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🧵 3D Models and Rigs

Anonymous No. 890616

Where can I pirate lots of great 3D models and Rigs to use for smut ?

Anonymous No. 890623


Anonymous No. 890624

What do I search for what words ?

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Anonymous No. 890625

lol you've got a long way to go. Just start at smutbase

Anonymous No. 890642

What is this ?

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Anonymous No. 890684


Can't be done, 3D porn isn't a thing.

Anonymous No. 890702


Anonymous No. 890704

is google searching that fucking difficult these days?

Anonymous No. 890745

a question from someone who actually wants to make something, where can I go for animations for this kinda shit? I know how to make games but I don't know where the fuck a good animation resource is at.

I could always just wing it and rotoscope porn videos using curves.

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Anonymous No. 890758

REEEE I'm a retard how do I pose this model in blender. REEEE I can not move any bones in pose mode ! REEEEEEEEE !!!!

Anonymous No. 890762

>wants to make 3D smut, possibly for easy money
>surprised when it actually requires skill and effort

Anonymous No. 890763

I want to know how to move i in pose mode I did not have this problem with other sample 3D blender rigs...

Anonymous No. 890764

yes for underage, and old people its hard to use google.
Hell the fags even ask me what fucking time it is when they have a smartphone in their hands.

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Anonymous No. 890765

I think I'm done with helping people on this board, they just arent worth it. I'm not going to give up where I actually learn since the people there are making a living and the people here are trolls who don't believe me when I literally copy and paste advice

^If you start here and stay active on discord you'll probably stumble into our group eventually

Anonymous No. 890767

why are you even surprised. /3/ is the highest in board sorting in mobile devices.
/a/ has been a normalfag incarnate board since 2016.
The owner doesnt give a shit about whats happening and only streams on his youtube.
No one keeps these people in check and if you do a lot of them appear to suck off each other.

Anonymous No. 890768

Although I know how to do all of this and make humanoids from scratch this somehow is still useful in some ways. I'll probably lurk the discord and dump my shit one day.,

Anonymous No. 890769

>can't even work with prefabs

ngmi. jesus no wonder this dude >>890767
is losing hope.

Anonymous No. 890770

>>can't even work with prefabs
I used the models blender gives, why can I not manipulate them in pose mode ? Are they locked ? Do I need to access special bones first ?

Anonymous No. 890772

>I used the models blender gives
you mean a fucking cube? I mean you can turn that one cube into a very sexy body

Anonymous No. 890777

probably has control bones on different layers
try downloading the bone layer manager addon
its free

Anonymous No. 890778

Thanks I will try that one.

Anonymous No. 890779

How to make porn in blender on YT in 2022 TOP KEK !

Based porn normalizer bro.

Anonymous No. 890780

You ok?

Anonymous No. 890781

>You ok?
Yea, only I never imagine someone make a how to make 3D porn video and upload it on youtube. The guy even points it out in the video
>YouTube will hate you

Anonymous No. 890782

There is plenty of shit on youtube you'd never expect but it's there.

Anonymous No. 890783

Yea only its deleted after 3 days of upload.

Anonymous No. 890784

Only when it's random stupid shit or copyrighted. Educational usually never gets touched.

Anonymous No. 890785

>Only when it's random stupid shit
Youtube literally hates """medical videos""" and will purge them with extreme predigious. I know sine I sue a website that """has""" these videos and by has I mean it link to YouTube and anything older then 3days is probably purged already.

YT does not give a shit how educational these medical videos are.

YT literally also classifies these videos as medical.

Anonymous No. 890786

Not my problem

Anonymous No. 890787

I'm only saying how it is.

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Anonymous No. 890791


Lurk the post your work channel regularly.

Otherwise the owner of that youtube channel is pretty active on discord it really is a solid place to ask questions imo. The community is iffy on its knowledge as a whole but a few good people are around and they really do post a lot of useful stuff.

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Anonymous No. 890793

full pic link first

then I show you where I get mine

Anonymous No. 890794


I'm pretty sure the tracer in that vid is hydra's chop of forcballs chop of ellowas' model

Anonymous No. 890796

liked and subscribed

Anonymous No. 890801

>full pic link first
Google the original filename.

Anonymous No. 891392

can you just fucking tell him you absolute piece of shit, can't stand people like you who have the answer but are too fucking dense to just be a human being and do something kind to a stranger online

Anonymous No. 891394

i wish i had this two years ago, he's right that it's too damn few porn tutorial videos out there.
>113,830 views Jul 26, 2021
very surprised this is still online without age restriction on censortube, downloading that shit now because even if he isn't breaking any rules it could be deleted tomorrow on a whim by the thoughtpolice

Anonymous No. 891398

404 on some of the links in his video descriptions (google drive links). god damn those videos are long but gotta save em all in max quality. seems to be 5 of them relevant to porn on his channel.

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Anonymous No. 891413

the dude even went around and collected 8 GiB of NSFW tutorials, what a boss
get it before alphabet deletes it

also a bunch of resources on mega

i wish he'd torrent all this stuff, including his videos. maybe that's the end plan, one big learning torrent.

Anonymous No. 891415

should probably mention that the guy's name is "anime nyan" so that it's in this thread for later when someone finds it in some archive and all links ITT have 404d. hopefully you can track him down using "anime nyan", though it's a bit generic it's hopefully not too generic if you also search for "blender porn tutorials" along with his name. channel link:

Anonymous No. 891417

>why im putting this on my second channel is to protect my main channel and my parents don't approve of me making videos on how to make 3d porn in blender
so he is also called "sleepy fish" apparently
but he only put 1 video there and kept putting out porn tutorials on his main channel anyway.

Anonymous No. 891449

can you just fucking read his messages you absolute piece of shit, can't stand people like you who already have the answer but are too fucking dense to just use their brain.

Anonymous No. 891450

is google that hard?

Anonymous No. 891451

>he's right that it's too damn few porn tutorial videos out there.
Why not use the trillions of non porn tutorials?

Anonymous No. 891453

how does that help me find porn resources? or put a detailed vagina onto a body without figuring it out by myself after 2 years of mastering blender?

Anonymous No. 891456

your behavior is inexcusable

Anonymous No. 891457

Anon just follow a donut tutorial and skip the sprinkles

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Anonymous No. 891461

Retard here, I'm just trying to bisect demon models from various games, patch them together into a humanoid unit, and apply them to a mod in a vidya game.
>No idea how to operate the vidya games modding tool, has high barrier of entry
>No idea how to recolor the skins so they all look similar
>Constant failures have obliterated my self confidence.

Anonymous No. 891481

Shitstains like you are why I never help random people online. He literally told you "just start at smutbase"
You can either hold your finger on the word and search on the web if you're on your phone, or double click on the word, right click and google if you're on your PC.
Is that so fucking hard to do?
Jesus dude, not being able to google a single word is like not knowing how to read. You're illiterate.

Anonymous No. 891489

A couple things you could do
1. Learn to use the tools before you use them or.
2. Learn to use the tools while you use them.

Anonymous No. 891504

Of course, it's the motivation factor.
Honestly I just need software that can edit the texture wraps of said models in enough detail to make them similar, as for the animations, i'd be slapping them all on pre-existing rigs in the game I'm trying to mod.

Only texture edit software that I've used is Pyxel Edit for modding Starbound and Terraria, and they have a great tool that simply shifts the general color hue to whatever you want.
I'd imagine any 3D software can probably exceed that, but unsure which would be the best for what I'm trying to do.
>Dark red skin
>Green eyes/energy/details
>Black horns

Anonymous No. 891518

just shut up asshole. this is why you're lonely.

Anonymous No. 891523


Anonymous No. 891526

that's right, get the last word and you're a better person

Anonymous No. 891544

Look for the headhack tutorial on this same thread, what you're doing is basically a torsohack or something like that.

But I really think you should take your time learning some of the basics before doing that. What you're trying to do isn't crazy complicated but it's not so simple that you can wing it.
As for the textures, just plain old photoshop should work, but you can use substance painter if you want, it has the same adjustment layers that photoshop has like hue, curves, etc. but it also lets you paint on the 3d mesh itself.

bruv you can't google a word lmao

Anonymous No. 891662

>plain old photoshop should work
>but it also lets you paint on the 3d mesh itself
Thank fucking god, I was actually worried I'd be stuck dicking around with the wrap itself. HATED doing that for models in Warcraft 3. I'll check out the headhack and brush up on basics, thanks bro.

Anonymous No. 891787

kill yourself already, french cris

Anonymous No. 891847

google exit bag

Anonymous No. 891850

Why wouldnt you wanna make your own models instead?

Anonymous No. 891852

OP is most likely lazy with no real interest in 3D trying to get easy money from porn.

Anonymous No. 891858

Turbo based.

Anonymous No. 891902

zoomers don't know how to use a website if it doesn't come with its own app

many such cases. so many fucking retards show up asking when they should make their patreon and they don't even know how to use the most basic functionality of blender

Anonymous No. 891903

be more subtle when you shill yourself

Anonymous No. 892306

Based musclechad

Anonymous No. 892349

What the fuck are you doing on 4chan?
Be it that you are OP or some other piece of shit, this is not your place. There is a board for requests and this is not it; furthermore, nobody owns you nothing and you should take the chance to learn to not expect everything to be solved for you with minimal effort, you disgusting piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 892442

What an absolute G I G A C H A D holy shit

Anonymous No. 893241

Use this website, dummy.

Anonymous No. 893545

It's alright for a first try. The head could be bigger, and the breasts look like you were planning on giving her a bra. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.

Anonymous No. 894959


Anonymous No. 894973

>yes for underage, and old people its hard to use google.
I-Im speechless. Even 2 year olds have their mommies Ipad how the hell do underage children let alone full-grown adults have trouble using Google? You type what you want, then you click link. Link no work? Click another. Jesus is it that hard?
>Uh but what if I cant find...
Rephrase your question! Please! Its not that hard.

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Anonymous No. 895022

you don't
repent your sins, immediately

all of you, let our Lord Jesus Christ heal you and save you

Anonymous No. 895127


Anonymous No. 895132

This is so useful, im sincerely grateful for such knowledge.
It kinda boosted my morales up because i was stuck with porting my own model.

Thank you porn tutorializer person.

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Anonymous No. 895558

>tfw I own all the Korra porn models, and can actually use them because I'm a MayaChad

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Anonymous No. 895563

Someone post Aymus' TF2 Models

Anonymous No. 895623

You've shilled the same exact image and links in other threads
at least try and make it more unique when you post

Anonymous No. 895733

> /3/ is the highest in board sorting in mobile devices

Because our computers are rendering.

Anonymous No. 895738

you don't
stop worshipping BAAL
stop it

Anonymous No. 895819


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Anonymous No. 897889


Anonymous No. 898902

yes it is, google and any other search engine is fucking ass these days

Anonymous No. 899039

>space before questionmark
I fucking hate you ESL retards.
The guy is telling you the site to use and you still don't understand it. You're either a b& OR skill-less retard who doesn't want to learn OR a retard trying to hop on 3DPorn to make a quick buck.
Or worse, all 3.
>actually wants to make something
>where can I download pre-made animations
>where can I go to get someone else's work so I can slap a valorant model on it, post it on twitter and link my patreon and get POGGERS free CASH!!!!!
I don't even know why you bother anon. Just tell them "you're a retard kill yourself" and move on. If they need to make posts about "how do I do XXXXX" then they probably need instructions on how to open a tub of glue.
All they have to do is google 'how to make porn in blender' and they get thousands of resources, but nah too hard for em.

>can you just fucking tell him you absolute piece of shit, can't stand people like you who have the answer but are too fucking dense to just be a human being and do something kind to a stranger online
>can you just fucking tell me you absolute piece of shit, I can't stand people like you who have the answer but are too fucking dense to just be a human being and had me stuff because I'm too retarded to google it or learn. God why wont someone make it for me!
end it all, anon.

Anonymous No. 899040

t. retard who want's you's

I already found someone to animate my shit so tough luck with your desires.

Anonymous No. 899042

Buddy you're a retard who doesn't even know where a keyframe button is and wants prefab animations. You're bottom of the barrel shit who wont make money doing this and you'll burn out and give up in 3 weeks.
Retards like you simply don't want to learn and want stuff handed to them or made for them, which is evident by
>I already found someone to animate my shit
Embarrassing. Go learn and actually feel pride in that you improved, learn enough that you can make a portfolio of SFW stuff and land a decent job or fill a niche in the 3d oversaturated porn community.

Anonymous No. 899043

And if you and the other retards need help, go over to /aco/ and look at the 3d threads, plenty of big name porn makers exist there and post helpful stuff quite often. Don't be a fucking
>I want people to like and pay for my art but I want to put the least possible effort in it

Anonymous No. 899045

who asked

Anonymous No. 900363

based animenyan
his latest video got taken down though
fk scum tube
Nicki Minaj videos stay up but this they shut down

Anonymous No. 900366


Anonymous No. 900762

unfathomably based

Anonymous No. 901147

Join this discord server.
You will love me after that.

Anonymous No. 901306

He is right, you are a retard and he is the better person.

Anonymous No. 901354

This server is like the Daz equivalent for blender people.

Anonymous No. 901357

tbf he has a name and won't even google it. i don't think it was meant to be.

Anonymous No. 901373

>Loli content banned
Yeah no thanks

Anonymous No. 901724

The only thing I'm grateful about model hoarders is that they keep me motivated enough to learn 3d and make my own. Fuck you you fucking jew faggots. Specially the greasy pedo hugbox that's lolicit

Anonymous No. 901807

what i'd like to grab are those fucking nude model mods for smash ultimate, they're locked behind very specific means, kemono has the accounts scraped but the links arent there

Anonymous No. 901835

link by the way, anyone willing to share them

Anonymous No. 902474

Question as a new 3D coomer - are there any models where you can put the arms over the head or bend the knees fully without the joints looking horribly broken? Some poses look great but as soon as I try to move a limb too much it usually clips or bends in some unnatural way and shows that it's 3d.

Anonymous No. 902745

>Porn is so natural!

Anonymous No. 902749

>discord you'll probably stumble into our group
please be better than the one that's 100% hyperfocused on DAZ futa content, they're fucking insufferable

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Anonymous No. 902750

>but it also lets you paint on the 3d mesh itself
It's slow as fuck, buggy and they want everyone to forget it was ever a thing then go to Substance Painter instead.
It genuinely sucks and I wish I wasn't talking from experience.

Anonymous No. 902809

Thats what you get for using free online stuff. You want good looking deformation? Hire a rigger. (Or learn proper rigging yourself)

Anonymous No. 902852

its owe, not own, you moronic buffoon.

Anonymous No. 902882

the google drive link is dead, anyone got a mirror?

Anonymous No. 903043

anyone got a link to mustard's new archive? he switched to sharing it through another website, so it's not on kemono

Anonymous No. 903089

Surely some professional studio has made a nude model with a non-shitty rig at some point that internet coomers have gotten their hands on?

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Anonymous No. 903145

Any chance anyone got Lulusa model?
Before you ask - yes, for smut

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Anonymous No. 903165

Hey anyone looking for commission work for a 3D model? Looking to do 3D prints for my comic character

Anonymous No. 903612

This looks like shit

Anonymous No. 903614


Anonymous No. 903615

I'm sorry

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Anonymous No. 903692


I like this 3D business. Should I post a couple of my creations?

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Anonymous No. 903701

Second shot at this

Anonymous No. 903708

Sauce please.

Anonymous No. 903735

How can one person be this retarded????

Anonymous No. 903737

Why are you born this way, I'm lost for word

Anonymous No. 904735

ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE 3D MODELS FROM NIER AUTOMATA? not the edits or the main cast, since those are ripped many times, i cant seem to find the operators, and some others, cant seem to find them, and the ripping process seems like a pain (if someone has a clear guide might do it myself tho)

Anonymous No. 905410

If you're still here anon can you please tell me where I can find them. I am severely down bad for good, accurate Korra models.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 905619


Anonymous No. 905621

Will ironically playing with coomer rigs help me be a better junior rigger?

Anonymous No. 906036

You know what, this the greatest

Anonymous No. 906050


Anonymous No. 906051

lurking more is a great filter. keep it up

keeps low iq/pajeets/south americans at bay

Anonymous No. 906078

This is clearly written by a woman.

Anonymous No. 906219

Have to, Yidscord is retarded & will actually ban it, while not giving a shit about actual nonces on the app.

Anonymous No. 907326

Can anyone post a link to his discord
both of the invite links on his videos don't work, I keep getting "unable to accept invite"

Anonymous No. 907506

Just add a shape key at the end of your process and then sculpt it however you want retard.

You just gonna let it look like shit?

Anonymous No. 907507


Anonymous No. 907512

Where do i get good environments for the videos?

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Anonymous No. 907546

Is there a good resource for early-2000s 3D models? I like this aesthetic. In DoA's case I actually find it more appealing than the newer models.

Smutbase only has modern stuff.

Anonymous No. 907551

Your best bet is to rip the models from earlier DoA titles which isn't as hard as it sounds.

Anonymous No. 907552

If it were that trivial, why hasn't anyone done it already and uploaded them to a repo?

Anonymous No. 907557

p3dmru i think also has a few enviroments

Anonymous No. 907618

Pretty dead thread but thank you niggas
That discord is helping so much. Thank god I found out people use child of constraints to hips/dicks and shrinkwraps to dicks etc before I started animating

feels like if you don't get into the "scene" you're wasting so many hours trying to figure out simple things

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Anonymous No. 908378

>mfw we will never get another Disney animated film with a cutie aryan beauty as a protagonist because of woke shit.

Anonymous No. 908745

Elsa is overwhelmingly profitable, even with POC girls. They'll make another.

Anonymous No. 908857

Its called fucking googling

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Anonymous No. 908906

people ripped models from all sorts of games and made nude versions of them and rigged them how the fuck do you not know about this shit?

Anonymous No. 909372

if you just want the models without ripping there's tons of them from that time on deviantart in mmd format

Anonymous No. 909389

Don't those MMD models have weird edited topology? Like, all the edges are split, and if you merge all the doubles it fucks up the normals.

Anonymous No. 909557

Ppl making fun of OP and saying google it, but fail to realize google doesn't show these repositories easily, best you'll get is SFMlab if you're lucky, good luck op, I found out about other repositories in this thread from the helpful folks

Anonymous No. 909585

It's because you're a moron.

Anonymous No. 909746

What if smutbase/sfmlab don't have the model I'm looking for?
I know deviantart have some too, but I'm searching for one and I just can't find it.
Of course I tried google but I think it filters the results.
Sorry if it's a completely retarded question.

Anonymous No. 909790

If you can't find it. Then you can't find it? What are you looking for?

Anonymous No. 909814

For blender ready assets

Mostly Daz3d assets, but you can use a daz studio-Blender Bridge, or a Daz studio-Unreal or Unity bridge on the sites.

Great site for assets and game, with a decent forum too

There are various Telegram channels which can be found easily by searching "unreal", "Assets" etc.

Right now, if you are brand new to the hobby, I would suggest using Unreal Engine 5 as your render engine/ tinkering hub. You can use a visual scripting method, which requires zero programming experience, with just patience and common sense you will be able to write your own C++ scripts. There is an ocean of Youtube tutorials, and free courses and free content on the Unreal site.
One last thing, while Daz3d is a wretched application, the 3rd party assets are plentiful and very high quality, there are direct import applications which can drag-and-drop these assets into Unreal, Unity or Blender, fully rigged and textured.

Now you have no excuses. Get cracking on with your smut game, or even better, that mad game idea that is lurking at the back of your head.

Anonymous No. 910292


Even the paid stuff doesnt deform corectly, just listen to this anon>>907506 . Ive seen some vids using bones for mesh deforms recently but I think that would be better in a real time engine. Still its nice to have options when you need them. Also dont listen to this board, it will drag you down

Anonymous No. 910294

Im transitioning to unreal engine rn. Its the hardest option, and its what I originally tried to learn and struggled too much with. Its better to learn through modding video games, using blender and unity because of the sheer amount of stupid questions and answers. Then after that. take on the effort of going through actual blender and unity tutorials, and then after that transition into a workhorse as powerful as unreal if they really need it. Optimizing and polishing a game is legitimately 38% of the work and 60% is marketing and networking. The idea and the demo are the best part but also a drop in the bucket. You shouldn't tell people to jump off a cliff that they wont survive, because I guarantee you he will quit if he starts with unreal

Anonymous No. 911183

Ok but where can I get nice clothed models? Im looking for ff14 girls sfw

Anonymous No. 911308

>#3 has a bulge
ah, I will NOW play your game AND fap to the hobby porn

Anonymous No. 911309

>what basics?
>why go to school when the real thing is so much different?
>basics? nah nah senpai, I want the ADVANCED SHIT, NOW
this is why you won't succeed. foundations go a long way; language, hobby porn as well.

Anonymous No. 912055

I'm just trying to find sites for models that are either free or cheap to pay to use
I know of VG Resource but I want some other types.
Trying to get some so I can get them rigged for models in a game

Anonymous No. 912056

Bro I am literally doing everything by hand myself by now. It's been 4 months and I don't know why you quoted me.

Anonymous No. 912071

What's the best repository for furry stuff, other than

Anonymous No. 913054

costs 5 bucks and I don't think it's uploaded anywhere
supposedly works decent

Anonymous No. 913075

any coomer rigs for Houdini?

Anonymous No. 915652

>Gumroad doesn't want to take my card
Anyone feeling generous?
I really want to look at the node setup.

Anonymous No. 917167

>That one faggot who rips models from various games and posts only the .jpg showcase of the model in deviantard just to flex

Anonymous No. 917192

shit, if only there was a site that pirates addons from all softwares.

damn, would be nice /s

Anonymous No. 917193

Wouldn't there be a problem in using this and not properly learning how to deform animations.

Anonymous No. 917194

Every south american has a master degree at pirating things. It's actually harder for us to buy the program than pirate it.

Anonymous No. 918426

rip models from vrchat

Anonymous No. 918435

holy shit that looks awful. You're much MUCH better off just making shapekeys. At least then you have real control, and just make it driven by elbow / knee / whatever the fuck rotation and wa-la, automatic

Anonymous No. 918779

here you go anons

Anonymous No. 919391

Newfag here. Is this a good place to ask about model rips? I'm trying to rip the assets from a mobiles game but no luck so far.

Anonymous No. 919397

No it isn’t, but I’ll try to answer your question anyway.
A ton of mobile games are made in Unity, so you can try using AssetStudio to extract the models. If it’s made in a different engine, then figure out if there’s already some tools or methods out there for you. If it’s made in a custom engine or those previous methods don’t work, then I have no clue. That’s going to take some work to figure out.
Which game are you trying to rip from?

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Anonymous No. 919400

The game is Magicami, runs on Unity, and yeah I've used AssetStudio and AssetRipper and extracted the models but problem is they don't have any bone information and honestly have no idea where to find it. Since all the different costumes have the same proportions my theory is that they are controlled by the different characters' base bones. This is what allows characters with different proportions and height use the same costumes in Photo Mode. I copied the assets from the android version and another anon theorized that may be the reason why we can't find the bone or parent information since it could be compatibility issues or something like that. Another option would be to rip the assets from the PC version but that's only playable in browser and the only way to download it I found seemed to be outdated in a site called Xantex or something like that.
It's been a hard process for a mobile gacha game overall.

Anonymous No. 919404

At first I thought it simply wasn't possible to get rigging information, but I looked that up and that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe try following this:

Anonymous No. 919405

Yeah I've done that. The body meshes aren't in the Hierarchy list, just the hats and accessories. We've tried importing the files to Unity too and see if we could find the assetsbundles/prefabs with the characters fully assembled there but no luck.
Thank you anyway, anon.

Anonymous No. 919733

Thank you, anon, if I ever make something good I will be sure to credit you