

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 892741

How good is this for a first time sculpt?

I'm a 2D artist with decent anatomy knowledge and I was surprised how intuitive and easy it is to sculpt in 3D.

Anonymous No. 892764

did you really need to make a thread for this? anyway, looks good, but your head is way too tiny for someone with "decent anatomy knowledge", also the scapula is wrong/missing entirely, use references.

Anonymous No. 892766

It's shit because it's a first time sculpt.
As far as your 2D knowledge goes, it will help you a lot in the long run. You should see the "first time" sculpts of people who don't know how to draw.

Anonymous No. 892770


>Decent anatomy

No you don't. Come back when you've done 100s of that.

Anonymous No. 892774

That's a man

Anonymous No. 892776

It's alright for a first try. The head could be bigger, and the breasts look like you were planning on giving her a bra. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.

Anonymous No. 892784

>It's alright for a first try. The head could be bigger, and the breasts look like you were planning on giving her a bra. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves,
You aren't giving any good advice and you aren't being clever. Fuck off.

The way you make a character or an animal with accurate anatomy is to 1) start looking at an anatomy book and 2) doing the following process : modelling the individual bones of the skeleton then adding the individual muscles while looking at an anatomy book then duplicating these two layers and combining all the elements and then smoothing them to form the fascia and then on top of that making yet another layer that is your outer skin. In between the outer skin and your fascia is the fat. Basically you take these layers and then feed them to your muscle solver be it in houdini or maya so you get physically accurate results in animation

Anonymous No. 892791

your model needs two dicks, one of them in the mouth

Anonymous No. 892856

Sorry I didn't spot the blender general.
Now that you mention it I see the lack of scapula.
I come from /ic/ so that's nothing new to me. We call those people crabs over there.
Isn't that a bit overkill if you're not planning to rig the model? Though I guess it could teach you anatomy well.
Maybe in the next one.

Anonymous No. 892861

show your 2d work then

Anonymous No. 892970

>>892784 is fucking with you retard there's no such thing as a "muscle solver"

Anonymous No. 893000

>there's no such thing as a "muscle solver"
today I learned that I've been paid for the last decade to work something that some rando on /3/ says doesn't actually exist.

Seriously though, muscle solvers are very real, but this dude is a retard >>892784
Probably someone who thinks he found the holy grail of 3dcg when he stumbled upon some muscle sim breakdown on youtube.
Internal anatomy is adapted to the external model, not the other way around, because it's always assumed that the artist sculpting the model knows anatomy in the first place. To learn anatomy you need to git gud, that's it.

Anonymous No. 893004

>To learn anatomy you need to git gud, that's it.
to learn anatomy you need a book on anatomy you mouthbreather

Anonymous No. 893216

it's pretty gud, don't listen to retards who tell you it's not perfect (it isn't, but yeah you don't really need 100% accurate anatomical accuracy usually)
same by the way, as a 2d drawer sculpting is really intuitive, but there's so much stuff you can do that i get lost usually lel

Anonymous No. 893534

It's alright for a first try. The head could be bigger, and the breasts look like you were planning on giving her a bra. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.


AAA Idealized Tur....jpg

Anonymous No. 893558

Features are too masculine. Head is straight up male, torso is too wide, thighs should have a gap inbetween them, leg muscle distribution is again too masculine. When I mention leg muscle distribution, in women there seems to be more mass in the upper thigh also due to their hips being more protruding, whereas in males the thigh tends to bulge more near the knee. The same principle can be applied to the calves, so in males the calves bulge more and the bulge is located relatively low, whereas in females the calves bulge less (thus retaining a more linear form) and the bulge is located further up in proximity to the knee

I agree that you have a decent grasp on anatomy, it simply seems that you're perhaps inadvertently applying male anatomy principles to female models


AAA Female Anatom....jpg

Anonymous No. 893562


Female Anatomy Tu....jpg

Anonymous No. 893563


Stylized Turnarou....jpg

Anonymous No. 893564


AAA Female Anatom....jpg

Anonymous No. 893565

Anonymous No. 893580

>Internal anatomy is adapted to the external model, not the other way around, because it's always assumed that the artist sculpting the model knows anatomy in the first place. To learn anatomy you need to git gud, that's it.

actually the CEO of Ziva Dynamics said on the forums in response to that very question that you are supposed to make an extremely rough mesh that gives you the bounds and little else and then do the regular ziva workflow with building the skeleton and muscles to establish the muscle forms. They used Ziva for extremely sim heavy things like the recent "Godzilla vs Kong" and were just acquired by Unity but I wouldn't expect you to know that, mister head-stuck-in-the-sand ;)

Anonymous No. 893581

You're getting into details before you've even got proportions down.

Head is too small. Your figure is 10 heads tall. If you're trying to look realistic, that's way off.

Upper torso/shoulders are too wide for a woman. You've essentially sculpted a tranny.

Anonymous No. 893628

Who did this?? where can I follow anymore Capcom stuff?