for the normals. 200 verts won't kill your simulation times.

Anonymous No. 893151

seams should always be texture, displacement if you want it to hold up at close range.



Anonymous No. 893163

That's what I figured. I was just hoping to avoid having to make different versions of an asset.
I was thinking about making as detailed a model as I can and let the render times be however long they are, but then it got me thinking on where to draw the line. What's really annoying is that most organic and hard-surfaces don't seem to have this problem. People, doors, machinery etc. can usually be made from one piece or intersecting multiple pieces; it's the fabric and other objects made from stitched together pieces that have all these little holes, folds, threads, and other details that depress and interact with each other.

>200 verts won't kill your simulation times
It's not the time I'm worried about, it's the extra geometry messing up the simulation's deformations. Kind of like how you have to make a flag paper thin, run a cloth sim, and then add thickness, in that order, so you're not dealing with the two sides clipping through each other; the extra geometry complicates the simulation.

>displacement if you want it to hold up at close range
The reason why I don't think the texture will hold up at close range is because texture displacement looks weird from any angle that's not straight on. Maybe it's just my bad texture, but compare the texture vs source geometry in pic related; ignore the stretching, I adjusted the UVs to get rid of the extra tiles.

Anonymous No. 893166

Depends guy here. For example at that scale even the stitches will look bad if you dont map the individual fibers that make the string. And on and on and on. thats why professional studios always plan their shots before defining production. Maybe by trying to avoid the problem of multiple assets you are creating a larger one. The film industry has already figured problems like this thata why you have someone in charge of making models at multiple scales for diferent shots... imo the same phyilosophy applies for cg. I'm into archviz which would be one of the btanches of cg where you could use the same assets for images, videos and floorplans but even at some occasions I have to use diferent versions of them.

Anonymous No. 893167

The line would be defined by time but thats me I always think on the bottom line when I juggle multiple projects. Remember the pareto principle.

Anonymous No. 893171

Why do so many basic tutorials put emphasis on everything being quads/loops/not n-gons, but professional meshes have sometimes quite a lot of n-gons in them?

Anonymous No. 893188

I think it is a 'learn the rules before you break them' kind of thing

I think, to utilize ngons properly, you have to grasp when they are applicable and when they are not


teleports behind u.png

Anonymous No. 893266

Thanks it worked!
Also thanks for the compliment friend. Its my first OC doughnut steal model.

Anonymous No. 893319

For beginners who aren't good at topo yet, they'd just have a merry time placing triangles and ngons everywhere.

Anonymous No. 893347

Good topology subdivides better. Quads get cut into 4 quads, but not triangles or ngons.

Anonymous No. 893358

depends on what clothes you want, but a good place to start is selecting some geometry, duplicating and seperating it into a separate object, and then scaling it up. then you can model it from there

Anonymous No. 893359

i find something semi-applicable and skip through it until i have what i need

Anonymous No. 893360



minimum pain.png

Anonymous No. 893362

What texture maps do you think a game like Max Payne uses? Diffuse only?
I'm trying to figure out what texture maps to use for game dev purposes and I'm checking older games for reference (so far Fallout 3/NV, STALKER). I'm looking for the right balance between effort required and good looks. I think with only Diffuse + Bump + Roughness maps you could get decent looking results with relatively little effort; it won't look amazing by any means but for an indie gamedev it should be doable. I wonder what texture maps the guy making Peripeteia is using...

Anonymous No. 893365

not really. substance painter is the best for PBR



Anonymous No. 893391

I can't find anything on how to sculpt stylized clothing and making folds. Anyone can help me. Even if it's a section from a course/tutorials, I'll take it.
Same for using the trim and polish brush to make stylized character. I always end up fucking up my character's face and its overall shape



Anonymous No. 893411

how do i get git gud at topology as an intermediate?
im decent and i have good understanding on how things should be, but i feel like a lot is lacking?
can you recommend me a course, video, guide or something else?
rather be directly on a model, being used in practice, rather than abstract example of what if like pic related



Anonymous No. 893412

If I don't have any overlapping geometry, what could cause the bevel of these edges to not happen?

Anonymous No. 893423


Unironically because Maya fucking sucks at modeling. Maya's bevel always break. The target weld tool doesn't work, the inset (called offset here) extrudes flat planes on themselves. Do yourself a favor and use Max or Blender. Maya is so fucking shit at modeling it's not even funny.

>t. started modeling a sword in Maya yesterday, can't even remember how many problems I ran into for the simplest things.

Anonymous No. 893444


Anonymous No. 893469

how bad is it to copy a model you like, eg from a game and edit it?

Anonymous No. 893497


Morally: Not at all if you don't claim it was 100% you.
Ethically: Not at all if you don't claim it was 100% you.
Legally: Not at all if you don't claim it was 100% you and use it for commercial purposes.



Anonymous No. 893517

I have made a 2d silhouette that matches up with the reference image (trying to make a humanoid character) I'm working from, but I'm not sure what I do next. Can someone tell me if this method is stupid for what I'm doing or give me a tutorial link on what I do next?

Anonymous No. 893524

First of anon are you familiar with the different techniques for modelling? Do you know what is poly modelling? Sculpting? Most important have you read the sticky?

Anonymous No. 893525

It's a great way to start learning, but you don't want to do this all the time. There's a point where you need to start making something things for yourself or you'll stagnate, even if your goal is just to have fun editing game models. You're restricting your creativity to changes to things other people have made, and not what you want to make.

Anonymous No. 893533

I know what poly modelling and sculpting are, but while trying to make body shapes of the character with primitives I was struggling to represent the shapes even in an abstract way, so I decided to try it this way (not a lot of experience with sculpting)
I've looked at the sticky before but not in a lot of depth.



Anonymous No. 893541


Yes I've seen this problem with some of my students. There is a first bump when starting 3d modelling that few notice and it is that not everyone is capable of parsing 3d volumes from 2d representations.

That is why the first exercise I've put so many students is to make something only out of primitive to understand how 3d objects are composed of different types of volumes.

You are on the right track I suggest you divide your problem into steps to first understand how a 2d representation would translate to 3d. Here take a look.

Then you can proceed to make a continuous mesh. For that read the sticky on how to get going on poly depending on your software.

Anonymous No. 893543

Thank you for the advice

Anonymous No. 893546

Np anon. I'd like to se you do it. Everyone is capable of complex 3d spacial thinking with the right principles. I've seen my fair share of talented 2d artists stumped at the most basic 3d shapes but that is only because the brain is as flexible as lazy and If you dont give yourself the opportuinity to exercise some other intelligences no advice or tutorial will give it to you.

Cheers and put on the work.

Anonymous No. 893547

Bonus extra. If you make it with basic 3d primitives I'll post a video on how to model that alien bot only after you put the work.


best attempt.png

Anonymous No. 893603

Here is my best attempt at that

Anonymous No. 893614

Yay not bad! Just give me a moment and'll post a video and you will see why why do you need those basic shapes.

Anonymous No. 893616

I see you are using blender. I'll do it in 3ds max but the principles are the same. In the meantime you should watch some blender basic poly modelling videos to get familiarized with the tools.



Anonymous No. 893617

Tips on my video game workflow please. I played with a lot of softwares this year and made up my mind on 90% of them.
> Sculpting: Zbrush
> Rigging/Animating: Maya
> Marvelous Designer when needed for characters clothings
> Houdini for procedural assets
> Unreal Engine for the game engine
But I can't decide between 3DS Max, Blender and Maya when it comes to 3D modeling. I started all this with Blender so it's been a while but recently I started modeling stuff with Maya and encountered some problems that I can see becoming very annoying in the future (Some operations not working and you don't know why).
But I launched Blender yesterday and it crashed on me after only a few mesh modifications. I never tried 3DS Max tho. So what do you think I should go for between these 3? I still need to learn everything UV related so I need to take that into consideration

Anonymous No. 893618

Golden tip: Don't get married to a software. I'm on a lengthy and bitter relationship with 3ds max but the kids (licences, custom scripts, huge libraries and presets) wont let me leave her. You should aspire to be software agnostic. Yes toy can have a preferred software butcthat comes to convenience (is money an object, resources, etc).

Anonymous No. 893623

I know about that, I used to make this mistake and that's what was holding me back when I started but I adopted a different strategy now. I just learn the fundamentals of a craft first with the first software I get my hands on and try out different other ones when I'm comfortable with the basics.
But when it comes to hard surface modeling, I don't know man. For the other fields, the answer became clear on its own after a while of using X or Y software because I enjoyed doing it. I don't enjoy myself as much when doing hard surfaces.
I'm installing 3DS Max at the moment as I'm writing this post but I'd still like some insight from experienced people on this. I'm also tired of trying all these softwares, ngl. I have a respectable level but I want to try to start mastering a handful of these softs.

Anonymous No. 893625

Well for me 3ds max is the swiss army knife for hard surface. All software is well designed overall but with some very complex scenes expect it to crash for no reason.

Anonymous No. 893634

I don't know if I'm ever going to go for complex stuff. For now I just want the fastes/user friendly tools for making hard surface assets for games. I'm going to try it out today anyway and see for myself.

Anonymous No. 893662

does anyone have a tutorial for anime/toon style shader please? everyone kept telling me to use this one but my thing just keeps showing up as solid black.

Anonymous No. 893680


So here it is anon I had an hour to spare so this is 60 minutes on the mark. I asked for you to do the primitives exercise because primitives are the basis of making every sort of mesh ( the helmet starts with a sphere, the head with a cylinder etc.)

I never do character modelling since I'm in arch viz (so bear with me I am not good at this)but the same principles apply:

1.The less geometry you have the more control you have (subdivisions and smoothing will take care of the rest)

2.Always look for symmetries (Why model both ends when you can only model half)

3.Learn meshflow. Avoid ngons and favor loop geometry (for that search tuts into edge loops and smoothing.)


Cheers anon hope this helped.

Anonymous No. 893684

I need your opinion on >>893617

Anonymous No. 893686

I am the samefag of those posts. I reiterate that 3ds max is a very potent hard surface modelling and rendering suite. The modifier stack system is not as modern as the node based system on newer cad software but it is a robust if not more. It will all depend on the complexity of your models because that is only a small part of your workflow and not the end product. You may be killing a bug with a bazooka if licencing is an object.

Anonymous No. 893688

this is a longshot but how do people get that whacky pink/blue/rainbow colour on their unrendered models? i see it a lot in hard surface modeling but have failed to find examples to show here. does it have a specific name? how would i get it myself?

Anonymous No. 893691

Yes it is called a normal channel and it shows the tension of surfaces out of neighboring surfaces on the normal z axis (normal height) you can access it differently in some cad suites or render engines.

Anonymous No. 893692

Forgot to say that Normal channels can also show the orientation of faces in reference to the camera view axis.

Anonymous No. 893694

Thanks man, you're a cool guy

Anonymous No. 893697

No prob anon.
>you're a cool guy
There are no cool people on 4chan you motherfucking piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 893700

Fallout 3 used normal maps (world space) I think Max payne was diffuse only.

Anonymous No. 893744

Is there a specific reason for either using an A-Pose or T-Pose for rigging. Also what is the benefit of using a Star-Pose like in Fighting Games? Is it just to make it easy to weight paint?

Anonymous No. 893757


Anonymous No. 893824

Thank you, but hell man, you didn't need to put in that much effort to answer my dumb questions. I'm appreciative.

Anonymous No. 893860

Nah dude take it as an excuse to practice.

Anonymous No. 893877


I have a good question... Why do people pirate Maya and Max when there's Blender available for free with a better toolset out of the box?

Anonymous No. 893892


Because unfortunately they are the industry standard. I am not discussing the crooked practices of software manufacturers but between large companies the usual go to cad language speaks autodesk and If you want to work in the industry you may want to learn the tools of the trade.

Just check for job postings for large companies and see the software listed.

OBVIOUSLY many large companies do shit in blender and in skp etc etc before someone goes with that idiotic argument.

>better toolset out of the box

Yes if you want to make anime tiddies to post the on sketch fab blender is a beautiful tool but what if you want to coordinate a 3d model between civil engineers *civil 3d, architects *revit and land surveyors *archgis ? Max can do that.

Anonymous No. 893969

What's the best way to manually recreate well known models without ripping them?

Anonymous No. 893988

why can't you rip it?

Anonymous No. 893993

Technically i want to recreate 3d models from released films

Anonymous No. 894017

Find better goals in life

Anonymous No. 894021

if its for porn or something, someone has probably beaten you to it, just pirate theirs

Anonymous No. 894022

i cant find what i want on smutbase and this doesnt help me anyways, because what i do see is poor quality

Anonymous No. 894025


Give me an example and I'll show you how I would recreate it.

Anonymous No. 894027

i need to model, rig, and animate the entire main cast from a 2019 Disney movie and have them be recognizable

Anonymous No. 894028

Your best bet would be to buy them.

You can go the expensive way and buy them or try to search for trackers and leaks of websites like turbosquid.


Anonymous No. 894030

Some models are pretty decent for the price.


If you don't have 14 buck and prefer to spend 3 days modelling a character that would men your time is worthless.

Consider spending a little.

Anonymous No. 894068

wew lad, the amount of blendlets in this thread

Anonymous No. 894070

I know how to use AE/Premiere/Photoshop for editing and motion graphics but I want to learn blender so I can take it to another level (no I am not going to use C4D for AE)

I knew what tutorials to look up specifically for After Effects since I used it before but what should I look up for blender?

Say I want to edit an esports ad and I want to add models of like GFuel or gaming monitors. Should I really just start from the beginning with donuts and I'll eventually gain knowledge on what I need to do or is there a shortcut I can take? Hopefully there are some editors here who use blender that can spoonfeed me.

Anonymous No. 894099

Its almost as if blender is the most accessible 3d program available.

Anonymous No. 894187

Is there any particular type of hardware I should prefer or avoid when I buy a PC for 3D work?

Anonymous No. 894188

dont buy AMD

Anonymous No. 894190

Are they lacking something?

Anonymous No. 894191

you cant run CUDA on AMD and you cant run RTX or DLSS

Anonymous No. 894215


Buy upgrade able hardware (desk pc) and adjust it on the go dependiong on your needs.
Don't spend it all on a single pc. A moderate setup with a small rendering slave does wonders for your workflow and time managment.
Don't buy tn monitors always go ips.
Buy comfortable peripherals not flashy gamey stuff.
Consider an MMO mouse to profit from macros.



Anonymous No. 894229

I found it under mat cap in blender, in the shadings option under the solid mode view. thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

Anonymous No. 894230

Aside from zbrush's free alphas, are there any other places to find alphas for sculpting that are both free and practical (as in something like cloth folds or skin details and not 300 pieces of pirate skulls or medieval flower patterns)



Anonymous No. 894245

What software or method could have been used to make THIS?

Anonymous No. 894258

Isn't that just a triangulated sculpt?

Anonymous No. 894259

could be a sculpt with some automatic retopology


need better rigging.png

Anonymous No. 894298

Can I get some recommendations for a good course / video series going over rigging for character animation please? Pic rel is the humanoid rig I got, which feels a bit clunky to use. Please no Rigify tutorials: I'd like to be able to build my own rigs, learn the full intricacies of rigging and animation, all I need is a course that isn't a waste of time and money. Speaking of, I got no problem forking out some cash for paid courses

Anonymous No. 894317

I've been going through this one, it's really OCD. But you need to learn how to weight paint and quit it with your bone underwear autism.


nico mod help.png

Anonymous No. 894318

Does anyone who has RE Engine modding experience want to help a poor anon out?
in short, in DMC5 there's a nude mod for the character Nico, but no one has made a barefoot mod yet.
I ended up importing the stock mesh from the game (blue) and from the nude mod (yellow) to try and see if there was a way to combine them.

Attempt 1:
>modify nude mesh to only include legs, delete everything else.
>then export as it's own mesh, so I can import it to the stock mesh and just replace the legs
ran into an error with the RE Engine Mesh tool when trying to export.

Attempt 2:
>import stock mesh
>import nude mesh over it and delete everything above the ankles to combine the nude feet to the stock ankles
and when i tried this i noticed the nude mod creator clearly made the legs/calves thinner and butt bigger so they don't line up.

Before I keep trying in vain, does anyone with RE modding experience have any advice before i waste any more time? From the schematic view, i can see the stock mesh separated the body parts and clothing, while the nude mesh just has one for the whole body and a few other parts.

From the dds textures, i can see the nude mod treats the entire leg as one texture which makes sense since i can see a clear divide on where the legs intersect with the torso. I guess to add more information to my request for help, i'm basically trying to cannibalize the nude mod with another mod. it seems like everything has been created already but hasn't been combined in this way.
Program: 3DSMAX 2015

Anonymous No. 894357

Does anyone here use Marvelous Designer? I just followed a tutorial for exporting a model from Blender to MD as an alembic file. However when I try to open it in MD I get
>No Body Skin Controller Failed to load the Avatar.
I'm not sure if it's a problem with the file or not. When I try to open the same file in Blender, which is a file I've never tried to open in it before, I just get an empty in the middle of the screen.
I've tried Googling it and nothing of any use comes up.


nico mod help 2.png

Anonymous No. 894403

I made some progress, ended up making them part of the same group, bridging the gap between them, and connecting the vertices in a way that matches the triangle patterns. however now they look like this.

Anonymous No. 894434

Thanks friend, it's a good tutorial series


genuine pain.jpg

Anonymous No. 894443

any way to get somewhat passable 3D models you can use to practice animating or in an animation demo reel? I'd make them myself but that takes way too much time.

Anonymous No. 894487

No prob anon

Anonymous No. 894489

Yes if you google "Maya rig free"" you'll find a billion

Anonymous No. 894499

object>shade smooth

Anonymous No. 894502

Is redshift considerably faster than fstorm?

Anonymous No. 894516

Whenever I use the image sequencer blender crops the video. How do I get it to stop?
For example it turns a 1920x1080 into a 1920x1072 whenever I try to turn all of my PNGs into a video file.

Anonymous No. 894527

community college and HS are hubs for overconfident noob 3D artists.
the clip curve has a gradient on one side and you have your stroke going the wrong way, so instead of pushing you get pulling. So if you are starting top to bottom go bottom to top or vise versa, pay attention to the gradient on the curve. Has nothing to do with piracy.

Anonymous No. 894529

Hit 3 and pay close attention and look for faces that didn't appear to be in the low poly. Maya is a perfect software and those who think otherwise are inept. You'll make it buddy.



Anonymous No. 894543

I was trying to make a jellyfish from spongebob since Im a blendlet. I can't get the 'frosted glass' look working even with render preview with eevee.I uninstalled and tried resetting factory settings. Even in the material preview window things don't match up even with 0 roughness and 1 transmission.



Anonymous No. 894550

I'm just having trouble deciding if a pink glass look would be better than a transparent look. I wanted kind of neon glow to it while next to sand and some rocks while I made the background with the neon green flower.

Anonymous No. 894554

Hi folks.
Been out of the game for over 15 years, the sticky looks like it might be that old. Several links broken, and it looks like some stuff might be out of date.
I'm looking to start building my portfolio again, but not for any specific industry. I grew up in max, because basically that was all there was. I'm open to learn modeling on blender etc. but first I want to start where I left off, in texturing.
What is the best way to get into this? Is there a good online resource of lessons other than the dead link in the sticky? Is there preferable software to learn in? I wanted to post a bit of my work but it's all been lost to the void unfortunately.
Thanks in advance,

Anonymous No. 894557

get a fresnel node, fuck around with the result using a color ramp and pump it into the emission

Anonymous No. 894558

substance designer and painter, both have good tutorials on their official channel

Anonymous No. 894562

substance suite is awful if you dont have 12gb vram or more



Anonymous No. 894563

Still trying to get things just right for the jelly fish, added some crap so I can get more of a feel for it before I continue to work more on rocks and such but I just have no idea what I want next. Trying to find a way to have it look jelly so it's still opaque? I have no idea what I'm trying to ask for but appreciate the advice.

Anonymous No. 894567

maybe break from the reference and it give it an inside?

Anonymous No. 894623

Do I need to be an artist to make shit in blender or can I just copy references (not from other artists)

Anonymous No. 894657

I would actually increase the roughness, to get rid of the 'mirror' look.

Anonymous No. 894694

Can I get away using texture projection in archviz?

Anonymous No. 894705

What was the shortcut for spliting your Blender viewport into 4 zones, 3 for top, side and front and one freefloating (idk what else to call it) one?

Anonymous No. 894710

Nevermind, it was Ctrl+Alt+Q

Anonymous No. 894712

What is the average time to fully rig a 3D model?
This includes uv weighting as well.
Hours? Minutes?

Anonymous No. 894728

It depend what you mean by "rigging". If it's just taking a premade humanoid armature and parenting with automatic weights, that takes less than 30 minutes depending on how long you need to correct the weights. That's all you need to export to a game engine.
If you want a control rig to create an animation or a movie, then you either go with an automatically generated rig (which is pushing a button) or make it by hand (which can take a while depending on requirements). It depends what you want to do with it, how it will move, how removed from a normal human being it is.

Anonymous No. 894733

>If you want a control rig to create an animation or a movie, then you either go with an automatically generated rig (which is pushing a button) or make it by hand (which can take a while depending on requirements). It depends what you want to do with it, how it will move, how removed from a normal human being it is.
In movies and/or ai-driven realtime zivaRT, you dont use joints to drive skin cluster, you use actual animated bones to drive muscle and fat simulations. You dont use skin cluster in the traditional sense except for a rigid bind for 1 skeletal bone geo to 1 joint.

Anonymous No. 894961

started blender like 2 weeks ago to make masks
what did I fuck up to get these ripples, tried upping the subdivision and changes nothing, so im guessing its the mesh itself



Anonymous No. 894963


Anonymous No. 895041

Have you tried Mesh -> Merge -> By Distance?

Anonymous No. 895068

Yeah many times, removed 0 verticies

Anonymous No. 895100

well I fixed it, deleted the edges and put back exact same ones and now looks fine


do I do this.png

Anonymous No. 895985

I'm trying to create anime girl thighs but I'm failing to make the crotch area (not genitals, SFW)
Is making this kind of shape and then mirroring it a good approach to doing this or should I give up and sculpt it?

Anonymous No. 896037

I recently moved to windows 10. i installed blender, but it won't startup. I get a ntdll.dll access violation error. Windows10, 21h2, newest nvidia drivers.
Things i tried:
>run as admin
>set as a desktop application in windows settings
>updated windows and gpu drivers
>old versions of blender. Current, 2.9, 2.8 and some 2.4 version
>changed settings in nvidia control panel
>use some shady dll from a youtube video, which makes blender startup via opengl. But i get 3 fps navigating in a new project
I'm close to losing it. I just want to create light concepts

Anonymous No. 896055

Holy fuck. Turns out my i had some retarded beta-driver v 473.xx and the latest stable release is 472.98
Ergo: Do not trust Snappy driver install for a fresh windows install

Anonymous No. 896092

where can i pirate zbrush? 1337x torrents look sketch as fuck.
Yes im asking to be spoonfed. Just this time...

Anonymous No. 896112

Just found out i've got a VR headset. Really excited to be an anime girl in VRchat.
Is it viable to find a character model and just modify it? what would be the best program to do that in, both for colors and shape? I've got a few characters i'd like to bring to life.

Anonymous No. 896172

There are many premade anime girls on vrchat.
>Is it viable to find a character model and just modify it?
Depends on body shape of your waifus
what would be the best program to do that in, both for colors and shape?
Blender if you are cheap/don't want to pirate. Will probably find more blender tutorials.
Zbrush if you can sculpt and have a high end pc
Colors depends on texturing which is seperate from 3d modelling. You can use (pirate) substance designer for realistic looking materials



Anonymous No. 896402

Hello dear Sirs. Is this the correct way to add these details? Or rather add new cylinders/cubes?



Anonymous No. 896417

I've imported a model I want to use from sketchfab, and it only needs to be a static background. So what the hell is all these lines? Seems like each object has two separate coordinate frames or something. What do I search to understand what this is? Or how can I remove it and have all objects be 'standard' blender objects?

Anonymous No. 896501

Does it really matter whether you use the denoiser in the compositer with nodes or directly from the render properties tab? Aren't they both the same??



Anonymous No. 896512

A texture that I made, based on a checker pattern, has strong Moire patterns when rendered from medium distance. It's horrible the character moves.
Does anybody have tips for reducing that?

Anonymous No. 896519

nvm, some gaussian blur fixed that right up

Anonymous No. 896547

I've downloaded a bunch of models from smutbase. How do I get started posing multiple characters together in a scene?



Anonymous No. 896621

I'm working on making hair with paths and whatnot and I got into a problem, that being trying to make it into one solid thing at the end
Using the back of the hair as that's the most obvious issue for an example, after turning all of the paths into meshes and joining them, it still isn't a completely solid surface, and there is a lot of overlap. The hair is not yet finished.
Left are the paths and curves I'm using, that's where I work on the hair
Middle is after the joining and shrinkwrapping
Right is hair made by someone who actually knows what they're doing
Bottom image is zoomed in on the middle
Weld and Geometry Node - Mergy By Distance makes it look horrible, and I am not using remesh after the last time I tried
How would I go about cleaning it up?

Anonymous No. 896655

Why don't you do it like the guy on the right did? It's just a modified UV sphere that's been triangulated.
Also the resolution of your curves are too high.

Anonymous No. 896657

Hmm... Yeah, I think that will work for the back, but then there's the front...
I think I'll keep the meshes for the front separate.
Thanks for the sound idea anon

Anonymous No. 896722

can you post an example process I'm confused

Anonymous No. 896812

any online course recs for coding?

Anonymous No. 896815


Anonymous No. 896843

That is what we call a FUCKTON of parented objects. Select all -> Alt+P -> Clear and Keep Transformations.

Honestly, looks good! I'd be tempted to keep them separate if they don't go into the surface, but it looks like those pipes do. Make sure to keep that surface separate from the walls around it to avoid N-gons.

Anonymous No. 896960

Okay I see, could have separated it and avoided the ngons. One thing I discovered though is that if I switch the transformation orientation to Normal having ngons isn't a problem as they stay flush to the surrounding surface.



Anonymous No. 896984

Yeah, N-gons can be quite bad and lead to problems down the line. I would just select the N-gon faces, right click -> Triangulate. The fact that you've kept it this clean is VERY good though, you're doing it right!.



Anonymous No. 896985

First time visiting this board.
I want to get into 3d because I want to make up references for drawing and maybe the odd hour of vidya I treat myself with during the weekends.

My rig can't handle 3d modelling at all. I would need to get a Graphics card but I am pretty lost because it would be the first one I buy.

Any reccomendations? I am not planning to animate anything big or play stupid overpriced AAA vidya.



Anonymous No. 896997

If you aren't using it frequently then it sounds like you want to go budget, but you also don't want to completely short yourself.
If you NEED to go below $200, a 1050 TI is pretty good, but a GTX 3060 / 3060 TI is WAY better bang for your buck, plus futureproofing.

>captcha: GTXNR


i am schizophrenic.png

Anonymous No. 897003

Hey, it's me again!
No matter how many small adjustments I make it seems like the hair is never gonna sit flush
Save for using the Wrap function around the head like my original plan, do any of you have any idea how I could fix this, save from manually and painstakingly manually adjusting it? I don't have too much time
If software is relevant: Blender
Captcha: AVHRT

Anonymous No. 897005

Agreed with this. I used a 1060 6GB, then now a 3060, they do the job well.
If you're not that good at gleaning used parts, then a 3060 new will do, if you find it at a reasonable price.
That's only from the nvidia side however idk how AMD smells like

Anonymous No. 897006

It may be possible to blend the normals together, but I unfortunately don't know how to do that. If anyone wants to answer this one, I'd love to know myself.

Anonymous No. 897007

I don't think MMD is capable of handling normals...
I was thinking more of a direct mesh modification

Anonymous No. 897010

In that case, yeah, you're gonna have to manually touch it up or Wrap modifier.

Anonymous No. 897017

Shrinkwrap it is, I don't have enough time.
I'll keep this saved and as I get more practice I can make version two...

Anonymous No. 897039

By the way, can I bump this question? I still don't have a solution.



Anonymous No. 897042

This is a problem because it messed with the solidify modifier and makes things look ugly
Neither boolean nor merge makes it any better
I have tried a couple different plugins
While I have gotten to the point where every intersecting face is selected, I can't choose to only delete one, and each piece of hair being in a different mesh doesn't help since selecting two and trying won't bring up the actual problems.

Anonymous No. 897050

Have you tried Booleaning the meshes together, selecting where the meshes connect and using Mesh -> Merge -> By Distance -> Only Selected


merge by distance.png

Anonymous No. 897051


Anonymous No. 897053

I spent my fair share trawling through and searching around, every time I tried using something with Boolean it has mostly ended in disaster
I've also tried merging
But... Which boolean, exactly, and how to select where the meshes connect?
Alternately I think I know what keeps fucking it up, so I might set out to quickly re-do the steps that brought me here. Luckily I did save each iteration of the hair from curves to meshes.

Anonymous No. 897109

See >>897051
Boolean is a modifier on the right panel, below the list of scene objects. There are three types. You want to use the one called "Union" which will make the two meshes part of the one parent object, but not joined together

Anonymous No. 897111

I tried working on that solution, but that didn't bring much luck...
I'll recreate it instead, without making some of the mistakes I've made.

Anonymous No. 897113

is it better to buy learning course or just look for a mentor

Anonymous No. 897114

Depends on your learning ability. I'd do good with a mentor



Anonymous No. 897214

Thanks a lot this was killing my react three project. I ended up going through and deleting all unnecessary objects. But this did improve the frame rate.

Now for a new question:
What have I screwed up here? The mesh looks fine from what I can tell in edit mode and every other mode, but in sculpting mode the model look like this all of the sudden.. Where did I fuck up? I've tried to merge close vertices, and it does not work to restart blender. Is it just a visual think?

Anonymous No. 897217

I've experienced similar problems trying to fix my own meshes after fucking that up a bit
Go into edit mode, select all, go into Mesh -> Normals -> Recalculate Outside
I had the exact visual issue except in small doses as I were trying to fix

Anonymous No. 897283

Hey thanks a lot. That did the trick!


improbability dri....png

Anonymous No. 897390

Oh my, it's me again!
I managed to fix the main part of the hair, there is merely one step remaining, and it would be a difficult one.
So if you can glean from the lower parts of the drill where the original path parts are, the drill goes smoothly.
However, at the top parts, where I added new ones by pressing E (and also the selected ones) the corners start getting sharp.
why is blender like this

Anonymous No. 897393

what the
When I had these selected and pressed e to extrude they became round again
what the hell is this

Anonymous No. 897719

could you do a demonstration please

Anonymous No. 897857

how do i make tanlines (on a humanoid model duh) in blender?

i usually try doing it on raw textures in photoshop, but that's a crap way to do it. how do i paint shapes on to a model so that it wraps around the body?

Anonymous No. 897858

create clothes
raycast from normal and bake the differential of the cloths to the body to a BW map
invert the map to create your tanline map

Anonymous No. 897860

forgot to say i'm a complete noob.
know of any tutorials that tell me how to do any of those things?


thing 001.jpg

Anonymous No. 897863

Anything obvious showing that means this wouldn't 3d print, or be problematic?

Anonymous No. 897896

might have to li GMA