

๐Ÿงต Who here wants to make an NFT collection

Anonymous No. 893390

For context I found this board on /biz/ through an ad that said "give me job", so here I am, don't ban me jannies.

I'm very skilled and experienced in the space, I just want someone who's willing to put in the hours.

Anonymous No. 893394

I think it's a little late to make big money on NFTs, but you'll probably find someone desperate enough if you pay them in actual money



Anonymous No. 893395

sir i make nft pls enter eth wallet money 3eth for business opportunity$

And kill yourself too.

Anonymous No. 893408

Ewww a /biz/ faggot. Imma head on /gif/ and watch some gore to cleanse my mind.

Anonymous No. 895480

Hello. So I'm probably the only one who can answer your question here.

First of all: /3/ is heavily against NFTs because they -

A - Dislike NFTs and try to rationalize around why, which is backwards
B - Do not like the idea of scaping the hobbyist/starving artist mindset

I can't say the whole process, but the important part to make successful NFT collections is:

- Have a following (Twitter and YouTube)
- Be and appear trustworthy
- Don't scam people
- Deliver good art
- Make the images on-chain instead of out-chain (Crypto Punks is on-chain, for example)

All of this will take you enormous amounts of time. Good luck!

Anonymous No. 895541

calm down Rabbi, nobody is falling for your cuck nftee scams

Anonymous No. 895569

Ok biz jew I'm in. What is your pitch? When do we start? Can we have an oven in the office or you too scared?



Anonymous No. 895591

Nfts are iq check like tattoos

Anonymous No. 895633


Probably something stupid like, make the nft and if it sells I'll give you the initial price,. But the seller get taxes on all sales after it.

Anonymous No. 895676

>i'm very skilled and experienced. all you have to do is all the work so i can sell it and make most of the money


mint this.jpg

Anonymous No. 895690

I heard there's currently like 1.1 million minted NFT's and ~190K people who has ever bought any NFT's.
Basically the phase of bouncing the grenade from hand to hand is over and who ever is left holding it as of now
is already staring at the Game Over screen, it just hasn't sunk in yet.

Someone should mint pic-related to celebrate the era of expensive jaypeg-hyperlink ownership.

Anonymous No. 895708

NFTs are a way of making money from nothing just like 99% of other revenue sources these days. NFTs are a lot more blatent about doing this and we're tired of it. They bring nothing good to the human race and they are born from a cynical post capitalist pit of cold misery that needs to be burried and forgotten.


Spider POG _2.webm

Anonymous No. 895727

>I'm very skilled and experienced in the space, I just want someone who's willing to put in the hours.
I can model for you and I made some ideas.

You pay me per 20 movies (you want them animated movies right ? Or only pictures.)

Anonymous No. 895729


OP ignore most these fagots I >>895727 will work with you. WE should get in contact.