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Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 13:50:06 UTC No. 890434
Fellow Unity enjoyers, help. I'm trying to export my model to VRM using the VRM plugin for Unity, but it gives me this.
I literally cannot find anything on google about this error, it seems nobody else has ever had it.
My materials seem okay, they're all using the vrm shader and they all have textures.
wat do
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 13:56:43 UTC No. 890436
Ah, found the problem. I hadn't set up my model's rig to be Humanoid, he was still Generic.
I won't delete the thread just in case somebody happens to make the same mistake
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 01:03:39 UTC No. 890568
post it on unity answers so it's searchable on google
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 01:14:00 UTC No. 890570
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