

๐Ÿงต /rag/ Rigging & Animating General

Anonymous No. 894538

This general is software agnostic. Come, discuss and ask all about rigging/animating in your favourite software

Tell me everything you think should be in the OP (useful links, FAQs, etc.)

Anonymous No. 894571


Anonymous No. 894619

I do have a beginner question on Maya and layered animations. Let's say you use it to make a body animation layered with facial animations or whatever. Can you export it as a single animation for a game engine like Unreal?

Anonymous No. 894626

The use case isnt quite right.
You dont need layered animations if the set of controls you use for face is different than the ones you use for body - which most certainly will be the case.

But lets say you are animating a walk cycle and need a variation of said walk that has the character slouched or something. You can load the same walk cycle into Maya, use the layered animation system to add a slouch to the anim.
When you want to export the animation to Unreal Engine you simply bake the animation to the skeleton which will automatically bake down anim layers.

Anonymous No. 894628

Oh I get it now, thanks.

Anonymous No. 894906

I didn't expect animation to not be staple thread in this board.
I'm just starting out, and it seems like lot of free models online don't have animations bundled in, but they are rigged already. I'm currently trying to learn how to add animations to imported 3d models with Blender. Aside from like, the first couple of search results from youtube, got any resources?

Anonymous No. 894910

Animation is so fucking hard in Maya. Is it even possible to make decent human animations without owning a mocap studio?

Anonymous No. 894911

good to see there are more actual 3d modelling related generals in this shit board

Anonymous No. 894916

I have 20 different animations in a single blend file. There are 20 different copies of the same armature. Every time I want to export an animation I have to rename that specific armature to root.

It feels like I'm doing things completely wrong, but I'm too deep into this mess to dare risk organizing it.

Anonymous No. 894920

> git gud
It's a test to see what generals deserve to live on or not but yeah I wondered for a while why it hasn't be done before while it's the most logical/efficient plan to make generals for this board. Especially for how slow it is.
I'm not sure if it's him but watch this and the two videos that follows. If I remember correctly he speaks about exporting animations as a single timeline or separate ones.
Also don't be scared to make a backup of your file and mess with your current one. You ain't breaking anything if you have a backup

Anonymous No. 894999

Use animbox

Anonymous No. 895069

Dibstra has been releasing a ton of stuff from Animation Mentor
But I got a question. Are these kind of course (aimed to movies) beneficial for video games animation/pipeline?

Anonymous No. 895221

People need to learn how to fucking limit influences to 4 bones in games. I'm fucking tired of seeing shit tier rigging in games with random ass vertices poking out making triangle shapes.

Anonymous No. 895243


Anonymous No. 895244

Wat, we live in the year 2022, its time to move from 4 or 8 influences to 12+.

Anonymous No. 895246

Anyone got any examples of foot rigs they like? Or don't like I can never quite settle on a foot setup I like and I want to try something new.

Anonymous No. 895353

t. auto cringe pro user checking every bone box

Anonymous No. 895355

I'm in your same boat OP. There's this french guy that has a paid Blender animation course going on, Pierrick Picaut's his name, but I'm a stingy fuck and don't wanna risk wasting 50 or so eurodollars on a course that might actually be shit, I mean the guy is clearly skilled but being able to transfer that knowledge successfully to other people is a whole other can on worms. He did upload some videos of his entire process though, like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4UaNCy2j3A
Here's his webpage https://www.p2design-academy.com/

Anonymous No. 895358

I've heard very good things about his videos on /3/.

Anonymous No. 895365

>blocking stage: full process
Not even going to watch this.
Utterly useless.

Learn the 12 principles of animation, plenty of free videos and docs online.
Blocking out an animation in any 3d software is as easy as turning off the auto interpolation so that you focus on nailing the key poses first and the timing, without getting distracted by shitty interpolation, which is exactly what that overlayed curve editor in the thumbnail shows, i.e. "stepped" curves -> character "snaps" into each keyed pose.
The "how" is literally just about opening the software manual at the right page.
Watching some retard key a puppet is completely useless, about as useful as watching someone else walk helps you burn calories.
I don't need to give him an extra view to know what the video is about: no less than 10 minutes of some french faggot with an annoying accent posing a puppet and mashing the "set key" button, blabbering about himself more than anything.
God I fucking hate these kikes. If I was a tenth as brazen and jewish as them I'd be making bank off of bullshitting wannabe artists on the internet.

Anonymous No. 895370

I bought it, the course is good it covers literally everything. Like I mean that, everything. It's probably the most comprehensive animation course for anything not even just blender. Anon below is right in that you don't necessarily need it but I doubt you'd regret it.

Nah PP is one of the few real ones on YT, I think he'd actually be a lot more popular if he dumbed down his content. It's all just actual info not bullshit.



Anonymous No. 895372

It's on rutracker I think but yeah I watched it too and like the other anon said, it covers literaly everything. If you're a total animation noob, it's worth watching it twice. One time juste watching and another one doing the exercices along the instructor.
But it's also true that you don't have to watch the whole thing either but if you watch it twice, you're basically set for doing whatever you want animation wise.

Anonymous No. 895374

>animation tip: space switching
wooooooooooow, ground breaking knowledge.

>if he dumbed down his content. It's all just actual info not bullshit.
I had stumbled upon his video about normals, pretty much exactly as I expected: a superficial, incomplete technical explanation presented as something "advanced" to trick an audience of retards who think they're hot shit into watching it. It's plenty dumbed down as it is.

Anonymous No. 895426

jeez what a cope



Anonymous No. 895519

Ok /3/bros, a question for you all: Appeal or animation quality?

Anonymous No. 895538

>no u
enlighten me

Anonymous No. 895574

I see cris is back to his old habit of making entire generals for his education begging while he fucks off for hours at a time in between samefagging

Anonymous No. 895649

You dont deserve being enlightened by me. These 20 seconds of my time writing this reply is the most youll get. Goodbye.



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 895652



mudbox rex1.jpg

Anonymous No. 895653

Guys look at my dinosaur does it look cool? Made in mudbox

Anonymous No. 895673

animation quality

Anonymous No. 895825


Anonymous No. 895826

cool dinosaur man

Anonymous No. 897118

not seeing a lot of animation in this thread

Anonymous No. 897131

I get secondhand nasal congestion whenever i try watching this guys stuff.

Anonymous No. 897133

I once had a go at animating on 2s using a model I found online. Probably could be better. Maybe it's because I'm not too versed in animation in general, or maybe it's because the process I used is rather tedious. Seriously, there have been several actual TV shows lately that made heavy use of animating on 2s or 3s, and I suspect they have a much more efficient workflow than something that involves manually deleting things keyframe by keyframe