

🧵 Where were you when Andrew Price btfo the entire NFT haters (90% of the internet)?

Anonymous No. 889467

Where were you when Andrew Price btfo the entire NFT haters (90% of the internet)?

>I was sat at home watch youtube
>get notification from australian 3d man
>"you're wrong about NFTs"
>millions of people get severe heartburn when eceleb doesn't agree with them

Anonymous No. 889468

I think the world has moved on from NFT's and the passing fad is already over (before it began).

Anonymous No. 889502

Dude made a bad investment and is trying so hard to recoup.

Anonymous No. 889508

Like/Dislike ration and the comments aren't doing him a favor

Anonymous No. 889518


Anonymous No. 889520

anon, i hate to break this to you but youtube removed the ability to see dislikes about a year ago

Anonymous No. 889524

There's an add-on that shows them.

Anonymous No. 889526

the results arent legit

Anonymous No. 889542

If you don't have this man blocked on every platform you are never gonna make it

Anonymous No. 889547

NFTs are already a dead meme

Anonymous No. 889548

His video made me want to do NFTs to get out of poverty on the behalf of richfags

Anonymous No. 889549

The addon shows me a decent ratio in favor of donutman

Anonymous No. 889555

>narcissistic jewtuber who makes a living grifting money from autistic retards on the internet shills for the newest flavor of the month way to grift money from autistic retards on the internet
what a shock

Anonymous No. 889559


people found out virtual art (or art as a whole) doesn't add anything meaningful to their lives

Anonymous No. 889588

>no meaning in life



Anonymous No. 889594

I won't click this shit.
I can't stand the faggotry around NFTs either, not involved in that faggotry but I bet he's just really salty because he was unable to cash in on that bullshit.

Anonymous No. 889602

he's PRO nft why would he be salty

Anonymous No. 889603

oh wait lol this is a different video. i watched his old one not this

Anonymous No. 889612


Anonymous No. 889650

All youtubers are grifters though

Anonymous No. 889720

His whole vid was about the fact that digital art has a worth and yes pretty much everyone with a brain disagrees the fact just is that there is no reason for it to be on the Blockchain, the only argument for it is that it is decentralised but how is it decentralised if the images are saved on a single server and if it goes down you have a worthless token. If this site had a database where you could trade the ownership like you would trade nfts it would be the exact same and would get people to use shitcoins for transactions.

Main argument isn't digital art ownership is dumb, it's nfts are dumb.

But ah yes let's introduce a speculative market into our games.

The only projects realy using images stored on the Blockchain look like shit because they don't have enough data to work with. Also it introduces a high worthless paywall for upcoming artists

Anonymous No. 889728

Only idiots invest in digital shit.

Anonymous No. 889761

I honestly feel like I am missing a big wave by not getting into NFTs at least a little, as someone who has a steady archvis job but has enough free time to do my own shit at home..

I missed crypto, I am always gonna regret not listening to my cousin about it like 8 years ago.
Can't hurt to get in right? Just make some shit and put it on a marketplace see what happens? At least to understand it for the future?

Anonymous No. 889762

If you wanna get in a pyramid scheme you gotta be in there from the start to 'win'.
Now that ship has sailed and it's just a question of what dummy is left holding the bomb they've been throwing between themselves when it goes off.

Even if I had a Delorean with a Fluxcapacitor I'd join neither NFT's nor crypto mining.
If you're the kind of person that have to be able to look yourself in the mirror you can't be into harmful scams even if you profit from them.
Honestly I have more respect for drug dealers and prostitutes than I have for crypto bro's.

Anonymous No. 889765

Like in the art world, it's not about the actual art. It's about the hype and history surrounding the artist. Beeple was already well known before that giant auction, but he spent over a decade building his reputation.

Anonymous No. 889841

its 7k likes to 3.6k dislikes :Bruh:

Anonymous No. 890180

>You're wrong that a scam is a scam.



Anonymous No. 890255

It also helps when a billionaire that needs his money laundered, calls you and says make your art an NFT and I'll bid on it bro, Then just gives you 69 million. Its not like there are rich investor cg art lovers out there who cant wait to buy your png.

TLDR you're ngmi unless you want to help launder money, then you will be rich

Anonymous No. 890617

>>"you're wrong about NFTs"
Is this why his videos stopped showing up ?

I looked into making and selling my NFTs to retards however it is literally a scam for you to pay money to magic people and buy crypto from them for magic gas prices.

NFTs are a scam on the buyers and the artists it literally benefits crypto retards only.

Anonymous No. 890618

>Only idiots invest in digital shit.
Based, digital is worth nothing go physical.

Anonymous No. 890619

>I missed crypto, I am always gonna regret not listening to my cousin about it like 8 years ago.
LOL. And how many of these people managed to pay out their crypto into real money ?

The entire ecosystem is full of scams.

Anonymous No. 890655

More people need to know about the $69 mil beeple auction and the b20 token he was involved with. Once you start to unpack that you'll start to understand the actual game that's being played.


Anonymous No. 890656

QRD. Now.

Anonymous No. 890673


It's actually interesting how nfts were conceived. Take a peice of digital data. Find a way to attribute a property to it that requires no additional data or work. Decide on "ownership status". Sell certificate of ownership status to retards, under the impression that being the certificate holder means anything, and that mad cash will be made by reselling to other retards down the line.

You might as well just start selling certificates to each property or meta data section of all your jpgs. Here are my prices:

>pixel length 10,000$
>pixel width 20,000$
>resolution 12,000$
>name 100,000$
>date created 15,000$

You get my point.

Anonymous No. 890680

there's nothing wrong with nfts. people are just dumb and getting scammed because they think they will make money on them

Anonymous No. 890681

>Take a peice of digital data. Find a way to attribute a property to it that requires no additional data or work. Decide on "ownership status". Sell certificate of ownership status to retards, under the impression that being the certificate holder means anything
how is that any different from selling physical art?

Anonymous No. 890683

>And how many of these people managed to pay out their crypto into real money ?
what year are you stuck in, grandpa? did missing out on crypto damage your noggin or have you genuinely convinced yourself that it's some elaborate scam that millions of people play along with?
I live in a second world country and 50 year old boomers are buying and selling crypto on apps like coinbase

Anonymous No. 890688

fuck beeple. He went from being a respectable humble artist to a fucking moron making ugly political commentary shit.
Doesn't surprise me he fucking sold his soul as well scamming people.
Lost as respect for the guy

Anonymous No. 890689

>I live in a second world country and 50 year old boomers are buying and selling crypto on apps like coinbase
lmao, boomers are at least 70

Anonymous No. 890701

yeah no, everyone over 30 is a boomer
hit the grave, grandpa

Anonymous No. 890703

>kids today think millennials are boomers.

Anonymous No. 890754

>and 50 year old boomers are buying and selling crypto
LOL in 2022 this means nothing, they are not making any profits. This is why crypto fags are laughed at getting crypto will not make you super rich now.

Anonymous No. 890755

>yeah no, everyone over 30 is a boomer
Zoomers are retards and need to be genocide away !

>>kids today think millennials are boomers.
Welcome to why everyone hates zoomers.

Anonymous No. 890757

>there's nothing wrong with nfts.
I send you a free NFT with a virus....
All your crypto belongs to me now.

Anonymous No. 890805


Anonymous No. 890812

Forgetting the scamming, the wash trading and even the monetary aspect of an NFT and the concept itself is interesting considering digital art, think of it like a physical original or like non-reclipatable DNA and right click save as simple forgeries or simply copies then it’s really a bad concept in itself, a “decentralised” database determining an original digital piece of art, but if it were to be truly decentralised (pipe dream) you know what would be posted…

Anonymous No. 891246

why is it everyone knee jerk reaction to call bitcoin and nfts scams, it hurts my brain so much

Anonymous No. 891447

>dude buy my monkey picture
>why should I?
>it'll go up in value buy it from me, quick
>why don't you just hold onto it then? You'd make more money holding onto it
>no, no, no, just buy it from me, you're gonna be rich
>again, why are you selling it to me if for so cheap if it's bound to be worth so much?\
>fuck you, I'm selling it to someone else
>ok then

Anonymous No. 891448

Pretty much this, intrinsic value is a bitch and inflation is making everyone utilitarian.
Sure people will spend cash on comissions and art, but NFT's are a forced meme that are now being pushed by corporations to edge in on crypto and abuse the stupidity of normies.

Anonymous No. 891475

NFT is good for good artists in theory, but all the crap it created because of the hype is just pathetic

Anonymous No. 891742

If I buy this monkey, I can show it off in my metaverse mansion! I'll be ballin in the metaverse! Where I'll spend all my time, because everyone in real life hates me.

Anonymous No. 891746

why would it change in the metaverse ?

Anonymous No. 891749

NFTs are being pushed by people who are salty they missed out on crypto

Anonymous No. 891751

crypto is a scam / pyramid scheme

Anonymous No. 891761

In the metaverse, nobody will know about my criminal history.

Anonymous No. 891843

you assume you wont have "Social Credit Score" by the time MetaBerg isnt operational.

Anonymous No. 891866

no one uses facebook / meta anymore. It is irrelevant

Anonymous No. 891989


Quality content as always

Anonymous No. 891990

he's a scam "artist"

Anonymous No. 892004

You can still make better money trading stocks and crypto than you ever will in archvis. You haven't missed anything. If you get into it take it seriously, don't treat it like buying a lottery ticket at a gas station.

Anonymous No. 892006

Not sure how that works, since if you are buying an nft the money is already converted out of cash.

Anonymous No. 892071

They destroyed him in the comments with facts and logic. Try reading them.

Anonymous No. 892102

as nft bro this is the worst thing that could happen, getting more people into NFTs means more competiton

Anonymous No. 892212


NFTs been around for years and years now and so far they have been a complete failure in mass adoption or even ability to explain themselves to a wide population.
If he made this video few years ago he might have had a point, but if anything NFTs are more ridiculed by the month and outside of a curiosity they have yet to make a blip on the publics radar.
He has the point about monetizing art being hard in digital era, but this sure as hell isnt a solution, this system has no future proof security and so far there isnt a hint that it has any future.

NFTs are known for being a joke and nothing more, and NFTs owners are seen as fucking morons, which they are.
Maybe, maybe in 10 years the situation will be different, but if thats the case and NFTs will become the norm the overpriced ones from now will tank in value, so like many early adopters its not worth getting into it. This isnt shitcoin, people dont buy in into your NFT increasing the money invested into it, the only person putting money into the NFT you have is you, once, and rest relies on any brand recognition of the artist behind it.

Anonymous No. 892391


Anonymous No. 892392

You're a child. Its not accurate. Get over it

Anonymous No. 892397

>>or just buy the NFT to support the art and artists you like

you peasant