

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 893839

The NFT donut andrew was making failed to sell.


Anonymous No. 893843


Anonymous No. 893866

Should have experimented earlier and with a less ambitious project.
>asking price of 24k for a fucking DONUT

Keep making beginner tutorials to shill your shit.

Anonymous No. 893882

Someone tell him to update cgcookie's tutorials

Anonymous No. 893884

NFTs should have been used for selling and buying physical real estate.

Anonymous No. 893886

Russians love that place.

Anonymous No. 893894


There's 3 plus startups already doing this, idiot.

Anonymous No. 893917

we'd he do it in a bear market though. lmao



Anonymous No. 893920

>click on a wrong link
>welp, just lost my house



Anonymous No. 893937

>I tried to grift more money from you retards but I failed to predict that the autism which opposes NFTs would win over the autism which compels you to worship the ground I step on.
>Here's some 240-character long word salad about a nondescript "smart and ethical" goal achievable through the use of NFTs which was totally my original plan all along and how YOU should feel bad for making MY GRIFT fail like the selfish chuds you are.

I long for the day when we'll finally drag these people out of their ivory towers onto the streets and put a bullet through their skulls.

Anonymous No. 893938

Like art auctions, NFTs don't work unless if you already know of a famous investor willing to sell your work.

Anonymous No. 893939

The US government has recently started to persecute NFT scammers. They got 2 very stupid 20 year old who scammed people out of several millions and they will go to prison for wire fraud and tax evasion.
Since most of these retards where doing it out in the open without fearing consequences they will soon catch a ton more.
If you want to play your part, report scammers to your government, you know how they react when tax evasion comes into play...

Anonymous No. 893943

Yeah, like his other grifts were "experiments"

this fucking guy

Anonymous No. 893948

>has thousands of relatively unique images
>puts them all into one image



Anonymous No. 894521

Did he forget that most NFT trading is done between people pumping the value?
Or was he that much of a sucker that he didn't even know?

Anonymous No. 894528

>If you want to play your part, report scammers to your government
Go away soros

Anonymous No. 894535

Yeah, it's pretty obvious he fell for the hype.

Anonymous No. 894568

What does this mean for the NFT market? Is it on the downturn or does just nobody care about the Guru in this space?

Anonymous No. 894572

It's both.

Anonymous No. 894618

The NFT """market""" never existed. It's all people bidding on their friends' stuff in an endless circlejerk until some poor sucker from the outside gets scammed.

Anonymous No. 894723

>It's all people bidding on their friends' stuff in an endless circlejerk until some poor sucker from the outside gets scammed.
that's illegal, though

Anonymous No. 894864

This. NFT's is much like tossing a live handgrenade amongst one another in a circle to see who's gonna be the asshole holding it when it goes off.

Everybody playing the game is banking on some 'archidiot' even stupider than everyone already in the circle to come along and save them. How many times is that gonna happen before you're all out of arch-idiots rich enough to participate?

Sigma No. 897656

Why are you guys so against NFTs, though?

If it becomes more legitimate, it could be a neat way for artists to get paid for their artwork.

Wouldn't that be good for the people here at /3/?

Anonymous No. 897666

Do you have shit for brains?
90% of NFT's are scams.
>it could be a neat way for artists to get paid for their artwork.
Yeah, because artists don't get paid and there are not 100 different ways of earning money with art.
No artist needs NFT's, the only people who NEED it are untalented hacks that want to scam people.
It's nothing more than another redundant layer of complexity that can be easily exploited and its also not safe as the 620 Million $ heist a month ago proved.

Anonymous No. 897669

>If it becomes more legitimate, it could be a neat way for artists to get paid for their artwork.
You could just buy their shit or hire them. There's no need for blockchain shit ESPECIALLY if the actual art is off-chain.
>b-but muh IPFS
IPFS is great for popular content, not an NFT that only a few people care about. Who's pinning your NFT? IPFS is fragile in that regard until filecoin becomes a thing (>implying, this shit is vaporware, hell even IPFS' development is stagnating. High priority fixes that I've been waiting for for YEARS still haven't been implemented.)
>b-but muh royalties
Ever heard of these things called contracts? Licenses?
>b-but SMART contracts
Not enforceable in the real world. The only people who care about smart contracts are other cryptoshitters.

Anonymous No. 897673

Grifters and suits (educated grifters) will never understand creators and artists trying to make something worthwhile that isn't meant to be a grift in the first place.

> Buh whu u uys make is really good to run grift?? Monnetrprint/3/r go brrrrt!
Fuck the right off bro.

Anonymous No. 897711

because bad art shouldn't be worth more than good art, like nfts have a hard on for ugly shit.

Anonymous No. 897731

Damn, only 11 of the donuts managed to sell...


Sigma No. 898192

This guy has made videos criticizing NFT creators before.

Truly, he was correct in which some creations - not a little quite a lot actually - were indeed overvalued and not worth as much.

But he made that criticism not from a position to improve the NFT market and bring more credibility, but rather from a position to destroy it and see it ruined.

Those aren't the signs of a serious artist trying to get renown and sales for his work.
It's the sign of someone trying to sabotage something out of a quick buck. That's all.

It makes perfect sense why even ugly monkey images - yes I do know taste is subjective and debatable - would sell more than those NFT art pieces.

P.S : The NFTs all use a centralized google server to host it's images. It is, in fact, not even a true form of descentralized art piece.



Anonymous No. 898800


Anonymous No. 898802

You're all wrong

Anonymous No. 898833

>that's illegal, though
its not, crypto is almost not regulated



Anonymous No. 898851

>>beeple is a fucking fraud

well well, NFTs are just a big giant scam, shocked

Anonymous No. 898874

hate that fags art
also hate the guy, a complete political grifter, he was "eat the rich" for years, and now its "eat the richer than me" since he made a fortune