

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 891229

>worse than Blender in every way
>except in performance
Why must I suffer
Someone please fix Blender's sculpting

Anonymous No. 891232

maybe fix the one in yourself, maybe with hand for peppers if blender is not working? very yummy, you like? yes man good but not again. YXNM2

Anonymous No. 891671

>im a massive retard that doesn't know how to paint
There, fixed it for you

Anonymous No. 891824

Every time I see the thumbnail for this thread I get grossed out.
Looks like fucking ball-skin or some annihilated floppy roast-beef pussy with pubes scattered around.

Anonymous No. 892876

Lol me too. Some very old vagene with balding pubs spots...

Anonymous No. 892882


In every way? You Blendlets will always make me laugh.

Zbrush has:

- More brushes
-Decimation master (which preserves the detail, only decimates unused geo)
-Zremesher (takes a second while you have to wait minutes in Blender for their shitty voxel remesher)
- UVMaster (amazing for UVing organic meshes)
- Projection master
- Better masking and polygroups tool
- Better cloth brush tools
- Better performance

The list goes on and on. Blender is still nowhere as good as Zbrush for sculpting and it will never happen because Zbrush keeps improving at every release while the Blender devs are too busy implementing half-assed features.

Anonymous No. 892883


Gotta love how blender users are unable to learn anything but blender. Truly the retard's software of choice.

Anonymous No. 892885

You do know what zbrush is right?



Anonymous No. 892889


Anonymous No. 892898


I don't care I don't pay for it.

Anonymous No. 892901

pirated zbrush has timebombs and memory leaks

Anonymous No. 892903


Bullshit. I'm using it everyday and I don't have any of those issues.

Anonymous No. 892905

it does have those issues, believe me and with Maxon under control now its only going to get worse



Anonymous No. 892929


What the fuck did you just fucking say about Zbrush, you little bitch? I'll have you know I spent incredible amounts of time researching and developing new ways to learn Zbrush and I've been uploading Zbrush tutorials for your lazy ass in youtube all for FREE. I am a Character Director at Certain Affinity and graduated from Ringling college in 2000 fucking 5. You are nothing to me but just another blendfag who thinks he can get away with blaming proprietary software all for your failure to LEARN the RIGHT WAY. I will make sure you fucking learn Zbrush THE RIGHT WAY, mark my fucking words blendfag. You think you can get away with saying that shit to Zbrush over the Internet? Think again, blendfag. As we speak I just uploaded a video on how to snap on verts, edges, point and faces in fucking Zmodeler. Zmodeler wipes your precious Blender on the fucking ground. You fucking wished you were as good as me, blendfag. I can learn anything, anytime, and I can manipulate Zbrush in seven hundred ways the likes you've never seen before with your FOSS software, blendfag. Not only am I extensively trained in Character Art development pipelines, but I have access to top professional networks of studios and I will use it to its full extent to erase the word "Blender from your vocabulary and replace it with Zbrush, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" Blender was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price for using FOSS, you goddamn idiot. I will shit 50 million polygons all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, blendfag.



Anonymous No. 892934

>believe me and with Maxon under control now its only going to get worse
Bullshit, C4D has always been piss-easy to pirate and still is. Maxon App? No need for it. Online asset browser? Works just fine even on cracked copies.

Anonymous No. 893974


Anonymous No. 894040


I recommend Mr Pavlovich for all your Zbrush woes and for as little as $20 a year, you get access to the whole suite of Maxon software including redshift. You do not have to gimp yourself from using blender. Free is not always best.

Anonymous No. 894042

>and for as little as $20 a year, you get access to the whole suite of Maxon software including redshift.

you seem to be extremely confused. Maxon One is either 1200/year or 150/mo.



An American G.I. ....png

Anonymous No. 894044

Alright calm down sir
I will use ZBrush from now on



Anonymous No. 894046


Maybe you are, blendfag

Anonymous No. 894048

i dont understand what youre saying by mr pavlovich. can you explain how to legit get that?

Anonymous No. 894049

>non commercial student license

its a nothingburger



Anonymous No. 894117

>perpetual licenses
Remove yourself from existence.

Anonymous No. 894122

> More brushes
Most of people use a minimum of brushes and never needed as much as Zbrush has, even not all of Blender brushes needed.
>Decimation master
Are you implying that Blender doesn't have a decimate modificator or something?
Oh no, 1 second vs several. It's just a part of performance aspect.
>Projection master
Are we talking about knife tool here?
>Better masking and polygroups tool
Absolutely no difference.
>Better cloth brush tools
You make clothes in Marvelous.
>Better performance
Big news.

Try better next time.



Anonymous No. 894123


Anonymous No. 894127


Anonymous No. 894444

tfw you can use both proficiently

Anonymous No. 894447


Anonymous No. 894449

Why is Blender's performance so horrible anywyas?

Anonymous No. 894503

Correct, zbrush takes the cake.

Anonymous No. 894505

its not horrible, its just that zbrush is not a real 3d program so it has better performance by using fake 3d tricks

Anonymous No. 894533

I don't know how or where they went wrong, even mudbox is way more responsive and that relic hasn't been updated for almost a decade.

Anonymous No. 894551

i just wish zbrush had a more accurate and discreet face selector when working with low-med poly for zmodeling. zbrushes masking just feels smushy and innacurate. its great for sculpting, but for doing low poly hard edge stuff its a pain.

i also wish they had better curve control, like proper CVs i can move around instead of the wiggly noodle bullshit.

Anonymous No. 894556

>its not horrible, its just that zbrush is not a real 3d program so it has better performance by using fake 3d tricks

>you can rotate objects in X,Y,and Z
>you can scale in X,Y,Z
>you can translate in X,Y,Z
>has easily 50x the performance of competing programs, but runs on literally a toaster
>no one has been able to emulate it, not even lone 1MA devs on github


Anonymous No. 894559

It was pretty cool tool to actually learn how zbrush works like that

Anonymous No. 894627

it doesn't have those issues if you know how to pirate it properly

Anonymous No. 894631


Kek people who pirate zbrush don't get far in artistic skill to someone who has invested paying for zbrush. Everything else can be pirated however.

Anonymous No. 894633


There is no word to describe how much I hate blendlets.

Anonymous No. 894634


This is absolute bullshit and you know it. It depends on your motivation, legit Zbrush won't make you magically better.

Anonymous No. 894698

>kek a blendlets
>literally zero counterarguments
Seethe harder.