

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 893992

How to achieve this level? How many thousands hours of practice do you need?


Anonymous No. 894018

Probably a year if you were just doing guns, something like that is hard don't get me wrong but it's mostly about time investment to completing the details

Anonymous No. 894045

would you give up if it takes 10k hours?

Anonymous No. 894083


Anonymous No. 894089

honestly it mostly takes a good concept. Learning modeling and texturing is easy good design is what will make you stand out

Anonymous No. 894090

something like 2 ~ 3 months
learn fusion360, zbrush, substance painter

Anonymous No. 894113

post your work then, chud-lite

Anonymous No. 894118

non-industry spotted

use hard-ops and boxcutter

Anonymous No. 894135

Two months, 1 months for design fundamentals and 1 months for learning the software and subdivision modelling. And a week for lighting / texturing.

Anonymous No. 894136

I hate this, it's way overcluttered

Anonymous No. 894146

I love it, I ignore the fact the artist don't know guns and instead imagine the absolute hipster 'in-universe'
that would go and build themselves such a thing out of a perfectly good AK and it makes me laugh.

Like look at that middle holographic sight, you tell me it isn't funny how the gun has two different Picatinny rails
but this asshole has gone and deliberately recessed a 3rd sight into the wooden furniture despite this.
And not just any tertiary sight that interfere with the sight picture of the other holo, but one that shines a laser from a weird spot thru the frontpost sight.

Anonymous No. 894148


This. Sometimes, less is more.



Anonymous No. 894149

I've made a rundown of it's main features. I routinely watch 'Forgotten Weapons' so I know what it is I'm looking at here.

Anonymous No. 894150

This, OP. Ignore the other replies that say modeling and texturing are easy and that this can be learned in a couple of months



Anonymous No. 894154

you can use whatever tool that work for you, I just suggest mine
my recent work

Anonymous No. 894183


Anonymous No. 894184

lol this is like one of those sonic OC charts that tell their special abilities or something



Anonymous No. 894193

I look at posts like yours with equal parts amusement and disdain. It's people like you that make it far enough to go pro but when it comes to it your games come off flat and unimaginative.
>lol rails
Judging by the rest of the gun there's clearly more to the world it came from than our world currently needs. Of course one rail wouldn't be too secure for such an attachment, especially if it were something like a long energy emitting apparatus of some type.
You claim the maker doesn't know anything about guns but they left the compensator at an angle at least. The AK-47 produces high levels of rotation which causes the rifle to walk hard under sustained fire. The brake, at an angle, mitigates this. It is why you'll sometimes see muzzle flash from AK, if done properly in games and movies, mimic irl by shooting at a 40-ish degree angle and cockeyed from the upright shoulder position.
Unheard of for anyone to put trinkets or prayer beads on their rifles? In games?! I'm beginning to think you are a crab troll.
>turn signal
You don't know that it isn't emitting an invisible spectrum like IR or something else that you can't obviously imagine.
The tape is pretty bad.
>dream catcher
Customization again. You're clutching at straws out of jealousy, I'm sure.
>The cables
Also kind of dumb but not entirely. Stocks have always been used to house parts but that level of cable is not very smart. Perhaps they connect to an external pack that supplies power to the railgun type looking feature? Without more info it is kinda dumb.
>furniture sight
Looks like it could have been taken off something else and is again clutching for an excuse to put someone down. The sight might make the "invisible spectrum" emitter-thing on the front paint targets. Again, you're lacking imagination.
You missed other stuff like the open air spring exposed to the elements because you were trying so hard. You should try to be nice to people instead.

Anonymous No. 894195

>paint targets
>show painted targets
I hit the word limit around here and had to go back and delete stuff and reword stuff and missed it.

Anonymous No. 894202


Anonymous No. 894218

I don't care about realism, many games have done realistic guns perfectly and I can purchase them from an assetstore if I wanted to. If you want the real thing go to a gun store

Anonymous No. 894257

it's a joke, retards, it's laughing at the shitty model for being retarded and pandering to what lib devs think are modern gamers

Anonymous No. 894313



why live.gif

Anonymous No. 894360

just start on the first layer since its defenetly a extreamly modified ak... that as the reciver of a m4?
wtf is this shit

whatever, if you want something like this you need to start with the base then slowly add stuff on it until you are satisfied or becomes a eyesore

Anonymous No. 894830

If you speed run enter the
- coordinate data
- texture data
- procedure gen algorithm for the feathers
then you're limited by words per minute typing
as you probably wouldn't want to use the mouse since typing the coordinates in is way faster
You could probably do it in less than half an hour, as a trained animator with special data entry extensions if the tool doesn't have them already.
Imagine a secretary entering coordinates for the shape of the saucer of the Enterprise at high speed in a keypad.
At normal pace, explaining color choice, detail, history, context, thematic elements, &c. maybe two hours

Anonymous No. 894851

very cool anon

Anonymous No. 894934

>only pretending to be retarded you didn't get it

Anonymous No. 897383

kek, i want to see more pictures like this

Anonymous No. 897385

Wow, I have never seen anyone get so butthurt by a post that they post an entire passive aggressive essay pointing out how each arbitrarily picked point is somehow wrong.
Get your autism checked pal.

Anonymous No. 897465

>my recent work
sorry bro but this barely compares to OP image, u are years behind + have no imagination

Anonymous No. 897527

post yours now faggot

Anonymous No. 897549

Bro wtf are you on about? That's a good model.

Anonymous No. 897588

not him but >>894154 is a perfectly adequate model to be put into some free to play shooter, however it has no "life" or "story". It looks like it has never ever been used. Some parts literally don't even have a texture, just a shader.

At that level guns are piss easy because you can just copy paste freely available 3d parts together and slap some default materials on it.

Anonymous No. 897611

Post work, chudlets. Let's see who got the best gun of eachother of you chimping out chudlets.

Anonymous No. 897628

fuck off zoomie, OP's post is obviously made by a pretentious noguns gamer with no taste, while the SMG looks like an actual functional firearm.

Anonymous No. 897631

you unironically have autism.

a "real" gun has at least the plus of being a reproduction of an existing weapon.
doesn't mean it's "artistic" or as the meme goes, "soulful", but OP's pic is... I don't know, pointless.
It looks like it'd fit in the Borderlands universe... if Borderlands took itself seriously and wasn't a literal parody of itself.
Borderlands weapon frames are loosely based on real designs but have wacko characteristics to them and different brands are built around a theme, whether it's reloading the fucking 'zooka launching it like a rocket or fancy lights and moving parts or triple drum magazines or talking weapons. The weapons themselves have character, they ARE characters in the Borderlands universe.

This one is just a fucking AK with pointless faux-tacticool shit slapped on top. It's too stupid to be serious and not stupid enough to be outright absurd. i.e. it's cringe.

Anonymous No. 897724

So your only argument is
>muh sovl
Post your work

Anonymous No. 897730

Chud is jealous his uncapable to reproduce the same work on the identical quality level.

Anonymous No. 897734

Pirate or buy that model or similar, study how it works, then literally just build on top of it and edit so much that it’s practically unrecognisable even to the original artist but still fits your creative vision. This is what I do, from scratch stuff is too time consuming and you’ll still learn along the way while also have something finished.



Anonymous No. 897817

It's not an "argument" retard. It's an objective fact that one of these guns have textures that show wear and usage, and the other one does not.

Pic related is my work

Anonymous No. 897872

Once it's UV unwrapped, is texturing in Substance really difficult?
I've never tried it, but I know you can do a huge amount with procedural materials even in Blender.


Render Red.png

Anonymous No. 897897

rate my gun

Anonymous No. 897974

2/10 Chud. Looks like plastic. Have you rendered this in Pooreal Engine?

Anonymous No. 897989

Nice model anon. You never know just when you need an anodized 8 power scope suppressed longslide 1911 on a bi-pod.
I sure hope that picatinny is on a riser from the frame on the other side.

Anonymous No. 897990

>no acog sight before the scope