

๐Ÿงต I don't wanna watch your youtube tutorial.

Anonymous No. 890086

Watching these video is the worst way to teach anything, give me fucking text and image so I can take my time, and everything is clear, I can skip parts I know, and I don't have to listen to your faggot voice.
Youtube tutorial, what a fucking joke!

Anonymous No. 890087

There's plenty of online articles on sites like 80lv and gamesartist you can read

Anonymous No. 890112

The biggest problem I have with YouTube tutorials are the fuckin American wankstains who think they'll become famous from their videos. The ones that take 30 fucking minutes to explain something that really only needs a 2 minute explanation, or those who fuckin repeat the same shite every 5 fuckin minutes like we're all brain dead fuckin retards, but the single most annoying Americunts on YouTube are the annoying as fuck waving hands cunts, every single word is accompanied with some form of fuckin hand gesture, who does that IRL? NO ONE, so fuckin stop it.

Anonymous No. 890115

Why does everyone need hand holding? I learned by doing. Trial and error

Anonymous No. 890121

This could have been you, Cris



Anonymous No. 890173

>tutorial about how to use an addon
>starts with how to enable addons



Anonymous No. 890190

>when the faggot doing the tutorial feels the compulsive need to have his face somewhere in the frame
I fucking hate this trend.
It's even worse now that its spilling over into the video essays channels I watch. I don't give a fuck about you, or what you look like. If it doesn't have anything to do with what you're trying to demonstrate or convey, your I don't need to see your fucking face. We're not friends.

Anonymous No. 890198

The idea is that most people are not autistic and therefore seeing someones face and body language makes it easier to follow, esp if the tutor is a good
communicator that is highly animated.

In video all the non-verbal cues that are present in natural communication can be employed to emphasize words with hand signals, a raised eyebrow or grimace.

Anonymous No. 890266

>this cope
it's narcissistic self-obsession and nothing else.

for what you say to actually make sense youtubers would need to adopt the newscaster/weatherman format, where they are superimposed over footage they gesticulate over to better convey the point across and especially look straight at the fucking camera.
when you're just sitting in your chair moving your mouse and looking sideways at your screen, your ugly mug is only a distraction that takes up space to satisfy your military-grade ego.

Anonymous No. 890325

Well I dont wanna go through the 10x more time consuming progress of digesting and distilling my knowledge into "text and image" only so your retarded ass can still not get it and ask stupid questions. I make videos and those smart enough will thank me, those who arent should go back to the basics.

Anonymous No. 890361

>those smart enough
Ah yes, Pajhreet Mashulaham

Anonymous No. 890566

you can get the script from the video , from youtube I think