
desk table endpiece.png

๐Ÿงต Moi 3d

Anonymous No. 893029

How do I fillet this? I think the reason it is failing might be those inner curves, but I don't know how to deal with this.


desk table endpie....png

Anonymous No. 893044

It works when I do it with a regular circle, but with a NURBS ellipse drawn using freehand, when I substract it I get these frayed edges. There is some mesh shearing going on for some reason. And fillet fails. So it is probably not because of the inner curves...

Maybe it is because I am revolving 360 degrees instead of 180?


desk table endpie....png

Anonymous No. 893067

I got it!

It is those sharp corners that are the problem. For the purpose of filleting, it is better to put a few points close together to get a smooth transition than to Ctrl + LMB to get the sharpies. And the reason why that perfect NURBs circle did not work for it is probably because I did not place it perfectly along the surface. It probably has two overlapping lines close together which is wrecking. I can't think of anything else as the reason why it is working all of sudden now so that must be it.

Anonymous No. 893068

>that perfect NURBs circle
I meant ellipse in the second post.

Anonymous No. 893191

How does hard surface modeling in Moi compare to Blender + Hops + Boxcutter + MESHmachine? Is there a benefit to using Blender plus a bunch of extensions vs doing it in Moi and exporting?

Anonymous No. 893199

Hopscutter stuff is easier to unwrap, better control of normals, manifold so it can bake to itself better in painter etc.

I gave CAD a go and fusion 360 was a joy to use but yeah you'll never get directly usable data out of it for anything other than a keyshot render, you certainly can't author a mid poly asset

Anonymous No. 893200

CAD is definitely usable for creating game assets/other stuff once you get to know the workflow

Anonymous No. 893206

Thanks for posting this. I'll check it out once I am done with my current studies. I knew that Moi 3d could generate meshes for exports, but I hadn't known that Fusion 360 and other CAD software couldn't. And I hadn't heard about RizomUV. How good is it?

Anonymous No. 893208


Here is a demo of a 3ds Max -> Moi -> 3ds Max workflow.

Anonymous No. 893209

CAD nogs are the scum of 3D

Anonymous No. 893210

I like using it for my UV unwrapping, especially using the 3DSMax bridge addon, you can get stuff easily and very quickly unwrapped using it and the auto unwrap is more advanced than the stuff that is included in normal modeling software. Its basically the Zbrush of UV unwrapping

Anonymous No. 893301

Well this is using CAD for a high to low workflow which I already thought was sick, especially because you can just go straight to dynamesh in zbrush with it and add some details I'm more interested in getting usable data directly the same way you can with hops for games.

I'll give this a try, I was exporting through Moi but didn't know about the maximum number of models thing

Anonymous No. 893432


It seems Rhino has spline-based (as opposed to mesh-based) subd and the ability to convert that into NURBs. This is one of the features that I've hoped Moi would have. It also has the quad remesher built in so you can you that to convert NURBs to neat meshes.

I've often seen Rhino mentioned in concert with Moi, so I've decided to check it out and what it has is most impressive. It is only 300mb large too.

Anonymous No. 893436

Moi is such cris tier software

Anonymous No. 893449


Here is the quad remesher in action. I found it really interesting how towards the end he takes an already complete object, and convert it to a subd interpolated object using the quad remesher for further editing.

Nah, it is great. Being able to learn it in half a week is not bad, but very good design. I have the goal of modeling everything in my room, and I should be able to do it 10x faster than in Blender. I got the Hopscutter and MESHmachine, and despite their shilling by Blender Bros, they are a band aid as I still have to constantly deal with concerns about the topology.

The problem with Moi is that unlike Blender it has little in the way of tooling for introducing deformations, but it seems Rhino has that covered. It is a lot more complex than Moi though.