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Anonymous No. 894400

Coming from NURBS modelling, how the hell do you get precision with mesh based 3D tools? If you follow a blueprint how do you maintain continuity between control points, especially if there are a lot of control points along a surface?

Anonymous No. 894402

>NURBS modeling
I don't know what program that is, but you should use zbrush.


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Anonymous No. 894404

this is what I mean. With mesh it seems like you just "eyeball" the form whereas with NURBS you create guide rails and sweep. How can there be any precision with mesh modelling?


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Anonymous No. 894405

look at how wobbly these edges are. Why is this useful for anything?


rhino full ghoste....jpg

Anonymous No. 894407

>how the hell do you get precision with mesh based 3D tools?

You don't. That's why people use NURBS for manufacturing.



Anonymous No. 894417

>continuity between control points

Anonymous No. 894431

Niggas on /3/ are all about looks
They don't do anything actually useful or anything that is actually made/built

Anonymous No. 894445

when i need precision i start with nurbs/subd and convert it
otherwise i just use shit like zispread for maya to distribute edges/points evenly

Anonymous No. 894458

That’s how it is in all of entertainment 3d industries because there is no need for it.

Anonymous No. 894471

Mesh modeling is for artistic purposes and it's far faster and more effective at that than NURBS modeling. Film, animation, video games. Exact precision doesn't matter when you aren't designing actual real world items.

Anonymous No. 894500

Why did you rephrase my post and then reply to me with it?

Anonymous No. 894501

Do you eben know how to use 3ds max? Try edge constraints dude.

Anonymous No. 894939

>continuity between control points

I think he meant tangency?

Anonymous No. 895054

Tbh idk what he means because nurbs curves have knots too where there's a discontinuity at a control point and tangents aren't the same.