

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890089

Give me something to do for practice. Nothing too complex, I’m relatively new and kinda suck

Anonymous No. 890091

Practice thinking for yourself.

Anonymous No. 890092

Easier said than done. Anything I try purely from scratch always comes out shit. Im not skilled enough to just pull something out of nowhere yet

Anonymous No. 890099

Open a random location in streetview and try to recreate (part of) it.

Anonymous No. 890429

>890089 The rounded binary form of digits
also just sketch a funny man on paper and model that

Anonymous No. 890809

make me a small ship in a bottle please

Anonymous No. 890858

Maybe try modeling a stylized shoe, loafers might be your best bet.

Anonymous No. 890866

Isn’t that what every beginner faces? You might’ve improved without noticing it. Try redoing an old project and see how it turns out

Anonymous No. 890889

Make that picture.

Anonymous No. 890917

Make an AAA character with reality-near skin textures

Anonymous No. 890919

make penis and run cum simulation



Anonymous No. 890920

I just wish there was a topology course that would give you meshes with bad topology and ask you to fix them.

Anonymous No. 890924

That's actually pretty genius. Go make it and get the big bucks

Anonymous No. 890929

You can make your own meshes with bad topology for free, Boolean some shit and convert it to subd



Anonymous No. 890939

Make the orange bird.

Anonymous No. 892348

>Turne the beach version of the 4chan wifu 3d
>Take asome random music cover and turn it 3d
>take random screen shots of movies (perhaps some memed ones like Vincent and the nigger from Pulp fiction) and make it in 3d

OP, you are eather dumb or lazy not to come up with such grat ideas
We both know you won't do shit anyways

Anonymous No. 892398
