

🧵 Unreal Engine 5.0.0 released

Anonymous No. 890258

It's finally here.


The city assets from the Matrix Awakens demo are also now freely available for all UE5 users.


Anonymous No. 890260

judging from your op pic, it doesnt look very realistic


unreal mannequin.jpg

Anonymous No. 890262

New Unreal Mannequin.

Anonymous No. 890272

>You see that mannequin?
>You can FUCK it!

Anonymous No. 890274

watching the announcement video was a let down. i guess it's cool what they showed with realityscan and nanite, but the video game part was just awful. didn't show how the modular asset was built, probably because a fuck ton of work in bp

Anonymous No. 890279

They have two separate videos about creating the Matrix city.


This Tape Deck is....gif

Anonymous No. 890283

Straight from UNREAL
fuck off offline renders

Anonymous No. 890284

eevee looks better. Embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 890286


Yeah sure thing autodesk shill. Even blendlets wouldn't say something that stupid.

Anonymous No. 890288

what the f

Anonymous No. 890301

i will never ditch them

Anonymous No. 890328

Wait really? Show me pls sir

Anonymous No. 890329

ha, goteeeeem!

Anonymous No. 890339

> Hype
> Hype
> Hype
> More Hype

Anonymous No. 890350

>>time to learn Unreal

Anonymous No. 890353


Anonymous No. 890368

I donk't know. Like every software ever, is it worth it to develop on something this new ? No

Anonymous No. 890372

Equals trash

Anonymous No. 890387

Is Lumen still slow as fuck at propagation? Can I turn a light on an off and have the changes happen immediately or do I still need to wait a year for the speed of light to catch up?

Anonymous No. 890389

Did it come out of early access? Last time I used it it was a bloated, laggy piece of shit with broken features in it, (e.g painting foliage would cause flickering bugs) and so on that I didn't bother to use it and stay with 4 for a time instead.

Anonymous No. 890399

why is everything so SOULless nowadays

Anonymous No. 890422


Anonymous No. 890424

So can it run on mobile yet ?

Anonymous No. 890425

if im modelling an interior, should the walls not be a single face?
as the light seems to leak though in unreal but is fine in godot for example?

Anonymous No. 890426

that's because UE's lightmapper is ass

Anonymous No. 890428

>This Might Make me Wanna use Unreal Engine Again instead of Unity Engine
>Oh Thats Right Unreal has performance issues well i mean hey who cares i have a better gaming laptop now unlike my old gaming pc
>Well time to use the new Unreal Engine 5 and see if Unity Engine is still relevant

Anonymous No. 890430

>I use Unreal and Unity More For Creating Games Using C# or Blueprints or C++ not for rendering things



Anonymous No. 890435

I wont go back to Unreal even if you pay me, it's a giant mess, everything is fucking complicated, anything take months to figure out, interface is still the same fucking mess.
Unreal: Just place sun, skybox, atmosphere, skylight, and this and that, and just spend 3 days (I'm generous) figuring out how the fuck this fucking mess of light system work.
Unigine: Open the scene.
Unreal: Just spend 3 weeks making spaghetti code that give you ugly, optimized cloud. B_but you can buy it on the store for only 50$
Unigine: Place the cloud.
Unreal: Just use this nonsense resolution, just waste your time trying to figure out how to import and configure everything. Want the change anything, like size ? Just go trough the whole process.
Deform Terrain at runtime?
Unigine: Import your terrain.
Terrain Material:
Unreal: Just spend 3 fucking months trying to make a descent terrain material with spaghetti blueprint, want tessellation? Triplanar? that's another 3 month sir.
Unigine: Create the material.
Unreal: Just compile from source something that only produce good result for cartoon mesh, and you probably can't use UE5, sorry not yet compatible sir, use fucking billboards.
Unigine: Press "create the impostor".
Unreal: Just go trough these fucking spaghetti bp to create any fucking material, no consistence between materials because you have to create everything yourself resulting in a giant mess.
Unigine: Use material library.
Unreal: What? Vehicle? Sir, this is a hardcore fps engine, we don't make vehicle, use our 10 years old, crappy system, that work only for 4 wheels.
Unigine: Use wheel joint.
B_but you can buy it on the store for only 50$, 50X7 = already spend 350$ for basic stuffs that come for free in Unigine (with Unigine support, mean you can access it in the API).
It is OK if you have a team of at least 10 people, otherwise you just simp for Unreal, buying shit on their store, then pretending you're a game dev.

Anonymous No. 890437

>Deform Terrain at runtime?
Oups messed this part, but you get the idea, yes you can deform terrain at runtime in Unigine, you can even have different resolution of terrain at different part of the terrain, it's like magic.
Meanwhile UE cuck: B_but you can buy it on the store for only 50$

Anonymous No. 890448

I'd almost meme with "based unigine retard getting filtered by ue", but you're right. Unigine seems comfy from what I've seen playing with it. But I already learned unreal the hard way and Nanite and Lumen are great now, so there's no way I'll switch. Not to mention all the job opportunities, people who know how to work with UE are sought after all the time. I also have a lot of time developing games in Unity, but I still hate its art pipeline so I kinda gave up on it as well, at least until maybe I decide to make some game again.

Anonymous No. 890452

You sound like a newbie who scratched the surface and gave up, have you sold and released a single game with your better engine?

Quixel megascans is the answer to the Uniengine's material library. If you easily quit things when faced with one tough issue, then you'll only learn how to quit.

Anonymous No. 890453


Anonymous No. 890458


So basically you're too retarded to learn anything.

>Unreal: Just go trough these fucking spaghetti bp to create any fucking material, no consistence between materials because you have to create everything yourself resulting in a giant mess.
Unigine: Use material library.

You create one master material and then use an instance in which you can drag your texture samples very quickly. Don't blame the tool for your lack of brains.

Anonymous No. 890494

It's totally fine, the less faggots using Unigine, the more I'm happy.

Anonymous No. 890580


You're the massive faggot friend. You complain about spaghetti material nodes and yet Unigine implemented it too due to user requests. You don't need spaghetti code for any material, you create one master material for every type of asset (not for every asset), you turn your texture inputs into parameters, you create an instance and voilà, you have your brainlet material in which you can drag and drop your textures.

Anonymous No. 890650

UE games have been running on mobile chips for a long time, what's your point?

Anonymous No. 890652

you can run rtx and lumen / nanite on mobile chips? Sheeet

Anonymous No. 890653

i don't know why this made me laugh so much. fuck you.

Anonymous No. 890658

Yeah yeah but C++ tough

Anonymous No. 890687

this. you never ever want to use c for games...this is why must unrealshit is (fugly) tech demos not games...

Anonymous No. 890707

Agreed. I haven't even once seen floating text irl, let alone a transparent flying logo.

Anonymous No. 890708

i think he was talking about the buildings and the sky

Anonymous No. 890712

Deosn't Unity use C#?

Anonymous No. 890713

Doesn't Unity use C#?

Anonymous No. 890714

it does, but its much better for game development than C++

Anonymous No. 890716

I'm still too new to know but I'm starting a project in Unreal 4 so is it worth it to switch right off the bat to UE5 or is it still too new/unstable to developa project on it?



Anonymous No. 890717

Come on now

Anonymous No. 891825

Use Unity Engine Instead not only is it better for your pc performance and not Only is Unity Engine Not Retard unlike Unreal Engine but Unity Engine uses C# which is easier then C++ and is much better for game devlopment and the unity engine has more assets and unlike Unreal Engine where C++ is never used because of performance reasons and Unreal Engine barely has much C++ support and you are gonna probs never make a actual game in unreal your most likely going to just use marketplace assets as most unreal engine devs do because the unreal engine is to complicated and seeing as the unreal engine + Visual Studio + Unreal Engine Game running = Cpu and Ram Killing Simulator 2022 i would suggest just using unity engine also unity has more assets that are helpful and more tools and unity engine games are gonna be much easier to make then unreal games also If you really wanna program in C++ then why not use cryengine also if you dont wanna use unity then use godot or better yet if you wanna be independent then make your own game engine using C++ and OpenGL or Vulkan

Anonymous No. 891830

Movie adaptation when

Anonymous No. 891837

UE5 is more stable for me to use than UE4



Anonymous No. 891845

Is UE4's mannequin meant to be soulful?

Anonymous No. 891905


new=bad: the post

Anonymous No. 891910

no easier

Anonymous No. 891968

Technically impressive. But that's it.
It'll be nothing but shit games.

Anonymous No. 892026

Enough shitposting. What the fuck is the story with IK rigs in UE5, since all the UE4 tutorials seem outdated? I want to make feet align with the ground correctly, and also try my hand at making the whole thing stateful so shuffling around doesn't cause them to spazz out.
t. semi-knowledgeable newfag

Anonymous No. 892029

making feet not retarded is very hard, they can't even get it right in ac games.

Anonymous No. 892030

It's pretty important for my game/renders, so I can justify the time/runtime resources to getting it right. I figure most games gloss over it since it's usually a minor detail.

Anonymous No. 892046

Can you not just use different models for the feet that are higher poly based on if there's a scene that has them as the focus or something like that?

You hide the higher poly version that might have shit like rigged toes as well when in normal gameplay, you hide the low poly version and unhide the high poly one when in scenes where the character is bathing for example and the feet might be a primary focus, for whoever decides to focus on them I guess, so you can just have shit like idle animations for the character where the toes have some motion to them as well while they bathe.

Anonymous No. 892051

Lolwut? I mean, I was going to parent a nanite mesh for shoes anyway since resolution is also a concern, but this isn't what I'm asking about. Generally speaking, animations are unaware of the environment and jumpy when actors switch states/animations freely, and this becomes painfully obvious in certain close-up shots. I'm interested in using IK to adjust the movement of feet and hands to conform to the environment, as well as use state or tweening to prevent limbs whipping around on sudden movements.

Anonymous No. 892052

Shit, you meant the IK stuff, making them react to environment and all that. Thought you meant it literally as in, the resolution of the feet or whatever because I saw some threads a while ago complaining about feet looking too low poly in games or something like that.

Anonymous No. 892053

No worries. It's a good idea, especially if one can figure out how to switch out limb LODs dynamically without suffering from gaps on the joints - you'd need to stitch new tris dynamically and that's well beyond my current ability.
>complaining about feet looking too low poly in games or something like that.
Definitely a pet peeve of mine for a lot of 3D models, but feet are fucking difficult to do well when you think about it. All the detail comes from the skin bunching up so you either need to pull out more blendshapes or use strain maps to fake it. Since only footfags usually care -and care enough to shell out- it gets overlooked. Same with hands and mouths beyond the minimum. Thankfully my project can get away with dressed-up metahumans. I just need to animate them with a bigger focus on smooth limb positioning and movement.



Anonymous No. 892094

Someone explain to me what causes the Unreal plastic look and how to avoid it. Is it the BRDFs? Something else?

Anonymous No. 892104


It is the diffuse BRDF. I can be changed but it's hard.

Anonymous No. 892105

why the fuck would the default character need soul? your meant to create the soul yourself

Anonymous No. 892160

What needs to be changed in it? Any resources i could look up?

Anonymous No. 892169


Basically Unreal uses Lambert while most other engines use Blinn or another shading model. Lambert gives this plastic look because of the way light spreads on the model.

Anonymous No. 892172

i've always noticed that unreal games have this ugly look to them.

Anonymous No. 892182

how big of a retard are you to get filtered by fucking Unreal?

Anonymous No. 892211

Anyone knows if they're gonna drastically change the documentation or just import the lame one from UE4? Any news related to that ?

Anonymous No. 892219

>I can be changed but it's hard.
Used to be a one line change in some files, but that was too simple so Epic went and fucked it. For a global change, that is, if you want a specific material to use another BRDF it's a bit more complicated.

Anonymous No. 892222

>For a global change, that is, if you want a specific material to use another BRDF it's a bit more complicated.

sorry if i'm misunderstanding you but do i need to make a global change and then change each material individually? I've been messing around with the BRDF but i couldn't get any results.

Anonymous No. 892223

You used to be able to do both, changing the global diffuse (or other) BRDF used to be a very simple change in the shader files, now as far as I know it's a lot more work (I haven't actually done it since so I don't know the procedure).

You can also create your own "setting" so it can be set per material much like you would pick opaque or translucent, I don't think that has changed at all but I've never done it myself. It's some work but there are tutorials on it out there as far as I know.

If you want to know how to do it, probably best to hit the unreal slackers discord and ask in the right channel, or try your luck on the forums if you aren't in a hurry.

Anonymous No. 892224

thanks, friend

Anonymous No. 892225

There was a new ue5 documentation site but its very barebones. The features are still changing too much for documentation to make sense. Experimentation seems to be the way to go for ue5 at the moment.



Anonymous No. 892226

Doesn't Lambert lack a specular component IIRC?

Anonymous No. 892229

As long as they're making a new one and go for another direction than the previous one, I'm set.

Anonymous No. 892235

message this guy maybe?

Anonymous No. 892255

You can hardly tell the difference between the two. Why even bother?

Anonymous No. 892259

I hope one day all people stop wasting their time playing videogames and do something better with their lives like reading manga

Anonymous No. 892270

It'll take 10 years to start mass producing "current gen" games of notable quality. Just like UE3 and UE4.

Anonymous No. 892284

What notable unreal engine 3 games released in 2017?

Anonymous No. 892289

Lol they fucked it up even more? As if it wasn't retarded enough that you have to rebuild the entire engine if you wanted to change a fucking surface base shader.

Anonymous No. 892290

Injustice 2

Anonymous No. 892309

I ended up doing it the way this guy did it( i think) and i can't really say there's a notable difference. I believe it worked because i've changed the code in the default lighting without unreal crashing on me anymore.

Anonymous No. 892318

Batman? technically is UE3 but it got modified so much u can not call it UE anymore.

Anonymous No. 892354

u got rekt, smarty

Anonymous No. 892356

I was exaggerating for effect but that doesn't make me wrong. The point is that it takes a few years for UE games to start flowing after a new release. I should've said "about 10 years" to keep you from pulling this shit like you don't know what I'm talking about.

Mortal Kombat 11 (2019)
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (2021)
Lost Ark (2019)
Killing Floor 2 (2016)
Battleborn (2016)
X Com games, a handful
Rocket League (2015)

Anonymous No. 892363

Should everyone wait 10 years before making a game in UE5 that'll look like an early UE6 game or can we just start living today?

Anonymous No. 892364

There was a thread about this on v where they were talking about unreal engine 5 and someone posted the actual ingame graphics of the faces of the matrix characters - not the cutscenes but the actual in game - and the verdict was that they looked exactly like mk11 which is ue3. You are living in a fantasy land and being led along by a string by tim sweeney and his ccp backers.

Anonymous No. 892372

You're intentionally missing his point retard.



Anonymous No. 892377


Anonymous No. 892378

>enable rough diffuse material
who gives a shit about Sledgehammer's diffuse shader? How fucking hard can it be to allow users to input their own fucking shaders?!

Anonymous No. 892381

I am so fucking tired of Epic acting like their engine is aimed at beginners whose previous experience was a Pong clone in PyGame. Just give us an easy fucking option to input whatever we want even if retards might fuck it up.

BP didn't have TMaps for years because Epic thought it was too complex for all the 14 year old script kiddies making games in BP.

Anonymous No. 892388

Ironically a pong clone in pygame has more depth than most unreal engine "games"

Anonymous No. 892499

If I were to start making a new game right now, would it be better to start with the latest UE4? Or the current release of UE5? I heard UE5 is still pretty broken.

Anonymous No. 892501


I just tried it in UEV and holy shit it makes a huge difference. It gets rid of that plastic look entirely, feels like a whole different engine.

Anonymous No. 892502

True but pointless metric, this goes for any engine available to the public.

Anonymous No. 892520

Really? Got a comparison?

Anonymous No. 892554


No, don't feel like recompiling 5000 shaders. But the difference is really huge. Foliage looks much better, meshes look less inflated, the vaseline coat is gone.

Anonymous No. 893846

fun fact this thread is still up while a few intresting threads got archived for this one thread to exist

Anonymous No. 893869


Why use UE5 when you can use Blender and Eevee? Unreal weights like 50gb, Blender only about 500 mb. Plus, Blender has a cloth brush, it's not included in UE5's modeling tools I think.

Anonymous No. 893874

Rendering times.

Anonymous No. 893879


Eevee is instant. It can also handle much higher polycounts than Lumen.



Anonymous No. 893880

Offline DCCs tend to struggle with massively sized scenes. Many times they need to rely on composited 2D matte paintings for the background instead of being able to use actual geometry. But not Unreal.

Anonymous No. 893883

Eevee does not have a suitable real-time GI solution. Apparently Eevee is currently undergoing a rewrite so hopefully that will change in the future.

Anonymous No. 894002

Apparently Epic has ZERO interest in improving metahuman to making it be better to actually resemble real faces outside of the trained dataset. Your reaction?



Anonymous No. 894004


Anonymous No. 894006

its shocking really how bad the tool really is.

Anonymous No. 894010

Never used it. Not a fan of tools the generate organic stuff except for trees/plants. I'd rather keep the style under control

Anonymous No. 894013

they dont even try to have the neccessary sliders to finely control nose shape and other shapes and moles, etc, not to mention terrible eyebrow and hair controls. Its a complete shitshow.

Anonymous No. 894709

One thing I want to know if if Blender has any AI features that can be utilized?

Suppose I want to render a large city scene where there are a bunch of cars and many pedestrians walking in the background. I want some people at a crosswalk and maybe a few jaywalking across the street. Some people walk faster, others walk slower. Some people choose park their cars next to the sidewalk and get out and start walking while other pedestrians get in their cars and drive off.

Or perhaps a large-scale warfare scene with a crapton of soldiers, attack helicopters, fighter jets and artillery support all raining hell on each other.

Would it be possible to automate anything like those in Blender?

Anonymous No. 894716

there's ECS; two forms of it exist in UE:

Mass (Free)
Apparatus (Paid)

Anonymous No. 894792

Did someone export those mannequins already?



Anonymous No. 894885


Anonymous No. 894938

Release UE5 is so much better than EA. They fixed alot of bugs and it's useable now.
>t. used EA

Anonymous No. 894977


I made a forest scene in UE5 and holy shit, it looks just as shitty and muddy as UE4. I don't understand why people worship this engine so much. Not only does it look like crap but it performs worse than any other AAA engine out there.

Anonymous No. 894983

It's this shitty plastic specular look to it. The Lambert shader. If only we could remove that.
I enabled that but it barely made any difference. Like none at all it still looks like plastic and cartoony. Did I miss something?

Anonymous No. 894984

Can you share a screenshot

Anonymous No. 894990


I also switched from Lambert to Chan, and the Chan shader also looks like fucking shit. I'm switching to Unigine, it looks and perform much better than Unreal Oily plastic 5 despite still being last gen kek.

Anonymous No. 895028

you should roll your own engine with vulkan

Anonymous No. 895044

you never made a game with it

Anonymous No. 895056

Long time lurker. nobody shares any work on this board because you're all a bunch of cunts.

Anonymous No. 895061

nobody shares their work because this board is associated with the extreme far right / nazism and it is far better to post your work on legitimate places like artstation and discord where you can be seen as a normal member of society

Anonymous No. 895065

I share my work here from time to time. Not really a problem unless you're high profile applying for AAA companies.

Anonymous No. 895088


No shit sherlock, I'm not a game dev I'm a 3d artist you stupid fuck.

Anonymous No. 895097

yes they are republicunts :/ Which discords do you recommend? I dont see anything that looks as fun as what /3/ was years ago.

Anonymous No. 895124

When I try to compile a project in 5.0.1, it always fails and says some windows thing is not the correct version. What gives?

Anonymous No. 895417

Eevee's real-time reflections are still exclusively screen-space sadly.

Anonymous No. 895420

Blender still mogs, chud..



Anonymous No. 895615


I think he's confusing a diffuse model and a specular model. The specular model is laid on top of the diffuse model, so Blinn generally describes a lambertian shading (diffuse) with a Blinn specular (highlight) on top. The Metal Gear Solid V engine used the Oren-Nayar diffuse model instead of lambert, which gives things a duller, more rough appearance.

Anonymous No. 895618

Reminder that there is already a dedicated general for Unreal Engine?


Anonymous No. 895619


Anonymous No. 895707

Why is no one talking about real-time fluid sims? This is fucking awesome.

Anonymous No. 895712

cause most of the people in this thread dont know how to install ue5.

Are you able to make any cool custom fluids? havent had time to get into niagara yet.

Anonymous No. 895713

I'm downloading the update right now but it looks pretty straightforward to use.

Anonymous No. 895719

Check out the ue5 sample project. there are really cool fluid examples but they look complicated to me

Anonymous No. 895720

which is good cause there are endless posibilities but jesus my brain is going to burst one day.

Anonymous No. 895924

one step closer to your job being obsolete.

Anonymous No. 895927

99% of jobs are pointless anyway



Anonymous No. 895972

Not if you own the company.

Anonymous No. 896148

Not really, just a workflow change