

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 889226

How do I fix this shit? The normals looks so dramatically lit around the creases that they make the cheeks look super bony and paper thin when they're not, I don't want this

Anonymous No. 889228

marmoset, child

Anonymous No. 889236

I'm on Blender, shitskin

Anonymous No. 889237

it has a free demo. You have absolutely no excuse

Anonymous No. 889242

Just smooth that portion of the model.

Anonymous No. 889243

Also use Maya you numpty.

Anonymous No. 889245

How does it appear when fully rendered?
I'm probably wrong about this, but it reminds me a lot about what happens when you forget to normalize vectors in a fragment shader.

Anonymous No. 889246


Has a huge fucking crease in the WF...wonders why it has a fucking crease when wrapped.

Fucking retard.



Anonymous No. 889264

>Model is clearly stylized

Anonymous No. 889271

What the hell makes you think it was done on purpose?

Anonymous No. 889275

It STILL don't have smoothing groups?

Anonymous No. 889276


Anonymous No. 889283


Anonymous No. 889285

How do you fix it? What's broken exactly? The model is made that way. If you want to change it then change the topology so it's smoother unless you want to manually edit the normals. But I doubt someone asking this kind of question would be able to do that anyway.

Anonymous No. 889310

how are your uv maps like?
there's not enough information to know since it could be many things

Anonymous No. 889329

>The model is made that way.
No it isn't. There's no way that light shouldn't be able to hit those creases, there's no fucking way. Real world science doesn't work like this. How can one scoop of lamp hit one part of the cheek but not another?

Anonymous No. 889333

show your UV seams

Anonymous No. 889334

And uv texture with wireframes would be nice too

Anonymous No. 889398

reset your normals (Alt+N, then E)
disable cavity shading (viewport shading menu)
might be one of those two

Anonymous No. 889404

>I don't want this
Then why'd you download someone else's work?

This shitskin is decades ahead of you in 3D, seethe and cope.

Anonymous No. 891264

inhale man the flower it fixes problem i did have too but now breath better it was nice flower, doctor will say so man so vist i will send link to it, send message! N4G82