

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 893707

Why do anatomy inaccuracies enrage this board so much? Someone could make a really shitty hard-surface model, and no one will pay attention to it, but inaccurate anatomy will draw a lot of attention with abrasive critiques.

Anonymous No. 893709


Because some anons have never looked at a real woman onions they think they're all anatomically perfect.

They should meet my ex. I've never seen someone with longer boobs.

Anonymous No. 893710

Uncanny valley.

Anonymous No. 893711

I don't know about the middle one, but the one on the left was an explicit anatomy study, with a request for critique, the one on the right conceded that he needed to work on anatomy (and then proceeded to work on it to his own satisfaction), the top was claiming he was an experienced artist but the proportions were really off, and bottom was bragging, which invites criticism.
Anatomy is just the most obvious thing that beginners struggle with, and it's very visible to an experienced eye. I don't think it's a big mystery.

Anonymous No. 893712

There is Right and Wrong
A cyber container can look however only the style counts.
A body is a complex mechanism made out of individual parts that together create the shape.
They are intuitively understood by most people and understood in detail by sculptors.
If you post a person that looks like it's missing muscles or has lumps were there shouldn't be your whole model is wrong.


it's analogous to modelling a car with the wheels 90° rotated, that is wrong and the car couldn't move.

Wrong anatomy becomes even more apparent when animated.

You might look at something and think wow that looks realistic and another anon will call you a faggot and the work shitty because he has the knowledge to see the mistakes.

Anonymous No. 893719

Nomodelers upset that they themselves can't make perfect anatomy



Anonymous No. 893721


Lol /3/ is but a tiny speck of dust in the 3dcg community and so any critique you get here is of little to no use but there are a few anons here who truly shine. No, I am not talking about Cris.

Anonymous No. 893775

looks like someone got salty over the /wip thread

Anonymous No. 893777

Because every human's brain doesn't have a built-in system that generates discomfort when my Samsonite is slightly out of proportion.

Anonymous No. 893838

NO, you DON'T fucking get it you sperg.
I am making a furry character that DOESN'T EXIST

Anonymous No. 893840

Because the most delusional people tend to be wannabe coomers, you're gonna get cut down if you post that way

Anonymous No. 893862


Anonymous No. 893875


Mostly autoshills who think bad art is only made in blender so they don't miss an occasion to shit on Blender. I'm sure they'd love Blender if they tried it.

Anonymous No. 893893

Because they've never worked with a team before that will tell you what works and what doesn't down the pipeline when modeling things. Even Michael Pavlovich said his knowledge of anatomy in the past when working in the studio wasn't much but that he didn't even need to care about that because there was a group within the team that specialized in correcting those aspects of the model.

Practice at getting better at anatomy but learn from the masters and not OCD laden adderall binging spergs who are afraid to fail in their attempts and just procrastinate here all day.

Anonymous No. 893984

far right pic sauce?

Anonymous No. 893986

>Practice at getting better at anatomy but learn from the masters
To get better at anatomy you just have to look at books on anatomy with actual medical images and charts. Looking at someone like a Grasetti would be a waste of time

t. cfx

Anonymous No. 894023

It's one of the first few posts in the /wip/ thread.

Anonymous No. 894157

Top and bottom got flak because the people who posted them were overconfident about work with obvious major problems.

Anonymous No. 894314

I am very new to 3D in general. I am not at all new to anatomy. Sure, every body is different and some bodies irl look absolutely fucked, but to understand why something looks 'wrong', you have to know what 'right' looks like. In order to model an ugly person, you have to know what makes a person beautiful to begin with. Mastery of imperfection should be preceded by mastery of perfection. I am by no means an expert at anatomy, but I really enjoy figuring out what makes someone physically attractive or not, and how I can improve/degrade their face/body; and in the process, I have gotten a lot better at not only describing someone's looks coherently, but appreciating people from a completely different point of view.

Anonymous No. 894323

>I hate ugly people thereforefore I will make them beautiful and sexy to my tastes.

No need to beat around the bush anon.

Anonymous No. 894324

You can get away with bad anatomy if you know about appeal and proportions. 5/6 of those don't have either so errors stick out glaringly.



Anonymous No. 894325

have you seen modern women, their anatomy is out of whack and purists jerk off to it but criticise art anatomy

Anonymous No. 894328

why bring dear tess into this

Anonymous No. 894356

>5/6 of those
>There's only 5 images
What did you mean by this?

Anonymous No. 894945

>Why do anatomy inaccuracies enrage this board so much?
because they all bought into a retarded anatomy dogma. ancient greeks, the literal creators of anatomically correct sculptures overexaggerated everything.