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Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 22:21:23 UTC No. 890970
Have real-time engines like Unreal Engine and Unity become convincing enough to be used as a final renderer for CGI animation?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 22:29:20 UTC No. 890972
if your standards are low enough, sure.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 23:16:11 UTC No. 890985
the new technology in unreal does not work with deforming, animated objects so it is useless for animation
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 23:30:27 UTC No. 890990
Normies are amazed by Unreal 5 already and it's infinitely more comfy to work with.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 23:44:29 UTC No. 890996
normies also think cg effects look fake and don't have weight but don't realise half the stuff on their screen isn't real. they don't know how good they have it.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 23:46:56 UTC No. 890998
There are a bunch of meshes in animation scenes that don't move at all, so it will help for those.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 23:50:04 UTC No. 891001
There are a bunch of meshes in animation scenes that don't deform or even move at all, so it will help for those.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 00:17:16 UTC No. 891006
You dont seem to understand how compositing and grading works
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 02:16:43 UTC No. 891023
If by now you mean SEVEN YEARS AGO.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 14:03:09 UTC No. 891097
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 19:17:45 UTC No. 891201
yes I watch movie too sir, you enjoy? i own link to watch movie online free sir
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Apr 2022 19:08:06 UTC No. 892191
there's no reason to use offline renderers anymore
it's dumb and slow
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Apr 2022 23:35:26 UTC No. 892218
you have no idea what you are posting about
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 00:37:23 UTC No. 892228
I've been wanting to get into realtime rendering for my animation work but I don't know where to start. Am I better off going with Unity or Unreal? Which engine has the best production tools for producing animation videos in?
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 02:12:39 UTC No. 892240
Unity is in decline, Unreal is on the rise. I'm a unity guy with multiple years of service but I'd go with unreal if I was just starting out now, esp if visuals are your main thing.
Unity is only nice if you wanna make something deeply customized and exotic or something very simplistic and NPR.
Unity is capable of delivering stunning visuals too but not on the Unreal5 level and the hoops it'll have you jump thru to getting there requires engineering tier expertise.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 02:29:13 UTC No. 892242
unity definitely is not on the decline
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 03:17:12 UTC No. 892245
Certainly feels that way. I've just spent all my wake time of the last 72h diving thru the spaghetti of cg-includes with a fine-tooth comb trying to get a conceptually simplistic
extension to the deferred shader to work.
Seems to me team Unity is chasing Unreal and trying to really up the visual fidelity with the URP and HDRP, which both have horrible performance issues
while all the legacy stuff that is prob what's most useful to indies are left in a state of disarray where you really have to bring your A game to even get the tiniest thing to work.
Unity is a ship held together with duct-tape by 'eric5h5' and 'bgolus' that are writing thousands of long essays on the unity forums unfucking the mess that happens under the hood.
Like you google for hours only to find a long thread from several years ago that ends in some developer acknowledging how something is an unsolvable problem
on the user end that must be addressed at Unity and how they will be "working on it".
Meanwhile you sit there in the present day and it's still not solved and there's ~5 other cranky guys bumping the thread.
For the last few years this has been a symptomatic pattern of my unity developer experience.
Meanwhile the HDRP and URP where they're blowing their wad is largly useless for indies while Unreal Nanite puts it to shame (shame raised to the 10th power).
HDRP looks great but my machine suffer coilwhine like demons howling with all fans blowing at max to deliver a fraction of the visuals at choppy framerates I get in Unreal demos.
Unity must do a quantum leap to close the gap to Epic in the visuals/performance department and while they chase that dream everything else seems like it's left to rot.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 05:53:37 UTC No. 892256
Unity is really really fast to make whatever gameplay you want. The graphics are enough to compete with PlayStation 5 AAA titles that have been already released. You dont understand game development and what makes a game popular and sell well
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 06:04:18 UTC No. 892257
people believe in NASA don't they? there's your answer
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 06:35:53 UTC No. 892264
>Unity is really really fast to make whatever gameplay you want.
It's great as a sandbox you can make anything out of sure, that is it's main draw. But "really really fast"?
Unless you wanna make 'Basic Bitch 11 - Standard Edition' it's not gonna be fast no matter what you use. Game dev isn't easy.
>The graphics are enough to compete with PlayStation 5 AAA titles that have been already released
In terms of last gen visuals you can make it look almost the same, but the difference is how you arrive there and how performant it is.
Unity is over reliant on slow baking passes and really fine tuned post processing filters that are very costly to render.
You wont hit 60fps on a midrange machine if you activate all the bells and whistles of HDRP in a heavy scene.
Now look into what Naninte is capable of and you'll quickly understand how Unity is no longer even to be mentioned in the same breath at the high end.
Unreal has left Unity so far behind it's not even funny.
Without being hyperbolic Unity is at least ten years behind UE5 in terms of highend visuals _at_interactive_framerates_on_same_
Which is the only metric that matters, Not what you can cram into a prerendered techdemo of some tryhard character slow walking thru a bombastic landscape to epic music.
>You dont understand game development and what makes a game popular and sell well
I understand what I want to play and I'm in this to make that come about, it's about the art not about the payday.
Whatever is popular or sells well doesn't interest me, I've seen the charts but I couldn't care less about any ~angrycrushfortbirds mobile games for chinese people.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 10:05:08 UTC No. 892292
You have no idea what 10 years behind really means. Heres a hint - this aint it. We have raytracing already which only looks marginally worse and again is not what sells games. You have no idea what you are talking about and i can tell that you have no games under your belt. Do not even think about typing me another essay.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 16:49:21 UTC No. 892335
ok freya
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Apr 2022 03:42:51 UTC No. 892405
>the new technology in unreal does not work with deforming, animated objects so it is useless for animation
first of all, op is talking about rendering, not animation.
second, the whole purpose of baking animations is so that you can import and render complex deformations without having to compute them in real time.
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Apr 2022 11:14:10 UTC No. 892469
>first of all, op is talking about rendering, not animation.
he's specifically asking about "final renderer for CGI animation". Learn to read before you post.
>second, the whole purpose of baking animations is so that you can import and render complex deformations without having to compute them in real time.
So, you dont know what you're talking about.
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Apr 2022 13:36:35 UTC No. 892495
How to win any argument on /3/:
>you don’t know what you’re talking about
GG EZ, thanks for an informative discussion, guys
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Apr 2022 21:48:36 UTC No. 892548
I'll just say Unity projects have been the most annoying ones to make models for. I outsource to various projects and Unreal engine ones were always fun, while for Unity I have to optimize everything to an autistic level, to the point I have trouble with the bakes sometimes because tri count is always so low. No matter if it's for mobile, VR or PC, it's always annoying. Oh, and the end result in the scene always looks like shit lol. Kinda sad to see your props getting destroyed by a renderer so much.
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Apr 2022 22:03:49 UTC No. 892550
Unreal Engine taking over film is a matter of destiny.
Unity is a fast-follower, but I just don't see it winning in the long run. They're always a follower, never an innovator, always prioritizing the wrong things.
DOTS was supposed to change everything, and it turns out that they're actually changing everything. Full product rewrite.
Not the best position to be in when your competitor is buying companies left and right, and releasing features that actually bring in new customers
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 01:15:39 UTC No. 892578
works on my machine and my phone
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:16:07 UTC No. 892652
Unity by default uses low quality mikkt space normals and throws away the entire blue channel.
If you export your fbx with tangents and binormals and set the import settings inside unity to include those you can have
a perfect high-quality standard tangentspace normalmap and have it render flawlessly.
Confusing bit is that it is important to set this normal map to be imported as 'linear' and then never mark it as a 'normalmap' even tho unity will nag you to so.
If you do it'll throw away your blue channel and reencode it in a format meant for the mikkt-space normals, minus the blue channel (because fuck knows why).
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 11:05:08 UTC No. 892655
>Unity by default uses low quality mikkt space normals and throws away the entire blue channel.
unity also by default uses Built-in-Rendering-Pipeline. What exactly is your point
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 11:43:10 UTC No. 892660
His point was to shine some light on a confusing part of the pipeline you autistic fuck
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 11:46:41 UTC No. 892661
the "pipeline" you speak of is for the default "Built in rendering pipeline" which is for the absolute minimum spec including old school last gen mobile phones. It is in no way confusing that the quality of the normal maps is lower on this default spec.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:14:03 UTC No. 892662
The normal maps are only poor quality if you use mikktspace and mark the normals as "normals" the act of marking the map as a 'normalmap' is what will degrade your data.
You can use any pipeline you want (including the built-in legacy ones) and have up to 24-bit uncompressed normals with _zero_ artifacts as long as you import your normal map as 'linear' and dont mark it as a normalmap.
(while using tangent and binormal from the .fbx instead of letting unity calculate them, set this in the importer and see for yourself).
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:26:08 UTC No. 892663
Geez louise you are wrong. You set Calculate Mikktspace to "on" in the model import settings and do the following :
>if using built in rendering path such as default (forward / deferred), dont enable per pix / per frag bitangent baking
>dont bake tangents
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:49:01 UTC No. 892667
But if you don't bake tangents and use mikktspace maps that you end up with the low quality shitty looking normals dude above described.
Instead of having the perfectly parabollic normal that stretches across your Goraud without you being able to see the polygons cept at the sillouette of your geometry
you end up with that very noticable mikkt flatness in the shading across the curvature where the normalmap doesn't describe your tangent and binormal correctly.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:53:11 UTC No. 892671
Jesus, this board is either retards posting shitty 3D art or shader programming Chads speaking in tongues I don't understand. Where's the inbetween aka brainlet artists who produce quality art?
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 12:54:31 UTC No. 892672
the reason to not include tangents and binormals on models by default and mikkitspace is calculated is because of file size / processor power which is what the Default Rendering Pipeline is there for to begin with........if you want to include them and use HDRP or URP feel free to do so, but dont sit here and complain to me about it
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 13:28:26 UTC No. 892681
>but dont sit here and complain to me about it
Dude, who's complaining? Someone made a statement about having problems with unity. I knew a possible resolution to that problem so I shared it.
>what the Default Rendering Pipeline is there for to begin with.......
>.if you want to include them and use HDRP or URP feel free to do so
Reason I even know this behavior in unity is I am using the Deferred path with shaders I've recently upgraded myself.
I use the legacy Deferred because I do runtime procedural generation (which means: You cant bake any lightmaps, everything needs to be true dynamic realtime).
>Also I wouldn't use HDRP for much of anything even if I could bake because the render performance of HDRP is......------>......even more dots:..... _shit_.
But just because you're rendering with the built in pipeline doesn't mean your game have to look like it does out-of-the-box.
Look at what modders have managed to do with GTAV on PC if you think a deferred render pipe has to look basic.
Deferred in unity builds your image much the same way the RAGE engine does.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 16:37:35 UTC No. 892699
You're late, The Mandalorian uses a 360 lcd screen setup to shoot the show. They use the Unreal Engine.
They probably uses Sony's microled modular wall screen. 8k and 16k professional modules.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:08:37 UTC No. 892703
Yeah, but almost nothing of that was visible in the final show, some small scenes the exception.
They use the tech for illumination and reflections, they still replace the background with rendered scenes out of a path-tracer.
Don't fall for the marketing talk, the VFX in this show are still coming from the same old pipeline/workflow, their usage of UE is all for replacing blue-screen/green-screen and eliminate the problems of these techniques.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:45:18 UTC No. 892707
So all the work the virtual production team does never ends up in the final product or am I misunderstanding this? Why would they spend so much time crafting these scenes in Unreal if it's only for illumination and reflections of the set?
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 20:13:54 UTC No. 892727
not him, but because it's real-time.
prior to using unreal engine, they'd have massive scenes in maya or something
the entire scene would be composed of object proxies--there'd be a ton of production overhead just to get the scene to run on a workstation.
The appeal of UE5, most importantly Nanite and World Partition, is that you can just forget about all of that overhead and just "do" things.
You also underestimate the amount of effort involved in green screen keying
Here's a disney research paper published before Unreal Engine was focused on film.
This was considered a top-tier computer graphics research paper back in 2016.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 20:22:41 UTC No. 892730
No you understood just right. 95% of virtual scenes get replaced by properly rendered scenes done by renderman or whatever they use. Only in some scenes do they ever use the actual footage from Unreal.
It probably works for shots inside the spaceship when you only see the outside world through the cockpit glass. If its just some planet and stars in the background they surely will use the footage from Unreal.
The problem is that you can still see artifacts when filming screens, despite their high resolution it works best if the background (the screens) is out of focus. The virtual production is for fast lookdev and lighting of the scenes, for a faster turnaround, and doing shots from inside vehicles and like I said it eliminates all the downsides of blue and green-screen.
It is NOT an replacement for actually rendering the background with path-tracers as these are still superior.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 22:23:03 UTC No. 892748
B-b-but Epic devs keep saying Nanite provides perfect film quality lighting! Are they lying??? /s
Anyway, ok, I understand now. I think I'd still be bummed if all of my work ended up invisible in the final product t b h.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 00:07:46 UTC No. 892758
You mean Lumen? Nanite is the virtualized geometry system.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 01:18:39 UTC No. 892769
>You're late, The Mandalorian uses a 360 lcd screen setup to shoot the show. They use the Unreal Engine.
Remember how terrible Luke Skywalker looks in that show as well as in the Bobba Fett spinoff? Your response?
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 07:07:34 UTC No. 892803
my response is to laugh at how stupid you are.
Also to the first poster they only used unreal on season 1 they got their own in house thing for season 2.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 07:31:23 UTC No. 892806
Excuse me?
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 09:38:25 UTC No. 892816
Yes, lapsus
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 18:34:48 UTC No. 892873
You're mixing everting.
Watch The Book Of Boba Fett Chapter 6 then come back to the tread.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:22:13 UTC No. 892998
I have seen every episode, esl. The luke skywalker on these two shows is fucking embarrassing
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:41:17 UTC No. 893002
you have to really know 3d to do it well
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:36:42 UTC No. 893012
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:31:55 UTC No. 893021
Yeah, notice how many decent looking wips there are on /ic/ for example, compared to what you see on /wip/ here. Either /3/ users are retarded and everyone is a complete beginner, or 2D is much easier. At least to get on a level where you're producing visually pleasing images.
I think the positive thing is that it's easier to get noticed in this industry when you get good enough.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:50:04 UTC No. 893023
everybody who is good posts their work on legitimate sites like artstation. Posting your hardwork on this site is just like throwing your career down the drain and begging to get doxxed. /ic/ is full of weirdos and creeps who live in the past
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:58:45 UTC No. 893026
3D artwork take a hell of a lot longer to make than painting/drawing something. As a result you're much less likely to share
any sort of competent work/wips in places like these because you put in magnitudes more effort into such pieces.
If you are interested in getting feedback for WiP's that takes multiple days to multiple weeks you'll share them with art communities
where you then get articulate feedback from fellow artistans.
You don't expose them to some glitched out racist /pol/tard frogposters that calls everyone kys-retardsa t a drop of a needle.
>And then they demand you "go dialate" because somehow they're deeply familiar with all the terms and downstairs functions of the LQTBA+alphabet peoplesesses.