

🧵 UE Environmental design

Anonymous No. 893561

Hey 3, newfag here.
I'm looking to make environmental art in UE5 and just picked SpeedTree up for it to make my own foliage.
I've been fiddling with UE4 for as long as 1 year making simple games, though I never dived too deep into it so I'm still an amateur.
My most troubled issue is getting the lighting and atmosphere for the scenery right. It feels like I lack the knowledge to control the most of it. Do you have any tips for that or videos?
I made my own first grass and imported it into the engine, though the grass is only lit from the direction of the light while the opposite site remains dark, this causes also weird lighting with point lights. How can I fix this?
I've been dumpsearching through all kinds of forums and looking at tutorial videos though I haven't had luck.



Anonymous No. 893596

Use atmospheric fog. That alone will make your environments look 90% more natural
>but it doesn't work for deserts because it depends on humidity
Wrong. Humidity does affect atmospheric fog but there will always be some regardless of it

Anonymous No. 893602

Import megascans assets for testing purposes. See how their shaders are built and how their individual textures look like. If you have trouble with lighting, especially in UE5, I’d bet the problem is with your models and materials because it’s hard to get bad results with Lumen.

Anonymous No. 894011

>dude just cover it up



Anonymous No. 894039

> He felt for the unreal scam.
Listen kid, here is how you do in Unigine:
Menu -> New Level.
It's done.

Anonymous No. 894072

after the godot shills...

Anonymous No. 894106

Besides, environmental fog is a quick hack for dust.

Anonymous No. 894119

>atmospheric fog.

Yeah, the reason things get bluer towards the horizon even on clear days isn't due to fog but due to 'Rayleigh scattering' The same reason why the entire sky glows blue.
Light is hitting the tiny molecules in the atmosphere and the shorter the wavelenght of light the more they scatter, and blue being the shortest in visible light scatters the most.

Anonymous No. 894134

>dude don't use a key element present in all environments across the world and therefore essential in making virtual environments more belieavable
You're the amateur here you absolute braindead fucktard. Go join Grove Street Games, you'll fit right in


Anonymous No. 894171


Unigine? You mean Screenspaceengine?



Anonymous No. 894178

Man 3bros, my project already looks like shit. All I did was put in sunlight, heightfog, atmospheric sky and some megascans grass. The landscape doesn't reflect the sky color and tone at all, it's extremely bright. If I tone the sun strength down it still looks like shit. How do you even get this to work?

Anonymous No. 894179

Skylight and all that is set to real time capture. It feels like I have absolutely no control over the environment apart from changing some sun colors and brightness



Anonymous No. 894204

Hey man.
Been through this shit and the fix is pretty simple.
So there's actually a few solutions...
1). In whatever program you've made the grass in, your gonna want to set the normal direction of each face/vert directly upward.
2).A similar fix you can do that would essentially solve the issue is to duplicate each face on your grass whether they be individual blades or a PNG image of grass, so that your grass is no longer a single plane but in fact two planes...normals facing away from eachother (yes this would double your geometry).
3). Try putting a two sided sign node multiplied with a blue vector 3 on your grass shader normal input.

Anonymous No. 894206

>triggered by facts
Here is the actual solution >>894204
Next you're gonna recommend covering shit in dirt maps and cranking contrast to 200% because it looks better.



Anonymous No. 894658

Keep coping for your shitty engine, I have everything setup in 1 click and for free.

Anonymous No. 894660

It looks like it.

Anonymous No. 894715

you made no game with it lol

Anonymous No. 894734

>look at this inbuilt terrain generator it's just 1 click

Anonymous No. 894763


Imagine being this insecure kek



Anonymous No. 894787

OP here. I got an jungle pack from the marketplace and built my own rainforest river. I fixed my landscape issues which I had (normal and albedo have to be the same name in material editor) and I played around with Lumen and settings around for a bit.



Anonymous No. 894788

It doesn't feel as satisfying than when you get to use your own made foliage assets but I still liked it.



Anonymous No. 894789



Anonymous No. 894790

I still have problems with specular though, I cannot find the sweet spot for it in the directional light without the entire environment going grossly bright which looks abysmal when the light hits fully from a side and underwater plants aswell.

Anonymous No. 894791

And of course, this is pimped with Lumen, virtual shadow maps, volumetric fog, detail tracing on the highest possible setting which ran on 30 fps on my rig. Without Lumen it just looked like shit, though it's very perfomance heavy.

Anonymous No. 894993


Oh hello there, Trempriusteo Khazah. I do agree with you though, Unreal is a fucking scam. I need to give Unigine a try. It looks so crisp.