

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 889446

For me, it's
AYA and

Anonymous No. 889447

TANDARDLETS btfo again



Anonymous No. 889448

i saw this on twitter and i literally cannot stop laughing at it what the fuck were they thinking

Anonymous No. 889490

Wtf is aarn?

Anonymous No. 889491

A thread died for this

Anonymous No. 889494


The person who made those got hired because of her skin color or sexuality.

Anonymous No. 889505

Aarnold obviously

Anonymous No. 889541

anon, we're on 4chan, you can totally call a gay nigger a gay nigger if you want to.



Anonymous No. 889545

Anonymous No. 889552

Max is their best software to date, have some respect

Anonymous No. 889561

that would be Maya if you are talking Vidya

Anonymous No. 889567

For animation (and rigging), absolutely but as a maya user I can tell you that max and blender are way better for modeling.
Maya is good enough, but it's not the best.
Most prop artists in the vidya industry that I know of use max or blender.

Maya is used a lot for characters for some reason, but it's not because maya is good. Most people nowadays have a library of basemeshes that they sculpt in zbrush and use maya as glue to bring everything together. They use maybe 0.1% of maya's tools.
Xgen is used a lot but only because studios want to cut costs and artists just stick with it. Ornatrix is better and it runs on max.

Can you name even one thing that you believe is superior in maya? And don't just say "it's better," but name actual things.
I can say for example that when you're working on modular kits, max's workflow of instancing kit parts from a master shape with shared deformers means you can iterate very quickly on the design of the set. The graphite tools are also better than anything maya has.

I can of course name some advantages of maya, namely
>best scripting API, bar none (even better than houdini's)
>fast parallel rig processing, makes animating with heavy rigs possible
>good animation tools that are fairly intuitive to use, good graph editor (unlike the crap that houdini has), nice qol features like ghosting

But since you said maya is the best software for video games, I'd like to see why you think so

Anonymous No. 889569

not him but quad draw and better UV are why it's popular with CAs, also you know, it's gonna get animated there anyway.

Anonymous No. 889571

Nobody uses maya's uv toolkit everyone is using the uv layout bridge which also exists for max and for every other dcc.
Quad draw is pretty good. I guess that could be a reason but I wonder if max really doesn't have anything like it.

Anonymous No. 889572

>Nobody uses maya's uv toolkit

might have been true a while ago but not anymore

Anonymous No. 889573

I'm speechless.

You were absolutely right. For the Vidya, your point about being used just to "collect everything after sculpting" is true, then they add the mocap stuff for animation.

Shit, imo even Cinema 4D has way easier modelling tools than Maya. Maya's modelling is slow and archaic compared to any other DCC like you said.

Your point about xgen is true aswell. Ornatrix doesn't have that big userbase that spams forums about it, unlike xgen which is built in and free. But it's good hair system as well nonetheless (but i shit you not, i saw hair done in Blender better than xgen. So it's a skill at the end)

Anonymous No. 889576


Maya is dogshit at modeling.

Anonymous No. 889624


CAT is great.


autodesk blender.png

Anonymous No. 889638

Happy April Fool's Day to all you software wars enthusiasts!

Anonymous No. 889648

>I can tell you that max and blender are way better for modeling.
Nah this is just shitty personal preference.

Anonymous No. 889649

prove it.

Anonymous No. 889657


I don't need to prove it, anybody who used maya extensively before moving to max/blender/modo will tell you the same thing.

Anonymous No. 889659


Bevels always break

Booleans destroy open meshes

No modifiers, shit history system

Creates nonmanifold geo on the fly for absolutely no reason

corrupts meshes randomly

No real time array

Edge to curve tool is broken and doesn't work properly on even simple patterns

Target weld too has been broken for 2 whole versions now

No weighted normals tools, none of the plugins work

I used Maya for 5 years and the first thing I noticed when moving to Modo and Blender was how snappy, stable and effective they were at poly modeling compared to Maya. More and better tools for the task, more stable, no dirty meshes, reliable tools, non destructive modifiers, a dream compared to Maya's buggy and unintuitive tools.



Anonymous No. 889660


This is what diversity hires get you.

Anonymous No. 889662

why are people so attached to the software they use? i'm a maya user because i'm not primarily a modeler and i can tell you, the modeling tools are crap and the software is a broken piece of shit for modeling
if i had to be modeling full time, i'd be mad to use maya
it's not an opinion, it's a fact
this guy has the right idea but even he missed a bunch of things >>889659

max for example has modifiers that you can instance and reference across multiple meshes, so you can apply the same deformer chain to all. something like that is literally impossible to do in maya
maya still has no good way of doing opensubdiv and crease sets
yes, it's possible, but the workflow is utter crap
in max you just add a crease set modifier with a user friendly interface, then add an open subdiv and that's it

apparently one of the new features of AYA 2023 is a loft across a curve KEK they're trying to pass that as something innovative, that should tell you enough about their modeling toolkit

Oh and splines, god damned motherfucking splines. Calling them crap is an insult to crap. If you're modeling buildings, whether it be for games, VFX, architecture, splines are the best thing to get the initial shape. Trying to use splines in maya is like trying to eat soup with chopsticks. Their modeling tools feel prehistorical compared to max, and I'm assuming modo and blender and maybe even c4d.

Anonymous No. 889665


No you're just being clueless because you never bothered to use anything else.

Anonymous No. 889718

>why are people so attached to the software they use?

it's not people who actually use maya, it's just a weird expansion of blendlet nonsense. For some reason they only consider something industry standard if it's used for film animation so therefore maya is "the best" for their contrarian shitposting designed to rile up other blendlets.

I use maya at my day job and nobody likes it lol.

Anonymous No. 889739

>Booleans destroy open meshes
Not anymore. check 2023

>Bevels always break
I dont know what you mean by this?

>No modifiers, shit history system
I guess you're new to Maya. It has 'modifiers' and a proper history system. It just isn't all in a fancy UI like blender.

>Creates nonmanifold geo on the fly for absolutely no reason
This is literally a non issue. And can be fixed by mesh cleanup at the end/UVing the model. It can also be avoided by proper topology.

>corrupts meshes randomly
I feel like you're running out of points here so you're just making shit up.

>No real time array
Correct, it doesn't have an array tool. That's one thing it needs. Duplicate special has worked for most of the time when I need to copy something multiple times, but it's a pain the ass to setup properly.

>No weighted normals tools, none of the plugins work
You can create weighted normals but there isnt a button to do it automatically, so I guess you're half right here.

And as with the plugins you need to be specific to which ones dont work??

Anonymous No. 889740

Zoom zoom. I use max, blender and maya. Now what?

Anonymous No. 889741

>why are people so attached to the software they use?
That might be true for blendlets.

I'm not denying Maya is shit. It IS shit. But I'll still prefer it to blender for modelling? Why you might ask? It's because I seem to be much more proficient in modelling than in blender.
I've spent equal amount of time in both blender and maya, and the tools I have in maya are better for topology sake.
it's most certainly missing some proper features. But i'll still use it for most modelling stuff.

Zoom zoom. I use max, blender and maya. Now what?

Anonymous No. 889763

thanks for outing yourself as non-modeler
>I use max, blender and maya. Now what
I can understand your hatred towards Blender (even if it's objectively better than Maya to model in), but if you choose Maya over Max for modeling in any scenario you are either retarded or lying.

Anonymous No. 889784

nice M

Anonymous No. 889797

>I guess you're new to Maya. It has 'modifiers' and a proper history system. It just isn't all in a fancy UI like blender.

I've been using Maya for almost 6 fucking years and it doesn't have a non-destructive modifier system. The history system is useless for modeling and you have to delete it after a while because it chugs your memory.

>I dont know what you mean by this?
You'd know if you used any other 3d app.

>This is literally a non issue. And can be fixed by mesh cleanup at the end/UVing the model. It can also be avoided by proper topology.

I always do proper topology and Maya is the ONLY software that does this to my meshes, and the cleanup tool sucks. I don't need a cleanup tool in Max or Blender. This is a huge issue.

>I feel like you're running out of points here so you're just making shit up.

Try to do subd modeling on a complex mesh, at some point the smooth preview will explode your mesh into a lovecraftian mass of triangles.

>You can create weighted normals but there isnt a button to do it automatically, so I guess you're half right here.

No I'm 100% right. You can hack it but it doesn't work on complex meshes because it forces you to change the mitering to none. In Max/Blender? You just add a freaking modifier and it works right off the bat with perfect results.

Thank you for exposing yourself to the world as a non-modeler. If you really bothered to learn either max, blender or modo seriously you'd see how much of a failure Maya is in the modeling department. Maya needs way more than just an array modifier.

Anonymous No. 889801

It's hilarious that he says that non manifold errors are a nonissue. I've literally spent more time on some models fixing those errors than on the actual models. Eventually I said fuck it, fuck maya, and I learned max for modeling. It's a one way street, from maya to any other dcc when it comes to modeling.
I wanted to learn modo, but I don't like the direction they've been taking for the past few years so I stuck with max.

And when he says maya has modifiers, KEK, just kek. I wanted to write a reply like yours but I just didn't want to bother, why? he's obviously either a mong, or trolling.

Anonymous No. 889832

3d max with arnold suck you can achieve the same effect with the standard scanline shaders and photometric light. Also blender is shit compare to maya even something like uv mapping is shit in blender

Anonymous No. 889833

Max. I need nothing else <3

Anonymous No. 889839

i enjoy modelling in maya

>flicks wrist
>opens marking menu and selects right option in one go
>feels like playing black&white but good
>debilitating wrist pain continues

i always thought the non-manifold errors were because i had accidently flicked wrong or w/e

anyway, i've now graduated to modelling in houdini because i'm into hurting myself

Anonymous No. 889848

>i always thought the non-manifold errors were because i had accidently flicked wrong or w/e
They most likely are. The problem is that they happen to everybody, way too often. If, for example, you flick and you select bevel by mistake and you accept a 0 bevel, there should be at least some warning or something. Maybe like the CAPS LOCK ON warning, in red. Like POTENTIAL NON MANIFOLD so you can ctrl z before the error gets buried in



Anonymous No. 889858

>Improved modelling performance


Anonymous No. 889861

mayabros... im broke and have been using maya 2016 for 6 years... how do i get a newer maya without having to use the subscription shit? even pirated versions install that autodesk desktop manager shit

Anonymous No. 889863

N. Geiger?



Anonymous No. 889879

Anonymous No. 891262

oh man yes I watch the 3 but click the first one the M! man the M! let me know what happens

Anonymous No. 891281


Blender should take notice. It's impossible to use if you're working with nanite meshes.



Anonymous No. 891292

What say you now

Anonymous No. 891365

>even pirated versions install that autodesk desktop manager shit
nobody stops you from deinstalling it
Maya runs fine without

Anonymous No. 891371


Anonymous No. 891590

but maya's performance while modeling was already better than blender's...