

๐Ÿงต I'm trying to make my own Souls game in Unity, but tutorials have left me down

Anonymous No. 893050

First I tried looking at this guy's tutorials:
But he doesn't explain what the FUCK is going on. I did follow up the first 4 vids, but the 5th video explains how to add animations for rolling and backstepping.

And it worked. Problem? Since it's root motion, the character animation (which i got from mixamo) doesn't roll accurately straight as in dark souls, but fucking rolls a bit to the left and rolls at a very small distance, as if he just crawled a few centimeters and got back on feet or something.

What do i do? Does anyone know any good tutorials on learning to animate in unity, so that i can make a Souls-like game where he can both backstep and roll without root motion? And i don't just mean faggots who say "well just turn off root motion", because i don't actually know the best way to animate backstepping and rolling like in dark souls.

Please help anons, you are my last resort, my project is falling apart already... (yes, i dont know what the fuck to do because learning is so fucking hard when autists like these create tutorials)



Anonymous No. 893054

if you are having trouble following along tutorials maybe you shouldnt be making souls-like game....

Anonymous No. 893057

how else do i learn?

Anonymous No. 893061

make a simpler game

Anonymous No. 893063

literally all im doing is tryna make the nigger roll, but that isnt even working because im so fucking useless



Anonymous No. 893070

not my problem

Anonymous No. 893075

aw, thought someone would care...

Anonymous No. 893082

Don't make a souls gamebas your first game, its too complicated. Start smaller.

Anonymous No. 893086

I understand, though I just fixed the issue which makes me so happy because I worked on it for such a long long time!!

Anonymous No. 893087

A cris thread died for this shit

Anonymous No. 893090

That's great, but the scope and complexity for a souls game is really big. If yiu want a project you can realistically finish you need to start smaller and simpler.

Anonymous No. 893101

retard, how is he gonna pull off a kikestarter scam if he goes for a game that a single person can actually make?

Anonymous No. 893103

It is, I just wanted to add rolling and backstepping, and then add fighting a single boss. If i can achieve that, just a 1v1 with a boss, i will continue to expand and learn from there. I'm not exactly a beginner so i know a few things, but compared to how much people actually know, i wouldn't like to compare myself.

Anonymous No. 893112

Start small. I'm momentarily doing a sandbox game in unreal about an overweight nigger whos fighting cops with various weaponry. Low quality but realistic and fun project. Huge projects = motivation loss.

Anonymous No. 893189

not him
Go make a simple fucking game first.
You need advanced programming sense to make a boss especially souls bosses.
State machines, Movement and dodging for your character.
You're gonna fucking kill yourself further if you keep forcing shit.
Make a roll a ball game, Make a walking simulator so you know how triggers work, make an endless runner to know basic procgen. Its not so hard. Start small



Anonymous No. 893228

not op but it seems like whenever i follow a tutorial (though i use godot instead) i dont retain any of it? especially if i follow it exactly. its also incredibly stifling because im just left with someone elses shitty game yknow. any remedy for this? im still super beginner so maybe it just needs time to stick?

Anonymous No. 893230

>overweight nigger whos fighting cops
On the money kek

Anonymous No. 893231

You just need to play with the program by yourself, or you'll program yourself to just follow the style and proves that whoever you're watching does and it will stifle your creativity and motivation.

Anonymous No. 893237

whats the balance though? seems like everyone in this thread is advocating for grinding tutorials till you can do what you need to do. i seemed to make good progress using random systems from random tutorials to make something i wanted though so maybe i should just rock like that. though i still dont seem to retain it well. i thought of taking a step back and following some c course till my fundementals are all together is that a decent idea?

Anonymous No. 893254

what ok earth is this from, all I can find is some weird tumblr blog

Anonymous No. 893267

Here's how I learned ue4 engine to make anything I want gameplay wise. I copied project from YouTube frame by frame, sometimes multiple times. When you go through multiple tutorials (let's say 4-6 tutorials for Tetris, shmup, diablo like, FPS game, top down shooter or something like that) you will have these projects in your project library. These projects are your toolbox. When you start making your own project you will for sure stumble upon problem that you have no knowledge to solve. Now there's a good chance that similar problem was solved in tutorial projects. You will reach into toolbox and find something similar. If it's not there you could check Google. If it's more complex problem you could go through another video tutorial that will have something similar inside. Little by little you will start solving problems in your own project without outside help of any kind.

Anonymous No. 893268

I want to add this method is middle ground between people that say you should grind tutorials and people that say you should start from scratch and solve problem by problem.

Anonymous No. 893288

You won't remember if you copy, you have to do something extra or a twist to remember it

Anonymous No. 893732

What i usually do is when i stopped the video to implement a step I try to go a bit further, usually I end up implementing something the guy was gonna do later(except I do it worse or sometimes better) stuff like that helps you remember better. Also not starting from zero but inside your project where you change things to fit your needs helps.

Some tutorials are so awful that you have to do ten times the work to retain anything tho, when people just say "set this to this" for the entire video it's garbage and you might as well just copy paste their source code and try to understand it.

Anonymous No. 894180

Rolling is dumb, do Bloodborne dodges.

Anonymous No. 894198

You need to buy the animation asset. Its on sale.

Anonymous No. 894207

Don't follow his tutorials.

If you want a comprehensive, albeit hard to listen to because of his thick Greek accent, look at Sharp Accent's souls-like tutorial. He goes through everything. He programs it from the ground up.


Anonymous No. 897388

>trying to make a souls-like just from watching videos
there's no way someone this stupid is from a first world country.