


Anonymous No. 894721



Anonymous No. 894725

>more people using Blender
>less competition for the pros

Anonymous No. 894729

Bro... its just a tool. stop.. get some help.

Anonymous No. 894731

>filtered : the graph



Anonymous No. 894732

Sorry OP but you're never gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 894735

IQ is something that is racist and made up to gatekeep while not addressing the problem of shitty teachers and schools

Anonymous No. 894758

math must also be racist, given how certain ethnicities have trouble excelling at it

Anonymous No. 894759


Yes it's trendy but for hobbyists. Nobody uses it in the industry and it's not going to change. Cope and seethe blendlet. Go model some more donuts and shitty sci fi crates with box cutter.



Anonymous No. 894760


Yep. Same cultural trend same spikes.



Anonymous No. 894762

Not even the most popular kitchen appliance

Anonymous No. 894764

Interest = Google searches from 13 year old Blender twinks who can't afford real 3D software.

Anonymous No. 894769

love me some AutoJews coping

ugh. cringe.

Anonymous No. 894772


We're not the ones who are coping. You're the ones who need meaningless diagrams to prove fuck all. Let me remind you that students in 3d schools still all learn Maya or Max. Which means that newer generations of pro 3D artists will still be using Maya and Max while blendlets will be stuck at making shitty Hops tutorials and shitty 3d porn.

Anonymous No. 894773

i can quite literally see your anger issues in this text. i don't care faggot, didn't read and get help

Anonymous No. 894774


Anonymous No. 894775

No you're just a stupid nigger with poor genetics.

Anonymous No. 894776


Anonymous No. 894777

I like how the ones who brag about software are the same that can't do shit.

Anonymous No. 894814

>3d schools
jej, finished tightening up those graphics on level 3 yet?

Anonymous No. 894849

Google trends are just search aggregates, right?
Like more people searching for something?

Your pic isn't really a metric for how popular a software is, more a metric of how many people need help with a given software.
Could just as likely be that people are skilled enough with the other software that they don't need to search shit up every 2 seconds.
It's also important to realize that the barrier to entry for Blender in terms of price is nonexistent, so naturally you'd have a larger subset of people searching for how to use the software over something you'd have to pay for.

I'm not saying anything in favor of one program or the other, just that your analysis is fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 894855

>mcdonald is packed so must be better than 5star restaurant.

Anonymous No. 894858

Standardlets btfo yet again

Anonymous No. 894886

lul rip autodisk

Anonymous No. 894890

Hey, so whether you're a blendlet that actually thinks this means anything or pretending to be one for bait:
Fuck off, posts like this is why it's frustrating to come to this board, stop doing it forever.
Yours truly, a blendlet

Anonymous No. 894893

these software threads are all done by one guy

Anonymous No. 894907

Math: the supreme gatekeeper
Keeps out all the shit.

Anonymous No. 894933

If we had a mod that didn't check in just once a year we could clean up this shit off our board.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 895036

Sisters !!

Anonymous No. 895039


Anonymous No. 895042

Anon, they simply dont teach math in many many countries due to the standards of their education. IQ tests are racist and a construct

Anonymous No. 895137

>All the predictions go to zero


Anonymous No. 896288

>the absolute state of your hairline
Fucking kek.

Anonymous No. 896293

They teach Maya but also Blender ever since 2.8 made it viable

Anonymous No. 896295


Anonymous No. 896592

IQ is the most relevant intelligence psychometric as it most accurately predicts life outcomes. You know nothing about science.

Anonymous No. 896629

this shit reminds me of sportsball fans

>t. 350lb greasy fatass

in other words, post your work lmao

Anonymous No. 896665


Anonymous No. 896721

Yeah because animators and riggers are the ones that maya is made for and modelers are responsible constructing the hierarchy and deciding just how many more groupings can be worked with down the pipeline. Those pro 3d artists all end up having nervous breakdowns after Maya crashes for the umpteenth time and use the only non sinful 3D software ordained their lord Jesus Christ, 3d Coat.

Anonymous No. 896735

wouldn't that spike be around the same time the coof started?

Anonymous No. 897014

3d as a career and hobby is dying, but /ck/chads are clearly thriving



Anonymous No. 898212

>its just a tool