

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 889503

>Every time Blender is updated the tranny devs change shortcuts and menu locations
>Can't follow a single tutorial because nothing they do matches my UI
Why don't they want people to learn this software?

Anonymous No. 889637

This is infuriating and the main reason why I switched to Maya

Anonymous No. 889640

In your case it's not the tranny devs changing menus for no reason, but that you're too dumb to find the blender general and you post frogs.

Anonymous No. 889641

I can't remember a single time this happened post 2.8 update

Anonymous No. 889647

You can use old shortcuts and search for options whenever you need it by enabling the F2 addon in preferences.

Anonymous No. 889684

>you can do it by jumping through hoops!

Anonymous No. 889687


They're just looking at reasons to complain. I wonder if they're still on their 2014 version of Maya since they've made entire menu changes in every single version until 2017-2018.

Anonymous No. 889699

If clicking two buttons to change a setting is too much for you I seriously recommend something else outside 3D

Anonymous No. 889705


Anonymous No. 889719

>blendlets defend this bullshit for free

Anonymous No. 889730


Maya did the same, even worse during the 2015-2018 versions and guess what? People with a brain got used with the changes and I'm doing the same with blender. If you can't get used to a few little changes here and there you'll never make it.

Anonymous No. 891252

again use the blender if not hands man!, chill the peppers first why is it so difficult to swallow, itwas man hand?! try again, it was software so i did not graduate. HJSYS

Anonymous No. 891875

2.79b 4 eva

Anonymous No. 891983

and the fact I hate 2.8+ ui looks like a cheap mobile app

Anonymous No. 892024

Would be stil using that too if It had the Shadow termination offset

Anonymous No. 892035

I just started learning Blender and have no idea why these freeniggers thought making a completely different control scheme from every other software would benefit anyone.. I have to use the "industry standardized" preset just to be able to move around in the viewport. Bravo.

Anonymous No. 892037

you must create nothing or absolute dogshit results if you're still using 2.7. So many features have come since then that's improved the program as a whole.

Anonymous No. 892040

>using the ui
>not calling all operations from the python api


Anonymous No. 892041

>not learning blender on the sanic gofast ui pre 2.5

Best the UI ever was, tho I will admit new features outweigh it. If you knew what you were doing it felt like flying.

Anonymous No. 892043

Roleplaying as an ex-blender user I see. The only time this actually happened was 2.79 to 2.8

Anonymous No. 892506

doesnt change the fact that its gay



Anonymous No. 892752

Reminds me of a program I won't name. The author changes the export format with every version, so if you save a file with a newer version of his program you can't use it in earlier versions. This also means that importers made for programs like blender will not work unless you know what he did and update the script's binary handling to properly read the file.

Anonymous No. 895271


Anonymous No. 895277

I don't use blender anymore.
Mudbox + Maya + Max does it for me.



Anonymous No. 895557

Why mix Maya & Max?
I'd only use Max for purely architectural shit, but any time we work on characters, creatures or props we go with Maya

Anonymous No. 895559

thanks for the contribution, goyim

Anonymous No. 895561

Umm, chud. Did you just call that poster the g-word? Are you antisemitic by any chance? God you chudlets are disgusting bigots.