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Anonymous No. 893034

Hi, I tried to recreate a model but it didnt end up looking as good and I dont know why.

I know its mainly a texture a problem but i dont know whats missing, can anyone give me some tips?
(gonna post links as a reply as 4chan isnt allowing me to make the thread)

Anonymous No. 893035

My model: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/sink-17c796aeb1b8455d8f594a72490e11b7

Model I tired to replicate: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/old-sink-4e8ce1e067b6426494cf724dbe4e0f71

Anonymous No. 893042

? It looks fine? Maybe more grunge on the sink?

Anonymous No. 893045

The other one has a softer slope on the ridge on the side. The textures are higher resolution too.

Anonymous No. 893046

yeah i think you are right, i think thats why my model looks kinda naked

Anonymous No. 893056

other guy knows what his doing but has shitty topo anyway not that it really matters for a model like that.
he's using a high to lowpoly workflow, and baking details down his edges are smooth because he's using smooth shading and baking helps create the softer edges when lighting hits it. the real difference isn't your texture it's the fact you've made a lowpoly model and his made and lowpoly with baked down details, you're model will never look as good being without high to help.

Anonymous No. 893060

I see, I thought about creating high poly mesh too but got lazy with it and didnt think it would matter that much :D

Anonymous No. 893065

Based anon actually practicing

Anonymous No. 893069

the texturing needs more work, and you can see how he controls the specular with the texture, it seems that he backed a bevel, or maybe a high to lowpoly like >>893056 said too, I think that should be it.

Anonymous No. 893074

he uses a bump map too



Anonymous No. 893130

come on anon, your texture work is shit. If you're not going through a highpoly baking workflow you might as well add enough geometry, but the best option would be to make a highpoly version of your model if you want to keep it game ready. As I said, scrap the whole texture thing and try again. The sinkhole isn't even modeled in, heck it's not even a circle nor is it centered. If you want good results you have to put the time and effort in what you're doing. Here is how to become good at what you're trying to do.


1) Avoid any sharp edges, you should either go for a bevel workflow, a subdiv workflow, or a baking workflow but you have to chose and plan everything out in order to have a clear idea of what you're doing before actually producing anything

2) You're doing realism. The key to realism is to capture as much detail as you can so you need to do so. Dive to the micro-level and try to reproduce as much as you can see, do not leave anything at random or untouched. Do yourself a favor by using as much reference as you'll need. This applies to texturing as well as modeling, try to capture every shape.

Anonymous No. 893131


1) First of all, your UVs are crooked. Redo them correctly, and learn all you can about uv unwrapping until you can uv anything because you simply can't build anything solid if your UVs are shit.

2) Use a high enough texture resolution. I can see individual pixels from a reasonable distance.

3) Avoid basic substance noises. People like us get used to seeing cg textures and being able to notice the exact same noise pattern we've seen billions of time. Always overdo breakups, layers, complexity keep in mind that the real world is complex to an infinite level.

4) Add grunge and wear/tear where it actually has sense. Analyze and think. The metal tap is uniformly covered in mud with the issue mentioned in 3); the leak right under the tap has a uniform shape and harsh borders; the stuff at the bottom of the sink makes no sense, there's grunge right next to perfectly clean spots. Watch closely your reference. You're not strong enough to freestyle yet, every decision you make has to be backed up by strong reference.

5) Use everything you can. If you're doing basic PBR, you get to work with a color, roughness, normal and metalness textures. As I said real life is infinitely complex, so you need to use all these maps at your disposition to make it look complex enough. Fill everything with data, do not leave any place untouched. Your job is to bring life to a gray model, do not be lazy, otherwise your work will be nothing but crap.

Anonymous No. 893132


If you're thinking of making a living out of modeling and texturing stuff, do know that this world is cruel and very competitive and that if you want to get an interesting job you have to be better than the other people applying to the same job offer. Do not be lazy because they certainly will not be. However, the most important step on all this was to get moving at first and to start something, which you did. Congrats for practicing anon, as long as you're willing to learn and stand back up after failing you'll keep on progressing even if it does not look like so at first glance. Always remember that if someone else succeded it just means that you can too.

Anonymous No. 893141

Not him or (You), but there are chubby accented Indians working 16 hours a day, every day, to take the CEO's job. Some of them are like cris and most of them fail, but even when they do fail, the hard workers reach a much higher position than if they aimed low and coasted by without studying hard

They'll take your junior environment artist job from you along the way if you're comfortable with your skill level and don't step up. always step up. You can do better than them, easily. But you don't have all of the time in the world.

Anonymous No. 893142

original is much higher poly, has a higher texture resolution and has a lot more detail in the textures, your one lacks edgewear and a ton of micro details that could easily be added procedurally

Anonymous No. 893154

This is great advice thank you

Anonymous No. 893168




Anonymous No. 893170


...use references, donky!



Anonymous No. 893499

First of all, you need to understand topology and proper edge flow. Avoid n-gons because they won't allow you to subdivide and crease high poly model to bake textures from. If you compare the normal maps, the reference model has baked in soft transitions.
As for the textures you never made use of masking from baked maps like occlusion, curvature or thickness that make the textures less uniform and more realistic, as seen from reference model inner corners. Also you should use more handpainted details instead of relying on photos/grunge textures.
To prove that I know what I'm talking about, here's my latest model:
And someone else who apparently used the same reference picture but did not care about those details at all: