

🧵 Can someone help me learn box modelling?

Anonymous No. 893422

I've been trying the whole day to make A DECENT torse. Maybe it's my coomer brain and ADD, because I have no problems making a decent butt as you can see.
For the LOVE OF GOD I CANNOT MAKE A TORSO. Even If I do, I can't get the deltoids right so it deforms well enough.

Please, I usually go from hi-poly to low poly through retopo. I wanna use this weekend to learn a more optimised approach to anatomy.

Anonymous No. 893424

Also please excuse the unnecessary detail on the ass, I'm an ass and hips guy I can't let myself down on that.



Anonymous No. 893428

Alright what am I supposed to do now? My upper torso looks so bad like a piece of outfit, maybe it'll be better if i slap boobies on it, but what's the next step? Do I just extrude the arms?

Anonymous No. 893429

Daaaaaamn bro, that’s one big fat ass!!!
Anyway, too much line makes it look like shit if you’re going to animate it. Try using less lines.



Anonymous No. 893430


Anonymous No. 893431


Anonymous No. 893437

>A DECENT torse
My sides

Anonymous No. 893438

I'm trying but it just doesn't work for me....

Anonymous No. 893439

I can already sculpt torsos anon, I want to box model though



Anonymous No. 893440

I give up. This looks cool and all but I can't...I'll give another try tomorrow or give up and stick to sculpting.

Anonymous No. 893445

Less is more. Your mesh is WAY too dense.
Start over.

Anonymous No. 893446

Yeah I'll get rid of the extra verts on the back and shoulders later but not on the ass and thighs.



Anonymous No. 893447


...look, this stuff isnt easy! if doesnt work the first, second, third, ...etc .. time does mean shit! do this two tuts 20 times, come back, post every of your 20 results - its always like in kung fu films, repeat, repeat, repeat ... until you are able to beat the shit out of the endboss!

Anonymous No. 893448

as others already said. Mesh is too dense. If you want a smooth look, you apply a subdivision modifier like catmull-clark. toggle between subdivided and unsubdivided as you model to see where you should work next. You want to work with as little detail as possible, that way you can easily make big changes without having to realign surrounding geometry.



Anonymous No. 893452

I did it bros. I got a decent shoulder and torso. Are the proportions alright?
I want my ass to have a lot of polys so it doesn't look jagged.

Anonymous No. 893463

you are not understanding. You get a smooth non-jagged ass after applying subdivions. Just look up how to model for subdivison surfaces in blender or whatever.

Anonymous No. 893478

Gotta have the Ass



Anonymous No. 893557

How do I make her get booba? Please you guys have been helpful so far, I'm almost done.
I understand, I dont want to subdive the whole thing, I want the ass to be big as it is :P
yes now tell me how I can box model booba without using a UV sphere because I can't get the figure right

Anonymous No. 893560

I've taken out the loops around the lower abdomen now so it looks less dense.

Anonymous No. 893567

it's fine to use spheres as a reference for roundness for boobs, but I'd recommend not attaching them to the model. Your topology can get quickly fucky if you don't know what you're doing.

Anonymous No. 893568

If I can't attach them how would I rig them? Wouldn't it cause empty spaces appearing all over the edge loops?

Anonymous No. 893570

Maybe this can help you.

Anonymous No. 893574

made me kek tnx

Anonymous No. 893576

No I want to make boobies anon. No time for jokes!

Anonymous No. 893577

I meant it's going to be difficult to make decent looking breasts if you just take a sphere and haphazardly attach them to your model. Depending how you attach them, you'll be having a really tough time making them not look like a really poorly done boob-job unless you have the topology down.

Anonymous No. 893582

>I have no problems making a decent butt as you can see.

Oh yes you do.
You are way worse than you've bullshitted yourself into believing. How are you looking at this mess and telling yourself it looks good?

Start over. Follow a tutorial.

Anonymous No. 893591

>this is your average sculptscrub

Anonymous No. 893612

please anon study anatomy that looks pretty bad (even the ass you're so proud of sorry)



Anonymous No. 893613

youre doing the work the subdv should be doing for you. a box 2 extrusions and some cuts you do a smooth butt.

Anonymous No. 893615

>decent ass
Sorry anon, you need a reality check. I'll rip off the bandaid quickly. Your edgeflow and topology is fucking shit, and that ass is nothing to be proud of. Look at what you did to the lower leg. Horrendous. Anatomy is arsed in the torso. Where the hell is her pubic bone? Females aren't flat as a board, you virgin. Learn the basics, learn some proper anatomy, then come back.

Anonymous No. 893638

I may be a 3D modelling newbie but I have been spanking girl ass for 14 years; and going by your model, I can safely conclude that you, sir, have no idea what a girl's ass is supposed to look like.

Anonymous No. 893639

I'm proud of that ass and yeah the topology is bad, but it's my first try. Can you guys make a small tutorial, it might help future /3/ users going through the same thing.

Anonymous No. 893640

Can you or someone replicate this for me I just tried myself but I cant get my ass to look that good. I'm down to learning better.

Anonymous No. 893641


Anonymous No. 893644

Also Agreed

Anonymous No. 893649

Is not a joke, if you can't use that as a template you still need a bit of practice, just add subdivision modifier and start moving stuff around.

Anonymous No. 893657


Anonymous No. 893677

Learn more about topology.
Learn to use the Blender sculpting tools in tandem with mesh modelling.



Anonymous No. 893731

go watch youtube tutorial or copy nips topology

Anonymous No. 893738

Learn anatomy.

Anonymous No. 893741

Can one of you guys make a small tutorial :/ I tried >>893613 but my ass doesn't look that good.

Anonymous No. 893742

touch your own ass? took me a few days to make it look right without touching my ass

Anonymous No. 893747

>make me a tutorial for something as simple as a butt
Really nigga?

Anonymous No. 893755

Yes. Please? Like the one in the pic. I'd like to learn.
I have ADD. It's sort of difficult for me sorry

Anonymous No. 893768

There are many tutorials for many things you can look up. Why the ass in particular? If you can't model any other piece of anatomy you need to go back to the bare basics and learn to draw the human figure. Mo matter what, you can have a godly ass but if the rest looks like shit it doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 893770

>Why the ass in particular?
Come on anon. Don't ask me silly questions like these. Don't judge me, help me out? I promise I'll learn the rest of the body better if you guys make a tutorial for it.

Anonymous No. 893788

The only tutorial I can give you is a copy of "Figure Drawing for all it's Worth" and getting laid a few more times. You can learn to sculpt a fat ass all you want, and be the best fat ass sculptor in the world, but if you actually study basics of anatomy, you will be able to sculpt a girl with a flat ass and still make it look good. Go back to the basics lad.



Anonymous No. 893794

using turbosmooth with smoothing groups.
in blender you have to use activate auto smooth and enter 180 degrees and then crease the edges and mark as sharp.

Anonymous No. 893795

dont be afraid to use a tri or 2
can guarantee that a triangle is a much better looking and performing clean up than most of the reductions youre doing

Anonymous No. 893797




Anonymous No. 893798


Anonymous No. 893807

These are both awful

This is good

Anonymous No. 893813

I love you so much anon thank you so much I'm going to make the best characters with the best ass in the whole world

Anonymous No. 893815

any nip tutorials for booba? asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 893820

Why would you ever box model a nsfw character in the year 2022?

The only benefit you get from box modeling a character is a topology that you can brag to your autistic friends who circlejerk about perfection

If you want a much time efficient and overall better way to produce models, you sculpt and then retopo. If you truly understand character topology then transferring it from box modeling to sculpt retopo should be no problem for you

And even then, tris can be utilized and work just fine in models. The sooner you get rid of the notion that everything MUST be quads, the better. It’s a general good guideline and quads are optimal, but there are times where keeping quads would fuck up your model

Anonymous No. 893821

Also Ehentai has full anatomy books that you can use, books from the 50s that go in depth on muscles and overall structures

Anonymous No. 893825

post more tuts like these please.

Anonymous No. 893826

anon, there's a very convenient online tool called "google.com" that can get you similar tutorials if you try hard enough

Anonymous No. 893841

>The sooner you get rid of the notion that everything MUST be quads, the better.
A beginner should stick to quads only for organic models, because non-quads will just end up being a crutch that they use to avoid learning proper topology.
It's like constructing your forms from simple shapes and volumes. If you're not already very experienced and skilled in doing it, you shouldn't be avoiding it. If you're a beginner and you're still having trouble defining your topological flow and all your loops with pure quads, you should still be only using quads.

Anonymous No. 893872


First of all, download Blender and stop using Maya. It will make your models much better. Then, watch the donut tutorial to nail the fundamentals of good topology. Just don't use anything else than Blender ever for texturing.

Anonymous No. 893924

>google Japanese blender tutorial
>end up getting tutorials for anime castles
I'm not obsessed with making big booties like the other guy but nips have better tutorials how do I look em up

Anonymous No. 893927

post it, the anime castles

Anonymous No. 893941

fucking crab

Anonymous No. 893951


Seethe and dilate industry shill. Imagine being employed.

Anonymous No. 893963

Sorry nothing is good enough for you. Geez you beg and then get upset

Anonymous No. 894170

Hey that's not me I'm still lurking so someone post anatomy tutorials like >>893794 too.

Anonymous No. 894175

just read the sticky you lazy

Anonymous No. 894954

the way to learn to box model big asses is to spend all of your time staring at big asses and contemplating their shape and how they move.
Become a fat ass philosopher and a fat ass scientist.

Anonymous No. 896906

Probably the most critical part of this image is step 3, most people starting out think the buttocks just bump out at the back of the hips/pelvis, but it actually attaches to the back of the leg a bit below crotch level.

Anonymous No. 896907

Do you really?


Anonymous No. 897348

Where did you find these? Is this a guy on twitter or something

Anonymous No. 897458

I'm gonna bump this thread and make it pollute the board if you don't spit out the source you nig.

Anonymous No. 897665

literally impossible to find who made this even with image search

Anonymous No. 897815


Anonymous No. 897853


Anonymous No. 897859

Why are you necrobumping a thread no one is using anymore?

Anonymous No. 897878

listen to this >>893613 guy
you mesh is 8x too dense, that 90% of your problems
once you star modeling with extreme low poly you will reduce 10 fold the verts to work with and ways you can fuck up

Anonymous No. 897965


Anonymous No. 897970

Not him but make a tutorial then

Anonymous No. 898208

>Modeling in Blender is better than Maya
Absolute retard, Maya is better than Blender, period, its just for poorfags who just can't pay a license.
Also if you truly want to do GREAT 3D Modeling, you just use Zbrush and do a Retopology on your second 3D software of choice where you will be rigging and animating.


chunkmaster flex.png

Anonymous No. 898247

Just choose one if you have zero experience. Knowledge of extrusions and edge loops is integral knowledge regardless of what software you're



Anonymous No. 899831

do people not model with reference?? using a reference makes things a million times easier

Anonymous No. 899890

>I have no problems making a decent butt as you can see

The fact that you said that unironically is the very core of your problem.

Anonymous No. 899932

great post, I think the OP would be wise to pay heed.

Anonymous No. 900040

Holy fuck please make a tutorial that ass is perfect



Anonymous No. 900254

saving these for sure. these are fucking awesome, never really thought using 5-sided ngons like that with subdiv would make such nice topo and shape. where can i find more neato toplogy guides like this?

>make a tutorial
i think the point a lot of people have been trying to make (and something that i've noticed with a lot of the tutorials posted), is that the general fundamentals that goes into building anything are the most important in cases like this. theres not going to be a tutorial on everything that you want to make, theres really no point in trying to find the perfect tutorial to make the perfect juicy ass. a lot of the tutorials already posted in this thread might be good for certain situations, but might be dogshit for another use case (if you are using it as a step-by-step guide instead of taking in the general knowledge of what it's trying to convey). in the end its up to you to first of all, one, know what it is that you want to make (finding reference and maybe guides, etc. i can't stress how useful references are for stuff like this); and two, have the knowledge to go about cultivating what it is that you want.

also im a beginner too so making a tutorial with the knowledge i have now wouldn't be a good idea.

Anonymous No. 900777

just gooned to this hnngh fuck



Anonymous No. 901142

i actually stop using >>893731 since i'm having hard time to make that kind of ass

Anonymous No. 903773

you... you teenager fool
you can't draw a nice FRAGMENT of a human body, you have to master understanding of the skeleton, muscles and dynamics of the WHOLE THING, then visualise the flow of its movement, including the efforts in play to overcome its own inertia, and then you can extract a detail and comment on it

your legs and ass are mediocre, they are a very poor base to try to draw the rest of the body
crack open an oldschool drawing course BOOK, the things made of ink deposited on assembled sheets of pulp of tree corpses, and do the first exercises ordered to imagine, then visualize, then carve on paper the 2d projection of the 3d representation of the model of some random bitch by depositing fragments of a graphite stick on flattened pulp of tree corpses, like a book but separated in numerous elements
that is called DRAWING
THEN you will be able to make fancy kompootar shit that doesn't look too ugly