

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 892718

Is there a tutorial on how to pose ik/fk rigs out there? Preferably also more advanced stuff that goes in more detail on how to fix weird looking limbs. I know the basics like pic rel but there's always a bunch of other bone layers with so much different shit I have no idea what to do with. I tried looking around online but all I'm finding are videos on how to rig characters..

Anonymous No. 892771

Sounds like you are using someones else's rigs you ripped.
If you rip a skeleton that has an advanced rig it'll come without all the custom controller scripts that whoever made the rig created to control it
because that isn't something you'll see engine side unless you have the sourcecode to the controllers or the original animation file used to record baked animations.

There are no tutorials on how to pose them extra bones because every rig is custom and has it's own bespoke system meant to go with it.
People who steal others people art have to re-rig everything for themselves to a skeleton they understand, or figure out how the original rig was meant to work and recreate the controllers.
Both tasks require enough competence that you prob isn't someone ripping other peoples stuff when you're advanced enough to successfully steal it because you will be working on your own stuff by then.

Anonymous No. 892775

Why would I bother ripping someone else's rig when I don't even know how half of that shit even works? Why would your first assumption even be that I'm stealing someone else's shit when nothing in my post even remotely suggests that I did something like that?

I've literally downloaded a bunch of models off smutbase and came here to ask for tips on posing.

Anonymous No. 892778

>Why would your first assumption even be that I'm stealing someone else's shit

Because it's implied when you stated:

>there's always a bunch of other bone layers with so much different shit

Think about it anon, how could there be a bunch of bone layers full of shit you didn't understand if you're the one who built them?
How on earth would you manage to build something in the first place if you didn't understand the purpose of what you built.

Anonymous No. 892799

1. identify the ik controllers
2. pose model with iks
3. identify fk and tweak controllers
4. fix fucked parts with them

Anonymous No. 892839

Maybe because I downloaded someone else's publicly released model? Ever thought of that?

I do it like that but often times no bones fix the problems. Like knees becoming super sharp and shit.

Anonymous No. 892967

Just rerig the model yourself retard

Anonymous No. 892991

Lol yeah lemme just delete a perfectly good rig so I can attempt to replace it with my own which I don't even know how to make.

Anonymous No. 892999

If you don't even know how to make rigs you shouldn't be playing with others' (because you CAN'T). Learn to rig yourself, or continue to suffer from your own incompetence.

Anonymous No. 893016

Lol would you also tell an animator that they shouldn't animate other people's models and that they should learn to model themselves? What kind of braindead logic are you using?

Anonymous No. 893017

Nice reach, enjoy your inability to solve your problem :)

Anonymous No. 893022

>would you also tell an animator that they shouldn't animate other people's models and that they should learn to model themselves?

An animator that only animates is much like a racecar driver that don't understand how to setup his own vehicle, forever unable to make the most of whatever's handed to him because he'll just drive it 'as is' no matter what.



Anonymous No. 893062


You're both assholes. You, because "duh just rerig it" is a shitty answer to this question, and you know it. And you, because "derpa derpa, I don't need to know how to rig" is the kind of half-assed approach to 3D that makes everybody here KNOW that you're just making shitty porn with models you downloaded from Smutbase without learning even the basics of how to use Blender. This thread is worthless.

Anonymous No. 893098


Right because every professional animator can make high quality human models.

I never said I don't need to know how to rig, rigging is just not something I currently plan on learning. I've been working on and off in blender for years and I want to get started on animation and this is one of the things I wanted to ask tips on because it's something no one in tutorials ever focuses on. I'm not half-assing shit, I just want to find out more about something specific.

Anonymous No. 893126

>years to learn blender
>doesn't know how to rig or animate
Your IQ is too low for even 3D/gd, give up

Anonymous No. 893172

I'm lazy. Fucking sue me. I'm surprised you can even type anything with that stick so far up your ass.