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🧵 /sg/ Sculpting General

Anonymous No. 894540

This general is software agnostic. Come, discuss and ask all about sculpting in your favourite software

Tell me everything you think should be in the OP (useful links, FAQs, etc.)

Anonymous No. 894574

How do I sculpt good with a mouse?

Anonymous No. 894575

Extensive use of grab brush, grabs are more accurate on a good mouse than they are with a stylus. It's my preferred method of sculpting so I use mainly my mouse anyways.

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Anonymous No. 894584

my first ever sculpt, with no reference
just whatever my mind came up with.

desu i was just dicking around with nomad

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Anonymous No. 894585

how do you stop this shit from happening?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 894615

You have way too much verts for a sculpt of this level of details. I use Zbrush but often, these artifacts are caused because you use Dyntopo the wrong way

Anonymous No. 894635

what are some good exercises for sculpting

Anonymous No. 894640

>This general is software agnostic.
there is no such thing. either you want to sculpt, which translates to learning zbrush (literally just a single fucking day off) or you don't want to sculpt (autistic blender apilogists that should unequivocally be put against a wall and shot). no, zbrushs UI is not that hard to learn. in fact struggling with it is a sign of unusually low intelligence.
>but it's not intuitive
it literally only requires a single day to master. if you aren't willing or capable of investing that, then you don't deserve to ever make it. keep shitting on the only worthwhile sculpting software out of frustration you insufferable two-digit-IQ faggot. #blenderapologistholocaustnowpls

Anonymous No. 894666

Who cares man
Repetition/practice, there's no secret. For characters, learn anatomy first. It has been said numerous times but it"s the truth. It's gonna make your current level jump a notch. You should also check some stuff on basic shapes and how the cube, sphere, cylinder for pretty much everything.

Anonymous No. 894673

Sculpt with a reference for one hour, try doing the same sculpt without the reference for another hour, compare the two and see what you can fix/which areas you need to learn better.

Anonymous No. 894810

Fucking hell dude.
how about YOU take a day off the internet?
Touch grass.

Anonymous No. 894825

Noob here, so as I understand it, you cant really do anything with your sculpt other than to bake details and trace over it with tradition vertex modelling? What is the term, retopology or something.

Anonymous No. 894835

Yes but if it's a static mesh with an easy general shape, you'd be better modeling it first, then add details by sculpting. You can then bake the details of this sculpt in your first modeled mesh.
But really it depends on the artstyle, what you need it for (games you can get away with a meh topology but not with movies), if it'll deform or not, how much time do you have, etc.

Anonymous No. 894836

theres always that one faggot to stir nonsense in the thread, eat shit and die nigger

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Anonymous No. 894877

The anatomy of the forearm and upper leg is a fucking nightmare. I can't get it around my head.

Anonymous No. 894879

Is learning Marvelous Designer worth it if I suck at making clothing and especially folds or should I grind the drapery study (ngl I hate it)?

Anonymous No. 894882

Also there's isn't really that much to study, once you understand the basis of patternmaking you can just eyeball everything. Worst case scenario you'll need to google a reference pattern if you need a very specific look.

Anonymous No. 894895

Can I change to navigation keys in Zbrush from right click to something else?

Anonymous No. 894896

> patternmaking
Care sharing any course/tuts on that? I found one a few weeks ago but ngl it seemed pretty deep/complicated for someone who's not in the fashion/sewing industry.
I'm not sure. I know you can disable the right click button and there are also addons that replicate the basic navigation of other softwares like Maya and Blender. But I don't really know if the right-click is one of the shortcut you can customize

Anonymous No. 894912

i really want to sculpt feminine male characters with skimpy clothings and in very suggestive poses.

Anonymous No. 894918

just change the mapping on your wacom pen

then do it, I don't want to hear aspirations in this thread I want to hear pens on tablets

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Anonymous No. 894923

looking for some feedback on my sculpt

Anonymous No. 894924

There's a video on youtube called "patternmaking fundamentals for the 3d artist" that will teach you the basics. The guy who made it used to upload recordings of his streams and they were a goldmine of knowledge, but sadly he nuked them when he got hired at disney. Still, he left all of his other tutorials and those are all pretty good.

Anonymous No. 894925

Also never pay money for a md tut, they are almost always pretty bad.

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Anonymous No. 894927

It looks very good man. I'm not good enough to make a very detailed critique but here are some stuff I'd change. Make the green circled area flatter. The human skull is way flatter than it looks IRL on the sides. The ear is a little bit too round at the top so I'd push it a tiny bit on the direction of the arrow. You should also add some fat in the lobe area. There's a smooth transition between the lobe and the jaw and it's not supposed to be like that. Don't have anything to say about the rest, great work anon
Thanks a lot man. Don't worry I have this torrent that an anon shared with me with tons of MD tuts.
> but sadly he nuked them
A damn shame.

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Anonymous No. 895209

Sculpting journey. Novice here. This I want to do a full male. Wip

Anonymous No. 895231

>just change the mapping on your wacom pen
I'd like to change the right click to space instead of another pen button.

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Anonymous No. 895331

update from this mesh

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Anonymous No. 895479

thank you, when shifting stuff i kinda messed up and made it worst, so i just started a new Head.

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Anonymous No. 896111

First time ever properly sculpting something. I don't understand how to do humans all that well yet so i thought sculpting a horse head would be easier. There's a lot of things wrong with it, and while i can't pinpoint most i know for a fact i fucked up the eyes, the ears and the general head shape.

Anonymous No. 896179

eyes too wide for head. if you were to proportion this stylised character realistically around the IPD she would have a pumpkin head, see pic, she would look wide angled lens distorted at all times

is this character meant to be asian (not sure because no monolid lel)? if so you need to widen the temples, asians have narrow rounded brows related to eye width which you've done but their temples are the same width if not wider than a Caucasoid, typically the cranium is a tad wider too.

i don't know where the style ends so i won't comment on anything specific but one thing, i think in both cases you should consider bringing the vertical forehead lines towards eachother (those vertical line things) and widen the temples a touch or keep the same depending.

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no monolid asian ....png

Anonymous No. 896180

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 896231

For your first sculpt, and your first horse head sculpt, it's pretty darn good.

Anonymous No. 896274


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Anonymous No. 896283

thank you for the feedback, true proportions/relatiants are very off, primarely because i just combinte things i like. So now i try to shift it towards something more asian like in DOA

Anonymous No. 899288

Any sculpting challenges

Anonymous No. 899295

Is it worth trying to learn Blender sculpting it feels so goddamn clunky I can't stand it but zBrush costs an arm and a leg I am stuck

Anonymous No. 899298

holy shit just torrent mudbox or zbrush with an vpn
>people STILL cant into piracy in 2022

Anonymous No. 899305

You can actually learn the basics of sculpting theory with Blender, it's not gonna harm you practicing anatomy and stuff with it. But if you want to be serious about sculpting (meaning doing actually very detailed sculpts), you WILL want to switch to Zbrush.
And like the other anon said just pirate it during the time you get used to it.

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Anonymous No. 899306

>Over a billion and one tutorials that explain head anatomy
>Fucking crickets when it comes to the rest of the body

Anonymous No. 899359

dude just look at images and measure its not hard

Anonymous No. 899369

Learn to draw everything first

Anonymous No. 899377

There quite a lot of books about anatomy.

Anonymous No. 899399

mudbox lol retard you have 0 clue

Anonymous No. 899402

Uldis Zarin's Anatomy for sculptors + Philippe Faraut books

Anonymous No. 901743

>Working on head and face
>It looks ok in orthographic view
>Switch back to perspective
>It's all squished in and thin.
>Work on head in perspective, until it looks normal.
>Change to orthographic view
>It's too wide.
>create two windows, and try to work it out so it looks good in ortho and normal perspective.
>Can't find a happy medium.
>Look up why the face is deformed
>Someone says it has to do with the camera's focal length.
>They say that blender defaults to 50, but 85 is more appropriate to portraits
>Read up more on focal length, some people recommend up to 100
>Many phone cameras use lower than 50, down to like 24.
>24 looks ridiculously deformed in blender.
>Set up 3 windows, one at 50, one at 85, and one at 100
>Can never seem to unify the face in all of them.
>Orthographic view always looks too wide if the normal perspectives appear normal.

I don't know what to do! Is orthographic view a meme? Should I ignore it? It seems like I just have to cope with orthographic looking wide as fuck.

Anonymous No. 901750

I've asked myself this question a few times. I never imported/exported trough the whole pipeline but I don't know wich view to trust if you're gonna end up retopo and export your mesh to unreal

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Anonymous No. 904607

What's your favorite matcap? Where do you get your matcaps?

Anonymous No. 904610

It is possible to make a head look nice in orthographic and perspective mode, but making it look nice in an orthographic view isn't necessary because you would never see a head in real life with an orthographic perspective, since that's not how eyes work. The only exception to this would be if you had an orthographic camera or some other device. Almost everyone's face looks weird both orthographically and with too wide of a perspective, so it's best to copy the perspective of the human eye since you see everything that way.

Anonymous No. 904616

How can I fix the pen pressure in Zbrush when masking? When I use the mouse, the brush behaves like I want it to behave but with my tablet, the masking pen brush is too fucking weak and acts like a weak ass spray.

Anonymous No. 904630

you head over amazon and buy a tablet

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Anonymous No. 904632

any critics?

Anonymous No. 904645

Love the face, got nothing to say but the hair defintely needs more work. You gorgot the eyelashes tho. Eyebrows need some refinements too.
Anatomy of the ear is kind of wrong but not scandalous either.

Anonymous No. 904650

>Love the face, got nothing to say but the hair defintely needs more work.
yeah the face is the most im always worried about, dont care much about hair thats why i tend to avoid it, and yeah the ear is just an imm, def will more on it more, thanks alot anon

Anonymous No. 904664

I got a question about the importance of topology in Zbrush.
Well why is it important when you're making a character that's not gonna be animated? I'm watching a few Pixologic videos on stylized characters and they always bring up topology (a guy lost his basemesh topo and was bummed about it) and they all care about having a proper one when working.
I don't understand why it's so important if you're just going to put it in a porfolio or whatever.

Anonymous No. 904665

can you link the one where the guy is bummed about it?

Anonymous No. 904669

He's not losing it live but speaks about that one time he did and how he got it back
It's the one that was streamed like ten minutes ago.

Anonymous No. 904672

thanks for the link
topology itself is not THAT important
however it's good to have nice topology since it looks nice, and it's easier to manage
in the case of dan eder, he used that basemesh to use the posable symmetry feature, and when you make a ton of humanoid characters, you can recycle that same base mesh saving you time from making characters from scratch, and since he already has a nice topology with polygroups, he can make the changes necessary with even less effort.

Anonymous No. 904677

Essentially, it's only really important in things that need to be performant like video games or certain animations styles like Disney (also benefits hobbyists as we can do the same with less). You really shouldn't worry when in Zbrush about topo though, just sculpt away the nice details. Then, you have to bake that info down into a retopo'd model (this process can be goddam tedious, pain in the ass we all want automated asap), which will then retain as much of the high poly details, baked down into texture/normal/etc. maps that add small details back in. They are generally so small that even though they're textures, the normals and displacement sell it quite believably.

Anon here pretty much sums it up kek

Anonymous No. 904678

Seen this at the Vatican, most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen with my eyes.

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High Temple of Sc....jpg

Anonymous No. 904720

You should visit Florence next time

Anonymous No. 904728

Thanks famalam

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Anonymous No. 905897

Rate my sculpt, /vg/

Anonymous No. 905901

learn more architechture, it has kind of a churro feel to it

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Anonymous No. 905904

I just ate churros this morning.

Anonymous No. 905906

Thanks senpai. Duly noted.

Anonymous No. 908166


Anonymous No. 908201

what does the clay version look like?

Anonymous No. 908244

I know this is a month late but I hope you fixed those eyelids



🗑️ Anonymous No. 908364

how does this feel so far.
i know the top lids are a mess.
the hair is placeholder - gonna redo it in xgen or houdini.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 908366

just realised how wide it gets around the zygomatic

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Anonymous No. 909257

my first try on zbrush
a lot of fun

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Anonymous No. 909271

also render on marmoset

Anonymous No. 909342

You made a rhino

Anonymous No. 909343


Anonymous No. 911209

Is there a good tutorial/book/course on blocking?

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Anonymous No. 911232

Something like this.

Anonymous No. 911273

Any model/brand that is recommended?

Anonymous No. 911351

I clearly need someone to hold my hand for this. are there any sculpting for retards you guys would suggest?

Anonymous No. 912446

nice bell pepper

Anonymous No. 913070

gmi just polish the eyebrows and hair

Anonymous No. 913076

any videos where someone builds something from scratch?

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Anonymous No. 913342

This is part of my first sculpt, it’s ET’s hand. Spent about four hours on this so far

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Anonymous No. 913353

What iz wrong with zbrush? The window has a boarder at all times

Anonymous No. 913362

ah yes, the kiddie diddler from elsewhere

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Anonymous No. 913367

quick face sculpt no reference, any tips? (aside from anatomy for sculptors i just didn't feel like reading it right now)

Anonymous No. 913369

Click the maximise button beside the x.

Anonymous No. 913372

That covers my task bar is the problem there

Anonymous No. 913374

Zbrush was always a fullscreen app.

Anonymous No. 913381


Anonymous No. 913405

Desymmetrify the face, humans don't have perfectly symmetrical faces and having it as such makes it look weird. Study photo reference for the kind of asymmetries people have. Define your volumes better in crevices like the corners of the lips and nose. You've got an unnatural plane on the base of the nose. Define the mouth area better in general, there's some musculature you're misrepresenting, like the jowls and orbicularis oris. Get reference for the ear as well, you have it almost but not exactly. I'd also give him some shoulders, will give you a better idea of how the face looks in proportion.

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Anonymous No. 913777

Any help? How do I fix these holes? Want to retopo over this but missing the most important part, eyes

Anonymous No. 913792

rec some zbrush course

Anonymous No. 914068

Are 3D art skills transferable to RL materials?
As in, could you guys do these again if given a block of clay or stone or wood or whatever?

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Anonymous No. 914195


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Anonymous No. 914204

Is there a good reason why I shouldn't use FaceBuilder or something similar to get a likeness-basemesh to import into zbrush?

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the great alexander.png

Anonymous No. 914230

who is the KRENZ of zBrush sculpting?

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Anonymous No. 914287

>I hate sculpting
>Also use Blender for that
Why you are so retarded?

Anonymous No. 914332

because im completely new to 3d modeling besides CAD for my job
I started using blender because its got the most resources out there for a beginner and the project im working on is the first that requires sculpting. everything I've done so far only required mesh editing

Anonymous No. 914604

Can someone tell me the uses of having a topologically correct base mesh for sculpting?
- Do you use them before sculpting or to project details onto it after you're done?
- Can your morph easily a base mesh (like for example with the move brush) to have different proportions? (I mean I know you can but is it a common practice?)

Please I'm a beginner and I want to know why use a base mesh instead of just sculpting a character and retopo it later?

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Anonymous No. 914791

Started a fish on forger app. Digital sculpting is way better than pushing clay

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Anonymous No. 914936

Working on this one :)

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Anonymous No. 914961


Anonymous No. 914965

why does he look like Freddie Mercury cosplaying?

Anonymous No. 914972

argg yeah i see it now, the face is too long right?

Anonymous No. 915051

Face too long, and/or the eyes are too high up on the head. It's hard to tell from the angles and with hair in the way of the top of the skull.
The outer edges of the upper eye socket aren't typically that hollow
The cheekbones are rather aggressive, especially in contrast to such sucken cheeks. I can't tell if she has masseter muscles at all in her jaw, which much be contributing to a heavy plastic surgery kind of look.

Best case, I'd say she looks pretty old in the face, in a hollywood GILF kind of way. But the overall structure still feels masculine, though more in the left image than on the right one.

Cheeks that non-existent are in conflict with the amount of bodyfat on the body, which further contributes to a sense of oddness to the character overall.

It's not too shabby, really, but some tweaking would go quite a long way.

Anonymous No. 915057


Michael Pavlovich

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Anonymous No. 915060

Thx a lot it helps a lot >:) this is why I love you, you fucking bastards, you may be asholes most of the time but at least you are honest. I rather eat my ego and listen to some honest true here than to go anywhere and been told that everything is perfect.

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Anonymous No. 915084

Don't feel confident enough to start a serious project but I've been doing daily practices.
How can I improve?

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Anonymous No. 915117

Yes, I did this

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afroblack person.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 915122

Ah yes, tanned melanine concentrated people.

Anonymous No. 915123

You are detailing too quickly and loosing control over the strokes. Start with a box for the finger and go up the subdivisions addiing detail as you go.

Anonymous No. 915128

Pavlovichovich is amazing if you want to learn ZBrush interface and techniques but not for the art of sculpting

Anonymous No. 915129

This is what happens when you have zero knowledge of anatomy and are trying to sculpt fine details. Basically you're polishing a turd. Stop. Learn anatomy. Start over.

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Anonymous No. 915142

I have no arms but I must COOM

Anonymous No. 915143

>no arms
He has no weenie

Anonymous No. 915144

I've only worked with CAD but want to dabble into toy sculpting and design. I'm a bit confused on the how the export works from say Zbrush to a 3D printer, how do you make the details accurate? Just bump up the resolution and fiddle with the slicer? Is it possible to rebuild the mesh in NURB software?

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Anonymous No. 915146

bumping this. Gonna ask another way. Check this:
> Get basemesh
> Use move brush and change it's propotions and face/bone structure
> Duplicate it save it as "new_base_mesh"
> Take the duplicate, make it high poly
> Add details like crazy
> Finish it, take highpoly mesh and project details onto "new_base_mesh"
> Rig it, animate it
> Profit
Does this workflow work especially when it comes to the second step? Should I get a lot of different styles of basemesh or can you actually change a basemesh proportions so much that you can use a single one for many different styles? (obvisouly not too extreme changes of course)

Anonymous No. 915149

ZBrush is a sculpting program, not a slicer program.

Just search YT and you'll find a massive community for 3D printing which will answer all of your questions. It's genuinely shocking how huge 3D printing has gotten. I can't even keep track with all the new brands and even if you settle on a printer good luck finding one to purchase because most of them are out of stock.

Last year I needed a linear bearing for my Creality Ender 5. I searched for days for one and the only place that had some in stock priced it at 100$ plus. A normal linear bearing shouldn't cost more than 10$.

Anonymous No. 915152

2 options:

1) Start from a basemesh and go nuts with sculpting. You can change destroy its original topology with stuff like DynaMesh and ZRemesher. But then you will have to retopo it.

This method gives you more freedom in sculpting but it's ultimately more work.

2) Start from a basemesh and just add detail through the use of subdivision. Never use DynaMesh or ZRemesher.

This method assures you have a clean topology throughout and eliminates the need for retopo. The problem with this method is that you need to plan out ahead all your sculpting. So if you decide to sculpt a cyclops halfway through then you're either gonna have to apply method 1) or just start over with a new basemesh. This is the more advanced option.

Just check out the creatures Daz3D has to offer. It's literally the same basemesh, i.e. the same 3D model:

Anonymous No. 915226

needs a giant cock to match the severe case of man-face.

Anonymous No. 915227

lol those hotdog fingers

Anonymous No. 915228

did you look in the mirror when you sculpted this?

Anonymous No. 915234

I know about the two methods you mentioned. Do you mean that the workflow I wrote jut isnt’t possible? Why not?

Anonymous No. 915298

I used reference photos

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Anonymous No. 915301

I see no reason why you shouldn't do that and just save yourself a bunch of time

Anonymous No. 915302

Why tf did it post sideways

Anonymous No. 915306

your phone was on landscape mode when you were posting it

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Anonymous No. 915318

Got a bit more done on my fish

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Anonymous No. 915373

Thanks for clarification anon

Haven't figured out if there's textured brushes for Nomad Sculpt yet but it's been a lot of fun to use compared to Zbrush. Much easier to just pop in primitive shapes, move them and block out stuff. I might leave the dragon sculpt like this. Not sure what else I could do with it besides color it and make a render

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Desktop 2022.08.2....webm

Anonymous No. 915380

Rate my foot.
I know it's off, but I want input from anons to point out perhaps other things I need to fix.
Please tell me how to make my feet cuter.

Anonymous No. 915381

Oh, and also the toes are obviously disconnected currently. That will clearly be improved.

Anonymous No. 915417

so do any of you use sketchfab 3d model viewer for refs? its only just occurred to me that its an option instead of using pictures and video lol.
they have things like 3d headscans on their which are a godsend for polishning up your sculpts, of course you still need to know the underlying anatomy and be able to sculpt relatively well without references.
but yeah, for any beginners i guess its something to look into.

Anonymous No. 915942

absolute /3/let retard that has never touched a 3d modelling program before. in the overall design process, when and where would you sculpt over just...changing the vertices around for a node object? i'm guessing when you want to make an asset that's more intricate in terms of details? would you ever sculpt stuff like armor and shit?

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Anonymous No. 915957

Recently sculpted a ram

Anonymous No. 915969

What digital sculpting program feels closest to traditional? Is there any program that feels similar to sculpting with real life clay or is that just not possible?

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Anonymous No. 916010

It depends on the end goal. I like to use sculpting for a rough-out or mockup stages and then do things "properly" with the sculpture as a reference. Or if my shapes are good I remesh it down to something more workable and make further refinements after.

I've seen armor sculpted and done using more traditional techniques, or using a mix of the two (like having some clean armor with looser more sculptural detail applied on top of it). I still consider myself a beginner so I don't really know the proper terminology, so sorry if these explanations suck. PicRel is something I did for my friend's video game, all in Zbrush.

Personally I like Zbrush. It can very much act like a blob of clay and while there's a lot of stuff to learn, features like dynamesh and sculptris really let you just work a blob of polygons around without worrying about things stretching or deforming in ways that break that feeling of clay sculpting, but then you can very quickly crunch it own to lower polygon counts.

Anonymous No. 916044

penis nose hehehe

Anonymous No. 916059

Voxel remesh
Don't sculpt like an idiot

Anonymous No. 918028

use artist anatomy books and guides.

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face sculpt.png

Anonymous No. 918692

is this looking human?

Anonymous No. 918718

a bit late, but thank you anon. the more i explore artstation, i more i realize you use either sculpting or just the traditional technique depending on what you're making i guess

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Anonymous No. 918725

Anatomy sculpt practice. Still having trouble wrapping my head around sculpting the legs. thoughts?

Anonymous No. 920725

I think you're better than me, so kudos. But to my untrained eye the Calves look too symmetrical and the Tibia too wavy.

Anonymous No. 920734

Would you guys be interested if I uploaded some tutorials on gumroad/artstation? I'm fairly proficient with zbrush and faces/anatomy and I've been wanting to make some money since I quit my wagie job recently to dedicate my whole time to doing 3d art, I can also help you guys out if you have any questions.

Anonymous No. 920805

any good guides on sculpting titties?

Anonymous No. 921450

depends how good it is, i guess? share some examples

Anonymous No. 921457

>import model into houdini
>create vellum cloth bags
>fill with vellum grains
>glue bags to model
>simulated bags of sand

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Anonymous No. 921534


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Anonymous No. 921536

>Ah yes

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Anonymous No. 921568

How did you set up your tablet shortcuts brehs. I have Alt, Ctrl and Shift but I want some inspo for the other keys, I'm not sure what would be the best thing to put for the 3/4 others keys left.
For now I have ctrl+z and its reverse.

Any advanced tips too, I remeber someone telling me you could have multiple profile set up with the circle button.

Anonymous No. 923596

Any retardo-proof tutorials for beginners? Sculpting a head seems way beyond my current abilities.

Anonymous No. 923669

>but not for the art of sculpting
That's how 3d is now. It's more and more removed from art fundamentals and motor skills and more about navigating software and drowning in topology.

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Anonymous No. 923774

I bought One by Wacom as my first graphics tablet and I was wondering - is there a reason to upgrade if I just sculpt and no 2D(other than doodling at photos for garden viz)? It has no buttons or anything fancy like that, but I don't think I would use them anyway. The only downside to One by Wacom is short USB cable, but I mean fuck that, no dealbreaker.

Is cintiq or other screen tablet worth it? Or should I just use that money elsewhere?

Actually, is there any upgrade I could get? The software I use the most is Blender, ZBrush, sometimes Painter/Designer.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 923805

Excuse me, but how is one supposed to accomplish this?

Anonymous No. 923837

Can someone tell how this youtuber managed to bend the hair with the transpose line at 1:42 in this video

Anonymous No. 923839


Does anyone have a good idea on how to get the effect in the this image?

I already have a really good head model in Blender but when I run a cloth simulation over it I can never seem to get it to hang right, and when I sculpt cloth over a head with colissions turned on my computer can't handle it and shits the bed.

Anonymous No. 923846

Can you import your custom UI from ZBrush 2021 to Zbrush 2022?

Anonymous No. 924022

click and drag on the inner circle of the 3rd circle while pressing alt

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Anonymous No. 925954

Did I make any big mistakes on my alien head? I'm new to sculpting

Anonymous No. 925970

Nice try for someone new to sulculpting, some of the areas are looking a bit blobby, might be because you added to many polys before detailing certain areas.
Just keep on practicing anatomy and you will get there.

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Anonymous No. 926572

Doing this for a course, modeling a big scary monster lady

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Anonymous No. 926692

Attempt at a skull, I think it a looks a bit soft a d I'm wondering in how to make a more refined.

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Anonymous No. 927208

What do you think would be the best way to cut the clay between the head and the ears? The meshes are pretty dense and I don't have lower subdiv levels.
Btw what's the best way to work with subdiv levels, dynamesh, etc. I'm still having a hard udnerstanding how these works.
Also what do you think about these faces aesthetically/design wise?

Anonymous No. 927324

you should sculpt the teeth separate after you extrude from a mask off out wat you got. So you can save time, but its the teeth that is making it look "soft"

Anonymous No. 928238

Not him, but you or anyone have good tips for preventing stuff from looking soft? Specifically working with Blender (yeah I know).

Anonymous No. 928559

bumping before cris slides this one off

Anonymous No. 928564

Usually I like to keep ears and nose separate subtools until retopo for stylized characters. Try smoothing down what you have and making new ears from a dynameshed primitive. Also a lifehack I learned somewhere is to imagine your character wearing glasses, to position the ears properly

Anonymous No. 928601

>lifehack I learned somewhere is to imagine your character wearing glasses
Damn bro that's an excellent advice, thanks. My characters suddenly looked fucked up lol

Anonymous No. 929019

Hashtags don't do anything on 4chan btw

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Anonymous No. 929063

Is this the only value concerning scaling that I should watch out for when exporting anything from Zbrush? I've been experimenting with it and yeah, most of the time if this value is correct, it comes at the right value on other 3D sofwares. But sometimes, it doesn't (and I don't really know why, sometimes I click on Unify for example, the value changes from 180 to 40 for example wich means I should have an object of 40cm in another software but it comes even smaller than that)? It's kind of confusing how all the scaling options/features can change stuff in Zbrush.

Anonymous No. 929070

I got a workflow question:
Let's say I have different pieces I'm working on separately (different projects) like a head and in another project I have a body.
What's the best way to assemble them together without having to go back in resolution with one or another? Or even better, let's say I have this face I have been working on and I want to put it on one of the low rez male bodies from the ligthbox. What's the best way to that? My problem being that when I dynameshed the whole thing, I ended with a body that was too high resed but without any details at all. I don't know if you understant what I mean.

Anonymous No. 929590

hi, i am just starting with zbrush and i am trying to get a model with 2 subtools into substance painter correctly... i am told to merge all the subtools in the end for export, but how do i make the uv maps for each individual piece (generated in zbrush) to not overlap once ive combined them. The real issue is that I want to export a goddamn normal map off the high poly model for use in substance painter with the low poly, right? so the high poly and low poly combined meshes have to have the exact same UVs? you can only uv unwrap the low poly but it works the same for the high poly version of itself right. as soon as you combine the subtools it erases the lower poly subdivs on the model, so how do i... oh fuck me, i literally do not even know how to word my question. god fuckign damnit. I pull the low poly and the high poly into substance but the fuckign subtool uv map is overlapping with the main map and i dont know how to drag it out

Anonymous No. 929593

maybe a better question what exactly is the best way to bake high poly detail onto a low poly zbrush sculpt in substance painter... i know you can input the high quality mesh on its own into the baking thingy in substance painter, do you not even need to export a normal map off the high quality asset in zbrush to use in painter...? does that make sense?

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първи опит.png

Anonymous No. 930163

My first attempt at zbrush sculpting. I barely understand the interface and I couldn't figure out how to add eyeballs. I'll pirate some zbrush courses next to actually understand to use zbrush and sculpt better

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Anonymous No. 930424

Put in bit more practice,thoughts?

Anonymous No. 930494

Total and absolute retarded newb here.
Just installed Blender.

I want to learn how to sculpt, and my objective is making my own miniatures.

Where do I begin? Are there some follow-along sculpting tutorials? Most I've seen simply teach what each brush do and the shortcuts, but not a proper lesson I can follow.
Should I sculpt my own random shit? I feel like I may end up picking up bad habits or wrong approaches.

Anonymous No. 930496

You're me from a couple of months ago and it seems that learning materials is either beginner workflow tutorials that do not teach anatomy or clothing (so it's all sculpting weird cartoon stuff), or what looks like advanced courses on anatomy, or beginner drawing books that do teach basic anatomy, clothing, etc, but it's drawing. I paid for CG Boost sculpting course, it is of the first type, and it's better than free youtube stuff, but it could be better still. Plus, as usual is seems I have to pick up pieces of advice here and there. Like, I really enjoyed using clay strips and not using smooth brush, but every single beginner tutorial is like, use draw and then smooth and then draw sharp some creases, done.

Anonymous No. 930557

Im working on this model with shapelab on my valve index. Im pretty rusty on my already meager sculpting skills that I learned in blender but I think Im doing well so far. Any advice?

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Anonymous No. 930558

I forgot the image because I am retarded.

Anonymous No. 930559

> any advice
Repent you fucking coomer

Anonymous No. 930585

Could someone please recommend some youtuber that could teach the basics to start modeling? All the tutorials I find are still too technical for me.

Anonymous No. 930586

Fucking forearms, how do they work? It's a mystery.

Anonymous No. 930589

You could try not being a pedophile

Anonymous No. 930603

For Blender basics I liked Grant Abbitt, he has a playlist of good beginner stuff. But I find his sculpting videos are considerably worse than modeling videos.

Anonymous No. 930614

>go to rutracker
>type in zbrush
>download zip files of pirated zbrush courses

Anonymous No. 930649

Is the flipped normals one good?

Anonymous No. 930689


Anonymous No. 930751

trannygang is not for beginners

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Anonymous No. 930874

Fuck 3D and their scaling system especially Zbrush, what the actual FUCK????
I use Scale Master like I used to on my previous test (the small correctly scaled character on the next pic), I want it to be 180cm, resize the subtool and in UE, it comes gigantic as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 930875

Here in Unreal Engine. I use the same process for the other characters and they came in the correct size. A week a later it doesn't work at all. I don't get it, I'm not doing anything different compared to before...

Anonymous No. 930900


Anonymous No. 930904

zbrush is fucking retarded in this regard
it randomly exports subtools in completely nonsensical sizes, then I import the same subtool back and it's tiny
I tried to look for solutions but they never work
what ended up working for me is when this happens I import the fucked subtool into a new file, then export it from there and then it's normal for some reason

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Anonymous No. 931219

This is my first sculpt. His name is Bol and he's very polite.

Anonymous No. 931245

is it possible to sculpt anything good with maya? it has a sculpting tool group, but is it worth using it? does autodesk consider it good enough to replace mudbox since they stopped updating mudbox? i really don't want to use zbrush.

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Anonymous No. 931359

This is Bol's wife, guess we can call her Bola

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the last of us el....webm

Anonymous No. 933913

Anonymous No. 933915


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Anonymous No. 933925

I'm fucking getting filtered by sculpting clothing and folds. It's never right (not even close). It's always either the genral shape/silhouette of the clothing that isn't right or the folds don't seem natural. It's driving me crazy, I'm reading/watching a lot of theory but I can't get it right when I'm sculpting.

Please someone save me

Anonymous No. 933945

post example

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Anonymous No. 934026

my first attempt, still need to polypaint but idk how yet

Anonymous No. 934044

doesn't quite resemble an apple to me, looks like a lump of red clay-like material, i suppose it wouldn't matter if it was for a game or something.
needs to look "firmer" i don't know how else to put it sorry lol.

Anonymous No. 934200

looks good to me.

Anonymous No. 934204

>be me
>completely new to 3d
>want to sculpt as it seems to be the most artistic part of 3d
>have no idea what to sculpt
>end up opening sculpting software, doing random shit on the the default sphere and closing without saving

Anonymous No. 934251

Start small, sculpt an eye, ear, nose and mouth on a sphere and keep doing that till your confidant that you put the pieces together.

Anonymous No. 934254

That's how it is in the begining. Progressive learning

Anonymous No. 934259

you're gonna make it

Anonymous No. 934288

sculptris vs sculpt GL?

I want to dabble to see if I like it, so I want a simple program.

Anonymous No. 934290

I've been through a number of ZBrush tutorials now, only started this week, I feel comfortable with the UI and basics of sculpting. I try to find more advanced tutorials, but they either start out too beginner friendly, or they just sculpt something and not really explain the process, there's no inbetween.
So what next? Should I just sculpt from reference on my own? I have the anatomy for sculptors book so maybe I'll just follow that...

Anonymous No. 934301

Okay zbrush shill, then answer me this. Will I ever get in trouble for using a pirated copy of zbrush for profit?

Anonymous No. 934350

Lay down fundamentals first, and then build details on top of a PROPER anatomy. You did the opposite, you started detailing shit jacked up fucked up anatomy
Just do simple forms and shapes first

Anonymous No. 934387

1) 1 head A DAY for 10 weeks
2) 1 body part A DAY for 10 weeks, after those 10 weeks, a whole body
3) 1 whole creature A WEEK for 10 weeks
4) 1 hi-poly character A WEEK for 10 weeks

Total time: 40 weeks

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Anonymous No. 934388

So Blender could have VDMs this year maybe, 13 years after Mudbox introduced them, 11 years after Zbrush too, and it wasn't the main developers who made this but a random guy in a week ....

Anonymous No. 934455

just use geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 934593

I feel like this isn't a good idea but I might just try to do this. It's better than wast hours thinking "what should I do what should I do" and then doing nothing

Anonymous No. 934652

Is it worth it to learn sculpting? I am pretty good at it (art background etc) but i felt like i was not progressing fast enough and dropped the gig. Come on /3/ give me the pill.

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massive sculpted ....png

Anonymous No. 934653

here's bonus ass as an offering to the 3d gods

Anonymous No. 934722

learn what you need to create whatever you want to create.

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Anonymous No. 934889

My bad just came back to it. I'm currently trying to make the most obvious folds and not attack memory/detail folds yet. But I don't know. I'm trying to make to japanese school uniform from Japan but damn. It doesn't click in my brain at all. I have some of the theory down like I said in my prev post but it just doesn't look good to me.

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2023-01-26 01_20_....png

Anonymous No. 934923

I am just barely starting to learn, but I have issues on how am I supposed to model ass.

Anonymous No. 935191

use the extrude tool or build more polys to make a butt

Anonymous No. 936967

hands are good, but everything else is a bit incorrect, you should try and look at shapes in proportion to other shapes on the body as reference, IE is the biceps really that larger than a womans hands? is somones neck wider than their legs? thoe only bit i would say is actually bad is the legs on the dude in the bottom right corner, something happened there

Anonymous No. 936968

dam i like that sculpting really nice work

Anonymous No. 937043

How can I make so when I make a stroke and cross it with another one, it doesn't add value to the previous stroke (where the two strokes meet)?
I don't know if I made myself clear...

Anonymous No. 937048

if you want to preserve a region like that then typically i'd just put a mask over it so that its not affected by any subsequent strokes until you remove the mask.

that would involve painting over the area you've just brush-stroked with a mask brush.

there might be a quicker way to do this but i wouldn't know.

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Anonymous No. 937049

I do it like this, starting from a cube or a cylinder. Subdivide it, delete a few faces to get holes for legs, pull out the legs, add some loops here and there, subdivide it once or twice, and, finally, sculpt the butt. It's probably not the cleanest or prettiest topology, but who cares?

Anonymous No. 937058

Can I turn off the little bit of accumulation blender keeps adding whenever i stop my brush strokes, it's making everything look bumpy, it seems only the layer brush can do this so far.

Anonymous No. 937078

Yeah. It's so simple I didn't even think about it but mostly because it'll be so redundant to do it this way I think especially since I need for clothes/drapery so I'm probably going to do a lot of die and retry.

Anonymous No. 937095

there is a way to do this with sculptris pro in zbrush. just disable the "combined" option under the sculptris pro settings.

Anonymous No. 937112

I hope those end up in Total War Warhammer

Anonymous No. 938521

Any tips on how to sculpt smooth faces, like a woman with soft features and not an old man or a monster where i can go crazy with details, feels harder so far.

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Anonymous No. 938612

Is there an easy way to fuse basic shapes together in zbrush and sculpt that way? I'm new to zbrush and I don't really like what most of the tutorials seem to suggest where you just stretch everything out with the move brush. Blocking out with literal blocks and cutting into them makes more sense to me but I don't know how to do it easily

Anonymous No. 938616

sculpt rough first, lots of brushstrokes visible don't smooth them out as you go, i only just found out its far easier to sculpt when its in a rougher state due to how the light interacts with the object. when you smooth it over and try to sculpt smooth it becomes much harder for some reason, i'm not an expert.
so point being that even if you are going for smooth faces make sure you still sculpt it out in a rougher way first.

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Anonymous No. 938633

I'm worried about the eye since the structure doesn't seem as sound as the nose, mouth, or rest of the face. The ends of the eye especially look unrefined - lacking the space for the lacrimal caruncle for example. The upper eyelids should drape over the eyeballs a bit more on the outer half.

Anonymous No. 938764

Thank you, this and actually getting more polys helped me, tho i can't quite do the eyes yet but that's a matter of studying rather than just sculpting.

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3d ass from cylin....png

Anonymous No. 938972

nta but it works great.

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Anonymous No. 939735

Just add glasses bro you're halfway done

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Anonymous No. 941050

>that hunch
the ass of notre dame

Anonymous No. 941054


Anonymous No. 941887

fucking kek' XD

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Anonymous No. 941889

I'm shocked to learn that I made this thread one year ago...
Anyway, training making folds and clothes without MD nor Clo3d. This shit is a literal nightmare but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Anonymous No. 941891

>he doesn't have at least 64gb of ram

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Anonymous No. 941892

>pointing the economical situation of a man who's trying to better himself and acquire the skills that's going to get him out of his poorfag state.

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Anonymous No. 941893

>year ago
holy fak i thought that "/3/ never moves" was a joke

Anonymous No. 941894

It's one of the slowest board on 4chan, what are you talking about.

Anonymous No. 941896

Thank jew.

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Anonymous No. 942062

first time in blender.

Anonymous No. 942614

looks good

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Anonymous No. 942701

Posting this to see just how much I improve a year from now (if this thread is still up)

Anonymous No. 942808

Can anyone recommend a good site for reference photos of different body shapes?

Anonymous No. 942890

no fucking way this is your first time in blender

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Anonymous No. 942928

brie larson/10

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Anonymous No. 943278

Is there any blender crease brush but for zbrush ? I tried dam standard but it's not the same. It doesn't have a 'pinch' that a blender crease brush has

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Anonymous No. 943297

I decided to come back to this shit hole(which I love) after some time, I won't be posting anywhere else on the internet until I get a job.

Anonymous No. 943725

>le 56% face

Anonymous No. 944194

Pornsites, porn adjacent social media accounts etc. and girlsWithMuscle . com for women

Anonymous No. 944255

Pinterest, Instagram - anywhere where people post pics of themselves, generally you want to search for gym oriented accounts, as for regular people you should get into pop/kpop communities , they usually post a lot of naked men/women photos

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Anonymous No. 944257

My first time trying to sculpt an animal

Anonymous No. 944565

what's the evaluation on that sculpture

Anonymous No. 944631

Good looking doggo anon! Whats his name

Anonymous No. 944884

lovely sculpt, many jobs going to pajeets who can't into aesthetic faces.

Anonymous No. 945346

Bit too much bulk on the outer brow area

Anonymous No. 945348

True, if he isn't hard referencing something

Over time you begin to realize the real amount breathing room you have to use whatever shapes you want after looking at so many photos of different people regardless

Anonymous No. 945369

I was just fucking around, no ref¯\_(ツ)_/¯