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Anonymous No. 890835

it's over for you guys


Anonymous No. 890837

no it's not. Artists nowadays are just expected to be technically literate and not just illustrators.

Anonymous No. 890845

>it's over for you guys
looks more like these guys >>/gd

Anonymous No. 890847

Yeah yeah yeah, AI is going to replace every job and every trade that isn't physical is over, blah blah blah.

Anonymous No. 890860

And now show it doing that without scraping Google image search and Pinterest for images to fuse together like some people already pointed out.

Anonymous No. 890865

If anything, it'll make my work easier.

Anonymous No. 890896

>it's over for you guys
How is that?
You might see the end of a job, me, I see a concept-art generator. More tools = quick and easy work. quick and easy work = more time to invest in polishing the model/scene for those details that an AI can't do.

Anonymous No. 890908

damn, it really generated a fully rigged model without weird deformations and all, that's pretty incredible!

said nobody ever

Anonymous No. 890910

Its really not over because i do 3d animation with audio

Anonymous No. 890912

The thing about ML that unsettles me is how it makes progress in these big leaps.

Anonymous No. 890913

Deep learning might as well be vaporware when you need millions of dollars of hardware to train such models. But if hardware costs came down, I'd be the first one to use such models.

Think about it more broadly and imagine you had a machine that could read your mind and extract models directly from it. Nobody sane would bother drawing strokes on a canvas or modeling by hand in that case. All the art aspects we are doing now is just janitorial work, and its primary purpose is to support world building.

Also regarding the tone of your post, only lowly paid morons fear technology taking their jobs. Chads patiently waiting for it to come so they can do more interesting things.

Anonymous No. 890916

>Also regarding the tone of your post, only lowly paid morons fear technology taking their jobs. Chads patiently waiting for it to come so they can do more interesting things

Even big news outlets say that ai like this will harm the internet and cause incredible amounts of disinformation to flood the internet and it might be the internets downfall. They are already talking about its use for cp in the new york times

Anonymous No. 890922

Big news, small news, they are all clickbait rags. Adding more trash to the garbage pile won't make it any less clean.

Anonymous No. 890923

It doesn't exactly. There are new techniques which are big improvements over old ones, but it's a mistake to extrapolate that linearly in any case. Look at when people did that with locomotion. The car, the train, the plane, space travel, on the moon in the 60s, surely we'll have personal jetpacks and flying cars by 2000, right?

Diminishing returns bound all things. These leaps and bounds have already started slowing down. This waifu does not exist and the like were shown off years ago, and this isn't really all that much more impressive, other than some NLP and language tagging tied in.

Get ready for some really impressive shit in the next few years followed by a massive showdown in progress. It's going to really revolutionize some fields and make some asset creation much more accessible without the typical offshoring, but it's not going to disrupt high-skilled work at its current pace.



Anonymous No. 890944

>>this means become a writer
when they zig, you zag
or face oblivion

Anonymous No. 890947

>"ok great, can we get a few more of that one to match up with the storyboard"

Anonymous No. 890949

Is it your work? I only see this reducing the value of art. There will be a ton of art but none of it will mean anything.

Anonymous No. 890953

I wish someone with access to a couple of hundreds of A100s would train a model to generate PBR textures from a single photo. Or even a text description. And then share the model for free, obviously.

Anonymous No. 890962

>Is it your work?
What do you mean?
If you use a tool to generate concept art, and then jump off and make something 3d from it, why wouldn't it be your work?
You had your hand in it the entire time. That's like saying something isn't your work when you get inspired by something else. It doesn't matter where that creative spark comes from, as long as you make something unique to your perspective.

And since AI do not have their own perspective, art by humans won't be going anywhere any time soon. If you see art as just "pretty pictures", then you're clearly missing the greater point.

Anonymous No. 890986

the new york times isnt a "rag". Its a legitimate source of information and very well written. I've been reading it for almost 40 years.

I keep telling you that the media is going to latch onto this AI that makes it easy to generate CP and disinformation but you refuse to take it seriously. Well, here we are and the NYT is already reporting on how this very tech will be used that way. Once the code gets out and it gets trained on porno and then crossed with other datasets it will hit CNN that this tech is being used for CP and it will be front site news again and again until its ALL over for this tech.

Anonymous No. 891595

That's why you should start lifting as well as doing 3D. That way when you lose your job and the rapture happens you can still clobber people for survival.