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Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 16:08:59 UTC No. 894156
Been trying to reach photorealism using photos as reference but Blender Cycles and the Principled shader keep giving me Mario Oddesey like lighting around the characters. Everyone says it is physical and more realistic so try to keep using it but so far I've only gotten ok results by combining the old "Unrealistic" shaders.
What could cause this "Halo" effect? Even turning specular to zero doesn't remove it. Sheen is also off. None of the other shaders have this problem, except "Diffuse BSDF"
Pic was just from googling Mario oddesey lol
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 16:22:09 UTC No. 894158
mario if he UE5
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 21:28:49 UTC No. 894211
But for reals, is there any way to report this to the blender devs? This is a bug I have discovered, and they need to fix it. Everything ends up looking like toy story 1.
All I did was create an interior + place a character.
- I've tried HDRI's
- All the built-in lights
- RGB as world lighting, which was even worse
- Image texture as world lighting
The camera ray visibility settings for the interior /Shadow, diffuse, glossy etc etc, No matter what the only thing that removes this Disney outline on the character is using like glossy BSDF directly into the material output node
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 21:30:01 UTC No. 894212
Background image is a photo of a Mario toy and as you can see there are no outlines or weird specular artifacts
1 (1).jpg
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 21:39:24 UTC No. 894216
Another example. Easy to see this is a photograph and real. If it was Cycles it would have that retarded outline and classic Cycles specular effect going on
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 22:35:09 UTC No. 894222
Are you talking about the fresnel?
2022-04-27 19_24_....jpg
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 23:25:12 UTC No. 894226
Try decreasing the intensity of the world light to .2 or so, and use a direct light to simulate the camera flash you have in the refs you posted. Not guaranteeing it to work, just my thought.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 01:01:32 UTC No. 894235
You haven't shown us your scene set up along with the lights that you've used. There could be multiple things going on, but we wouldn't know for sure unless if you gave us everything.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 01:03:26 UTC No. 894236
Show us the actual problem you fucking retard
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 01:19:17 UTC No. 894238
He talking about how videogame-y the lighting looks because of the rim lighting, but we dont know the material of mario or his lighting set up
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Apr 2022 03:37:39 UTC No. 894246
Yeah he's talking about Fresnel. It's a very real effect that happens everywhere and all the time to some degree
including in that picture. but the Fresnel effect should act like a mirror reflecting ambient light from the direction in question
if that ambient light is darker than the direct light it becomes pretty invisible.
On right hand Mario the Fresnel effect is very visible on his left leg reflecting his white glove
as well as on his right side of his hat.
That classic glowing outline happens when people do a naive Fresnel effect and just make a all white glow
happen from everywhere along acute angles of the geometry.