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Anonymous No. 892248

So recently iv got back into playing around with blender and i have a noob question how does one get around to acquiring textures and photos to use in projects should i just yoink them from the web ?

Anonymous No. 892271

quixel library

those are all the decent free stuff i know, theres probably more but im an archviz baby

Anonymous No. 892273


Anonymous No. 892317

I usually yoink textures from random images using ShoeBox (very finnicky to get it working as it runs on Adobe air which is discontinued, but u can probably google it.)
If quality matters, upscale it using topaz gigapixel ai, which has a dedicated mode for architecture.
And if ur feeling extra fancy you can convert it to pbr or make it seamlessly loop with substance alchemist/sampler whatever it's called rn.
(all of these programs can be pirated)

Anonymous No. 892323

this is a good approach. you can usually find CC0 images to yoink stuff from. also you can go around and take pictures and then put them through shoebox.

Anonymous No. 892369

or don't give a fuck like me and just use Megascan textures outside of UE as if you had bought a subscription.

Anonymous No. 892371

My eye balls spot the mega scan virgin from 3 miles away

Anonymous No. 892374


Nobody cares about your elitist opinions. Everybody uses megascans even in AAA productions.

Anonymous No. 892375

companies collect and scan their own textures as part of the budget.

Anonymous No. 892379

>Everybody uses megascans
It is not elitist, it is the alternative to falling into line

Anonymous No. 892382

Ngmi if you care about shit like "not falling in line" rather than just care about reaching your own goals, living your life as a contrarian is still being controlled by others just with an additional step, you're not an original you're just a photo negative.

If reaching your vision doesn't involve megascans then sure but locking an option off because others use it is putting handcuffs on yourself for no reason.

Anonymous No. 892384

tell your own story through your own scans or own generated textures. Don't simp and use premade texture libraries ffs

Anonymous No. 892387

You are reasonable, and you argue your point well.

I think if the person were to refuse to use megascans in favor of self-recreating the things which megascans offers, yes that is absolutely pointless and a waste of time

If the project is good, I place extra value on it if the results were a product of a unique approach- And it is usually apparent when this is the case, because it looks remarkably different from almost everything else on the contemporary landscape- From concept to implementation to execution. On both a technical and an artistic level, these are the aspects of Cg which inspire and impress me the most. The novel path allows the individual the chance to make work which stands out- To make a name for oneself

Anonymous No. 892390

>Don't simp

this doesn't even make sense but dumbarses do love their meme words

in my case as most of my enviro work is pretty stylized I can't use raw megascans assets but there are plenty of ways to bend the work that's already been done for you to your own will, I've stolen landscape shaders, RVT blending stuff, you could steal foliage sway from the new megascans trees, topology, shaders and rigs from the metahumans, you could take megascans data and resculpt them as a basemesh, scatter assets around and bake em flat to your own custom tiling texture etc.

The contrarian however has already locked themselvs off from options like that because they believe that going in the exact opposite direction of somebody else is the same as choosing their own direction and it's not.

Anonymous No. 892394

I value forked pathways from the main trail, and from what you've shared, it seems like this is valuable to you as well. Remixing and sampling towards a unique vision, from every single resource available, is the best approach

Anonymous No. 892411

Ask and ye shall recieve

Anonymous No. 892476




Anonymous No. 892480

Then you get fired because your boss is wondering why it's taking you 3 weeks to make that skp model look presentable to clients

>Sorry sir just give me one more week I'm currently piecing together the photos I took on the weekend

Meanwhile Sandeep two cubicles over is shitting out multiple renders at this quality every day.

Clients don't give a shit about your custom megascans unless it's actually pertinent to the project.

Anonymous No. 892481

why are the shadows so dark? Doesnt really look high quality at all

Anonymous No. 893033

This should be in a new sticky

Anonymous No. 893081

Tell story with unique props, but using megascans for tileables is just fine imo, also you obviously don't have to use it as is and can edit it and combine it with other textures as much as you want. They can be used as a good base layer in painter as well, no point in creating a subpar rust texture if you can use a good megascan texture for it, it's not like it will matter that much in the end anyway. From my experience, only beginners and students care so much about this.

It's important to realize there is a huge gap between using a megascan texture for a random tileable area in your environment, and using half of the megascans prop library to build your scene.

Anonymous No. 893092
