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Anonymous No. 892759

Why do every FBX model I import into Blender have their bones sticking out like this? They look fine inside Unreal Engine

Anonymous No. 892762

change the bone display size and post in stupid questions thread next time

Anonymous No. 892763

Axis conversion issue, I believe blender is 'lefthanded' and unreal is 'righthanded' so their X axis points in opposite directions. When Blender imports these models it prob aligns the bones XYZ in that order meaning they get flipped facing right(as in wrong) then made to face forward then up.



Anonymous No. 892765

Because this. Tinker around with your importer/exported settings til you find the correct settings to use for your combination or read up on what is correct.

Anonymous No. 892796

It's shit like this that makes me honestly believe we are a retard species.

Anonymous No. 892798

Truly, the only solution would be to establish a new, unified standard.

I propose 'X is up'.

Anonymous No. 892805

Thats retarded. A map has x and y coordinates. Z is added because that would be 'extra' information to a 2d map.

Anonymous No. 892807

Does it help if I tell you how 'left-handed' systems have X point towards the right hand side of forward, and so called 'right-handed' to the left hand side? ^^

Anonymous No. 892808

One group of people agrees with you, for the reason you just outlined.

The other group argues that X & Y are the camera's view axes and Z is the "depth" axis, which is why Z is forward and Y is up.

On top of that, there's disagreement on whether X should point right or left.

That's why 'X is up' is the only real solution, since everyone would be equally unhappy with it. Because it's completely retarded.

Modern problems require modern solutions.

Anonymous No. 892809

Since there are people that say a Y-up worldspace makes sense because even Z-up agree how 'Z' is depth for camera.
We only have to tell the 'Y-up folk' that the worldspace is now defined with the cameraman laying in bed on his side to explain the X-up worldspace.
They are already gullible like that and accustomed to arbitrary definitions by pretending their imaginary cameraman is always standing up and facing north.

It'll be a harder sell to the more clever people in camp Z-up who actually understands transform spaces.

Anonymous No. 892810

Ok I figured it out. To sell 'X-up' to camp Z-up we just explain to them how the worldspace is actually Z-up but all
3D is henceforth assumed to start at 'Isla Santa Cruz' (right-handed) or the middle of the Indian Ocean (left-handed).

Anonymous No. 892811

Doesn't work, if camp Z-up believed that we could've already agreed that all 3D originates on the Equator on the Prime Meridian and we've already agreed on Y-up.

The Z-up crowd basically takes the view of the solar system into account to arrive where they're at.

Anonymous No. 892820

BUT WHICH WAY IS THE CAMERA POINTING? That reasoning is completely arbitrary and ignores the entirety of human history.

Anonymous No. 892826

Perhaps team Y-up doesn't know how the camera can move and only has one viewport: front?



Anonymous No. 892827

yes and no
Maya-exported fbx's import absolutely fine in Unreal.
The worst you may get is the character laying face down because you forgot to tick Z-up on export.
the non-standardized axes are a notorious retardation in the CG world, but OP's issue is only partially related to that.

OP, the reason why your shit doesn't work is because Blender devs are a bunch of hipster soibois and their software reflects that.
They wanted to go with a completely different rigging logic to "stick it to teh industry" and they can't be arsed to make it work with systems which have existed long before some of them were even born.
So now you have to suffer because Blender devs wanted to feel speshul.
In other words, your fbx rig doesn't work because they half-assed the importer and they can't be bothered to fix it (==>because it's "too hard" ((==>aka "they're too lazy to")) to make it work with their hipster system, which no one asked for). Everyone else made it work, except them. They spend their time coming up with more gimmicks to sell to the Twitter crowd and planning the next overhauled UI layout and whether they want to bind the selection key to the mouse wheel or the power button this time.
Seriously, just go take a look at the import fbx script, it's in the addon install folder. The commented lines read about as passive-aggressive as r/3/tards, no wonder this place loves blender. picrel is just an excerpt.

># Arggggggggggggggggg! (sic)
>"Why can't the world revolve around us!!!!"
Blender professionalism at its finest.

Anonymous No. 892838

They're left hand and right hand rules .
Unless your hands are on backwards, it would be obvious that the X direction points across the body.


Anonymous No. 892854

get the better fbx addon

Anonymous No. 892931

>joke flies over his head, takes it all very seriously and calls people retarded.


this mf.png

Anonymous No. 893125

See this?
This mothereffer here?
Un-collapse it and check every box whenever you import.



Anonymous No. 893143
