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Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 18:29:26 UTC No. 891163
What are the advantage of using blender iinstead of maya?
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 18:31:32 UTC No. 891165
you are doing the needful
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 18:32:37 UTC No. 891167
There is none. It's literally just poor mans Maya. It's like asking what is the advantage of using GIMP over Photoshop, like what the fuck even question is that?
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 18:32:45 UTC No. 891168
good morning sir, whatever do you mean.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 18:37:52 UTC No. 891169
Modeling tools that don’t suck. At the price of animation toolkit that sucks. Choose wisely.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 19:17:05 UTC No. 891200
I'm hijacking your thread!
> Be blender
> Can't even select a edge/vertex in xray mode
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 19:19:13 UTC No. 891202
you gotta select all of the edges first, then make it work, done in the morning sir, good job manager
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 19:27:34 UTC No. 891206
Discount on onions latte
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 19:41:04 UTC No. 891214
Much better modeling tools and less shitty bugs that get in your way.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 20:34:30 UTC No. 891259
you can draw circle in photoshop
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 20:35:43 UTC No. 891261
you can move vertex/edge/face transform pivot in maya, I don't have to say more
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 20:43:33 UTC No. 891268
t. used blender for 10min tops
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 22:12:44 UTC No. 891290
But can you do this?
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 22:22:37 UTC No. 891294
i took the bait
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 23:19:14 UTC No. 891301
Post a video of transform vertex selection pivot without addons, then?...
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 23:37:38 UTC No. 891304
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Apr 2022 23:59:40 UTC No. 891308
doesn't matter because you will never make a competent piece Cris.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Apr 2022 04:29:45 UTC No. 891335
better sculpting, modifier stack, texture painting. Worse thing is particle hair and cloth sims, the rest isn't too bad in comparison.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Apr 2022 04:40:41 UTC No. 891336
>High poly models run like absolute shite in edit mode.
>Fiddly pivot edit in blender
>Faster shortcuts in blender
>Fiddly snapping in blender
>Blender is free
>Blender can reverse copy keyframes
>Blender has a shitty graph editor, with limited selection options
>Maya startup is long
>Maya prone to crashing
>Blender prone to crashing
>Maya can handle large files
>Blender can't
You know what? Fuck you and your stupid question. Google it, you stupid monkey.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Apr 2022 07:17:45 UTC No. 891353
t. retard.
Maya has an advantage in animation workflow and working with high poly scenes.
Blender is better in everything else. Maya is dogshit for modeling.
high functioning ....webm
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Apr 2022 07:41:21 UTC No. 891355
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Apr 2022 09:30:13 UTC No. 891368
>What are the advantage of using blender iinstead of maya?
no woman would ever want to touch you ever again.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 18:26:35 UTC No. 891591
you get to feel holier than thou
the con is that only blender users sympathize
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 20:59:00 UTC No. 891607
>Maya can handle large files
>Blender can't
Funny, I'm working with nanite meshes for Unreal 5 and Maya struggles a lot more than Blender.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:01:30 UTC No. 891608
you are probably using a cracked version
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:03:50 UTC No. 891610
Yes I am.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:06:29 UTC No. 891611
i have no problems working with nanite meshes on my legit maya 2022 with 12gb vram and 128gb ddr4 and 12900k on windows 11
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:13:26 UTC No. 891614
>[legally] free
>fully open source
>starts up in less than 10 seconds
>megahuge community, thousands of tutorials online for practically everything
>bunch of addons
>every new release gets a bunch of new goodies
>compatible across multiple operating systems (looking at you, 3ds Max)
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:20:08 UTC No. 891615
>>every new release gets a bunch of new goodies
they basically just update the greasepencil while not addressing texture painting, uvs, or sculpting for decades
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:20:31 UTC No. 891616
actually free, less resources used on your machine if you have a potato for a computer
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 01:16:33 UTC No. 891646
>>every new release gets a bunch of new goodies
There hasnt been a serious addition since 2.8
Geometry nodes are something aimed at such a tiny fraction of the users its not even funny, and asset browser is worthless with no assets to browse.
Basic features like texturing and modeling are extremely fucking lackluster despite this being what people install blender for.
the priority should be modeling > texturing >sculpting > rendering > animation > nodes > other crap
instead its animation > nodes > random crap nobody uses > sculpting >............ >modeling > every other thing in the software > texturing
Ever since they got huge development donations the development speed hit a fucking wall face first, the priorities are completly wrong and actively hurt the future of blender.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 02:01:12 UTC No. 891656
>Geometry nodes are something aimed at such a tiny fraction of the users its not even funny
Node-based procedural modeling is bliss once you get the hang of it. You'll be asking yourself how you were even able to live without it. Don't knock it til you try it.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 02:10:34 UTC No. 891657
you will never be an artist.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 04:51:47 UTC No. 891674
The worst thing is the animation is still fucking dogshit compared to maya lmao, NLA editor bullshit vs animation tracks, stiff graph editor, stupid drivers vs simple relationship editor, pose being an entirely separate process vs maya's Just Click It. Blender has added approximately 75% more time to my animation work and I would dump it if my company wasn't so fucking cheap.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 07:35:47 UTC No. 891687
The best modeling tools at the expense of the animation.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 07:41:38 UTC No. 891688
jelly of someone with technical art skills?
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 09:41:25 UTC No. 891702
You will never be a real woman.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:46:03 UTC No. 891706
>The best modeling tools
cant be fore real
zbrush and its shitty zmodeller tool offers 3x more modeling functions
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:56:19 UTC No. 891708
zmodeler doesnt even allow for triangles you child
Captura de pantal....png
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:22:48 UTC No. 891718
you must be doing something wrong, because I can
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 13:48:22 UTC No. 891723
yeah, and its still has more options which blows my mind
creating curvet bridges complex extrusions and many other basic shit is impossible in blender, even crap like one click radial arrays or what ever, there just no such thing
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 14:14:35 UTC No. 891731
Blender has one of the best modeling toolkits you absolute mongrel.
And I wish they prioritized animation, because those features fucking suck.
Nobody seriously cares about texturing and sculpting in it, so I’m gonna ignore those.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 14:17:24 UTC No. 891732
nobody cares about animation, texturing, sculpting, uving, or simulation in blender because they fucking suck a duck.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 18:13:32 UTC No. 891753
Blender has some of the best modeling tools, what are you talking about.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 19:01:25 UTC No. 891757
None. No reason for FOSS shit when I can pirate industry standard software that just werks.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 20:33:53 UTC No. 891774
no autodesk spyware
maya is only good for animation and rendering and shit for everything else
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 20:59:28 UTC No. 891775
maya is the best in the industry in animation, rigging, and uving. You know, where the $ is
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 21:04:50 UTC No. 891776
Blender is more intuitive for beginners and free. If you plan on modeling in any professional capacity learn maya.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:16:01 UTC No. 891791
We make art not program stuff, leave the coding things to the programmers.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:21:03 UTC No. 891794
There are unlimited ways to create art. You can make art from pure code.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:22:12 UTC No. 891795
That's a pattern, not art. There is a difference.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:27:32 UTC No. 891796
It costs zero shekels
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:39:20 UTC No. 891798
You will never be an artist
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:40:00 UTC No. 891799
this same image could be done in blender as well.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 23:43:24 UTC No. 891800
> If you plan on modeling in any professional capacity learn maya.
You mean Modo?
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 00:01:40 UTC No. 891802
You're much better off using Max then MODO or Blender.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 01:11:19 UTC No. 891809
Its funny how dead MODO still has the best polymodeling tools in the industry for the simple fact it fucking has something more than bevel and extrude.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 07:18:04 UTC No. 891833
>Blender is better in everything else.
Like what?
Dynamics? Softbody, Hardbody, Hair? Nope
better at Rigging? Nope
Rendering? Nope
Programability? Perhaps
>Maya is dogshit for modeling.
Maybe 10 years ago, but now 3d modeling has become almost irrelevant. Most games and film use a sculpting/retopology workflow for organic models and even mechanical ones. Even still, Maya is more than capable, especially with the amount of 3rd party developers and toolsets available.
What blender has is a strong community of users (especially in research and education) and developers, that it's free and very good for that matter.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 20:10:54 UTC No. 891928
>Forced to learn worse tools because it's the industry standard
I fucking hate how ass backwards this industry is.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 20:15:12 UTC No. 891929
even your god, Arrimus, says that Max is the best option
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 20:23:06 UTC No. 891930
Worse tools? Max is a thousand times superior for modeling. Blender would still be my first choice is Max didn't exist but come on now. Nothing comes close to Max for making game assets and it's not going to change.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 20:57:20 UTC No. 891933
>but now 3d modeling has become almost irrelevant.
Just kek. Modeling will always be relevant, especially for environmental props based on concept art.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 22:13:53 UTC No. 891938
Because you think a hand-modelled chocolate bar is art?
You need 3D models, some of it can be made with patterns. Stop jerking yourself off.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 23:27:10 UTC No. 891942
>Maybe 10 years ago
It still is today compared to everything else.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Apr 2022 23:32:08 UTC No. 891944
There is this thing called "Wabi-Sabi", "the art of embracing the imperfect and find beauty in the imperfection of our life". The Japanese pottery art of Kintsugi
What you did is great but people will not like it, you did a great job but humans have feelings and these feelings makes them not like perfect things. I never seen anyone liked a perfect thing, do you like the 1 x 1 x 1 cube in blender? No it sucks. A perfect rainbow? no it looks weird, a perfect human? acts very odd.
Your perfect chocolate bar is art but doesn't look delicious. It doesn't make it feel anything, the whole thing is almost an ad of some sort. However a real ad would not stay in 3D models and instead show actual product that does look good to have a feeling, 3D perfect chocolate bar can't make that same feel.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 05:12:50 UTC No. 891969
Yay, it worked!
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 05:16:52 UTC No. 891970
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 07:30:07 UTC No. 891978
That's a lot of word to say that you're a brainlet and you feel intimidated by something you don't understand.
And you don't need to bring in the fucking Japanese to add some deep mysticism to it.
You want your imperfections? Convert it to a mesh and add blemish on your texturing or something. Or add some noise to the positions while in geometry nodes.
Screenshot 2022-0....png
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 07:33:30 UTC No. 891979
How many starters, freelancers and hobbyists are willing to pay $225/month for Maya?
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 09:44:35 UTC No. 891987
>environmental props based on concept art
if it's something simple, then it doesnt require sophisticated modeling tools. if it's something highly detailed, it's sculpted and retopped, otherwise it's photogrametric and retopped.
having a gigantic set of tools that is never used or rarely used is hardly a limitation.
i've built hundreds of models the past 20 years and used most of the major 3d programs for professional work. whatever i cant do easily in maya, i can probably easily do in zbrush, and that seems to be how the industry works right now. if you're just using maya, or just using one program, you're limited in what you can do, and employers know this.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 10:46:48 UTC No. 891988
If you're making a model, you want to use max. Anything else is doing your customers a disservice. Simple as.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 13:16:02 UTC No. 892000
why do you say that? Modifer stack is better than Blender's?
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 13:21:23 UTC No. 892001
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 13:50:13 UTC No. 892003
Wow, that is expensive. Doesn't it have some kind of indie license?
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 15:32:07 UTC No. 892021
This is a place to talk about art and people who have knowledge of the art. If your not either a 3D model maker or an artist, your will have bad time here.
So take your lame fake looking chocolate bar to people who may care like companies who are filled with old people like you.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 17:34:25 UTC No. 892034
Yes. There are more of them, they have more functionnality, they can be targeted to anything (not just vertex groups) and they are much more modular (thanks to the edit poly modifier). 3DS Max's latest tools like extrude manifold are much better than Blender's half-assed implementations.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 18:33:38 UTC No. 892045
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 18:38:40 UTC No. 892047
Drawing circles is more fit for an art or vector program like Krita or Inkscape, not a digital image editor like The GIMP.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Apr 2022 18:39:50 UTC No. 892049
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 01:05:54 UTC No. 892230
that looks like an addon to me. whatever bitch blunder is still shittier than maya. dont care what you say. Maya will forever be superior for all eternity, even if development ceases forever, blunder will never be able to catch up
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 01:22:26 UTC No. 892231
Are you a redditfag? Ever heard of torrenting? Ever heard of buying only for the duration of a project? Nobody buys subs for a year redditfag.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 01:24:58 UTC No. 892232
Who spends years learning and mastering 3D software just to use it for one project?
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 02:05:43 UTC No. 892238
>The real enthusiasts who're not early summerfags.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 03:02:51 UTC No. 892244
why would you need something like marvelous designer all year?
1644969341690 (1).png
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 05:16:34 UTC No. 892249
>that looks like an addon to me. whatever bitch blunder is still shittier than maya. dont care what you say. Maya will forever be superior for all eternity, even if development ceases forever, blunder will never be able to catch up
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 07:06:11 UTC No. 892272
God what a loser
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 07:16:31 UTC No. 892274
How the FUCK does one get good at this stuff? Every tutorial I see about geometry nodes is total garbage.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 09:18:40 UTC No. 892287
Really depends on what you want to achieve with it. It's just another tool to make stuff, so you should find somebody who makes stuff like the stuff you want to make.
For example I like that guy's stuff, but he's not making procedural chocolate bars.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 12:31:39 UTC No. 892297
Back in the old days we program it, we trick news people thinking it was a cool thing but in reality the blocks were getting smaller and bigger due to timer which then creates the illusion of something cool.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Apr 2022 12:39:03 UTC No. 892298
you are definitely still programming it, but using spaghetti nodes
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 18:10:24 UTC No. 892709
There's a fully-featured indie version for $230 a year you dishonest Blendlet.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 19:23:34 UTC No. 892721
>that looks like an addon to me.
piece of shit.png
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 19:45:50 UTC No. 892726
Jesus fucking christ I've been trying to get familiar with the blender controls for the past week or so. I can't believe some retard came up with these finger breaking key combos. Why couldn't you just copy industry standard (Autodesk) controls you fucking freeggers? I liked the idea that with Blender you have everything in one package and don't have to switch programs but now I understand why no one uses it seriously. Worse than fucking zBrush.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 21:45:36 UTC No. 892745
It might feel impractical now, but once you get the hang of the keyboard shortcuts, you'll be working much faster and more efficiently than you ever could in Maya.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Apr 2022 22:17:26 UTC No. 892747
You won't work if you use Blender. So I'd rather be a bit slower in Maya.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 06:25:17 UTC No. 892797
>that looks like an addon to me
check it again auto-shill and make sure to wipe your glasses because you aren't gonna believe us if we told you
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 15:44:23 UTC No. 892848
No one in 3d modeling needs to learn keyboard shortcuts, the fact that blender doesn't make easier shortcuts or lower the amount of use is a clear sign of a flaw program compare to real 3d programs that offer better tools or alternative softwares that do something in 3d.
blender sucks because the developers dont want something better, they want to keep the same old problems.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 17:09:26 UTC No. 892858
software centric, maya user will get a job much easier
talent centric, doesn't fuck all matter
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 17:23:13 UTC No. 892862
You're an absolute retard and I can prove it.
There IS a industry keymap that is a mixture of shortcuts from Maya,Max, XSI and C4d, you just have to turn it on.
>No one in 3d modeling needs to learn keyboard shortcuts
EVERYBODY who does digital art in 2D or 3D needs to learn shortcuts if a clicky workflow is too slow, which it always is.
>the fact that blender doesn't make easier shortcuts
that's not a fact, that's your opinion
also WTF are easy shortcuts?
CTRL+Shift+A for selecting all is easy and A is not?
WTF dude?
> or lower the amount of use
every shortcut has corresponding menu entry, you're not forced to use shortcuts if you don't want to, but I guess you are too stupid to find them.
I am working all day in Maya and Blenders shortcuts are less demanding on my wrist which I can easily qualify/quantify by the pain I feel after working for 12 hours non-stop.
The fact that you don't have to click-drag all day makes a HUGE fucking different.
I can use Maya's shortcuts and then switch to Blender in a heartbeat and use Blenders shortcuts without problems, if you can't memorize this stuff then you have a shitty brain, blaming the software for your low quality memory is pathetic.
And I say that as a Maya user who dabbles in Blender in his free time.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 17:25:52 UTC No. 892863
Nah I found this. I'm gonna give it a try.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 19:13:01 UTC No. 892880
>7000 nodes for some stupid chocolate bar composed of an extrude and a bevel
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Apr 2022 23:55:52 UTC No. 892928
Now people with fake knowledge are appearing, cearly you never used any other program than blender. Everyone knows Blender has key mapping problems, it became so bad that even blender developers had to add a "Industry Compatible Keymap" but still sucks. Let me list blenders awful keymap:
Shift-Ctrl-Z is awful for redo, it's not natural nor is it fast. Compare to normal everyday softwares that offer Ctrl-Y. Blender is so dumb to change this common fact in computers.
F1-12 in blender is useless, nothing to help you while actual 3d programs have useful tools listing from viewing in certain angles, free space for customization, layers, etc.
"A" one letter in blender is select all, not normal Ctrl-A like all softwares. You can even mess up and press T to mess up on your model or any other common letters because blender was dumb to add important tools in common letters.
You need TAB to go into edit mode while in many 3d programs you can use mouse to make a box in 3 seconds.
The list goes on and on. You didn't proof blender keymap is better you prove it is worst. We are not in the 2000s anymore old man, we can use Keys+mouse or many other different ways but mouse is super common, Blender developers hate mouse.
Also you fail you proof that isn't a fact when Chrome, Firefox, Photoshop, Maya, etc, all use the Ctrl-A not CTRL+Shift+A , only blender uses nonsense keymaps.
Also if you haven't guess by now, we don't just use the old style way. We have this thing called mouse buttons: https://youtu.be/53CE41FFjF0?t=254
We don't need to do the old ways, we have many micros from free to paid softwares that offer faster results. If anything you are the one sounds dumb for not knowing such basic things in computers, such thought process isn't your thing boomer.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 00:05:19 UTC No. 892930
Blender fucking wished it had gestural menus like maya. Too bad it's patented kek. Keep fucking up your fingers reaching the span of the entire keyboard niggers.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 00:21:00 UTC No. 892932
What are you talking about. Mayas gestures are pie menus in blender. You are so stupid
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 01:57:03 UTC No. 892947
Then what's this?
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 04:58:20 UTC No. 892965
Everything you learn when using blender is pretty much only useful in blender. It's like they built the software from imagination and nothing matches industry standards.
blender has a fuckton of tools built in and is very "complete" in that regard, but it's like they didn't usertest everything before pushing it out?
yeah, what this guy said
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 09:24:51 UTC No. 892990
>when you learned the principles of 3d grafics in blender, you are unable to do 3d grafics in <"industry standard 3d software">, forever, because some buttons, shortcuts, commands and the UI are different!
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:01:31 UTC No. 892994
being poor
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:05:48 UTC No. 893019
It's called bad UI, Maya has common tools like slice, subtract, merge, etc. While in blender i don't know what you even have in those things. Plus in blender it seems like you have to hover over it.
Maya makes it so easy to remember mouse gestures, it's way faster and knowing it can impress your boss to get a rise.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:29:50 UTC No. 893020
...anon....blender has pie menus for all sorts of things and even a pie menu editor. I always knew you were bad at this, but now i know for sure you're not going to make it.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 15:53:05 UTC No. 893052
pie menu $12 vs build in maya for free
Not only that but many other softwares already offer almost to the same functions for free, so no blender still sucks.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 15:57:17 UTC No. 893053
>Shift-Ctrl-Z is awful for redo, it's not natural nor is it fast.
Using Shift to invert a shortcut is natural. It's the same reason why Ctrl-Tab is used to switch tabs in one direction and Ctrl-Shift-Tab is used to do it in the other direction.
The problem is that sometimes Shift inverts meaning and sometimes Alt inverts meaning. It's very natural to have an "Invert shortcut" modifier, but it's not consistent for that modifier to be specific to the shortcut at hand. In Blender, it's usually Alt, but not always.
Tons of software allows Ctrl-Shift-Z as well as Ctrl-Y, because many people prefer the former.
If you don't like Blender's default keys, you can change them. What's the point in complaining about the default settings when it's configurable?
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 15:59:08 UTC No. 893055
Pie menus are builtin in Blender.
Have you even used the shit you're complaining about?
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 16:08:41 UTC No. 893058
Faggot you can't even stack commands when accesing menus upon menus and who the fuck said it was a good idea to dislocate your finger just to press a hotkey for a pie menu??????
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 16:33:30 UTC No. 893066
clearly you aren't reading blenders doc, you can't change it unless you code or buy the paid version. So that means:
- You are left with one useless button that is only for animation and it's function is to be a play button.
- useless button that is only in blender, moving the origin point
- a system to open, save, import files, not useful.
- a command to open brushes which isn't something you would use often and isn't needed fast.
4/10 useless, i would count the viewing numberpad but whatever. You call this great/better, it is a mockery of a tool, no wonder you blender users use keyboard.
3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:15:05 UTC No. 893071
In order:
Maya: for studios and lots of artists working in sinc on a single scene.
Max: army knife for solo animator/modelers, the choice of the 3D generalist.
Zbrush: organic 3D clay modeler, works together with Max or Maya.
Blender: a free, weaker version of Max. Doesn´t work with Zbrush.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:16:54 UTC No. 893072
all blender plug ins are GPL you child
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:17:26 UTC No. 893073
tried it out, it's still missing some really basic stuff like grid/vertex snapping on a button hold or shift+drag to extrude.. I'm going back to maya
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 18:03:58 UTC No. 893076
that is still no excuse for the awful tools it offers.
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 19:21:16 UTC No. 893097
except max has a godawful ui and maya has the pie menu bullshit
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Apr 2022 22:10:18 UTC No. 893116
Pie menus are the best way to work. Blender also has pie menus.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Apr 2022 19:34:47 UTC No. 893273
>Doesn´t work with Zbrush.
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 20:44:16 UTC No. 894199
blender only became usable for me with pie menus but I gave up anyways, the basic controls are way too complicated/different from everyone else
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 10:01:56 UTC No. 894267
He means Blender is not as thoroughly integrated with Zbrush like on Maya. If you want your Zbrush model in Blender you have to first export it into something that Blender can sanely import, which is currently .OBJ, which means you'll loose some information from Zbrush in the process because of how limited the OBJ format is.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 11:46:10 UTC No. 894277
blender can import fbx and alembic
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:18:02 UTC No. 894282
blender has GoZ addon for seamless transfer, just like any other soft
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:23:32 UTC No. 894286
Yes it does but it looks bad, this is an example of the result
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:23:48 UTC No. 894287
no, they dont have GoZ. They have GoB.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 12:31:54 UTC No. 894290
when was the last time you exported an armature from Zbrush? asking for a friend
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:07:35 UTC No. 894292
I have a 1TB ddr with 64 GB system memory and 11.x vram.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:24:00 UTC No. 894295
Well clearly this is a blender problem because otherwise companies wont pay $5,000 to see models become a huge waste of a mess and lose money.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:43:00 UTC No. 894302
>blender doesn't work with zbrush
>it does
>no it doesn't, look the bones don't import correctly
are you fucking dense?
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 21:30:32 UTC No. 894366
you need to admit the problems of blender, one search of any topic reveals blender's problems that still is a problem to this day.
The blender developers do not care about you, this is why many move on or look at another better program because Blender will never address the problems.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 00:37:00 UTC No. 894378
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 01:27:03 UTC No. 894383
>that looks like an addon to me.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:50:39 UTC No. 894390
You get a render engine that is awful. And they made people believe they were fixing cycles
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:46:44 UTC No. 894406
>except max has a godawful ui
What's Godawful about Max's UI?? I learned Maya first, but ended up liking Max because Maya's UI is convoluted.
I don't think there's a better UI for a 3D app that has the features 3DS Max does. Cinema 4D has a better (easier to understand) interface, but also has less features.
images - 2022-04-....jpg
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 07:09:54 UTC No. 894418
>the basic controls are too complicated
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 21:56:04 UTC No. 894645
retard, that isn't an add-on. Maybe if you stopped being a shill for more than 3 seconds and learned how to use blender, you'd find it's actually pretty good
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 02:05:54 UTC No. 894699
no one can learn to use blender, you just clicking on keyboard shortcuts and no one uses blender other stuff like game engine, video editor and sculpting.
Nothing in blender is learnable.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 16:00:10 UTC No. 894765
People saying that ctrl+Y is better ctrl+shift+z for redo are extreme faggots and lunatics.
I don't think I've used it since MSPaint...
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 16:37:17 UTC No. 894767
>nothing in blender is learnable
your iq is indeed under 80
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 17:00:51 UTC No. 894771
Cool story, don't forget to repeat it to yourself everyday.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 20:27:50 UTC No. 894804
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 22:10:32 UTC No. 894815
I can't be bothered to read all of this, but let me just say, fuck that all 3d programs have different navigation keys from each other. Middle click? Right click? Ctrl, Shift, Alt? In one program it will tumble, in another it will pan or zoom. Imagine if every car had its brakes and accelerator switched.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 22:51:35 UTC No. 894819
every software uses Common User Access its not a new concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_C
All the way back to 1987, yet you dumb people think it is ok to change simple shortcuts because you don't like it because of some dumb software you had to learn.
learn the correct way to do things.
Anonymous at Mon, 2 May 2022 14:49:28 UTC No. 894929
anything to do with skeletons, rigs and animation in Blender is torture.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 20:50:01 UTC No. 895160
>cut, copy, and paste are shift+delete, ctrl+insert, and shift+insert
>when every modern software stuck to ctrl+x/c/v for cut/copy/paste
Looks like nobody is doing it the "correct" way these days.
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 23:04:30 UTC No. 895174
No only you, we are not going backwards to 1987 and have a bunch of software declaring different things on different buttons.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 00:34:51 UTC No. 895183
I take it back blendfags. Blender is actually good. BUT ONLY FOR RENDERING. EVERYTHING ELSE IS SHIT.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 02:33:16 UTC No. 895198
its what everyone fails to grasp about gimp, it may have tried to be everything a long time ago, but they narrowed everything down to photmaipulation at some point, and depending on what you are doing, its better at it than photoshop.
photoshop is a jack of all master of none, despite what many people claim/cling to,
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 02:36:51 UTC No. 895199
find something you want to make, and look at nodes and try to use as many nodes as possible to make it. figure out what would be easier to make by hand and what would be easier to make by node this way, its not exactly hard, just time consuming to learn what the tools do.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 02:37:53 UTC No. 895201
depending on how well you know the system, it may be faster this way then modeling it.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 12:43:17 UTC No. 895272
coding it is faster than knowing this speciti code.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 17:50:10 UTC No. 895315
Blender is also really good at modeling and the uv workflow is amazing if you use a couple of addons.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 18:26:04 UTC No. 895321
I assume you mean spaghetti code, let me put it this way, if I know the system well enough I likely make this as fast as someone who wants to box/sculpt it, then I can place it in the scene and see how it looks, if somethings out of place, I can change parameters on the fly faster than anyone could edit it to make it perfect, for this specific example, what if I wanted it to be smaller, maybe 4x5 sections, and then instead of being as tall as it is, make it 1.4th its hight, maybe the added nuts instead of being subtle are now a but more sharp and defined.
each decision like this would require a re model or extensive re work, while the node it's just a simple, at least if you know how, parameter adjustment.
depending on what you are doing it's better for iteration sake.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 18:49:46 UTC No. 895329
I only use Maya's pie menu for one single function, which is to quickly change the viewport cameras
Pie menus are not needed.
t. actual professional that uses Maya daily
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 20:18:32 UTC No. 895349
if you need constant change then that means you are not working on a project and have no clear goals. This is not what node or coding were built to worked as.
No you not, any expert would use spacebar
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 20:56:00 UTC No. 895352
I will switchto blender if they have any resemblance to a working marking menu. Pie menus can suck my dick.
Anonymous at Wed, 4 May 2022 23:32:49 UTC No. 895375
you're either an animator or work very inefficiently
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 01:04:38 UTC No. 895378
constant change isn't a factor, its once this is lets say in the characters hands, alot of personal projects or even client projects, if they don't have an artist to make it exactly as needed, once they see it or you are moving on from just placeholder things, may want to make it look a bit more realistic, it goes from a 10~ minute remake and hope they are happy, to a 1 minute setting tweak. and this isn't just chocolate, let's apply this to stairs, or railing, you may not have it exactly as wanted or looks correct out the gate, but a parameter tweek now makes it work.
what i'm saying is for things that aren't one offs and are procedural in nature, or able to be made procedurally, are almost always better to make with a node if you know what you are doing, for flexibility sake while not taking any more time if not being faster with nodes.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 01:35:42 UTC No. 895379
its best to make your node in code so you can debug the problems that arise by stepping through them. You cant do this with visual scripting. How long have you been struggling with this again?
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 13:10:41 UTC No. 895452
Then the programming development would be like:
You cant change small details on the visual side and think it will be save from errors. What you suggesting is the very cause of speedrunning community being form. The game would be finish under 10 minutes under your mindset instead of actual working code that stops them.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 15:34:32 UTC No. 895485
which addon? i know only zenUV
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 18:11:13 UTC No. 895516
UV Toolkit (paid version) and UV packmaster.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 18:12:29 UTC No. 895518
I'ts free
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 18:17:54 UTC No. 895520
everything. Nothing
Anonymous at Thu, 5 May 2022 22:43:36 UTC No. 895578
better modeling & sculpting (not as good as zbrush) tools. cycles is pretty great. worse animation tools. pretty standard answer
this user does not know what they are talking about
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 15:30:10 UTC No. 895700
I'm kinda struggling with it as well.
I have used C4D for years, used it in school and work too. Then I stopped with 3D altogether for a decade. Last week I decided to jump back into it, solely for hobby reasons, picked up Blender since Cinema seemed really fucking shady to torrent and I have been struggling ever since. I may be retarded, but fucking hell compared to Cinema, why it is so needlessly difficult? Both controls and UI itself as well.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 15:45:30 UTC No. 895701
there are other free and paid 3d modeling, you dont have to use blender
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 15:47:25 UTC No. 895703
Which ones? Like I said, I am about decade out of the loop.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 15:48:25 UTC No. 895704
I mean I obviously know Max, Maya, etc. But I'm not really keen on paying. Also Blender seem to be fairly solid with modelling and works natively on Linux.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 18:40:34 UTC No. 895742
On the free side, you got:
- 3DCrafter
- form•Z free
- MeshMagic 3D
- Wings3D
- Houdini Apprentice (your stuff will get watermark has part of being free and you are not allow to sell any 3d models made under Houdini Apprentice).
MashMagic 3D may be the one you want since it offers more stuff than the other free choices,
On the paid 3D software:
- Silo 2022 $135 (currently on deal)
- AC3D $149
- Metasequoia 4; $45 (the one i use)
Everything else like the very popular paid 3d modeling software is over $1000 or under subscription, so don't buy those when there are better ones.
Metasequoia 4 is the cheapest in 3d modeling, it can do advanced modeling and it's very popular in Japan. The Metasequoia 4 EX cost $150 but offers unit display, Ambient occlusion (the way shadow works), Armature (use math to get perfect results on models), No limits on rendering and better import/export format like FBX or HDR.
You can test Metasequoia 4 before buying with no time limits but you cant export your models, a good way to learn everything.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 May 2022 21:13:20 UTC No. 895775
>that looks like an addon to me
Anonymous at Wed, 11 May 2022 13:56:53 UTC No. 896618
>be maya
>have no compositor
>have no texture painting
>have no simulation
>have no sculpting
>cost $1000+ a year to use
>require a whole suite of other programs to do what blender does
>have a retarded UI
>still somehow think your even on the same playing field as blender
Anonymous at Wed, 11 May 2022 17:08:48 UTC No. 896637
Dunno, I used Maya for uni but I'm stuck with an old version and pirating it seems like a pain in the ass, so I'm thinking of switching to Blender.
I was hoping this thread would give me some insight but I don't think I've seen a single decent argument, for fuck sake stuff like shortcuts can be easily remapped and I don't think the mild inconvenience is worth 1k $ of subscription.
Anonymous at Wed, 11 May 2022 19:00:31 UTC No. 896652
dude we have other better softwares that do not cost $1k and dont have a sub, i even list them, what the heck.
- 3d printing is costly, you need to map out the size of the model to save on materials and other related problems. You can not do that with just a normal 3d software. This is why new software for such things are made, just like 3DCAD are not made for 3D character models.
- texture painting is not great as you think it is, the main problem is adding small details which is way cooler to see than some huge color boring thing.
- simulation is not needed in 3d modeling programs, you are better off buying other software like 'beaming' or tree creator to get that perfect feeling of physics.
- sculpting is another tool but does fit in 3d modeling. Still this is a case by case kind of thing that only business care. Also who says we can do sculpting in maya or other programs, blender is not the only one nor is it the only free one. It is not uncommon to see it be part of another software.
- Yes everyone hates $1k for a working software which is what companies want, a working software not a bug ridden piece of junk made by inexperienced people who are 20 years behind current 3d modeling trends.
- Blender requires other 3rd party systems because blender developers cant make anything useful without the community helping.
- No U, no one says anything bad about Maya UI, only blender gets this hate and only blender loyal fantic get angry about it.
- Blender has shown it sucks at everything, it sucks at even basic 3d modeling. This is why other 3d software exist, they are better, people know they are better and people move on from blender because it sucks.
Anonymous at Wed, 11 May 2022 20:54:01 UTC No. 896663
Fuck off Cris
Anonymous at Wed, 11 May 2022 22:31:51 UTC No. 896681
>no comment on 3Dprinting as I don’t do it so I have no idea
>yeah texture painting isn’t perfect and substance painter does it better but my point is it’s good enough to get the job done
>none of what I listed is “needed” in a modelling program but blender isn’t a modelling program it’s a 3D suite. It covers the full stack of 3D and VFX that’s why it’s stupid to compare it to just maya
>same as above. You didn’t say it but I know ZBrush is slightly better for sculpting but not by much. Sculpting works great in blender and plenty of people prefer it over zbrush including me
>yeah and my point is that one pice of $1000 a year software isn’t enough to compete with blender. You also need substance painter, zbrush, Houdini, after effects, etc.
>works fine even without add ons for which there is a craptonne that are free
>UI taste is subjective but I’ve used blender and I’ve used maya and I understand blenders UI a tonne more than maya. Maya is a mess of toolbars.
>blender is a hell of a lot better for modelling than maya. Even small shit like connecting 2 verts, it’s one key in blender, f and in maya you have to right click and go to connect or some shit.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 00:14:37 UTC No. 896691
you misunderstand blender ability to crate stuff, it is not a suite. The developers failed to make it better and fails to make VFX useful on itself.
A suite like one found in Autodesk Media & Entertainment Collection offers many working software that do the job. Blender does not do the job well, it lacks professional video editing that hobbyist buy in Magix, Blender fails at VFX because of zero to limit choices of works and Blender can not make games like Unity or similar software. Blender is not a suite, it is a 3d software made by old people who been asking money for 20 years, nothing else.
Sculpting in blender has a problem, that's the polygons it can handle, holes randomly appearing, random polygons going inward, random shape ruining your process of the model, User error because Blender did not warn said user, etc. We solved these problems years ago, yet for some crazy reason Blender developers refuse to fix these bugs. There are people on youtube from the old youtube era to current telling ways to fix these problems, yet current working software like the one i own had fix it. Blender needs to fix these problems.
You don't need those other expensive software, there are clearly alternatives, from free to paid that offer close to professional tools.
- Substance painter = Armorpaint
- Zbrush = Wings3D
- Houdini = The Forge or Kerkythea (I am assuming it's the rendering)
- After Effects = DaVinci Resolve or HitFilm, how have you not heard it
the list goes on but the point is clear that better software exist than blender awful "features". Also it's called the bridge, every real 3d modeling software and educational books calls it bridge because you are making a bridge.
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Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 00:51:52 UTC No. 896693
>Zbrush = Wings3D
what an elaborate shitpost
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 02:25:56 UTC No. 896700
Hasn't fixed any of the issues listed on its forum over 5 years ago. Industry standard at its finest.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 11:18:06 UTC No. 896741
>>cost $1000+ a year to use
maya costs $270 a year to use if you're a freelancer. If you work for a studio, they pay for it for you.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 15:41:45 UTC No. 896785
it's actually pretty good compare to ZBrushCore Mini that only exports in custom image and does not allow for commercial use. Since Blender sucks, Wings3D is clearly the better choice.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 20:29:16 UTC No. 896846
never said maya was great for high-poly retopo, only that retopo is part of the modern workflow. the point was detailed modeling work is done in zbrush now, including retopo work. if you're editing models, doing retopo on models with millions of polys in maya, you'll run into trouble, it's not a new problem. it's a problem with most 3d programs, and why zbrush is itself an indstry standard for what it does.
that being said, i've used maya's retopo tools quite extensively on models in the hundreds of thousands polycount, and while not being the fastest, or best, i've been able retopo many models without much problems. could just be my system or that i know how to manage maya well, being a long time maya td.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 20:33:12 UTC No. 896851
nobody retopos in zbrush; that's a fools errand.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 21:05:11 UTC No. 896858
That isn't the issue. You have to split up your retopo into separate parts eventually on Maya no matter what so the tool doesn't lag. God forbid you have to work with this tool on models with a lot of curvy surfaces..
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 22:08:31 UTC No. 896867
LOL stop it nigger. Clearly you have never used Maya 2023 yet.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 22:50:50 UTC No. 896875
So now that that's out of the way please point out how dramatically different the quad draw tool has become in 2023 yet still cannot snap vertices to that of the live surface.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 22:55:43 UTC No. 896876
hush now, little one - grown ups are posting
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 23:20:06 UTC No. 896882
>on dense meshes
And that explains why workflow for even my colleagues is still the same because we're not seeing these supposed performance improvements on meshes that aren't dense. Good to know that overall the tool is still slow.
>grown ups are posting
Oh yeah is that why you try to type like some chuuni wannabe corny anime villain and post LOL like a teenage girl?
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 23:27:28 UTC No. 896883
>And that explains why workflow for even my colleagues is still the same because we're not seeing these supposed performance improvements on meshes that aren't dense. Good to know that overall the tool is still slow.
what are your specs LOL
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 23:28:32 UTC No. 896884
back in my day, we didn't know update blogs existes, we just found out (well not like they made major changes or huge ones that we knew.)
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 23:46:24 UTC No. 896886
>dude upgrade your high end work station customized specifically for 3D with no bottlenecks nor budgetary constraints to reap those diminishing returns from a tool that shits itself after 5k tris LOL
Are you so eager to keep moving goal posts and getting shots scored on you?
Anonymous at Thu, 12 May 2022 23:59:53 UTC No. 896888
Lol post your specs like i asked. Let me guess - lappy
Anonymous at Fri, 13 May 2022 00:13:47 UTC No. 896891
Doesn't matter to me, they all work seamlessly with Unreal Engine.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 May 2022 01:54:22 UTC No. 896898
SEamLESslY: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/b
Even if it's just the creator messing up bones, the list of problems goes on and on.
(this is more recent) https://blender.stackexchange.com/q
Anonymous at Fri, 13 May 2022 02:08:44 UTC No. 896901
Blender has a bunch of retarded UI that obfuscates everything about bones. It's a nightmare figuring out if your skeleton / animation is set up properly for game engine compared to Maya. That's even without the shit the auto rigging addons add to the mix.