
Mirrored Mesh Sep....png

๐Ÿงต Mirror Modifier Separation

Anonymous No. 891667

Novice Blender user here. I tried to use a mirror modifier on half of a subdivided cube, and when I do it mirrors it at a distance instead of completing the mesh. How to fix?

I've mirrored things many times and never ran into this issue before. When I try to google the issue, all I get are posts about the mirror modifier not working at all, which is not the problem here. Any thoughts?

Anonymous No. 891668

I should also note that the orange dot in the middle doesn't seem to be a vertex. I can't deselect it in any way, nor remove it.

Anonymous No. 891673

Ur so fucking stupid, the orange dot denotes the pivot point aka the "center" of the 3d object. Mirror mod mirrors around the pivot of the object if you dont specify others. Move ur pivot point.

Anonymous No. 891675

>a blender thread and a stupid questions thread exist, yet this dude made a thread about his origin ignorance
The thread that was killed off may have been shit, but this isn't any better. Not to mention OP needed a single response for the answer, and now this thread will be here for a month (or more) with retards trickling in answering something that was resolved in the first few minutes of posting.
All because this retard couldn't bother looking for 2 seconds to find a relevant thread.
It's laughable to think that there's actual users on /3/ that think we don't need a janny on this shithole of a board.

Anonymous No. 891676

Ah, thanks anon.

I hadn't considered that. Now I will. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 892074

Ur sooooooooooooo fuckign stupid faggot holy fuck you are dumb and retarded. Literally low iq how can you not just open up a program for the first time and know what that orange dot is? Literally any child in it's mothers womb will know that. Ur fucking stupid as fuck fagot

Anonymous No. 894194

Tranny rage right here guys.

Anonymous No. 894197

Calm down Ahmed, he is learning.

Anonymous No. 894261

Since nobody is talking coherently, I'll take up the mantle. First delete the mirror modifier, set the cube's origin to geometry, select the modifier again and turn on clipping. If you grab the cube and move it sideways, the mirrored part will reveal itself. An easier alternative is to delete the cube, add another one, in edit mode delete half the cube's vertices and add a mirror modifier (with clipping on) to it, and a mirrored cube will appear. Your problem is the cube's origin is some distance away from the cube instead of being in the centre of an edge, because the mirror modifier mirrors from the origin point. Also use the stupid questions thread, stop being a spoonfed faggot and do some real research before asking questions.

Anonymous No. 894268

see >>891675 retard
>and now this thread will be here for a month (or more) with retards trickling in answering something that was resolved in the first few minutes of posting.