

๐Ÿงต /3/ Cute Anime Girls Thread

Anonymous No. 892299

I always complain that the board is so fucking shit because of enginewars and schizos
Im gonna stop complaining and actually contribute in this shit board.

I will document everything ranging from
Box Modelling + Topology
I will make a low poly/med poly/high poly(?) of the models.

This thread is for my practice and to make discipline too.
I will only use blender for 3D modelling/Texture + Clip studio for advanced texture shit.
Now then lets learn together.

Starting from this reference i got from a booru.
Low poly First.



Anonymous No. 892300

For the first step. Block out the model first.
Low Poly is made from very simple shapes. Dont overthink it. Make it simple.

See that the arms arent blocked out yet? Second step would how to try to estimate the arms length.

The scarf isnt blocked out too. We'll get on that after the arms.



Anonymous No. 892302

This is how i usually estimate the arms length if the reference is limited.

Set the Pivot point to 3D cursor. Click the "shoulder" or where the arm should start.
Extrude with E. Extrude until the elbow. Then check if its good. Then start extruding to the arm.
I used the vertex slide option + double tap G to move the vertices along the line i made to make the correction.

Anonymous No. 892303

To rotate the vertices press R. Not really that good breaking down the steps. But we'll get better overtime.

Anonymous No. 892304

Your first mistake was using blender.
Your second mistake was going low poly.
Your third mistake was making this thread.



Anonymous No. 892305

Alright. We have two options for the scarf.

1. Make it detached on the main body and as its own object = More vertices
2. Make it attached on the main body = Less vertices.

We are going by the 2nd since this is the low poly version.

Anonymous No. 892310




Anonymous No. 892311

Alright i did a retard and drew the owl completely. I forgot to record shit.
Nothing too complicated. You can still follow through.

Not like im getting paid for it



Anonymous No. 892313

for the hair. Same simple shit. Its a bowlcut.
No need to make it detailed. We can use alphas for the edges of the hair later in texturing.

Anonymous No. 892314

GMI thread

Anonymous No. 892315

kek, good job

>I will undocument evenertyhing
>*unzips an hour of changes in one post*



Anonymous No. 892316

Another simple shit. Just add another loop in the leg part.
Webm related.

too much work. Just make them follow the dots
Its literally simple shit and if they still get filtered then this HOBBY isnt for them
Also im not good at explaining shit.
The donut tutorial is unironically more complex than this.

Anonymous No. 892322

Ignore the hate anon. Quality thread

Anonymous No. 892328

looking good anon. have you considered adding an edgeloop near the bottom of the leg and scaling it in a bit to give the appearance of a separated shoe?

Anonymous No. 892330


Wow blendlets really do really model on toasters. Must be painful anon.



Anonymous No. 892336

That works too.
Also added some floating plane duplicated from the shoe for the ribbon decals for the shoe later. Might change later.



Anonymous No. 892337

Some extra tweaking details on the mesh.
Im gonna try playing with the topology for the bottoms. Or i could just cheat it by having no panties.



Anonymous No. 892340

More tweaking and showing in detail how to play with the 3D pivot.
Will add some loops on the elbow later for the deformation.

So far 260 vertices. So we are still in low poly territory.



Anonymous No. 892341

Elbow deformation now. This can be used for the knees too.



Anonymous No. 892342

Knee deformation

Anonymous No. 892343

Thank you king



Anonymous No. 892345

Preparation for texturing.
Duplicating (Ctrl + D) the verts underneath the skirt.
Merge (M) at center.

Same with the face. Duplicated. We can make expressions like decals. They do this for the idolm@ster games.

Anonymous No. 892346

This is one of those threads I read where I can feel my brain feel smarter. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 892347

Nice gesture of you OP, don't listen to the ambient faggotry, this might serve a beginner and you deserve a medal for that



Anonymous No. 892351

adding some geo to the scarf.



Anonymous No. 892352

cont on the back.
Ill resume in 9 hours. Gotta sleep.
I already knew some were gonna be fags about it so im just ignoring them. Im used to this shithole.

Anonymous No. 892358

oknow paint the textures

Anonymous No. 892395




Anonymous No. 892414

Alright im back.
Now we gotta do some simple rigging.
Legs first.

Part 1

Shift + C = Put the 3D cursor in the middle of the scene. We want the armature to be in the the center.
Object Mode > Shift + A (Add new thing) > Armature > Simple Bone.
Follow the placement of the bones as seen in the webm.
When you are finished with the left side bones highlight it all.
Put pivot to 3D cursor > Shift + D (duplicate) > S (Scale) to the > "X" Axis > Negative(-) 1 to mirror the bones to the right side.



Anonymous No. 892415

Part 2.
Rename the bones as seen in the webm.

You have to label them as .L or .R in order for the symmetry to work. They need to have the same placements too.

Inverse kinematics next.



Anonymous No. 892418

Part 1 of the IK.

Edit mode > highlight the tail of the bone > Extrude(E) to the back of it > Highlight the bone we extruded > Alt + P > Clear parent so we can move it freely.

Pose Mode > Bone constraint properties > Inverse kinematics > Target ("Armature") > Bone ("Leg IK .L) > Chain length (2) since we only want to control the lower leg and the upper leg.

Select the bone then try moving it. Its very fucking shit. We do a simple fix in part 2.

Anonymous No. 892419

Forgot. Ctrl + P > Keep offset after doing the ALT + P > Clear Parent step.
I kinda forgot why we do this but i assume that its for the hierarchy in case you import this to a game engine.



Anonymous No. 892422

Part 2 on why its fucking up where its bending. Simple mistakes can happen. You have to align the bones in the X axis and to recalculate the roll(Where the bones are facing).

Dont forget to go back to edit mode!

A to highlight > Numpad 1 (front view) > Ctrl + N > Recalculate (View axis) > then align the bones.

Dont forget to go back to edit mode!
As shown.

Alright we see that its bending in the right place and not sideways but theres still another problem.

To fix that we add pole targets so we can define better in where the leg should face.



Anonymous No. 892423

recalculate roll



Anonymous No. 892424

Part 3. Its still spastic for some reason. Its because of the >>892419 part.
Dont offset the IK to the bone area. It was a mistake on my part.
Edit mode > Select the IK Bone > Ctrl + P > Clear parent
As shown.



Anonymous No. 892425

Part 4. We want to control in where the legs should face. We use pole targets.

Edit mode with the armature selected > Shift A to add a new bone > align the point target bone with the leg bone

Pose mode > Select the leg bone in where we attached the IK > Bone constraints > Pole Target (Armature) > Bone (Leg PT .L) > Pole Angle (90 degrees) or it will face east or west (thing we dont want to happen)

Now we can control where the bone is facing + Bending.

Part 5 is putting weights in the mesh so we can actually see it work in action now.



Anonymous No. 892427

Part 5.

IK and PT should have the deform option unticked.
Select the bone > Bone Properties > Deform *untick*

Then after thats done
Object mode > Select the mesh you want to put weights on first then select the armature > Ctrl + P > Automatic weights.

This should work flawlessly since our model isnt really that complicated. As long as the bone placement is good then it should weigh correctly.

Right leg is self explanatory. Just do what you did with the left leg.



Anonymous No. 892443

Now we do arms. Same stuff.
Just add bones. Extrude. Move them and duplicate.
If you are following at this point you already probably know what you're doing.



Anonymous No. 892444

Now main body parts.
Dont forget to name em.



Anonymous No. 892445

Had to redo the core parts.
Highlight the arms and offset them to the chest.
Same with the legs offset them to the hips.

Anonymous No. 892448

I struggle with joint deformation a lot, will reference these next project; video format is especially helpful, keep th thread going!!

Anonymous No. 892449

Are you done with the modelling? I really didn't like your approach.



Anonymous No. 892451

Skirt bones now.

I must admit that i dont really know how to rig skirts

Next is the ribbon bones and the scarf bones.

refer to >>892427
it visualizes how the actual deformation works when the bones are added.
>i really didnt like your approach
in modelling? What part?



Anonymous No. 892452

Ribbon bones done.
I will do something about the scarf part. It looks very shit. We can improve by lessening the verts used too.



Anonymous No. 892453

Deleted the whole scarf back object.
We can just make a pseudo scarf + with the sailor uniform back thing using alphas later.
We saved more vertices and less animation pain.



Anonymous No. 892454

Applying weights now.
Select the mesh and the armature last as always. Ctrl + P and automatic weights.
You can see me tweaking the stray bones.
The arms should be only controlled by the arm bones. Set the value to 0 for the stray ones like what im doing with the webm.

Im 99% certain that theres a better way.



Anonymous No. 892456

Fixing the arms.
The lower arm bone should be at 1.0 at the lower arm
The upper arm bone should be at 1.0 at the upper arm
The elbow should share a 0.5 weight from the upper arm and the lower arm bone.

Fixing the shoulders next.



Anonymous No. 892459

Core tweaking now + Shoulders.
The ribbon bones should be at the ribbon part only of the mesh.
The back bones should only be at the back scarf part of the mesh.



Anonymous No. 892460

Head and posing for checks.
The skirt rig is pretty meh. Too much deformation.
We can improve the rig further by putting a shoulder bone in the model too.



Anonymous No. 892464

Shoulder part dumping.
Follow through the webms.
This gives us more control.



Anonymous No. 892465

>cant upload other webm because of file size
hiro i would buy 4chan pass if you actually put something worthwhile in it.

Anonymous No. 892467

alright ill be out for 2-3 days to work on my personal project. Recording shit is exhausting and i have to do retakes when file sizes are more than 3MB or two minutes.

Anonymous No. 892472

Thank god! It looks awful so far

Anonymous No. 892518

Impressive thread
is there retard-proof guide for people like me?

Anonymous No. 892525

>lowkey puts twitter handle in progress

Kek time to do high poly bro. Don't limit yourself to low poly shenanigans.

Anonymous No. 892537

Give up

Anonymous No. 892572

>crabs too strong that he decides to dig up OPs nationality
state of /3/

Anonymous No. 892575

>lowkey puts twitter handle
If you searched my name on the from the file directories of course you're gonna find who i am. I didnt even notice that i accidentally revealed my name because of how a pain it is to record.
>dont limit yourself to low poly shenanigans
Im not. Did you even read the OP.
yeah ill make a core compilation when im done with the model.

Anonymous No. 892576

You know what fuck the crabs. Im gonna keep going just out of spite.

Starting from UVs now.



Anonymous No. 892577

Part 1
Separate the parts in where we have to paint the ribbon and the backside so it doesnt mess with our UV seams.

Edit mode > Highlight using Face Select > P > Separate > Selection.

As you can see it still has the same weights from our rigging we wont have a problem.



Anonymous No. 892579

Part 2

Click the UV Editing window on the top

Separate the scarf and the skirt part just like in part 1.

Go to modifiers of the scarf and the skirt then apply the mirroring.

Mark seams as seen in the video

>how is it different from the scarves and the backside?
We can save texture space when we UV map since we can symmetrize the texture of the uniform. Its automatically done if the mirror modifier is still used.
If we symmetrize the scarf and the skirts the textures would look bad. Thats why we applied the mirror modifier so they take more texture space when we unwrap them.

>why make a seam on the sides of the skirt and the scarf?
Next part will show just that.

Anonymous No. 892580

>UV editing window.
My bad. Dont do that yet.



Anonymous No. 892582

Part 3

Click UV Editing window.

Select Objects in object mode > Edit mode > A (Highlight all of the models)

U > UV mapping > Unwrap

If we dont make seams in the loops then it would look like shit and non uniform as seen in the first one.
But if you followed part 2s seams it would look uniform and easier to texture.

Simple as that.



Anonymous No. 892584

Part 4.

Follow the seams im adding as always. Nothing too special.
Go use edge select mode so its easier to make seams.



Anonymous No. 892586

Part 5.
Leg part.
Same stuff.



Anonymous No. 892588

Part 6
Head and Hair.



Anonymous No. 892589

Part 7. End?
Now that its done go to object mode and highlight all of the meshes. Then Edit mode. Highlight all of it (A) > U > Unwrap.
That gives us a unified UV.

Except >>892345 the decal face.
"That would be on another UV since that will be our expressions. Or i might change that later to blendshapes instead."

Ill be back in 1-2 hours. Gotta walk my dog. Then we start some basic texturing in blender.

Anonymous No. 892607

No need to refer to yourself in third-person Rodrigo it's kinda embarrassing tbqh
>crab! crab!
It's not crabbing if we're not in the bucket in the first place retard



Anonymous No. 892614

Part 1 of the texturing process. Set up materials first. If theres still no materials then click the "new" button.
If you've done the donut tutorial this is literally basic shit.



Anonymous No. 892616

Part 2. Extract the colors we need. If you have a reference that is colored.
Follow the steps in the webm to know how to extract them.
Theres a command to extract every color in the picture but thats unreliable since it would return thousands of colors.



Anonymous No. 892622

Make multiple palettes so you dont fumble later. Its a definitely a good practice to get used to it.
Sometimes out of habit i dont bother. But if you're a beginner always do this to make a habit out of it unlike me.
We do some tweaking on the next post then after that would be the part 3 of the texturing process.



Anonymous No. 892624

Just some small tweaks on the head and the hair mesh so it fits better.
We're gonna do some color filling at part 3.



Anonymous No. 892628

Part 3.
I hid all of the objects that might require advanced texturing with the use of alphas (Scarf / Ribbon / Sailor uniform back + Scarf

Enable Paint Mask feature as seen in the webm. That lets you only paint to the selected faces. Very useful for filling.
No macros used this time except "Select Linked (Letter L)". Will show how it works in the next post.

Anonymous No. 892629

Also forgot about the viewport shading.
Since we're making a toon/anime model its very useful to see the actual base colors.


Viewport Shading.gif

Anonymous No. 892630



Select Linked.gif

Anonymous No. 892635

Normal - I assume that this is for the whole region of the mesh. If its connected or not.
Material - What kind of material does a part of a mesh have?
Seam - Explanatory. The seams stop the selection. If it doesnt then you missed a seam somewhere
Sharp - I assume that this is for hardsurface stuff which i dont have any experience on.
UVs - UV islands i presume? It works like seam if you've already unwrapped.


Anonymous No. 892637

Don't mind the crabs. If it were up to them the entire site would be nothing but a vitriolic circle jerk. It's the effort posters like you that make the site worth coming to. Good thread, Anon.



Anonymous No. 892638

Part 4. Simple stuff like earlier.
Utilizing select linked > seams to select things faster. Filling the mesh with base colors.



Anonymous No. 892639

Part 5.
Just some simple stuff.
Next part is for gradient especially for the face.



Anonymous No. 892641

Part 6. Gradients.

Texture paint mode > Fill
Color Picker > Gradient
Eyedrop the colors that we will use.
Stroke > Line
Drag down the line in where you want to start the gradient to finish.
Tweak the gradient till you find the sweet spot.


Dont lose progress.webm

Anonymous No. 892647

This one is very important. I almost forgot about it. Do this first before texture painting.
But you still have to save once in awhile.

Anonymous No. 893289

they've silenced him.

Anonymous No. 893294

He knew too much

Anonymous No. 893380

interesting bread, I don't know much about 3d modeling, but will put it in the thread watcher just in case

Anonymous No. 893384

i like it, now try it but with maya because i'm retarded

Anonymous No. 893575

sorry. I've been restless lately because i got a puppy. He gets anxiety when i put him in the cage so i had to teach him nonstop about discipline.
Might resume tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I just wanna sleep

Anonymous No. 893718


seanigga just sculpt it or you can't because you can't sculpt?

Anonymous No. 893756

i cant sculpt and my computer isnt powerful enough for that.
Also im teaching anons how to do low poly bro.
I know im not good but if it can jumpstart someone with the terrible tutorials then im happy.

Anonymous No. 893769

keep it up anon, if it makes a difference for you you've definitely encouraged me

Anonymous No. 893796

is it just one anon making this girl or more?
if so should i whip up a quick model of her too?



Anonymous No. 893863

i just began making a shitty one today
not low poly, no rigging yet

Anonymous No. 893864

She needs to be rounded out on the torso and skirt a bit, but she's kind of cute.

Anonymous No. 893871


I'm glad you're using Blender. Imagine paying autocuck money when you can do this shit in Blender for free.

Anonymous No. 893878

hahaha holy shit that looks so bad

Anonymous No. 893896

thats actually not too bad You get better overtime.



Anonymous No. 893897

Alright im back. We do alpha texturing now.
We can erase/show alphas by
Material properties -> Settings -> blend mode -> Alpha blend



Anonymous No. 893898

As usual dont forget about the paint mask option.



Anonymous No. 893899




Anonymous No. 893900




Anonymous No. 893901




Anonymous No. 893902




Anonymous No. 893904




Anonymous No. 893906




Anonymous No. 893907




Anonymous No. 893908




Anonymous No. 893909




Anonymous No. 893911




Anonymous No. 893912

Well its "done" and its definitely 1-1 model because im retarded.
But it worked out in the end.



Anonymous No. 893913

fixed it offscreen a bit.
We're moving to the hair next.

Anonymous No. 893914

Cute thread :D

Anonymous No. 895005

Get off /3/, people who make things aren't allowed, this place is for getting mad over other people's software choices and demeaning each other.
Seriously, though, thanks OP, this is what this board should be.

Anonymous No. 895342

>this place is for getting mad over other people's [software] choices and demeaning each other.
I think that's 4chan in general

Anonymous No. 896664

OP where art thou I need to learn how to do the hair

Anonymous No. 896709

He has a few threads up, but he seems to abandon his projects a lot.



Anonymous No. 896838

I can't quite tell from this unwrap, but if that thing in the upper-right corner is the collar of the shirt, I'll teach you a trick to getting better textures. As I'm sure you've noticed, lines start to get really jaggy when you try to paint them diagonally. You can work around that by lining up your textures so straight lines go horizontally or vertically. I drew an example at the bottom to show you what I mean. If you unwrap it so it looks like this, you'll get the same lines without the jag, since the white lines won't be drawn at an angle.



Anonymous No. 896842

Pic related is what I mean. It makes a HUGE difference, especially on low-poly models.

Granted, maybe I'm just misunderstanding which texture that is in the top right.

Anonymous No. 898549


Anonymous No. 899408

OP pls
In the meanwhile does anyone have any tutorial recommendations for modelling anime girls?

Anonymous No. 899429

That's a difficult question, since there are a lot of ways of doing it and some work better for certain uses than others. Like with the mouth, you can either do it the "standard" way, the "fuck the polygons, since it's using a normal reference object anyway" method, or the weird "mouth floats in front of the face" method. All three of them work best in very specific situations, but require completely different layouts to work (like the second method requires a very specific material type and a face that isn't heavy on textures).



Anonymous No. 899579

is vroid permitted?

Anonymous No. 899660

non-modelers get out.

Anonymous No. 899665

which method would be best for animating?
i imagine someone's covered all this sort of stuff somewhere but i'm too retarded to find it

Anonymous No. 901627


Anonymous No. 902659

File>External Resources>Pack All Into .blend
File>External Resources>Automatically Pack Into .blend

Anonymous No. 902838

>another wip in the trash never to be worked on again

Do hobbyists really?



Anonymous No. 903266

this thread is cursed. anyone who start it lose interest in the mid and leave the mesh unfinished



Anonymous No. 903846

This looks pretty good.


Anonymous No. 904193

the fact you explained how to rotate but not anything else is insane to me

Anonymous No. 904194

how tf did you do this what does owl mean



Anonymous No. 904352


Anonymous No. 904357

Regarding anime shaped faces, how are eyes handled? Is it just a texture, or do they have actual eyes and eyelids like normal models do?

Anonymous No. 904417


Anonymous No. 904418

depends on the level of detail (of the model) and the anime style (more abstract - more realistic). Often they are just painted on, sometimes there is some form of eye mesh, actual eyes and eyelids are there if the style is closer to reality.



Anonymous No. 904689


Anonymous No. 904721

it's a meme about shitty art tutorials

Anonymous No. 904722

Cool but I suggest you stop posting in this shithole and post more on twitter, sketchfab or artstation.

Anonymous No. 905451

Shit look hideous



Anonymous No. 905485




Anonymous No. 905489



Anonymous No. 905491

Anonymous No. 905500

She looks great



Anonymous No. 905518




Anonymous No. 905522

Anonymous No. 905980

this is really tragic because i suck ass and i do not know how to go from your previous step to this one and make it look good, i was really enjoying these tips

Anonymous No. 906007

Is this a low poly thread or a general anime thread?

Anonymous No. 906120

Cute! Make another!

Anonymous No. 906185


Anonymous No. 906265

most anime models I've seen from mmd and such have the white part of the eyes indented/concaved into the face with the iris and pupil floating inside

Anonymous No. 906280

Should we post our works or ITT is for your only? I don't see /asg/ (like in /ic/) in this board.

Anonymous No. 906334

I think OP has mostly stopped so I'd say it's fine. You could also make a new thread but I don't know how many anime modellers are here.

Anonymous No. 906643

>Low poly First.
Will you subdiv her later?

Anonymous No. 906663

Where the fuck do the anime modellers hang out? I'm sick of this board and I hate blender. Twitter is nice but I can't read moonrunes

Anonymous No. 906672

Enjoying this, gonna try something similar myself. Off-topic Has anyone compiled a general resources pastebin relevant to 3d anime?

Anonymous No. 906784

Finding one who can speak english is not that hard

Anonymous No. 907204

This is actually very interesting. But I'd like to go from there to any animation I want by using some text interface. So I could program movements. Also we need her to have facial expressions.