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Anonymous No. 891079

If you do freelance 3d, asset sales, and patreon e-begging how difficult is it to do your taxes in the US with turbo?

Anonymous No. 891083


Anonymous No. 891084

i need feedback from 3d artists, not crypto scammers

Anonymous No. 891087

I don't see why you would need feedback from 3D artists specifically. Contact an accountant.

Anonymous No. 891088

Im not going to do that right now ok. This board is supposedly full of professional freelancers. I need to get feedback from the source. If you dont want to help me please leave.

Anonymous No. 891089

>This board is supposedly full of professional freelancers.
What gave you that idea lmao

Anonymous No. 891090


Anonymous No. 891095


Anonymous No. 891204

turbo is to many for tax better it low, not begging maybe own job?0jkk2

Anonymous No. 891329

You need to lurk more because its full of amateur retards who completed a single rookies course and have earned exactly $10 from a pity commission

Anonymous No. 891378

ive read many many posts by individuals saying that they freelance. I refuse to believe that none of them are paying taxes.

Anonymous No. 891379

Again, what you don't understand is that their """freelance work""" are just pity commissions from their friends and family, so they will never hit an income where they have to pay taxes.

Anonymous No. 891380

that doesnt line up with what I have read. Remember that foot fetish patreon guy that makes hundreds per month ? Yeah, he's got to pay taxes on that.

Anonymous No. 891381

Just have it sit in your paypal account or credit it to a prepaid card you retard tax evasion is fucking easy

Anonymous No. 891383

That wont work because I will have to quit my b&m job in order to freelance and I already receive a state subsidy for something which requires me to report all income changes within a month or I will stop receiving it, leaving a paper trail. I have already been audited before.

Anonymous No. 891389

The fuck is a "b&m job"?
>asks about freelancing
>oh i cant freelance
What the fuck do you want to know then
>receive a state subsidy for something which requires me to report all income changes within a month
So you're on peasant vouchers? All the more you should evade taxes. Trust me just do what I said, they literally can't know unless you open the card in your name, or transfer the cash to your bank account. God fucking bless the internet age.

Anonymous No. 891391

b&m is brick and mortar. Are you underage?

I can freelance, if i quit my job. I dont have enough hours in the day to work two jobs.

I'm starting to think you're glowing.

Anonymous No. 891396

Serious question - is this true about Paypal? I started receiving a part of my $$$ with freelancing through Paypal but haven't pushed it to my bank account yet. I've heard different opinions about it, some people say nobody can see what you have on Paypal, and some say they will and you definitely do have to pay your taxes for it as well. Would be nice if I can avoid this part of my monthly earnings, but I'd rather not walk in the gray zone t b h

Yeah, I'm a freelancer 100%, but don't live in US, so can't help you with that. It isn't too difficult in my country, just need to know how to calculate everything and once you figure out the formulas for the first time, it's always the same.

Anonymous No. 891397

>b&m is brick and mortar. Are you underage?
Nobody uses brick and motar to refer to jobs retard and even then b&m isn't an actual acronym you stupid boomer
>I can freelance, if i quit my job. I dont have enough hours in the day to work two jobs.
Just work at night? Are you a weakling?
>I'm starting to think you're glowing.
It's not my fault you're THIS OLD and still think tax evasion is some magical fairytale that can only be done by rich people. Act your age. Take back your finances.
As long as you don't put your real name or government ID, and don't have any cards with your name on it (hence prepaid), there is literally no way for them to know. I have friends who have literally put their names as "nnnnnnnnn" and they've been working just fine for years now. It's just simple opsec. The only downside is if some asshole commissioner reports your account for a fake name, you'll have your paypal locked and need to verify your identity with IDs of that fake name. So transfer it to your prepaid whenever you can, and practice good opsec by not using it to pay for whatever that undeniably needs your name. (this is where crypto is extremely handy for conversion to real assets like buying houses)

Anonymous No. 891402

Eh, I do receive payment to my real name + I have my card connected. Never transfered anything to the card yet though, but probably doesn't matter anymore and they know already. So I'm fucked, right? But yeah, guess if it's a fake name and email, they would have a hard time figuring it out.

Anonymous No. 891404

Yeah, you're basically fucked and have to hand over the tax money to the bloodsuckers. But it's never too late to start another identity, make a new paypal account and start practicing good opsec. They wouldn't just have a hard time figuring it out, they won't even know it's happening. That's the whole point, you don't even want them to start looking, because if they really want, they CAN and WILL find you. So don't let them start looking.

Anonymous No. 891410

True, might make another acc for that. But I'm not sure if they will allow that, since I have a freelance contract with an actual studio, I'm not working for normies on fivver.

But then again, there's still the problem in my case, which is that I don't really shop digitally much, guess I'm a boomer like that. I'd still want to transfer and convert the funds and get fucked in the end either way. Currently it seems like it will be a good chunk of my monthly income for a while. I still get some tax refund at the end of the year because I'm under 30, but it still sucks.

Anonymous No. 891419

Yeah, sorry, you're pretty much SOL if you deal with anything that isn't on the internet, once your name is there, your identity is pretty much exposed. But your spending habits should not impact your ability to buy things irl. Again, prepaid cards are your friend. Prepaid debit buys prepaid in-store, and then you either directly use the in-store prepaid, or sell it for real money. The latter is money laundering, and you'll usually take like a 5-10% hit, but it's still better than having it taxed for like 20-40% (this is why you can find cheap prepaids sold online).

Anonymous No. 891420

It's basically self-employment, and really similar to ordinary contracting. Look up how you would file taxes as a contractor and follow the instructions, and you will be fine.
Realistically, you should probably just hire an accountant to do your taxes for you. They don't really cost that much, and they'll usually pay for themselves in how much more you'll get in your refund.

If your tax situation is simple, just file yourself; it's pretty easy (state returns get retarded for some reason, though). If your tax situation is really nonstandard, hire a professional. US tax returns are bullshit and overcomplicated, but they aren't impenetrable or incomprehensible.

Anonymous No. 891422

> Encouraging tax evasion
Fuck off. Somebody is coming in asking how to handle their taxes and you're saying "just commit a felony, bro".

Anonymous No. 891424

Ok, yeah I'll see what I can do about it. Thanks for the tips, anon!

Anonymous No. 891425

Keep licking those boots bro I'm sure the faceless bureaucrats will use your hard-earned money to improve your lives and not pocket them while raising prices for your daily expenses :)

Anonymous No. 891440

I'm not saying I think the tax systems are completely positive (though public education and infrastructure are inarguably good things), I'm saying you're retarded for telling total strangers to do things that can get them put into prison.
Tax evasion isn't inconsequential like software piracy is. The fed will fuck you in the ass without mercy or remorse.

Anonymous No. 891441

t. domesticated studio apartment renter

Anonymous No. 891452

This isn't /v/. Shitpost elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 891745


Anonymous No. 891790

Is there even a way to earn serious money as a 3D artist, WITHOUT doing lewd stuff? Marketplace sales are very varied, I've seen some artists with tons of following earning a couple thousand a month there at best. It's nice as a bonus money or even as a full monthly salary in some places, but it won't lead to serious $$$, probably ever.

Making some kind of a service which gives you "fuck you" money and a massive passive income probably isn't a thing here. Maybe guys like "Stylized station" dude earn a lot by selling courses to clueless normies and by exploiting young artists for some """"exposure"""", but otherwise it seems I'll forever be a monkey with a boss hanging above my head if I don't do something. I don't need millions, I just want a financial freedom, but that is still probably asking a lot when you're a 3D artist...

Either way I'm starting to see my retarded focus on """my art""" and spending free time doing random prop studies and environments purely for pleasure and for a goal of just getting my art out there and seeing people appreciate it - is probably a waste of time. I could at least start selling those environments on a marketplace, but it requires a decent amount of extra technical cleanup and I'd have to use an older UE4 version, but I'm building everything in UE5 now.

Idk what's the next step, I'm a freelancer making mostly props as an outsourcer, sometimes full scenes. I don't think just getting a fulltime job in a studio is for me, nor that it would ever lead me to big $.

Anonymous No. 891792

I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is you will never get big without a publisher. These people are like your pimp. The good news is, they are plentiful.

Anonymous No. 891797

make a mobile game

Anonymous No. 891805

>mobile game
Have I accidentally posted on /agdg/?

I mean, I definitely agree with these statements, but I'm not doing gamedev anymore these days. But yeah, that's what I planned to mention as well, you can get big with your own game, but it's a literal lottery for a ridiculous amount of work. I heard more than enough horror stories about it and lost the passion to do it. Not to mention my mindset on a game design changed too much in the direction of art games which literally nobody cares about. Majority of games I made were experimental ones people had hard time even figuring out. I can't bring myself to make something generic.

Anonymous No. 891882

I only offered $10 to you because it was the only amount that I had remaining after spending a lot during an emergency IRL. I didn't ask much from you except to model anything, could be low or high effort.

Pessimism isn't wisdom, it's the ideology that depressed 20 year olds temporarily hold. It's a huge waste of time to constantly feel sorry for yourself at every waking moment when you have plenty of good solutions out there.

Everyone deals with failure, but what differentiates you from others is that they see failure as an opportunity to reorient themselves. They do not make failure their main personality trait. You'll only fail if you want to fail.
Mobile games are low in scope and people love playing the simple ones.

Anonymous No. 891884

>Mobile games are low in scope and people love playing the simple ones.
True, but honestly they still require a lot of work to tune the mechanics just right. They just LOOK simple, but aren't as technically simple as they look. Plus, I don't think there's a chance to make it in mobile gamedev without a publisher, it's almost impossible to do it alone at this point, but also a lot of publishers are predatory. Wouldn't want to mess with them in the first place. It just seems like one of the most soul destroying jobs imaginable.

Excuses, excuses... I know.