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Anonymous No. 891123

why is retopology so hard? do you guys have any tips?



Anonymous No. 891128

Sry I can't help you anon
I only know good topology for human faces, never did a stealing, low iq, subhuman.

Anonymous No. 891149

I am a black individual of the non mesntruating kind and your post has ofended me

Anonymous No. 891685

You eventually get the hang of it.

Anonymous No. 891715

Keep it low poly at first and dont lose yourself in the details and always have a broad look of how and where the edges flow

Anonymous No. 891741

I wish people would stop doing these meme ears. How the fuck do they hear.

Anonymous No. 891808

How do you color your polygons like that? It would help me a lot if I could group them like so.

Anonymous No. 891892

What even is retopology? Is it just pulling in your sculpt and then box-modeling it all over again? If so, is there any reason not to just skip the sculpt and box model from the get-go?

Why do people do it? To setup for animation?

Forgive me, I used to do basic animation around 2010 and just got into sculpting

Anonymous No. 891997


Anonymous No. 892010

Box modeling works best when you are doing hard surface or when you already have a base to work on. Sculpting offers way more control and flexibility when doing a 3D character, especially with the sculpting tools found in zbrush or blender. When sculpting it's best not to think about topology, that way you are not going to be limited by flows, poles or n-gons. In that order, a sculpt usually won't have the correct topology needed for animating and weighting so that's when retopologying comes in.

Anonymous No. 892028

use 3ds max repo tool. haven't used it on complex shapes, but it's sooo fucking good

Anonymous No. 892233

And then there's the real chads, sculpting around 200k then auto rigging that bitch. Thank you based blender.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 892236

A new era of retopology is here.



Anonymous No. 892254

These are industry standard ears, bucko.

Anonymous No. 892362

unironically speaking, why cant u just decimate it and call it a day?
It will use normals anyways, I dont get the autism

Anonymous No. 892365

>I dont get the autism
nothing to do with autism but since you don't know shit you can't work it out for yourself.

Anonymous No. 892367

Just do the main loops and fill the gaps adding loopcuts when necessary, what's the hard part?

Anonymous No. 892450

you literally said nothing, back to your mudhut tyrone

Anonymous No. 892466

Decimating gives it bad edge flow, which is when the topology of an object does not match what would usually be that of one in real life. 2D artists draw topo maps on the human body to better their understanding for anatomy. 3D artists use topology to achieve better, realistic deformation in animation/rigging. If you hand off a model that doesn't have good edge flow down the pipeline, it will cause a LOT of problems for a LOT of people trying to do their jobs.
To that end, I don't understand why people like to sculpt when they already know the end goal of the model is to be animated. Maybe they can't visualise the topology right from the get-go, maybe they're lacking key skills which they would've acquired by also studying 2D art and animation (the latter is a common problem I'm seeing in youngsters nowadays). If you're not rigging or animating, then sure! Sculpt all you like. These tools have been a godsent modelling inanimate objects. But if you're animating, don't be lazy. Steady right in your fundamentals, and simply model and extrude by hand, keeping in mind the proper topology one should follow. It takes considerably less time overall than having to retopo the entire thing and fussing over missing details afterwards.

Anonymous No. 892470

>To that end, I don't understand why people like to sculpt when they already know the end goal of the model is to be animated. Maybe they can't visualise the topology right from the get-go, maybe they're lacking key skills which they would've acquired by also studying 2D art and animation (the latter is a common problem I'm seeing in youngsters nowadays). If you're not rigging or animating, then sure! Sculpt all you like. These tools have been a godsent modelling inanimate objects. But if you're animating, don't be lazy. Steady right in your fundamentals, and simply model and extrude by hand, keeping in mind the proper topology one should follow. It takes considerably less time overall than having to retopo the entire thing and fussing over missing details afterwards.
You _DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT_. You sculpt, then project your mesh using a software called Wrap 3 aka R3DS. Everybody is doing this.

Anonymous No. 892471

I'm sorry zoomer, but I would simply look at your poor, highres, AI-generated topo, and not hire you. Go back to your fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 892473

everybody is using it, including Disney you retard

Anonymous No. 892474

Stay unemployed

Anonymous No. 892475

I've been employed for the past 3.5 years retard

Anonymous No. 892486

Yes I know I said nothing of value but can you blame me doing this in a thread where the blind are leading the blind?
It's way too entertaining to watch retards stumble trying to grasp or explain an otherwise very simple process.
I just didn't want to disturb the atmosphere here with cold and rational logic and truth.

Anonymous No. 892487


Don't mind this guy, he's sick in the head and larping as an industry pro.

Anonymous No. 892489

the only thing i am sick of is your attitude towards workflows you dont understand

Anonymous No. 892490

Its kinda obvious for everybody who knows what Wrap3 does. He is throwing the name of that software around like a buzzword, thinking he comes off as a pro, but its actually extremely pathetic.

Anonymous No. 892491

you are extremely pathetic and living in the past

Anonymous No. 892493

Character topology is easy since it's the same edgelows. Fixing the bad topology of a hard surface model, this is the true nightmare.

Anonymous No. 892503

Do the same job 3000 times... its fast... this is how the 3d modelers convinced idiots that, that is the way to do it.. u know wasting time and getting paid more.

sick ur disney way inside ur ass.

Anonymous No. 892508

Your "rational logic and truth" with what, 3.5 years? I've seen your kind... walking into honest, hardworking teams, with your "Art Director" CV from tiny studios that you were immediately hired at after grad... 9 months in, and then you storm out, complaining that the company is "inflexible" and that you're meant for "better things", when all you have to show for it is the hundreds of extra man-hours your coworkers had to put in to fix your mistakes because you forgot that you're part of a team now, not the shoddy little 1-man 3D department in your previous employment of 3 years. People like you sicken me. We have families we would like to spend time with, but you choose to prance around with your "superior workflow", exclaiming, "I was an art director! I was an art director!..."... Get real, son.

Anonymous No. 892531

>People like you sicken me.
You where already sick.
You should go to the shrink again or at least take the meds he gave you last time.
You're having an episode.
Calm down and breathe slowly.

Anonymous No. 892585

finally a good answer, thanks
what would be the issues the bad topoflow cause?

Anonymous No. 892587

relax tyrone, hes not saying sculpting is bad, just sharing a thought, that it would be easier for them if they just create some sort of topologized model from the start or something.
yuo can go back to grab some bananas, rape women, steal other tribes and sleep in your smelly mudhut, nobody need you thanks

Anonymous No. 892604

Bad topology can cause a lot of issues for your coworkers down the pipeline, for example, deformations will not be consistent down a limb even if you smooth out the paintweight... why? Because the vertex isn't in the right position to "catch" the proper weight, so the rigger has to spend extra time to reduce or add weight to those little small spots... and if they miss it, the animator will have a harder time "hiding" the flaws of the model (especially with cloth on skin)... the lighting artist will wonder why some spots on the model are not lit properly... even the compositor who sometimes needs to separate verts into material IDs will groan when the bad topo shows up on the matID renders and will have to manually paint over them... and worst of all, bad topo models are nearly impossible to upres, subdiv, because of how most algorithms prefer predictability in meshes... typing it out like this, I guess the key word would be "predictability". Bad topo makes the model very unpredictable, which causes extra work for everyone involved afterwards.

Anonymous No. 892674

Thank you, very informative

Anonymous No. 892693

It's always tough when you have to go back and make a pology

Anonymous No. 893085

women in tech was a mistake

Anonymous No. 893088

Nigger what?

Anonymous No. 893663

your conception was a mistake

Anonymous No. 893675

Your conception was my mistake.
(I fucked you're mome)

Anonymous No. 893773

The thought is redundant you skull fucked retard. There's a reason sculpting in zbrush is the industry standard for character modeling.

Anonymous No. 893774

Sculpting then doing retopo is faster lol. Especially if you're not creating shitty anime caricatures for vrchat.

Anonymous No. 893881

not reading your incel essay sweety ;)

Anonymous No. 893923

Loops into blockout, you're fucking welcome.

Anonymous No. 893971

Retool in maya using quad draw. You can start with big shapes then add more loops it goes way faster

Anonymous No. 894451

Imagine doing retopology by hand in 2022.

Anonymous No. 894573

I guess this good is as good as any to ask. But where are some good, *realistic* base mesh references? I'm new to this. But I really just want to make some realistic characters, even if it's a struggle. I figure I can do it if I just understood topology a little better. If I knew where all the loops and groups are supposed to go. I can kind of make guesses, but it's difficult. And I don't know how to animate or anything yet. So I don't know the proper way to set up the edges for realistic deformation.

If I could just get my hands on some really GOOD references. Not the low to mid stuff I'm finding via google. But like real definitive stuff.

Anonymous No. 894576

>But where are some good, *realistic* base mesh references?
unironically search for "Ben Mathers PoopInMyMouth"

Anonymous No. 894580

I don't know... his tutorials look pretty weak.

Anonymous No. 894909

go on anon box model a character with a lot of intricate details. You will take 3x as long as someone who bashes it out sculpting then retopos

Anonymous No. 895007

kek literally no one seems to care about ears and neither do i

Anonymous No. 895013


Anonymous No. 895015
