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Anonymous No. 889898

How do I train myself to have good workflow? Keyboard shortcuts and such.

Anonymous No. 889901

By doing shit.
You'll come to the realization of
>"Stupid fucking shit! Do I really have to fucking use that dropdown menu every single time???"
It will make you find better, faster ways, just for the satisfying reason of telling the program that you've found a better, faster way, that there's nothing that the program can do about it and that it can go fuck itself.

Anonymous No. 889976

basically this guy.

It boils down to practice.
A good workflow is only developed with enough practice you know how to quickly solve shit.

But I can still make some tips.
Master blender modifiers, you can easily use them to generate quickly a basemesh.
By example, a cube with a multiresh modifier set to 1 subdivision easily creates a sphere with a nice topology that can works as the base of a head.
A bevelled cube easily creates the shape you need for things like a shape, a mattress, a body chest, a treasure chest.

Learn also to use the shift + A and use the creation options like adding a circle and then changing to 8-12 vertex in the options.
But it all boils down to practicing a lot and discovering shit.
You need to be more specific for me to give a proper meme tips answer.

Anonymous No. 891180

Sometimes I use a controller, depending on the game sir.