

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 889413

Looking for as many Leslyzerosix base models as I can find. They seem to pop up and vanish just as quickly, and he deletes his old work after a bit so finding his older stuff is hard.

Specifically looking for a Neutral Pose Tatsumaki/Tatsumaki base. There was a screenscap of one of his old Zbrush streams while he was sculpting her in a thread awhile back.



Anonymous No. 889414



Anonymous No. 889415



Anonymous No. 889416



Anonymous No. 889417



Anonymous No. 889418

Anonymous No. 889435

>dogshit dynamesh sculpt
>anatomy looks like something a college student could make
why would you want this waste of bytes on your harddrive

Anonymous No. 889456

Not OP, but...
Because it's what sells?

Outside of film VFX, very few people aren interested in realistic models.



Anonymous No. 889460

Anonymous No. 889461

You sound bitter lol.

Anonymous No. 889487

What exactly do you think is wrong with the anatomy? I think the pecs are bad and I don't like the area around the asis but all in all I would say the anatomy is okay ish

And don't say it's bad. Name actual things. For example I can say that the striations on the pecs when they reach the sternum are wrong, and the pecs don't seem to wrap all the way to the humerus. Then on the asis I think the tensor fasciae latae is vague as if he didn't know how to render it, and it seems the rectus femoris is originating from the asis too which is wrong.
Then the bottom part of the rectus abdominis is bad too because it doesn't split in the middle like that, and the abs are meant to be unsymmetrical, but you could argue that's a style choice.
But all in all these are fairly small mistakes. You say that it's terrible, but I bet you couldn't name specific mistakes.

Anonymous No. 889488


Implying you could outperform him Lol cope harder junior environment artist

Anonymous No. 889489

Would much rather videos rips of him working since he doesn't store past broadcasts on twitch

Anonymous No. 889495

Bro it's just sculpting. Everyone uses the same brushes and works in the same way. There's nothing esoteric about it, it's just practicing and having a solid design to work from. I'm not saying it's easy but I am saying it's simple. Even if you were to have access to his streams you wouldn't be enlightened by them.
I've watched even Pixar sculptors work live and it's all the same thing. They just have extremely solid design foundations that guide their strokes but watching a stream won't teach you that because he won't be explaining them. Most artists are extremely stingy when it comes to teaching the most important stuff.
Even the best guys in the industry use 80% of the same tools that beginners use. It's not Houdini where you have to learn complex networks and toolsets.

Anonymous No. 889501

He's right tho

Anonymous No. 889504

he actually released a basemesh one time, I managed to get it off yiff before the link died (and thenjoy yiff itself)
but then crackheads broke in and stole my hard drive
the mesh itself is nothing special, lesley's work is 90% supported by his 2D composition skills

Anonymous No. 889506

Fucking crackheads man



Anonymous No. 889596

lesley is obsolete. There are tons of nips and changs better than him on twitter. Just follow whatever the fuck he's following.

Anonymous No. 889599

What are some good tutorials for texturing human skin like this
Doesn't have to be coomer focused, but i want whole body not just grizzly old man face



Anonymous No. 889600

Fun 3D character modeling using Blender from Coloso
It's in Korean but there are no timelapses so you can follow along just fine

Anonymous No. 889786

Not valid criticism. To exaggerate anatomy you have to be knowledgeable about to begin with. Also Leslys sculpts are extremely popular so obvious they've done something right.

Anonymous No. 891258

hurry up man it was the cops and with the sword slash! but still hot not face tho, put on the woman hahaha MAPSM

Anonymous No. 891309

Just use your EYES or a COLOR PICKER retard

Anonymous No. 892429


Anonymous No. 892865

Shut the fuck up crab