

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 889493

How good are you at mapping UVs, /3/?

Anonymous No. 889550

Good enough

Anonymous No. 889582

What do you want to know?

Anonymous No. 889586

good, it is really relaxing for me too

Anonymous No. 889590

Kinda shit, but I'm starting to get a feel for it as I model more challenging stuff

Anonymous No. 889623

As good as I'm able/willing to spend time on it. I'm not great at UV mapping, but I know how it works.

Anonymous No. 891171

very good and you? :wink:

Anonymous No. 892075

I just mark seams and unwrap in blender, then import into rizom, optimize and pack and then import back into blender

Anonymous No. 892320

Redpill me on packing tools.
Are they worth it?

Anonymous No. 892324

you just cut the model down into basic shapes and then UV unwrap each shape individually. it's super easy but grabbing edges is the tedious part

yes if you make super complicated models

Anonymous No. 892368

>Are they worth it?
I am currently working on a spaceship consisting of 570 single meshes, unwrapped on 35 UDIMS.
Without a packer I wouldn't be able to do this project, it would have killed all my motivation. Unwrapping 570 pieces is bad enough...

Anonymous No. 892370

Why do you need textures for all of it? Why can't you do most of the parts procedurally?

Anonymous No. 894397

Anyone know good learning resources for UV unwrapping?
I want to learn more about placing seams correctly.